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Topic: wow as if things counldt get worse....
fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:12 AM
Me and my girl just so happend to be standing arouind with some people
she knew and one guy stepped and said somthin to the other dud and ended
up gettin slapped.For some reason me and my girl got kicked out. She had
alto to drink and started whalein on me on the way home blaming me for
gettin us kicked out. She can hit pretty good. Anyways now says casue
she did that we shouldnt see eachother again. Im wondering what i should

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:14 AM

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:14 AM
LMAO sorry dude I had to laugh to actually think you had to even ask
that question.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:14 AM
srry my spelling is bad i typed fast and didnt notice mistakes till
after i posted it

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:16 AM
well its just kinda werid casue im one who can take somone hittin me. It
wasnt a big deal to me im still feeing it a little from today she can
hit good for a girl

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:16 AM
you want to live a life of that kind of abuse and anger? then go kiss
her ass. If not, tell her to kiss yours.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:18 AM
i grew up with alot of abuse and anger dude i guess im used to it. I
know how to channel pain. Until somone breaks bones or lands me in the
hospital then i condisder somone whalein on me a big deal

TheShadow's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:21 AM
Man you just having all the luck lately, sorry to hear that but this
will pass but I can tell you this when you drink a little to much and
trying to talk does not work like everyone will say give it time but if
the drinking is a normal thing then Il tell you this is going to be a
problem that will never end

Chuckee's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:24 AM
Grow up, thats what I think you should do. Your topics are
always.....wha, what should I do? Quit whining and be a man. No one
can hold your hand through life. If you're not mature enough to handle
a relationship with a woman and not mature enough to make LOGICAL
decisions, then, stay away from relationships. Personally, I think you
like that kinda crap, based on your past problems you've posted. Good
luck to you and to whomever you're dating.

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:25 AM
that is ture dude tryin to talk to somone who is drunk isnt a good
thing. She has been living w her parents for a time, I had guys after me
lastnight wanting to kick my ass i think, she has to move out soon now,
and the drinkin thing is a regular occurance. I was kinda messsed up
too. I should have waited till today to talk to her instead of last

TheShadow's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:29 AM
Hey 5 like Chuckee said a little maybe you should take a look at
yourself I mean think about this you only 19 you got your hole life
ahead of you just go out and have fun stop looking for a serious
relationships because the girls at that age are really not looking for
that at that age

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:33 AM
chuckee- im not whining about things. I know how to handle relationships
and make disisions. everyone makes diffrent disisions then other people.
Some on the other hand may not be what u would think are logical but
somtimes i do go off the bord a little. I post things just to get
responses from things and see peoples opinion on things somtimes. I have
never askes anyone to hold my hand thru life where u get in life is ur
own doing no one elses. - Good luck in ur dating life as well

chopperdan's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:36 AM
fivespeed if she gets that upset over something that small I would say
move on dude, because imagine if you were married!

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:37 AM
i wouldn't put up with that kind of stuff man. if i wanted someone like
that i wouldn't be by myself now but i think i'll take what i got over
that anyday.

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:39 AM
true chopperdan it's gonna get worse after they say I do lol five if you
stick with her you are gonna look back at it all in another 10 yrs and
kick your own ass for letting her waste your life away

TheShadow's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:41 AM
Yeah King the beating does not work for me either lol that is like say
sorry let me do it again LMAO

fivespeedrt's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:42 AM
yeh that this true the kinda of funny thing is i expected it kinda i
knew she shouldnt have had those shots and all those other dinks she
should have stuck to bud light. I had groups of people talking to me at
the bar last night that didnt even know her sayin she was crazy. I do
agree with them. Its one of those ticking time bombs u cant control
women when they are drunk

no photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:42 AM
and the topic "wow as if things couldn't get any worse" yeah they can
and most likely will, domestic violence isn't tolerated anymore one or
both of you will wind up spending some time in jail and maybe worse down
the road, do you really want to make a family with this woman and bring
kids into this kind of life?

songbirrd's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:43 AM
five honey we're friends so i'm not going to be mean, but i believe you
know what you should do but you're afraid to do it.remember what i said

Morena350's photo
Sat 01/06/07 09:44 AM
hey five, give her some space, she'll come around!!!

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