I disagree with willing..... Strongly. How does one nation of 300+ million(USA) get so hated around the world?....... with opinions much like yours sir I disagree with MarKum..... Vehemently. Show me anything "mohammed" and I'll show you "evil".... The worlds muslims(1 billion) should have had this all wrapped up and done with 10 years ago, as in doing the right thing. Instead, Mosques around the world are breeding grounds for recruitment and violence. Moderate muslims who accept this are in fact.... helping the cause. UNACCEPTABLE! Koranic 'law' [sic] makes the possibility of being a 'moderate muslim' a contradiction in both terms and in fact ... when you can ONLY be a 'good muslim' by following the dictates of the koran (which mandates conversion by the sword and death to those unwilling to convert), it is a logical impossibility to reconcile the concept of 'good muslim' with 'moderate muslim' - can't happen ... and won't. if you're going to lie, prove it. As Dragoness said, anything you point out that's in the Quran ...<<spelled correctly, you will find the same thing in the Old Testament. |
but they are racist. Don't get mad when you're called out for what you are.
After a bit of searching; According to the 4th SEAL in the book of REVELATIONS and THE BOOK OF EZEKIEL chapters 38 and 39 they, Muslims, are the chosen ones for ultimate destruction. All offspring of ishmael and essau will be annihilated because of their hatred of ISRAEL and their ABOMINATIONS towards ISRAEL. If they do not like what is being said – then repent you murderers before you are utterly destroyed. Your eternity is in your hands. Y ou believe in god – which one, the moon god and the idol rock in mecca? or YAHWEY the CREATOR, SOVEREIGN of THE UNIVERSE? Y You creatures claim to be from ABRAHAM – if you creatures were from ABRAHAM you would do the WORKS that ABRAHAM did. You prove other wise by following a deceiver mohammad who had constant TEMPER TANTRUMS. When he did not get his way he got mad and killed people or made some other manipulative lie up in the hadith and practiced pedophilia, adultery by stealing other mens wifes, lied and broke treaties and mercilessly slaughtered others. GALATIANS 6:7 if this is the end you want -you will receive it. YAHWEY will JUDGE RIGHTEOUSLY. repent while you can. you will not receive 72 virgins but possibly 72 DEMONS of torment for your rejection of the TRUTH and following Lucifer. Find Sharia in Your State or Country http://creepingsharia.wordpress.com/2009/06/05/memphis-mosque-connected-to-arkansas-jihad/ This is an outright lie. |
Islam says to beat your wife and kill the infidel . Jesus Christ said, honor your wife, Love Your Enemies and Do good to them that Hate you. Just sayin' I would like to ask all the women who defend Islama question. If they came to you and told you, you must accept their beliefs, dress as commanded and accept your place in their world or die. Would you give in and convert? this is totally false... |
The Agenda - moves forward
http://www.hrc.org/issues/military/4884.htm Although gay, lesbian and bisexual service members have been held to the "Don't Tell" portion of the policy, reports show that the "Don't Ask, Don't Pursue, Don't Harass" parts of the policy are often ignored. A 2000 Defense Department inspector general survey showed that 80 percent of service members had heard offensive speech, derogatory names, jokes or remarks about gays in the previous year, and that 85 percent believed such comments were tolerated. Thirty-seven percent reported that they had witnessed or experienced direct, targeted forms of harassment, including verbal and physical assaults and property damage. Overwhelmingly, service members did not report the harassment. When asked why, many cited fear of retaliation. Anti-gay epithets and jokes are not the only forms of sexual orientation harassment that persist in the military. In July 1999, Pfc. Barry Winchell was brutally beaten with a baseball bat in his barracks at Fort Campbell, Ky. He died as a result of the attack. Fellow soldiers testified that the death came months after vile anti-gay name-calling and harassment, rumor-mongering and inquiries into his private life. An Army inspector general report in July 2000 found that before and after the murder, Maj. Gen. Robert Clark, the commanding general at Fort Campbell, had not provided required training on the "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy. are you afraid the gayness of a soldier will rub off and turn a straight man gay??? What's the difference between someone that doesn't disclose they are gay and serving a long career than being open? It's a double standard to claim that serving in a military is the highest honor of patriotism yet denying that right to gays and lesbians. The kool aid's affected your logic. |
The Agenda - moves forward
Kudos to you neocons that are against the repealling of don't ask don't tell yet say you support the troops. You're both a hypocrit and a bigot and impressingly wrong.
interesting that the main fact that this isn't an actual mosque it's an innerfaith center to bring together all religions. Please report all the facts and not just cherry pick for your racist agenda.
If they go through with it, I hope, because that cult has been proven to use money to support terrorism is audited to make sure they are not funding the killing of Americans or Legal Immigrants. Terrorist's are being recruited at EVERY Mosque in the United States. They are just doing this to slap us in the face. you really have problems...last name Palin by any chance?? your banter is funny at times but now it's just getting boresome and annoying. |
ppl will do anything for attention
While The Gulf Dies ...
What's really sad is Mr. Hussein coudn't give two *****. this amazes me, this is why the dems didnt want to allow drilling here yet ppl like you screamed for it and now you want to criticize him for it. typical |
"Actually it is people like her who get into government and ruin everything with their "beliefs" (Feinstein and Boxer are two examples of this!). They let their harts over rule common sense. They want to hold this country to UNREALISTIC standards! "
pretty much describes the GOP |
umm no kings, it started with America meddling in middle eastern affairs and trying to tell the rest of the world how to live
the tea party here chalked up a gathering here of 20 people...thats five more since their last klan meeting...good job
was about to bring this same thing up. thomas has apparantly never heard sarah palin speak. christianity has been the driving force behind all of america's imperialist campaigns.
i find all of these comments from the right wingwers to be very entertaining as it shows the bigotry and hatred. it's beautiful more mosques are being built, it shows we're still growing : ) |
The Troops On The Border ...
the far righties that have been spamming this forum seem to be ling in bomb shelters
Do you like your guns?
lol at rednecks and their guns.
this thread is typical right wing drivel. who CARES where Obama spends memorial day? worry about yourself and how you're spending it. I didnt see any of you right wingwer tin foiled hat wearers say anything when bush took vacations during national disasters.
what jobs are mexicans taking from americans? jobs like trash collection, construction, and fast food? If americans quit bitching about what they're getting paid maybe employers wouldn't settle for people that are willing to work for little just to eat.
why cry foul. the mexicans are doing to america what Israel is doing to Palestine ..America deserves what it gets for it's exporting of Imperialism the last century.
to the poster.....so?