Community > Posts By > Sigiere

Sigiere's photo
Sun 08/02/09 10:04 AM
I would but I am sick of hearing them cry about the distance. I am willing to make the drive and even relocate but still they whine about it. Not only that but I hear them say they want this and that out of a relationship but yet, when it's offered, they run.

I am close to just deletting and saying to hell with this site. I might as well go back to the old fashioned way but, I'm on the road to much so it's hard to build personal contacts consistently.

The internet is a great tool but, I am getting the impression some are just playing.


Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:27 PM
My friends list is empty because truthfully once I find what I'm looking for I won't be back in here unless it ends.

Congrats though.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:18 PM
At one time, me.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:16 PM
Nope, use to be but not anymore.
How'd I do it?
Simply got pickier about who I associated with and time.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:12 PM
Intresting Silly.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:08 PM
sheesh, give me a break. You guys act like it would kill you to do a little traveling to meet or be with someone.

I flew to Melbourne Australia on numerous occassions to be with my girlfriend at the time. I know someone is going to ask what happened so here it is. I couldn't move there because I had custody of my daughter at the time and couldn't move my child out of state without her moms permission whom naturally wouldn't give it and the reverse was the same for my g/f at the time with her child. Circumstances killed that.

If I can travel that distance surely you guys can travel a few hundred miles.

J.M.O. of course.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:00 PM

Actually, I was just being me. I love going out and having fun.
Staying in and snuggling up with a good movie is great to don't get me wrong but, I like a wide variety of activities. I raised a daughter so I learned to enjoy shopping alot too lol.

I just got the feeling in some cases that I was being used for my money so I just decided to remove it from the equation in the beginning.

yea, we all know what happens when we snuggle up to a good movie....usually there is a bottle of wine too.

There can be if she wishes but honestly, I much more prefer when I snuggle up for a good movie for it to be just that. Enjoy holding eachother and actually enjoy the movie too. What's the point in going through all the troubled if you don't plan on actually watching it?

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:54 PM


Nobody has asked me out yet? lol.
Guess I am just not desirable enough.
Must have me mums thighs or something, dunno.

I have contacted enough women now, they can contact me if they are intrested.

What if she's interested, but far too shy?

Then she will either have to get over her shyness or remain a missed connection. This seems harsh and I apologise for that. I assure you it wasn't meant to be.

I just simply feel I have alot to offer a woman and refuse to compete. I have spent alot of time finding myself and deciding on exactly what it is I want and need. I also put alot into analysing my past failed relationships and takking responsibility for my share of the faults in their failures.

All this was no easy task by any means. To face ones' faults and take steps to correct them is very difficult. It is often to easy to blame the other person for things you are the cause of. Even harder to contact them and apologise. Closure is a wonderful thing.

The ones I have contacted are the ones I feel are full of potential for a LTR. I'm not mentioning names because that's not my style. But, I tell you this, I am ready, willing and able to make that step. I made the first move, it is now up to them to do something with it. Life is short. Get on with living and loving or let it pass you by is what my grandparents told me. They were teenage sweetharts and stayed together the rest of their lives. They are also the ones that did alot of my upbringing.


Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:29 PM
um, they're married lmao.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:27 PM
Actually, I was just being me. I love going out and having fun.
Staying in and snuggling up with a good movie is great to don't get me wrong but, I like a wide variety of activities. I raised a daughter so I learned to enjoy shopping alot too lol.

I just got the feeling in some cases that I was being used for my money so I just decided to remove it from the equation in the beginning.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 08:21 PM
My first date is going to be a freeby except for what it costs me for my gas to drive there and my hotel room, here's why.

1. I have spent over 10k in the past 6 months driving to, picking up potential m8's, doing my best to make sure they have fun in hopers of a LTR and it end in nothing.

2. I always get a room and I return to it after I drop her off because without knowing her better sex is out of the question, most women don't anyhow in the beginning so this one is easy. Plus I simply hate ONS's.

3. There is plenty to do for free and still have fun like, walking nature trails or going to a park. Spending time together and talking. etc etc etc

I figure if she's truly intrested she won't care about my money because I don't care about hers. If the first day or 2 goes well, then I might spend some money and take her out if we get past the first couple days.

This may seem wierd to some but, to the right woman, it will be perfectly acceptable and will go rather well.

Sigiere's photo
Sat 08/01/09 05:54 PM
Hmm, very good topic.
Me personally, I generally don't ask a woman out until after we have sent several emails to eachother then have talked on the phone at least a few timers.

Seeing how nobody has stuck it out in the emails or called when they say would I haven't asked anyone out yet.

Sigiere's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:11 AM
Hmmm, I've never seen this.

Sigiere's photo
Fri 07/31/09 10:07 AM
What a bunch of rubbish.
Beauty or hotness is in the eye of the beholder.
Everybody wants someone who is pleasing on the eyes as well as the hart and mind. It's human nature and perfectly normal.

If you wonder why you don't have a proper m8 you really should take a good look at your profile pic.

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/30/09 04:26 PM

well he is about 5'9", shaved head and goatee, and he has my heart

sounds like 90% of the guys on mingle, LOL

<<-------------------- In the other %10
<<-------------------- 6'3"
<<-------------------- Not bald
<<-------------------- Does have goatee
<<-------------------- Loves twinkies and cats
<<-------------------- (Place witty comment here)
<<-------------------- Rode short school bus as a child

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/30/09 04:21 PM
I agree with myteemouse.

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/30/09 01:56 PM
Still single and waitting for someone to change that.

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/30/09 01:53 PM
You shouldn't wonder what other peoples opinion of this is.
The question is how do you feel about it. People have no right to be outraged or opinionated about someone else doing what is confortable to them.

Everyone has a diffrent comfort zone and view.
Me personally I don't do open relationships because I like exclusivitity between me and a proper m8.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:27 AM
Would I date me? This is an intresting question.
Being how I have been single for awhile now I already am datting meself.

It's ok for trhe most part until an argument breaks out and I get mad at myself then it's kinda hard to walk away and send half of me to the dog house.

Datting yourself is ok but, the love life aspect of it is extremely lacking.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/29/09 11:21 AM
Guess I gotta post here now seeing how I am now crushing. lol

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