Community > Posts By > markumX

markumX's photo
Tue 12/29/09 02:49 PM
I find it funny you people are arguing over what a christian is since the religion itself is one big contradiction. Jesus merely pointed out how the jewish religion had been hijacked and corrupted and laid out how it should be practiced and not once told anyone to start a seperate religion. He never claimed to be God, never claimed to be God's son (this phrase son of God comes from the aramaic phrase Servant of God which the word Servant..the greek equivilant was son) the mere fact that catholics pray to other saints for guidance as well as Mary, and has statues of them including Jesus goes against the very fabric that the 10 commandments stated no graven images or idols.

markumX's photo
Wed 12/23/09 11:37 PM

"I am sure that it did no such thing except show the abomination of Christianity.

Christianity is the problem not homosexuality.

Homosexuality has been around longer than Christianity. It a part of nature that harms noone.

If adults love each other, it is noone elses business, period. As long as their is age of consent and mental capacity.

no disrespect but you don't know what you are talking about. Christianity has nothing to do with Leviticus, it's from the Torah, the jew's book. Christians is a term coined to point out the jews that followed the doctrine of Jesus. His gospel was hijacked, changed, and made into a religion. It is hypocritical that many christians denounce the Old testament when Jesus said to follow his FATHER aka God..not himself, laws which included laws set forth by Abraham.

markumX's photo
Wed 12/23/09 07:41 PM
video showing palestinians cheering after 9 11, proven to be a fake put out by israel

markumX's photo
Wed 12/23/09 12:42 PM
it still amazes me that noone on the right still don't know what they are talking about when it comes to this issue.

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:17 PM

Santa replies,
I would suggest, those who really care, take your friends and go over there and help them yourselves instead of sitting behind a computer crying about it and hoping others will.
Merry Christmas, Santa

Five people did NC..and they got arrested. BTW, some REAL christians tried to bring food and they too got arrested, your zionist politicians along with Israel that provides them with re election contributions don't want peace, they want an ethnic clensing and the land for themselves. This isn't a muslim vs jew conflict. 22 percent of the Palestinian population are christian and i guarantee they support Hamas over your imperialism. 10 percent of those persecuted and executed by IDF forces are jewish.

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 02:14 PM

Dear Santa, Please bring peace to the world and food for all the poor and hungry even in Palestine. Santa all I want to know for Christmas is why Islam thinks it should be the only religion and proclaims jihad against those who are different if they do not bow before Mohammad?

First of all carlos, we don't bow before a prophet, we bow before GOD and no real muslim thinks Islam should be the only religion, however we do believe it is the perfected religion. Secondly, Jihad in arabic means struggle...not holy war..i suggest if you really want to know about Islam, you go to and quit watching Fox news.

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 07:13 AM

I think it is important to remember that those who are Jewish do not deny the existance of Christ. IN fact, they say Christ was a militant leader. Thier denial is that Chirst was only man and not the son of God.

you are quite wrong. i know many a jew in jerusalem that don't believe Isa (Jesus) ever existed even though the Talmud makes a mockery of him...then there are those that will pridely say they killed him once and they'll do it again.

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 07:05 AM

Like previous posters have posted;
If it ain't happenin' here, it's none of our business.slaphead

so why does your party feel the need to meddle in other country's affairs???

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 07:03 AM
so what's the spin when bush said God personally told him to invade Iraq?

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 06:57 AM

Democrats don't listen.....republicans were against the public option from day one. The debate was totally centered around that.

The only thing this bill does is give health insurance to 30 million people subsidized mostly by the government.

so you're saying those that can't afford basic health needs don't deserve it?? spoken like a true christian patriot

markumX's photo
Tue 12/22/09 06:54 AM
Dear Mr. Santa,

This might be unusual request coming from someone who is a Muslim, but the fact I have few things on my mind.

Could you please swing by Palestine, and in particular to a place called Gaza this year. It is not too far from Bethlehem, the birthplace of Jesus, who is ‘the reason for the season’. There are 1.5 million people who are starving there in Gaza and have been under siege from air, sea, and ground for almost three years. You may ask what is the reason for that? Those people wanted to be free and independent just like us here in America.

Over 51% of the population is under the age of 15. Among those people are solid 3,000 Christians also. Statistically speaking, there should be about 1,500 of their Christian children who will not be having a merry Christmas this year for lack of basic necessities to survive such as food, water, fuel, and medicine. Animals are in a worse shape than humans in Gaza. There is no grass or animal feeds left in Gaza. Parents and children alike are dying daily because they are unable to get medical attention inside or outside Gaza due to the blockade. The U.N. is no longer able to deliver food anymore because of border closings, and has also warned of impending human disaster..

The children of Gaza do not need toys or video games as they do in other parts of the ‘Cristian’ world, so I suggest the following:

Baby formula

Bottled water


Vitamin supplement. I heard many suffer from severe malnutrition

Clothing and toiletry

Batteries (all sizes)

Hearing aids for children

Animal feeds. I heard that a local pet store here is having a great bargain, buy one get one free!

Meal Ready to Eat [MRE]. The same kind used by the military.

No need for desert, there is one inside the MRE package. However, if there is some ginger bread man on special, I recommend taking several boxes. I am sure the children will enjoy it and will talk about it for years to come.

Thank you in advance. Have a safe trip. May Allah [God in Arabic] be with you, and as you would say; Ho, ho, ho.

markum x

markumX's photo
Sat 12/19/09 06:25 AM
Eid Mubarak :D

markumX's photo
Sat 12/19/09 06:22 AM
everything ME's said is true, however i have to disagree that religion played any part of the so called hollocaust other than the fact the church bank rolled it. The jews were people of trade meaning they had skills useful to the germans and used them as cheap labor. many arrived to camps diseased ridden due to the conditions and yes they were cruel being cramped into cars. it was these that were infected that was gasses..not because they were simply jews otherwise why so many kept alive for so long??
people were gunned down for being dissenters and rabble rousers or for simply trying to flee..many christians were murdered too. this boo hoo me jew game being used for sympathy is for pure personal gain based on lies. i have to agree that catholics are some of the biggest jew haters for simply being jewish which in their defense jews do hate non jewish ppl i mean its in their talmud to do so, but still we muslims only hate israelis for taking our homes we don't actually hate someone simply for being jewish and at the end of the day id rather live next to a jew than a catholic

markumX's photo
Sat 12/19/09 06:06 AM
being from the M E i have to laugh when i see ppl blame each other's party for dissent around the world even though bush threw the lighter fluid on the fire we hated the US govt regardless cause of the imperialism your country carried and still carries out...but there's a pro and con from living here as long as i have, trade off as you will..back home there was less crime but not many the states crime's either rampid depending where u live and i get to play x box without having to worry bout the power going off

markumX's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:18 PM
I wonder if people like Glenn Beck's ever been to medical facilities outside of the U.S. They love to preach that medical staff will be mediocre if reform is passed and claim universal hc is subpar to ours..not true, in France i got care and didn't pay a dime and everyone was so nice..noone walked around with a stick up their arse. People here in the states are rude and misdiagnose all the time. They misdiagnosed when i had a staph infection in my foot and almost died because of it.
A month ago i was in a motorcycle wreck where i was hit by a hit and run driver, and my bills have piled PRIVATE insurance stated because i knew the dangers of riding a motorcycle, i wouldn't be covered..only my medication will i have a co pay...if this had happened in France, Sweeden, or England...i'd have no bills whatsoever.

markumX's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:12 PM
polls are always written on an agenda and it doesn't surprise me that the opposition are making excuses about this one. For instance, i took part in the so called survey of american muslims that asked about suicide bombings. In the question asked if we justified it, we either had to chose sometimes or Always...there were no answers for no in none of the questions, yet FOX and the republicans jumped head over heels at the results.

markumX's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:05 PM
70% of americans are bias for Health care reform..besides there's no evidence here, just hearsay from a dopey website with no real reputation.

markumX's photo
Thu 12/17/09 03:03 PM
Ron Paul's not a republican, he's a libertarian..he only made the official switch for his failed presidential he's a RINO.

markumX's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:49 PM

satan impregnating Eve? that's a new one on me..that could explain Palin's behavior. Then again, the Mormons believe that God came down on a spaceship and had actual intercourse with Mary to give birth to Jesus, which may explain why the virgin birth is in only one of the gospels..which i guess is plausible theory if you're a sci fi fan, it's more believable than the "I inserted myself into Mary to be born a human and set out on a suicide mission to save humanity even though i make the rules and could change them with the snap of a finger" aka christianity.

The mormons do not believe god came on a spaceship....

The doctrine doesn't say space ship but they do believe he lives on a planet in another solar system, Kalob i believe it is...that being said, how else did he get here? by transporter beam?

markumX's photo
Wed 12/16/09 02:41 PM

$50k for each year is NOTHING for that, for the most part. I sure as hell wouldn't take that kind of money for losing what could have been the best years of my life! But, how was he doing when he got arrested? Was he a drop-out, druggie welfare bum and slim chances of going anywhere or had an impressive education and making $250k per year and only going up? If up to that point his whole life consisted of nothing but public assistance and at best part time at McD's, it's a toss up. There's no doubt though, SOMEBODY(s) should be held accountable for the whole thing and should come back to THEM! An innocent man should not be put away for 28 years(or any amount of time) without repercussions. Most of us know that our legal system is WAY FLAWED and there are only so many excuses for that!

Happens more than most realize...

It sure does, especially after 9/11. Currently there's over 1500 sitting in GTMO that were picked up AKA kidnapped for doing nothing other than being arab and muslim. The most famous case, is one in Canada that was released 2 years ago that was picked up in in 2002 on no charges, no evidence, and tortured just because he had a similar name to a "suspected" member of Al Qaeda and all the Bush admin had to say was "my bad" compensation..nothing. At least this man was compensated, most aren't that get in his situation.

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