Community > Posts By > markumX

markumX's photo
Tue 03/16/10 11:44 PM
ahhhh the lies LOOOL

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 06:48 PM
some reason i don't see getting out of an unjust war dishonerable...seems you want to see people die. even bush had sense to get his daddy to prevent him from going.
my top list would be coolidge

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 02:20 PM
in surah 5 they talk about the horse and it translates more into what dancer cited than the one asked. english versians are by most part translated incorrectly so it's hard to judge which one to go by.
little bit off topic , as we rever the horse to be beautiful creatures, they were rarely used in battle like hollywood portrays as camels were more reliable and faster.

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 02:01 PM
east jerusalem

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 01:58 PM

Well, since you're all "I am 100% behind the President's proposal", don't be comin' around a-whinin' when the information you've been provided with becomes reality and your Mom suddenly has to start lookin' ... and you have to start going to 'end-of-life-counseling' sessions with her 'cuz she's too 'old' and is taking 'health care' away from some young illegal who's more 'deserving' ... Think that ain't gonna happen ... ? Better start doin' some serious research instead of just enjoyin' that Obama Kool-Aid ...

and the so called end of life counseling was first introduced under jr. spin that

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 01:54 PM
still a choice..go to jail or obey...nothing different than christianity

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 01:52 PM
yeah so why are zionists right wingers? get a clue

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 12:26 AM

mathew 1:23 Jesus is called immanual, which meens God with us.
1 tim. 3:16 Paul said Jesus was God "manifested in the flesh
Titus 2:13 Paul called Jesus "the great God"
Phil. 2:5,6 Paul said Jesus didn't feel it was wrong to be considered "equal with God."
John 10:30 Jesus said, "I and the father are one"

this is in parable form. Because also keep in mind Jesus would pray to God. Jesus said "father forgive them for they know not what they do"

So Jesus and God being one, but yet Jesus still prayed to God and talked to God as God was a different being shows that all of us are a part of God.

Jesus was or never will be God. he is his chosen prophet to rule the kingdom of heaven but this does not mean to worship him as he told his people not to worship him but God. Jesus spoke in parables and metaphores, God however was direct and to the point. let me break down this so called proof you cite.
1. this is believed to be fullfillment of the jewish prophecy in the Tenoch. however there are other prophecies in thew torah that state in black and white that mankind will never see God in any human form and he shall not walk the earth. so someone is lying. back to this verse, in the Tenoch it states the Messiah's mother would name him Emmanuel..but Mary never called him this did she? No. A follower of Jesus did to give validity to their claim of Jeseus' divinity. in all cases Jesus himself never claimed divinity.
2. Paul was an alcoholic and made many outrageous claims. just because paul said so doesn't make it fact...however this statement can be taken into meaning that Jesus was the direct mouth peice of God just the same as Gabriel has been throughout history.
3. again diect contradiction to the book of ezekial.
4. again coming from paul...not only a pathological liar but an unbeliever until his "devine" experience
5. many other prophets have said this including prophet Muhammad SAW. Doesn't mean they are saying he or they are God, he's merely saying he's a powerful spiritual being like God. if in fact he was God, why would he say the following to a servant
"i am not good, only my father is""
"i do not know the end of times , noone does but my father"
i'm betting he wasn't talking about Joseph.

markumX's photo
Mon 03/15/10 12:03 AM
"While doing some reasearch I found out that not only was America a Christian nation after 1776 it was one long before that. "

thanks for this comment. i've never laughed so hard in my life....except when bush spoke. i knew this statement was false and i'm not even from america hahahahahaha

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 11:53 PM

WASHINGTON -- The White House is raising the stakes with Israel, calling it an "insult" and an "affront" that the Jewish nation would continue plans to build 1,600 new apartments during a construction freeze aimed at re-igniting peace talks with Palestinians.

Palestinians have not sought as part of their capital the area of northeast Jerusalem where the Jewish settlement of Ramat Shlomo resides, but the decision to announce construction plans just as Vice President Joe Biden was visiting the region led to strained meetings that continues past his return.

Biden expressed his displeasure by showing up late to a dinner with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in order to issue a statement of condemnation.

On Sunday, President Obama's chief political adviser David Axelrod told ABC's "This Week" that the move undermines the fragile effort to bring peace to the troubled region and called the timing of the announcement "very destructive."

Axelrod would not say what has been discussed in diplomatic talks but suggested the decision by Israel was "calculated to undermine" peace talks with the Palestinians. He added that because Israel is a special ally to the United States "for just that very reason that was not the right way to behave."

But White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Netanyahu's apology on Sunday was a "good start" to rebuild trust, but more needs to be done.

"I think what would be an even better start is coming to the table with constructive ideas for constructive and trustful dialogue about moving the peace process forward," Gibbs said.

"There's no doubt that events like last week weaken the trust that's needed for both sides to come together and have honest discussions about peace in the Middle East. So there's no doubt that that was not a bright spot for the Israeli government."

The State Department on Friday outlined what was described as a stern 45-minute call by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton to the prime minister. The unusually tough dressing down reportedly took Netanyahu by surprise. On Sunday he announced plans to set up a committee to review processes to ensure an embarrassment like the one with Biden doesn't happen again.

Though Netanyahu had not included East Jerusalem in an earlier decision to halt construction for 10 months, the Jerusalem District Planning and Building committee canceled two meetings scheduled for this week after Clinton's call, Haaretz newspaper reported Sunday.

Full Story.............

This is wrong on so many levels. One Israel is one of our major allies. This President has made it a point to piss off most of our allies since taking office. Israel is in a shitty situation. They are on a continent where no one wants them there and are constantly under threat of attack from the many Islamic countries that border them and even by countries that doin't like Iran.

Then to keep a fellow head of state waiting out of protest shows exactly the lack of class and the extreme arrogance that this administration has. They should be ashamed of themselves.

What is going on is that the Palestinians are trying to pre-judge the talks before they ever begin towards a pre-1967 border particularly in Jerusalem. Israel on the other hand sees Jerusalem as their undividable capital which they can develop as it best suits the population. In any case, it would be astounding if anyone (let alone a U.S. official) was surprised that Israel was planning to allow some more construction in Jerusalem!

The Palestinians need to cease all violence and return to the negotiating table unconditionally. The Israelis have already stopped virtually all real settlement activity years ago and have been pulling back unilaterally from Gaza and areas of the West Bank. So all the the crying about "settlements" borders on frivolous. The Israelis are not colonizing the West Bank and Gaza. They are merely working towards defensible borders at this point.

If the Palestinians don't wish to negotiate then we should just leave them alone and wait until the violence completely stops and both sides are eagerly willing to participate. But no one in the U.S. government was even the slightest bit surprised that Israel announced they were planning to continue development and construction in neighborhoods of Jersusalem. So their outrage rightfully appears fake.

your spin is amazing...i'm sure you have talked to the PA right? oh wait that's right you just visit jewish sites and run with it. sad

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 11:49 PM
you know that he's talking about self employed and business owners right??? of course those of you working choice have a choice to either file or not which in alot of cases result in people owning the govt.

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 11:47 PM
wow what cry babies ms harmony seems to be the only rational one here

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:46 PM
seems like the repubs hate the constitution...everyone is entitled to fair trials and lawyers which is what these ppl were doing..their jobs

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:44 PM
lol at fake stories. it's being proven that it could be the computers not the mats. i guess all these stories were made up by obama maybe a conspiracy jesse ventura could look into.
btw in my country we call donkeys bedoin bmw's

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 05:35 PM
hating jews nor religion has nothing to do with's justice. Israel has committed atrocities and violates laws constantly and is building on lands illegally occupied. people like this poster blindly supports this drinking the koolaid of the right wing's propaganda. even some israelis see through their govt's corruption and what do they get in return?? they get locked up..some allie.

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 03:13 AM
not surprised right wingers rave about the most boring movie i'd ever seen. it was typical zionazi propaganda just like Legion

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 03:04 AM
Israel blessed by God? i highly doubt that he enjoys the gay parades and human trafficking going on there.

markumX's photo
Sun 03/14/10 03:01 AM
i heard beck try to make the argument that Jesus was a capitalist and would oppose socialism. heard hannity say the same thing. obviously neither has read the new testament aside from the fictitious book of john

markumX's photo
Fri 03/12/10 02:29 AM
yes this first year's been an utter failure...mainly because Obama hasn't done anything the GOP geniuses said he was going to cut and run , employ Ayres or Wright, destroy america, admit he's really a secret muslim..ect.

markumX's photo
Fri 03/12/10 02:10 AM
lies..but what do you expect from the Jewish Federation. like they're going to tell the truth

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