Community > Posts By > Chuckee

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 10:53 AM
Sexy!!!! 1 !!!!!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 10:49 AM
Siberian Huskey - Joshuah, and salt water fish, and yup we're goofy,
we've named all of 'em. (Shut up Sluggo!!)

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 05:48 AM
Thank you for that comment, I rest my case! lmao. Never said there was
no God, ya'll just jump in and attack, with silliness. Ya know what, I
went back on my own words and posted here after saying I wouldnt again.
So, ya'll chat amongst yourselves, what you have to preach really has no
effect on my life anyway, I was just posting my comments, same as you.
Not worth my time anymore. Tootles.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 05:42 AM
good bye-gone

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 05:17 AM
I'm simply saying, I don't get the bible thumpers and picking things out
of the bible to suit their needs at the time. I mean, most of what I've
read, MOST DON'T even know what the hell thier talking about, and will
stand by thier own crap. Then ya have the ones like richieg, who in my
opinion, is a walking testimony to HIS OWN bs. He's a rambler, a
babbler 'bout NOTHING. Many who are posting on this subject are. I'm
not religious, I'm not an athiest either, I just choose to live my life
right and honest. I'm VERY good to myself and my children, family and
people in everyday life. I don't feel I have to PRETEND to be someone
else in ANY given situation or environment. I believe if you are true
to who you are, you are being the person you are suppose to be and if
that means being judged by a bible thumper because I don't meet THEIR
criteria, then I have to say I'm looking forward to the explanation I
will have to have for "god" when I die, ACCORDING to THE RELIGOUS FOLK.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 06:45 PM
STFU!!!! JEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZ, yeah and smart to leave your yahoo address
for him to follow up on how you're doin!! Don't let the door

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 04:16 PM
Well, see there, I have to post AGAIN now! richieg, your ignorance
really shined through! One, seems to me you don't know alot about
whatever it is you believe in. Two, your comment regarding Native
Americans, I only have this to say, educate yourself before you speak
about things you OBVIOUSLY know nothing about. Three, I never claimed
to believe in any religion. I dissagree with all of them. Like I said
I don't post here, I just finally wanted to say thank you. LMAO!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 11:05 AM
What a horrible way to "feel inside at time." Wow, thats horrible!!

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 10:39 AM
No wonder you're alone, I DONT FEEL A DAMN BIT SORRY FOR YA, AND I DON'T
don't give us that crap, YOU KNOW YOU'RE READING ALL OF THESE!!!!!!!!!
Thats the best part about my being able to address this, thank you!
lmao. I'd add good luck to ya, but good luck just isn't going to be
enough for what you need.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 10:34 AM
I think he was simply introducing himself and givin us a heads up on his
own freakish style. Thats pretty much ALL I got from this post.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 01/08/07 10:24 AM
I'm more than likely out of line to say this, but its things like this
and alot of other things i've read in earlier topics here that reassure
me in my belief that religion is CRAP!! It's all politics and mumbo
jumbo. I just think some NEED something to hold onto and so some chose
religion. I mean c'mon, listen to some of the things some of you say or
are told. Anyhow, this is my only post EVER in this section and don't
worry, it'll be my last. Thanks for being there though, to comfirm in
MY mind what I already knew.

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 06:10 PM

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 05:18 PM
I hate chat rooms!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 05:12 PM
getting laid-score

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 05:08 PM

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 05:00 PM
Jeez PEOPLE!!!! Listen to the man, lol, my monies on the Sluggster!!!
Ok, OK, I AM a fan of his!!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 04:41 PM
romee, romee, romee, if you knew these things, WHICH OBVIOUSLY, YA DID,
WHY, OH WHY, WOULD YOU THEN STILL WANT TO MAKE CONTACT???? Oh, I were looking to get some!!! Don't lie!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 04:35 PM
Five, I you have to admit, Sluggo, ONCE AGAIN, hit the nail on the head
with this one!!!! Sluggo, Mike and I really got a kick out of this
one!! loao!!!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 04:26 PM
Go on baby with your SMART @@s! What a sexy turn on, lmao!!

Chuckee's photo
Sun 01/07/07 04:22 PM
get the hint and move on.........>>>>>>>>>>