Community > Posts By > Chuckee

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/02/07 08:42 PM
everyday-something new

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/02/07 08:40 PM
lmao!! Spay is just too damn funny sometimes!!! Good luck to ya Rusty.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/02/07 08:31 PM
Good luck to ya'll!!

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/02/07 07:53 PM

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/02/07 06:05 PM
Here I am, SHERYLS MOM, I just read your email to me and responded to
it. You really have some issues, I cant see how ANYONE on here would
first have their son, THEN mom come on here JUST to be upset with me,
lmao. Like I originally stated, their have been some people here who
are ill and it's sad. I just don't understand and you won't convince me
of it either, that someone is as ill as is being told to us, YET YOU
take the time away from them to "update" total strangers as to the whats
up on them. Also, that post is so old you really had to have gone back
aways looking for it. Good luck whoever you are and I wish you the best
with whatever you have. I see you were also upset that no one really
commented on what I had to say in support of ya'll, well, that shoulda
told you something. I'm not being mean and was not attacking in that
post and am not attacking now. Just keep it real, there are too many
people here who really do care and it's sad too find out they were

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:43 PM
To put my husband and kids before my DAMN job!!!!! Oh, and the usual
one I always break, eat healthier. lol

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 10:14 PM

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:43 PM
Last words.......May your journey to the next life take you wherever it
is you deserve to go, and may the voices of the lives you've touched,
echo in your ears for all eternity. Tootles!!

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:31 PM
Hey Morena, I'll email you my new phone number. I finally got an Ohio
number, lol, I guess I decided I'd be here for awhile and let go of my
Arizona number, lol. It's only taken me 9 months to do it. Give me a
call tomorrow if ya get a chance. I'll be in all day, then off to do
something fun with my hubby. He's already back to work, I'M BORED OFF
MY ASS at home until the 3rd. I had expected to return to work earlier,
but decided to extend it at the last minute and now I REGRET it.. I've
had enough of..... "HE IS NOT THE FATHER!!!" LMAO Murry, lol. Tootles.

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:21 PM
I believe the I have found for ME the closest I have ever been to
complete happiness. I never thought it possible. I lost my son Jan 19,
1990. I thought I'd die, or atleast wanted to die. The love of my
daughters is the reason I'm still here, I now have a grandaughter,
another grandchild on the way, 3 son-in-laws and the MOST WONDERFUL MAN
I just married. Life is tough for most of us and I now believe that
there is some higher power watching over us. I'm not a religous person,
NEVER will be, but something amazing happened for me and my life and the
lives of my family, so I wish the same for all of you that are still
waiting for what I never imagined would happen for me. Happiness.

Chuckee's photo
Fri 12/29/06 09:05 PM
Ok Ont, I check in every now and then to see if you're back and I keep
missing you!! So, if you happen to check in again, I hope you had a
fantastic Christmas and I wish you the best in '07!!! Take care, I
don't give a damn what anyone has said regarding you, I think you're a
good man, they just read into things a bit too much and I DID read the
thread ya went off, I don't know and I DON'T care to know, but like
Morena said, something else musta been brewing with you. Again, take
care, hope to hear from you soon. Morena, if ya hear from him again,
tell him I said hello, k. Tootles.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/26/06 10:19 AM
I don't find that statement to be true at all, not agreeing on it does
not mean we are trouble makers. Like I said, I can appreciate the
concerns and the need to make it better, but, I just don't see it
working. If ya'll read thru EVERY thread, you'd find that there are
times that even the ones nominated have been the root of the problem.
There are too many exisiting problems between the memebers that have
been a part of the community, to all of a sudden decide that a couple of
them should monitor the site. Good luck, I'm just here to enjoy the
opinions of everyone and just say hi to friends. I've been known to be
harsh and pretty straight forward, if that is uspetting and should be
monitored or if I'm ganna get a warning or banned for giving my opinion
on a subject that ASKED for my opinion, then I and the folks that agree
with me, won't be on much longer. This is a great site and I've met
some nice people, not ALL of us are here to date anymore and look
forward to the forums. V you have managed to design a site for
EVERYONE, to have someone determine how we approach a subject, in my
opinion, is a mistake. Like I said, this is just my opinion.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:51 AM
We wish you both happiness.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:48 AM
Good luck with your idea, but I don't agree with it at all. I can
appreciate the reasons, but I don't think it will work. Just my own
personal opinion.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 12/26/06 08:21 AM
Thank you, actually, he does read these posts with me. He has for
awhile now. Infact, at times when I'm reading the threads, he's given
his own imput. I'm not always the ONLY one sharing opinions in our
home, lol. Sorry 'bout not lettin ya'll know when it's been his opinion
and not mine. He is an amazing man, thank you widow. I wish the same
happiness he and I share for all of you who are still waiting for the
right one to come along, he/she WILL, I promise.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/25/06 08:44 AM
Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/25/06 08:42 AM
I say SLUGGO is the hottest guy on this site!!!!!! He has game inside
and out!!! You're a good man sluggo and I wish you the best!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:29 PM
Goof ball, I was referring to the comments regarding spay!!! lmao!!!! I
sometimes wonder WHY I haven't been put in a sj!!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:27 PM

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/18/06 06:19 PM