Community > Posts By > Sigiere

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:33 AM
lol ok

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:31 AM
Ello tazz

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 09:27 AM
Chocolate oatmeal cookies are my favorite

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:44 AM
Cookies? I like cookies, you got chocolate chip?

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:12 AM
Edited by Sigiere on Thu 07/23/09 08:13 AM
Just a whatever thread for nice chat.
No particular topic here.


Don't forget to checkout the not Crushing thread as well.

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 08:07 AM
You can not force a person to think anything but, you can influence it. Be supportive and do little things for them that reinforces a positive self image of themselves. You gotta be true to it though. Don't be fake or give them false compliments. you'll cause more harm than good.


Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:44 AM
Remember, this is an opinion and the way I see it only from what you have said.

1. Like an earlier post said, he's a player and got busted.
2. He was telling you the truth.
3. He realised he was falling in love with you and it made him face some hidden qualities he didn't realise had and it scared him.

The girl you described gave it away. You sound like a wonderful and mature woman whom has her priorities in order. Very good example of marriage material. He is getting older and wants to stay young without facing the maturity aspects. Your relationship very well may have woke him up to the fact that he's not 17 anymore and it shook him. Hence the it's not you it's me statement and the teenage groupy acting girl.

It's only my opinion and I could be completely wrong. Only he knows the rwal reasons for doing what he did and you are left to try and figure it out. My advice is not to. Learn from it.

I commend you on your journey. Hartache is very tough to overcome. You are obviously alot stronger than you give yourself credit for. Any guy would be blessed to spend time with you.

You didn't lose him,,,,,,,,,,,,,,he lost you.


Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:22 AM

I do not understand Mutual Match so never use it, I think it is computer generated based on your anwsers to likes/dislikes etc

This is correct plus, it is also based upon your distance selection.
Mutual Match is an app that compares your profiles' statements and Q-answers to a database of M2 memebers and shows you the generated list.

In essence, it's a match maker app that makes introductions easy and quick. Very good tool for shy people who have trouble breaking the ice. I myself used it and met a very intelligent and nice lady from L.A. Nothings come of it but still, I made a great friend.

Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:15 AM
I believe there is no such thing as best over worst or second best. Everybody has strengths and weakness'. Personalities are as diverse and plentiful as grains of sand on a beach. What we do is form friendships and when we form a friendship with someone who has a personality and intellect that compliments our own we start feeling an attraction toward that person. It's not something you can fake or force to happen, it's chemistry. As time goes by and we see more and more each day that we have a connection with someone that connection grows stronger until one day long after it's happened you realise "Wow, I'm in love."

On the flip side and this is the rub,
You don't even have to have contact for this to happen and this is where the internet plays into it. You could be following someones' posts and by reading what they say start thinking you have a feel for what and who they are. After a while you start feeling a connection to that person but, you will only go further if you initiate direct contact.

Think I drifted a bit from the O.P.'s intention but, you get me point I hope.


Sigiere's photo
Thu 07/23/09 07:03 AM
waving people.
I'm on holiday as of 30 minutes ago WOOHOO!!!!!!

* Back reads posts *
* Sees this thread turned into a Romeo fan site *
Good show ole boy.
You got alot of eligible and beautiful women flirting with you.

Now that this is a Romeo fan thread I'll just buy you a drink.
I hope you don't get to terribly offended if I elect not to flirt with you, after all, we are men and that would just be barking mad wouldn't you agree?

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:25 PM
Ok, I'm out. Nite everyone.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:21 PM

A man can't keep my interest past yesterday...

And you want long term?

Ay caramba!!!!!

To much drinks huh?
Day before yesterday usually works for me.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:19 PM

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:18 PM

Alot of people can be trusted they are just sometimes hard to find because they all aren't in the same place at the same time. Any and all relationships worth having need a very strong and firm foundation upon which to build.

Anything worth having is worth waitting for and takking your time with. Everybody has their ideal partner out there, they just haven't met yet. Thet are waitting for eachother but the date and time of arrival isn't agreed upon yet.

COMPLETLEY agree! That's how I feel, too.

And if I knew ya better, I'd correct your spelling just to be a brat from the other thread. laugh



Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 09:15 PM
I'm back heehee. Nothing like a hot shower.

Yup, I love karaoke. I DJ clubs and private parties when I'm not doing floors for Aldis. Been doing it for 15 years now. I host the entire show from me lappy.

There's a big karaoke every year for an online community of DJ's and whomever in Blackpool England the lasts for 3 days. It's every April.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:50 PM
nite, I too need a shower and go to work tomorrow.
Tomorrow last day then my 3 week vacation starts,,,,,woohoo.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:48 PM
Alot of people can be trusted they are just sometimes hard to find because they all aren't in the same place at the same time. Any and all relationships worth having need a very strong and firm foundation upon which to build.

Anything worth having is worth waitting for and takking your time with. Everybody has their ideal partner out there, they just haven't met yet. Thet are waitting for eachother but the date and time of arrival isn't agreed upon yet.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:44 PM

I go to bars for one thing.

KAREOKE! :banana:

Google recognises it spelled as karaoke. Not correcting you, just pointing out googles way in case you ever search for it.

I currently have over 100k karaoke songs on an external HD and is the main reason I am in the pub to begin with lol.

Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:41 PM
Ty Tazz. So I can safely remove the helmet, pads and bullet proof glass then?


Sigiere's photo
Wed 07/22/09 08:38 PM

Ok, had to read up lol.

ty for the compliment tazz. Usually the only time I have people at me table is when I brought them with me. I generally give off "Leave me alone vibes when I'm in a pub. " I'm there for the music - band or karaoke. I'm not there to pick up anybody or be picked up meself.
I always leave the same way I arrived to.

snarky, I guess I miss those signals because in the pub I'm actually not looking for them. not always the case but is me general rule of thumb. Ice breaking in person is something I was never any good at.

And here on're all out there....WTH???? If I was in a bar and hit on you....YOU WOULD TURN ME DOWN??????????

oi, how do I answer this one without stepping in it???? heehee
You are a very lovely woman and am sure you are very intelligent and have your wits about you but still,
umm, aye. I would actually turn you down but not to be rude. I'm not in the pub to hit on or be hit on by anybody. I am there for the entertainment only. Friendly chat or hangout I'm always up for but the whole hitting on someone business just isn't me.