Community > Posts By > sillyatheart3

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Fri 08/07/09 02:09 PM

Go to Walmart & get a bicycle tube repair kit....... so i've heard

YOU win! you just thought of that before i could read the thread.. Great minds think alike but I am sure I lost this one!

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Fri 08/07/09 02:07 PM
go to wally world and get a bike patch..... DAAAA It works for bouncing balls......

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Fri 08/07/09 02:06 PM

And if you have, did you just goto shows? Gamble?

If you gambled did you win? Lose?

Let me know...

Also if you never have been but are planning to go, let me know that as well.

I lived in Gardnerville, Nevada for 7 yrs. Owned my home, had a great house cleaning job, making $125. 4hrs job.....I lived in a town that was abscess with gambling, Carson City, and Reno, Lake Tahoe has the biggest casinos ever!

I think on my 32yr birthday I took $5.00 and won 75.00 that bought me dinner, a pretty dress and my ex won me a weekend in the Hotel he worked for I got the honeymoon suit. Free drinks, free dinners, and 20 in chips. I gave him the chips, lol

he took care of the kids, while i got a night to myself! How ever the funny part is this. I got it at 7pm he he and the kids did not leave until 10pm. I woke up and by 9am they were there the next day? Hmmm did i even get the night to myself?

I loved the jacuzzi in my room and the steamed shower, that was great!

Some day's I just miss my home town..... but Kids college meant more to me then this....... I lost my husband, my house and family, so my kids could have a better life! What one mother did for her kids.

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Fri 08/07/09 01:47 PM
Ok, I would now be knocking my head on this! HUMMM how long has it been there?

And what dose he know I have done in the bed? or who you have been with?

can he use it against you in a court of Law>>>>LOL...

I would take him aside and ask him to please give you back the tape or make a joke about it and see if he will show it too you..

some men never get that....

Hi, bryan How you doing, so you took some pictures off me on the tape, can i see them, Hay did they show my tattoo on my right side..

Bryan what tattoo.. ????? I did not see that!???


Be a smart women and be one step ahead..... Ya the one i had done, Hay let me come over an I will show it too you in person... well if you let me see my tape, I am so self conscious about my body and I really don't want anyone to see it, Please Bryan it would really mean so much to me...... I will take you out for pizza......

Bryan, OK i see your point.. sorry i did that too you, it was just a few of us friends and we wanted to see your cool body!..... It was a dare.... and well, I am sorry..

here is the tape and thanks for the pizza.. O wait what about the tattoo.... Bryan how about a kiss on the cheek instead?

I was 16teen when Johnny did this too me .... YOUR not alone!

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Fri 08/07/09 01:22 PM

I honestly can not figure out why some women feel the need to cheat? Does anyone have an idea or something that could fill me and the other men in?

In 33yrs of dating and marriage I have never cheated on a man so I have no idea why anyone would..

Wait...... Why did they cheat on me!???? I'm Perfect! I think that is the problem..... they wanted someone not so flawed... they wanted to see if just maybe there was someone else that lives by other rules.

The sad part.. everyone tried to come back to me! NOPE once out the door, your out the door!....

I'm too good to be cheated on! if everyone would think this way.... NO one would CHEAT!... THEN END!

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Fri 08/07/09 01:17 PM







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Fri 08/07/09 01:07 PM
Thanks I love my club sandwich, could you also add in some carrot's and apples!

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Fri 08/07/09 12:57 PM
WonderWomen! She's invisible

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Fri 08/07/09 12:54 PM
necklaces and rings!

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Fri 08/07/09 12:50 PM
psychological abuse: Good one! I am extremely Proud that the words are being so thought through!

Please understand, I watch kids every day 24hrs a day just about 7 days a week.... from 2weeks old to 13teen yrs old so i get a change in every state of mind.

1st I want to give a few examples of what this word means just in case we know it! but we DON'T REALLY KNOW WHAT IT MEANS..

1. Sheri, 7 yrs old: could you go make your bed for me, I have to get to the store soon before 3pm or i will not have enough time to take you to your dance classes.

Sheri, finishes watching TV until 2:45? Parent or Child?

Mother: Sheri I told you to get your bed made, now that you have chosen not to make it, I will be late to the store and taking you to the dance classes.

Sheri, as she whinnying throwing a tantrum, telling her mother she hates her? Hmm Parent or Child?

Mother: Sheri since you chose not to make your bed you will not be going to dance classes tonight? well try next week if the bed is made.

This is a broken ended statement....

For the Parent from 1:30 to 2:45 kept telling Sheri to make the bed and Threading her every 5 min. that she is going to be late and Sheri will not be able to attend, is only 'TEACHING SHERI TO ARGUE".. leaving the child in frustration, anger and resentment in the end.

This is psychological abuse:

NO joking..... It was the Parent who did not check on the child 10min after telling the child to do the work, that was the Parents part. A 7 yr old has no time frame, she still has to be reminded that when mother asks her child to, get a simple thing as a bed made, That with a statement, If the bed is not made you do not go to dance classes.. The expectations for this is knowing if it is not done, then the child will lose out!

If a Parent goes to work all week, they get a paycheck at the end of the week? No questions so the Parent knows the expectations needed to do their job!

but the child keeps getting being told every 15teen min to do the job, A boss dose not have to tell his employee to make that bed or your FIRED!

SAME thinking... do the job you get rewarded....

but what rewards are good for behavior! Please note if a parent would stick to the same reward system for one year the child would never be confused and the child would know what to expect if they did the work as the girl had dances classes for the year. a two year old gets mother and father to read a book.

If your child is 1yrs old and you want them to pick up the toys... he gets rewarded with you singing a song helping him....

2yrs old, he gets to read a book with you,

3yrs old, they get to play hide and seek or a simple game

4yrs old, a coloring book

5yrs old, ice cream at the end of the night to help them sleep tight

6yrs old, help with homework, a 30min TV show with parents

7yrs old, they get a model airplane for the month, or a science kit, they get the time to spend the night at a friends house once a month.

We work for a reward system in life! if it is are birthday we work all year playing and growing learning to grow and at the end of the year we get rewarded with a huge birthday cake and gifts for making great decisions for doing the right things.

not only this, we get Easter, Valentines day, Halloween and christmas... these are rewards to children for behaving..

Christmas: if your Naughty or nice?
Halloween: be Naughty and we will reward you with candy????
Valentines: with hearts and candy we love you for just you
Easter: God loves all children here is a egg and candy with pretty dresses! with a suit and tie! be good now!

And for the man and women! The man and women goes to work, he brings home a paycheck, for the payment of the house, cars, and bills.

but together, they wash the dishes, they do the laundry, they help each. maintain the house and cars, and children sports, activity's.

and at the end of the day they express there feelings and emotions together... this is a man's and women rewards...

as a family they work hard to buy the boat to go camping or the RV ect...

So when we use psychological abuse on are Husbands or wife's threading them to work harder, or to get a better job, to paint the house or do the laundry.. it is no different then how we treat are children..

We are humans..... Respect is needed. SO BE NICE!

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Fri 08/07/09 11:45 AM
In the evening when the house is quite, all the kids are gone! with the 35 candles lit with bubbles calling me and the 1920s soft music I like to splish/ splash in a bubble bath!

with hot chi tea! for me please!

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Fri 08/07/09 11:32 AM
1930, Jazz, Renee Olstad Summer time! I love this music! and so dose my childcare kids..... Give them a verity.

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Fri 08/07/09 11:28 AM
Doris Day , Singer/Actor Born: 3 April 1922 Birthplace: Cincinnati, Ohio Best Known As: The squeaky-clean 1950s movie star.

How I enjoyed watching "pillow talk" last night!

I love old movies, My father just loved this women, he Idolized her, my mother could never live up to the image that was for sure no matter what she tried to do.

He did later on his 3rd marriage marry a women that looked like her and had the figure! She was a great step mom..

Who dose your or did your Father Idolized on Movie stars.... Or Mother! and YOU! lets not forget about YOU!....

Me Redford was born in Santa Monica, California, the son of Martha W. (née Hart) and Charles Robert Redford Sr., a milkman-turned-accountant from Pawtucket!

Dang.. He was my soul mate... I was born in Santa Monica, California?

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Fri 08/07/09 11:16 AM
Harvey! I wanted the cookie, I waited all day! YOU! can have the cookie if i can have the raisins... fair trade.. and I will even get you a glass of milk... I will drink the whats left at the bottom of the glass with the raisins...

I love you Harvey!.... Tomorrow we make a Cake!

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Fri 08/07/09 10:52 AM
I love the narrator that is cool... most are fooled but it makes the entire book... Lost in a shell but out comes the words flowing as honey. I think double gum is great! we just need more flavors to give it that extra taste... add more sticks of gum i know you know what i Mean!... one is great, two is fine. but finish this with a bang and you have a hit on your hands....

Time to find, book publishers.... you can find them in your town, you can find them on the internet, you can find them on the back of your books.. you have on your shelf on the side of the TV stand...?? i am sure that is were thy sit...

put the words and paper in a envelope and write on with a black marker, then sick a stamps on them and send it out "wait your 6months" and you will be signing at a book store!

Don't be scared, for once in your life, Know you are Great and YOU can be brave, fight the erg and then don't second guess your self but only letting one know who is the boss and who can win.

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Fri 08/07/09 10:21 AM
I would get my own tapes check the battery's and I would start using it to see what the other person is doing... OO and it always has a red or green light was it taped, if it was.. your being watched.

How do I know.. I run a daycare and I have camera's in my house with out any one knowing.. because I have rude and mean parents sometimes that say or accuse you of things you never did but they did.. YOU just pay for there mistakes..

even though you cant use it in a court of law, it is your own truth and judgment that you know YOU are not at fault for your actions...

Protect yourself.... and use the camera when your gone.. see what happens..

o and next time you have sex... do it in the bathroom out of the camera's way.. and then keep changing the places, use the closet and then the kitchen.. because he cant keep moving that thing and he dose not know were you are going to be next time......

Think faster then your partner and it will last...

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Fri 08/07/09 10:04 AM
Da-mn Shes back! Kids sleeping..

I read every word everyone said.

I give one person a chance because I am bold, I believe anyone can make a relationship if given the chance!

And That is what i have done, I lay all my cards face up! I write all my expectations, all my dreams for the future, I put down all my living expenses to hide none!

I tell my past story, I say my present situation!

and i show my life can change with a new relationship, what I am willing to sacrifice to be in one.

I listen to what there reply is, I listen to what there life problems are, I hear there story, and am shown the struggles that will be to come, I understand the faith of the out come.

At that time both side of the deck is laid out on the table it is only two 2# jokers left that can Make or break the deal!

There is also another card in the deck, it is the Rules and how to play the game, and if you don't follow the rules on this little card then one of us will have lost be fore we started.

in a marriage, the rule is to not cheat, do not abuse and do not leave...

in a relationship it can not be used for there is no rules just a act of faith, trust and respect.

I stay alone after the day is gone. For No one will play there hand! in the Game of Love!

too much of a risk taker I am...

OOO and by the way. 7 yrs ago, the first man that came to my site on AM singles "Was the one I dated for 5 yrs"?... He had Parkinson's and crowns and I never rejected him but when i got cancer he rejected me.. now mine is gone, and he still has his....

I stayed he ran the end.

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Thu 08/06/09 05:51 PM

:heart: The man I love(who dumped me)started talking to me again and we've seen each other a few times.The problem is,I've been with someone for 3 months who loves me,but I can never love him because my heart is with the other guy. :heart: What should I do? :heart:

Never, ever go back!. Think of all the reasons you broke up in the first place, Now?... WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO GO THROUGH ALL THAT AGAIN!

There is a reason God takes a person out of your life, you have learned your lesson an then he brings you a great wonderful fantastic man who you should adore... ????

Stop thinking! about the Man in the Past! and only love the one you chose to love {3 months ago}..

its a Ploy... "his girlfriend did not work out" and when that happens men always........... run back to the ex...... or the last girlfriends no matter what, messing YOUR great NEW relationships...

why?... why? hurt this new guy because your going to "Think YOU" miss him.. its a ploy...

Lets say you break up with this guy and start dating the other guy and then he leaves you?.. "YOU HAVE NO ONE"! Right????

He only wants you because?.. he had you and now someone else has you! and your happy! AND HE IS NOT!.. YOU have been happy for 3 months right.. if not? you would not have been with him..

Take a huge "Mallet" and then hit yourself over the head to knock some scene into your head.. "Now THAT you are back to your Normal self"..

?? don't you love this new person, dose he not make you so happy with joy, and "he is so different" then the man who did not work?..

think about it?, look at all the wonderful times you have spent with him, and the "loving making you have done"... YOU? cant say you have not enjoyed this with him... [So you might miss this or that about the other man].... But look! {at what you have}.. and what you HAD?.... YOU LEFT WHAT YOU HAD RIGHT!

IS IT REALLY WORTH IT>>>> to lose everything you have worked for.. to just have the chance to have [him break it off] with you and break your wounded heart......All over again... NOPE>>>> NOPE>>> NODA>>>>>

Be happy with what God chose for you... stop trying to WANT MORE THEN WHAT YOU REALLY NEED.... AMEN!

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Thu 08/06/09 05:14 PM
Yep, My son in law patted me on the head and said I love you mom, My daughter put her arms around me when she left for work, My grandchild hugged me out of the blues then asked for a tic tac? My son came down stairs and kissed my cheek, my mother called and said "what up girl i called to say i love you". A Old friend who is only 22yrs old who has a 1yr old told me her sad story and said Mom I miss you, O and can you take in my kid, I need childcare.. I love you... LOL

So I am happy after all, And I know God loves me that is what Counts!

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Thu 08/06/09 05:03 PM
YES it is me!

Did you ever think, it was not the women????

YOUR wanting something that you want! or feel that you deserve! but are you really looking at the Women and Who she is!

Eyes are deceiving i proved that yesterday! We want what we see, but what about the inner soul of a person.

Why not look for the women that fits you, instead of trying to go full speed and slam into the dump truck...

Why not cruse and let the wind blow through your hair, relax and find the women who will adore you for you.

Sometimes, Men want women for all the wrong reasons. It is sad but true! Think really hard tonight. Why your not happy, now think about the last 3 friends, what did they say about you... write it down.

and now write down the real women you need in your life, not what you want.... that is the mistake.. but what you really need in your life.

I'm stay single because Men never new what they wanted and most women are single because Men don't know what they want...

Women! we! know what we want! we just cant find it because men chose not to be it for us! Joseph was a great man for he loved marry and helped her raise her child! Good men are hard to find.
but Great women are even harder to find? Right.. Wrong we are everywere... So think harder.. who you want.. not what you need.

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