Topic: Last Dance...
michael1313's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:44 PM
so then you told him of our love poems too?
all that you wrote in all those poems on myspace and all the ones
here...those were true you or a pack of lies?

I do not abuse,was abused...but you did not hear that about me,,,only
you, you, you!
yes I did know of your father and sent my best wishes for him too,,,did
I not? or you just did not hear me?
and worried for you when you went to David!
but you did not tell all this to Animal did you?
you only told him what you knew he wanted to hear about me...
not,nor any of th good things we had...
I read his PUBLIC post word for word,
over and over to read,and so much to understand...
and you gripe at me for dragging you thru it?

you only worried about you and did not really care for me as you used me
for your toy,only to beat away ghosts from your past

you did not have to do this nor take it out on me...
why did you and your friends not help me shut th boy spay up?

you ALL left me to just hang in th breezes and look like a fool
none of your friends got in it FOR you,only bashing on me...

you only use this as a way out,
from knowing as true a love as will ever you see from me!
I loved you with ALL of my heart...
tried to save your HONOR,as is any loves right!
and only got shit on for my efforts...

You will never hear from me again,as my account is now gone...
I am very sorry things turned out this way,and you know it too!
my only regret is that you would not let me love you...
and Spay can still go to hell for his part in my losing you!
I am not a jealous man,nor do I hate...
only know that some day I will learn to TRUST,
and some day you will learn to accept TRUE LOVE... :(

my last words to her...sorry y'all had to see this!...M.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 07:48 PM
If you're sorry she had to see this, why would you post it? This is
exactly why dating online and being a part of the forums is TOO crazy,
BECAREFUL PEOPLE, LOL, this happens all the time, remaining friends with
the people I chat with is all I'm in it for.

michael1313's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:09 PM
she said I was blocked,
so I posted this,
to let you all see my side of it,,,
I'm not an abuser,
nor will I EVER hit a woman...
do not want that kind of person around me...
who will slander,or cheat on,or abuse others...

and the bashing MUST STOP FOLKS dammiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiTT!!!

my last words to her...bye JENN...sorry for us...M.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:11 PM
Well, Mike, sometimes, WE do have to defend ourselves, I had to my damn
self on this site, fortunately for me, I had a good friend thru it all.
Hope you have the same. Take care.

Chuckee's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:17 PM
Just one more thing. I think that you've been on the defensive for so
long now, that all the words you read, you find to be bashing, when in
fact its not. How can you move on from this point if you continue to
put everyone else on the defensive too? Just some food for thought
Mike, I've read alot of things surrounding you, some things are
justifiable, but you're holding on too tight to your anger at the whole
thing, and without even realizing it, you are the one turning this into
a bigger issue that need be. I really do hope ya take a pause from it
all and do whatcha gotta do, don't let this get to you so much. Tootles
big guy.

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:17 PM
"but you did not tell all this to Animal did you?
you only told him what you knew he wanted to hear about me..."

WTF would I care? You must think AWFULLY big about yourself to believe
that I WANTED to hear that. Oh yeah, I just love hearing about my
friends being hurt, idiot!!!
Since you obviously take little interest in much of anything or anyone
on here unless it fits in with your little plans, or you can use it as
an outlet for your creativity. Let me say this ONE MORE TIME. I HAD

PublicAnimalNo9's photo
Mon 12/11/06 08:27 PM
ooops..clicked enter twice LOL...Anyway Mikey, I HAVE a wonderful,
sweet, kind, loving g/f. If you think for one minute I did this cuz I
wanted her for myself, yer even more messed up than I thot. Jenni tried
to let you know what will send her running in the opposite direction of
you and you kept on pushing, and now blaming anyone you can but yourself
for your break-up. Spay, Ontario, Lion, Will, Iam, KB, myself and a few
others had NOTHING to do with it.
There was obviously a pre-existing problem. Maybe Spay's comments were
the catalyst, but those comments wouldn't have caused this big a prob if
there already wasn't one working just below the surface of your

michael1313's photo
Tue 12/12/06 09:40 AM
how little you know of the whole story,or the true me...M.

michael1313's photo
Tue 12/12/06 09:41 AM
I won't post in public view for quite some time now,
but am still here to quietly contemplate all...
I only post on a few topics now...watching from my shadows,
and from the decks of my Ghost Ship!

was I the wrong one here?

was I lead on?

you make that quiet choice if you would like to see for your self...see
myspace,see also her poems to me there...

hurry,these will be deleted after this week is over...
I do not hate,
won't stalk,
won't castigate another...
but I will continue to live my life at 110%!!!
and LOVE wth All of my HEART!!!
not just a small part of it...M.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:09 AM
Regardless of the poems she wrote to you Micheal at the time sure those
were her feelings. Until you started smoothening her to the point she
could not breath and felt like she was starting to loose control of her
life. Jenni has been through enough in the past few weeks and yes it was
you each time that keep all the drama alive. I know there are others
here that have no clue this is not the first time that you have caused
drama in a ladies life on here. She was not the first and doubt that she
will be the last that you do this too. You say one minunte your leaving
then you sit back in the shadows and wait to pounce back in give it up.
Leave her alone do not post any more regarding this situation. You tell
Van its a great ideal about the abuse button for the Drama makers and
sad thing you are one of the biggest ones in here that keep things
started up. As soon as something dies what do you do but damn if you
don't re-post for your on benifit! Sorry to say but what Animal said
about you in your good-bye post was right to the T he could not have
pegged a person any better than he did you!!
CCP is my friend she was before you and will be long after you. I can
not stand someone that trys to control anothers life. I never said
anything bad against you when ya was talking I keep my mouth shut even
though I was afraid of how it would end up. But... you know why I keep
my mouth shut cause I have already seen you in action before Micheal and
knew you would push her away with you try to take all her time up and
not letting her have her space. NO ONE HEAR ME NO ONE DID THIS BUT
Let it be if your really gonna leave than leave if you are gonna stay
that is up to you but leave her alone. Even tho I know she can take care
of herself I will still say this for you will catch her wrath once more
for you just will not let the matter DIE!!

ellgee1976's photo
Tue 12/12/06 10:12 AM
amen..let it die already

either leave or so incredibly tired of seeing post after post
she did this to me, she said this about me, so and so said this but this
is my take on it..blah blah blah blah blah

this is a broken record...and ya know what happens to broken records???
they get tossed in the TRASH..

leave it alone already...