Topic: for nascar cutie
widowerseeking's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:15 PM
hey everyone, lets form a prayer circle for this lovely young lady, how
about 4 pm pacific time, make allowences for your time zone. just get
off the computer <---------extend you arms hold hands and say a prayer
for her---------->. I don't think there is anything so important, that
we can't spare 5 minutes of our time.

mtironroses's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:17 PM
its 11:08 here, who's next..

mtironroses's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:18 PM
what time to start?

widowerseeking's photo
Fri 12/08/06 10:33 PM
sorry about the confusion, I should have said 4 pm saturday.

mtironroses's photo
Fri 12/08/06 11:48 PM
you are going to have to figure out what time zones... I am mountain
standard time and I think most are eastern.. and... well you get the

widowerseeking's photo
Sat 12/09/06 08:21 AM
that would be 1 eastern, 2 central, 3 mountain and 4 pacific. you may
not be able to actually hold hands, but you can in spirit knowing you
are doing it at the same time. come on people she needs the support, of
her blog family.

Kevin3824's photo
Sat 12/09/06 08:54 AM
I am there for it even if I am not online here will stop what I am doing
and do that. It is important.

no photo
Mon 12/11/06 03:38 PM
widower..this was a very nice thing you did for my mom.the sad part is
the number of responses you got.lets see..theres millions of ppl on this
site? hmmmmmmmmmmm..andy(cuteys son)

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:03 PM
Hey, call me a bitch, it's not unheard of, but why are you spending so
much time on this site for "YOUR MOM" SHOULDN'T you be taking care of
her and not worrying about whats going on here? I mean if it were my
mom, I wouldnt even be online, let alone chatting with people your mom
doesnt even know. I don't know, just my opinion. This isnt the first
time this has happened, what do I know.

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:34 PM
chuckee,Ure not a bitch..everyone is entitled to there opinion.Trust
me..I didnt want to come here and my mom insisted I post a note for all
concerned.IAM TAKING CARE OF MY MOM...when I can! I am a student at
MOREHEAD STATE UNIVERSITY! finals so I had no choice but to come back to
school.Im not on all the time.Id never even heard of this site.I came
and posted at my moms request(you all were so nice to her).I happened
upon the post widower left and I was just curious.Ty cuckee for ure
insight! Andy and Im back tonight cos I was even more curious after

no photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:35 PM
by the way I dont want me own nic..Im sure that will be the next
question..Bye all! Andy

Morena350's photo
Tue 12/12/06 07:55 PM
your right chuckee, if it was my mom, I would be by her side at all
times, my mother is my everything....

Tneal's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:22 PM
to many memories... I was off line for 6 months when my mom was ill then
pass away last year. I still get a bit upset at people who take their
parents for granted... :0(

Morena350's photo
Tue 12/12/06 08:26 PM
true that!!!!!!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Wed 12/13/06 05:40 AM
after reading the constant, in your face posts regarding sickness and
meds and now the "son" is on regarding a very sick mom with cancer,
hmmmmmmm, I don't know 'bout this one. Listen, all I'm saying is, my
priorities would NOT be trying to make contact with anyone here. So, if
that is truly the case, your "MOM" needs to worry about her health right
now and you should be more concerned with that yourself. Others here
have posted similar posts that in the end were found to be untrue.
Thats all, tootles.

Tneal's photo
Wed 12/13/06 06:35 AM
Have fun chuckee... make sure you give that fiance a kissy for us... *S*

Chuckee's photo
Wed 12/13/06 06:44 AM
will do, I'll post pics when I return after the holidays, thank you!!!!!
Merry Christmas!!

Karensmiles's photo
Wed 12/13/06 08:20 AM
I actually met people on a game site who "became sick and died"! and
later we found out they just changed their id's how horrible is that..
some kinda mental illness i guess.
Andy I hope your mom gets better best wishes.