Community > Posts By > Chuckee

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 09:12 PM
Well, hopefully it'll all get better for you, whoever she is.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:54 AM
auto tech-busy

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 10:44 AM
I have no idea either. I'm happy to say, for those that don't already
know, the man in the pic with me is my husband and I'm just here to chat
with the friends I've made here. We're recently married and I love
showing him off!!! woooohoooooo!!!

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:27 AM
lol, that was cute!

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 07:17 AM
well hell, I thought you were dating someone now!! lol, Girl, I'M ON
IT!!!!!! I'll email you with the results of what I've got for ya!!
Hell, I'm dyin to play cupid.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:40 AM
lmao! true, very true ccp!

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:32 AM
my comment is for Devin.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:31 AM
What does that mean? lol, I have a hard time figuring out what you're
talking about sometimes, I feel like I'm having a senior moment, or a
Sushi moment. LMAO

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:17 AM
Later Txs, good morning Shadow, ya being good? CCP, kick me over a nice
peom for my hubby. He told me last night he wants me to have his child.
THE *^%& ARE YOU......" lmao, Well, now it's something that we're
discussing for next year. Of course there is alot to discuss. I mean,
I'm a grandma and will be 40 next year, so the idea is sweet and if I
were younger, I'd do it in a heartbeat, but hell, just based on what
I've shared here, I'm sure ya know where I'm comming from.

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 06:04 AM
I forgot about this thread. Nope Tneal, it was me. We women are
emotional creatures. This isn't a man speaking about us, it's me. We
have hormonal ups and downs, we tend to do things irrationally (at
times) and these problems, along with, I'm sure a few others, are a bad
idea to be running a nation. Men are logical, problem solvers, NOT
that a woman is incapable of solving problems, I just think this isn't
our place. This is a job for a stable, strong minded, logical man, with
of course a good WOMAN by his side. Just like when we say, "honey you
are the head of our household, BUT, I am the neck, and the head can't
move without a neck!"

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 05:45 AM
LMAO, I'm gana sit on my butt most of the day!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Thu 01/11/07 05:39 AM
Great morning to ya'll!!!!! looks like another exciting day here and
JSH!! lmao!! I wonder if a few of you EVER sleep? C'mon, get off those
butt cheeks and STEP AWAY FROM THE COFFEE, c'mon, you can do it. DAMN,
guess not, well, enjoy!!!!!

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/10/07 05:36 PM
yes, look in the LOOKING FOR CHUCKEE thread. Her mom started that one.
I don't have her addy anymore.

Chuckee's photo
Wed 01/10/07 05:47 AM
Goodmorning everyone!! Hope ya'll have a gReAt day!!!! Last night was
COLD, and I had to work, so I'M GOING TO BED. I go with the comfort of
knowing ya'll are thinking about me, LMAO!!! Goodnight all, ttyl.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:13 PM
Wow, thats bad. Well, it wouldn't suprise me if ya take her back! lol

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 07:09 PM
Great!!! Morena, I never did get around to doing whatcha asked, sorry.
Next time, I promise, okie dokie. Hope you're well.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 06:44 PM
You speak so freely of things you OBVIOUSLY know nothing about. I
could only hope that anyone who reads the things you've written here
regarding Native American beliefs, will eduacate themselves rather than
take YOUR word for it! Stick to your own bs, I would really reconsider
discussing anymore about the Native beliefs, you have NO idea what
you're talking about. Like I said, the things you post regarding the
religion you push, it's evident to me you have ALOT to read and learn
before you go trying to educate anyone on ours. People like you only
make it worse for your religion.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 11:14 AM

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 11:13 AM
DAMMIT SLUGGO!!! Mike would crawl in a hole if he knew I told, lol.
Actually I named 'em. Well, there so awsome. Like our corral beauty,
"her" name is Shelby, lol. The puffer is Sam, "he" loves to play in the
current, and OF COURSE we have Nemo, gay, we know, lol, and I forget
what the blue one is, but his name is "eyebrows" lol, he just looks like
he's got 'em. SHUT UP SLUGGO, lol, I KNEW you'd comment, lmao. Hey,
Mike said hello.

Chuckee's photo
Tue 01/09/07 11:02 AM
order a drink aloud, (when you're alone, lol, or someone might think
you've lost it) you know, when you're home or in the car or where ever,
as you're ordering it, announce whats in the drink you're ordering as if
the bartender you're ordering it from doesn't know how to make it.
Besides after making drinks for real customers, it'll come so easy for
you. No, I have never tended bar before. This is just good practice
when trying to remember anything, not just mixed drinks.