good luck on that
Well, insofar as 'twisting words for shock value', etc is a crime, let's look at some OTHER words that have been 'twisted for shock value' and have had their original meanings twisted and re-routed thru the Socialist Word Processor - kinda like the Red Queen and the Mad Hatter did in 'Alice in Wonderland' ... to begin: "Hope and Change" ... then we come to "Change You Can Believe In" ... and "HealthCare" ... then there's "Social Justice" ... the dictionary list just grows and grows and grows like Topsy ... The 'progressive' [sic] Left uses the policy of 'Control the words, control the thoughts' ... why gee, that concept is straight out of Orwell's '1984', only in that novel it was called 'NewSpeak' and the process of dumbing down the language to as few words as possible to prevent complex thinking is the same thing taking place today with 'The ONE', 'Dear Comrade Leader', 'Obama the Most Merciful and Most High (PBUH)' ... nope nope nope ... being able to see the 'man behind the curtain' and recognizing him and his agenda for what it is is always a good thing ... I want my country to be rebuilt when he's kicked out after being a one-term Communist disaster ... funny how you people compare obama to communism. he's not rounded anyone up illegally like das fuer bush did. please seek help |
lol like having more than 2 parties would solve anything.
Where is the outrage now?
there were two anti war rallies in the last couple months in washington and it got no press coverage how do i know? i was at both. maybe because we were also protesting Israel that the media left it dont act like the same people protesting during bush are doing nothing under obama.
The government serves us. It started that way and is still that way. The only people screaming otherwise for the most part are the poorly informed who follow too easily those who inspire mistrust in the crowds. If they would stop and research what they are believing they would discover no validity to their agendas. I believe in monitoring our government. I do monitor it. I make sure that I know what I am looking at first though. You cannot monitor something if you do not know how it works. That is what I have discovered is going on with most of these groups who are against the government. They hold up signs that show they know not how the government works at the base level and are protesting invalid things. Reading posts on sites like or the Dailykos doesn'y count as research. the same could be said of the Herritage Foundation which is where Sean Hannity's goons get their so called facts from |
can't you right wingers find something else to cry over?
i'm illegal : D
why am i not surprised this came from Fox? why am i not surprised this came from you ? bigotry maybe? Fox makes up stories all the time and even if this were true, it's brilliant because now all the racists will be policing themselves. if you actually believe every example of racism pointed out at these rallies were actually liberal plants, you may as well believe in the tooth fairy as well. |
GE & MSNBC: Lies and Greed
Ge is a major defence contractor I find it hard to imagine that they are by any stretch of the imagination "Llberal" ![]() GE supports whoever is in power with it's campaign contributions. In the 2008 Presidential campaign GE gave $508,000 to Obama. $166,000 to Clinton.. $98,000 to McCain.. Based on these figures, Obama was their man.. Anyone that watches MSNBC knows they are the Fox News of the left wing, minus the viewership.. and little green men kidnap people every year. |
this wasn't on U.S. Soil thus making your post invalid.
The Party of NO ... ?
you believe Fox, i'll believe Science. ; )
why am i not surprised this came from Fox?
hate to spoil the tea partiers but taxes went down for most this year but keep having your rallies because the president remains black.
You Didnt Get Mad When......
Way To Go, O ...
C) A valid candidate (in my opinion) is someone that hasn't completely flipped over in the 8 years since his last presidential bid. I would have voted for McCain in 2000 had he been the candidate instead of Bush. But in '08, he was no longer McCain, he was George W. Bush Part II. Since you obviously haven't realized this or bothered to do the research, then I'll assume that you have no basis for your argument, once again. Ron Paul, as I stated above, was a VALID candidate and he would have gotten my vote. exactly ![]() again,well said sir. i agree,i think Anyone running for president,should be PUBLICLY examined as to what hes been doing for the past 10 years in politics. i think its an utter load when our supposed representatives- vote for...against..for..against..depending on whos dollar is greasing their hand...sigh. How, then, do you condone the absolute LACK of scruting of 'The ONE' by the 'media' [sic] duirng the campaign of '08? Seems like it was okay then (as it is now) to give 'Dear Comrade Leader' a pass when anyone else would have been raked over the coals. 'Selective breeding' is an apt descriptor for our 'political candidates' on the Left. When y' have 'journalists' [ahem] like Chris Matthews announcing he has a 'thrill run up my leg' when he hears 'The ONE' speak. that is no longer journalism but advocacy for a particular, PREFERRED, candidate. So how do you square your position with that operative reality? have you taken any journalism classes habibi? chris mathews is a commentator not journalist just like your prescious michael weiner and sean hannity therefore he can espouse any opinion and support any candidate as he sees fit. Allahu Akbar |
The Party of NO ... ?
I say "no" to people like Kings Knight. It seems that some people just can't be happy without slandering some people and speading misinformation about and among others. I'd like to suggest that these people pursue a liberal education, speaking only about things that they know well. For the time being, it appears that silence on their part is called for. ameen |
The Party of NO ... ?
I say NO to our Government in general! And especially NO to those who are in lock step with either party. Neither Democrats nor Republicans go to Washington on our behalf, they got to Washington to make business deals on behalf of business and foreign interests. Politics disgusts me today because its like a kindergarten class fighting nap time. I hate the right because of their stupidity on global warming, they placate us with border security, talk about shrinking government and are holier than thou with abortion. The left is a joke because the liberal mind set is a diseased one in my opinion. do know that most scientists agree that "global warming", as it has been portrayed, is at best a hoax, at worst a fraud, don't you? not true at all, it's a small minority |
why does the politics thread seem to have so much paranoia and name calling? commies, and terrorists, and liberals, OH MY!! because that's all the 'Right' third grade insults...maybe it's from listening to too much michael weiner aka savage |
Sarah Palin Milks It
Thanks for that completly useless information. i don't believe anyone forced you to click on this thread. |
Way To Go, O ...
xan u ever post anything without using an attack?