Community > Posts By > miko1960

miko1960's photo
Tue 12/11/12 06:40 PM
well said sari

miko1960's photo
Tue 12/11/12 05:51 PM
Women seem to want to have it all....that is all

miko1960's photo
Sat 12/01/12 04:46 PM
laugh laugh

miko1960's photo
Sat 12/01/12 03:49 PM
So which do you ladies prefer in men and men which do you consider yourself to be, Alpha or Beta I consider myself about 3/4 Beta and 1/4 Alpha, meaning I can man-up when necessary, are men starting to become more Beta in society, have men lost their place as leaders in today's culture, with women gaining on men and in some areas passing men up, such as business owners, college degrees,men also seem to be loosing their moral compass.
So I would be interested to know what opinions everyone has on this subject, would like to hear from both sexes, something you hear in the media is woman have changed in the last 30 yrs or so, but men haven't really changed as much as women have.

miko1960's photo
Wed 09/12/12 12:54 PM
Just wanted to add my thoughts, I can't believe this thread is still going, anyway, we all have are own opinions, how many of us have ended up being with someone, we never thought we would be with, we are not always able to rule our own hearts, I never thought I would end up with someone in their thirties me being in my late forties at the time, I had been with this woman nearly three years, what can I say we both fell for one another, in my longest relationship, whom I refer to as my ex,she too was someone I never thought I would like too be with, we were such complete opposites of one another, too this day I still think about this woman and I still have feelings for her, we were together for 9yrs. oh we were only 4yrs apart, me being senior to her.

miko1960's photo
Wed 09/12/12 01:10 AM
I think my deal breaker would be vulgarity, true I was a bit vulgar in my youth, I just don't think grown ups need to speak in this fashion, it just shows ignorance and inmaturity when every word is the F word, just my opnion.

miko1960's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:30 PM
Listen when she talks about her daywaving waving

miko1960's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:26 PM
I just find it difficult to be with anyone who don't laugh, my ex was the serious type, not a good match for me, I never take myself serious all the time, I think we first must learn to laugh at ourselves, then we can laugh with others, after all human's are a pretty comical bunch.

miko1960's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:20 PM
Skin color is a very stupid reason not to date someone, I myself have dated woman of almost every nationality and race, what I have learned over the years is that no matter of race or culture people have pretty much the same wants and needs, you know human needs.

miko1960's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:12 PM
I totally agree with you 42Blackbbw,I think Navygirl is smokin hot.

miko1960's photo
Mon 09/10/12 12:09 PM
I suppose when one speaks of maturity they are referring to emotional maturity, on a side note it is well known that in general woman develop emotionally quicker then men by about 7yrs, I consider myself an emotionally mature person, but I am also a big kid in a lot of ways, I think most of us men have that kid inside of us, I still love my toys(gadgets) and I can still act a little silly at times, my ex really had no appreciation for my sense of humor.

miko1960's photo
Sun 09/09/12 05:53 AM
The sister site to Mingle2 is Christian Mingle.

miko1960's photo
Sun 09/09/12 05:15 AM
I have noticed the more you post on the forums, the more looks you have at your profile, I actually had 6 in my mail alone in two days, that is a new record for me as I rarely come on this site anymore, My main single's site now is the sister site of Mingle2.

miko1960's photo
Fri 09/07/12 12:44 PM
I am no longer able to perform certain physical activities such as running or strenuous exercise due to previous injuries I sustained while playing sports and also when I had been in the Marine Corps and had broken my wrist in three places, however I am quite the night owl, always have been, and I really love to go out dancing, in all other aspects with the exception of my injuries I still have a lot of stamina for a man my age, most of my male friends of the the same age bracket are unable to keep up with me.

miko1960's photo
Fri 09/07/12 12:18 PM
Just an update, the younger woman and I had are first date together and had a lot of fun together, we have found that we share a lot of the same interest, I must admit that most woman I date are younger then myself, but that is only because I am a very active person for my age, most woman around my own age don't usually like to the things that I enjoy, and as far as the younger woman we are now planning our next date together and we talk almost everyday together since our date.drinker drinker

miko1960's photo
Tue 09/04/12 11:06 AM
When I was with my ex never had to say a word, she always seemed to sense when I had any feelings of jealousy and would be open and honest with me, I rarely felt jealousy with my ex, I suppose she was what one would call a good girl.
I think if you are in a long term relationship,you only need to be honest with one other, if I didn't feel comfortable with any of my ex's male friends or situations we would calmly discuss it.

miko1960's photo
Sat 09/01/12 09:05 PM
Would you date a man more then 7 years older then you, I ask this because recently a woman I had met felt I was too old for her, even though there was only an 8yr gap in our ages, she didn't realize my age at the time we met, most people think I am about 7 or 8 years younger then I look.
I have just recently came out of a relationship where I was 12yrs older then my former girlfriend, what difference does age really make if you have a lot in common with each other, I have also dated woman older then myself, so it's not one sided with me, when I was only 29 I dated a fantastic woman of 39, we had a really great time together.

miko1960's photo
Sat 09/01/12 06:18 PM
Edited by miko1960 on Sat 09/01/12 06:19 PM
I was just wondering why woman hardly ever wear dresses and skirts anymore, not trying to sound to old fashioned here, there is just something so very feminine seeing a woman in a dress, is it just to impractical for most woman to dress this way, seems like a dress or skirt would be much simpler to change into and provide more comfort, my ex wore dresses quite a bit, but then again she had been in the fashion industry, so it may have been a occupational habit on her part.

miko1960's photo
Sat 08/11/12 10:47 PM
I was cheated on once, hurt like hell too, it had taken 2 years before I was over it, yet I have known several woman that seem to bounce back fairly quick, this includes cheating husbands, I guess most woman just expect that men will eventually cheat and are able to handle it better.

miko1960's photo
Sat 08/11/12 10:34 PM
Edited by miko1960 on Sat 08/11/12 10:39 PM
I think most of us have been cheated on at least once in our life time, do you believe men are woman have a more difficult time handling being cheated on, in my opinion I would have to say us men find it harder to deal with being cheated on.

I base this on the fact that men don't deal with deep emotions very well, then there's that pride and ego factor with us men, i am just curious what everyone's opinion is on this subject.

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