Community > Posts By > FunconVenntional
Alien Life on Pluto?!?!?!?
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Thu 07/16/15 08:04 PM
We've had a reverse osmosis filter for a number of years. the amount of waste water is problematic. Not to mention upkeep and replacement costs. We're currently running a manual two stage Brita system cuz the R/O needs replaced but a better quality one is pricey.
Running the water through two different Brita filters does improve the taste, but I don't know about the microcystin. I did read that activated charcoal does remove like 99% of the algae toxin. Brita is activated charcoal but who know if it's the effective enough. I need to seriously work on a wastewater catch plan when I replace the currently defunct R/O system. ![]() ![]() |
I would have to say if Greece wants to boycott a country for screwing them economically, they need to boycott themselves.
I am more politically motivated by how a country treats it workers when I choose who to buy from and Germany is on my approved vendor list. |
Asteroid Confirmed
When people start talking about 'The End of The World'... especially predicting it, the thing I like to keep in mind is that you could be hit by a bus, or die of an orgasm induced coronary.(or get sucked up in the Bozo Mushroom Cloud of Doom
![]() Either way, that's the end of YOUR world. You should always be ready. ![]() |
Alien Life on Pluto?!?!?!?
Alright FINE-theres no evidence to suggest that... at the moment anyway. I was just suprised no one had started this thread already.
New Horizons flew within 8,000 miles yesterday and the images started coming in this morning!!!! Here is my attempt to post a link to NatGeo's website. Two fun facts: Pluto also varies in brightness. Smeared near the planet’s equator is an extremely bright, heart-shaped region the team is now informally calling Tombaugh Regio, after the man who discovered Pluto in 1930. Hugging that heart on either side are splotches that are about as dark as anything can get. Charon has an enigmatic dark pole that could be made of materials that escaped from Pluto. Team members are informally referring to that area as Mordor, Olkin said. It's been over a decade and I've forgotten everything I ever knew about formating things for posting in a forum. If anybody wants to rep;ost that link properly, I'd be much obliged. |
beautiful woman
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Fri 07/10/15 08:43 PM
Hello people...
His post reads "I am INTO OLDER WOMEN in their early 40's. He was not dissing the mature ladies but trying to pick one up. Yes, he is probably about as deep as a mud puddle in August, but let's not break out the pitchforks for something he didn't do. Let's save 'em for when he inevitably does screw up ![]() Admittedly his phrasing was a bit awkward, but I suspect it's an ESL thing |
Read my profile
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Fri 07/10/15 07:42 PM
![]() Hey, this is my 50th post! YAY! |
Rate Me!!
Your profile screams "I AM A SCAMMER" No, I will not explain why specifically. You can start by actually filling in more of the information and removing the contact info from your 'about me' section
Miscegenation laws use to be commonplace here in the US.
Most commonly that meant that it was against the law for a black person to marry a white person. But in many states, these laws also applied to Asians and Native Americans- meaning it was against the law for them to marry whites. The government never really gave a damn who the non-whites married so long as they didn't sully white people with their inferior blood. From 1913 to 1948 30 out of the then 48 state enforced miscegenation laws. And 16 state continued to enforce these laws up until the supreme court overturned them in 1967 And many good 'Christians' vehemently believed that it was sinful and against the will of God for the races to intermix. They could, and many still can, give you chapter and verse that supports this position. The Klu Klux Klan thumps their bible just as hard today as they did 50 years ago and 150 years ago. We may all be God's children but thou salt not have children together- know what I mean Verne? And you can bet your sweet cupcakes that many a good 'Christian' baker down south- or perhaps not so far- has refused prepare a wedding cake for a mixed race couple. And you can be certain they felt quite righteous doing so. If you want to run around calling yourself a 'Christian' then maybe you should adhere a little more closely to what to what Jesus had to say. AND the things he didn't think important enough to mention. One of the few prohibitions directly attributed to Christ was the one against judging your brothers and sisters. If it is your belief that homosexuality is a sin, then you should by all means avoid doing it, but it is not your place to judge someone else. And the refusal to make that cake is clearly a stone that came easily to hand. And if you simply can't suppress your need to enforce 'the will of Jesus Christ' perhaps it should be noted that in all his travels and with the multitudes of people he encountered, he had to have met a few homosexuals- they have always been there- and yet he never thought it was important enough to mention. He also made no mention of race mixing. On the other hand, he did explicitly speak against divorce. So as a 'Christian' if you want to refuse to make cakes for sinners, the people you should be turning away are all those heterosexuals on their 2nd 3rd and whatever marriages. I do want to add however that all the 'pain and suffering bushwa is well... bushwa. But examples have to be made because the people get very angry when you try to melt down their sacred cows. You gotta hose 'em down with that molten gold until they get with the program. P.S. I am a Christian- or at least I keep trying to be, and I am personally very very heterosexual, though sometimes I wish I could be a lesbian, I would have a lot more dates. |
Exhausted, and in pain...
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I was really happy to have gotten a full time job. The pay was not what I would like but it was 40hrs a week for 3 months. On the plus side, it was an interesting opportunity, and it would look good on a resume and in my portfolio.
Now I fear I may have been hired under false pretenses. I am a (usually self employed) Horticulture student. I already have much of the knowledge and skill, but I went back to school to get that paper to prove it. Job was supposedly to be the private landscaper for this small manufacturing company. They'd had a professional contract up until 5 years ago, but had to cut costs and have been using random employees to do the grounds work and it has slowly gone to hell. My job was to maintain the lawn areas and rehab the planting beds. Second day in they tell me, 'oh by the way, the out of town owner who just aquired the company a year and a half ago is coming for a visit next Wednesday so we need thngs to 'look' ship shape." and "Technically we're not supposed to hire a designated landscaper, so we'll have you work on the far side of the property that day, or maybe you can just take the day off..." ![]() Hiring a landscaping company to do the work I accomplished this past week would have cost them 3X my wages or more. Hell, even as a contract job I would have personally charged twice as much. I have quite literally worked through fresh blisters on every single one of my fingers (yes I wear gloves) I took 'before' pictures but even though I have achieved a great deal, it's not the kind of 'after' pictures that will do much to advance my career. ![]() Anybody want to start a pool as to which day they decide to let me go? ![]() |
the apology
What I hate is the 'Insult to Injury' apology.
![]() That's when an apology starts with, "I'm sorry that you..." I try not to screw prople over, but I do apologize frequently for little things. |
Smelling good
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Smelling good
I whole heartlessly agree! I think perfume or cologne should be subtle enough that you need to be at an intimate distance to smell it.
I also think that perfume makers should make scents such as: Creme Br�l�e, chocolate chip cookies, apple pie, and maybe even a subtle beef stew or chicken & dumplings. Guys find that kind of stuff more of a turn on than flowers. I'am actually serious about the dessert scents ![]() |
Physical Attributes.
I agree more with ciretorn and Goof. I think when people carry on about how personality is all and looks should be irrelevant, they have a very specific scenario in their head. The choice is between a total A-hole who is movie star hot, and Joe(Jane) Average with a heart of gold. The intelligent choice is clear.
But the world is not peopled with characters from central casting. There is no absolute inverse relationship between looks and personality. Let's say instead that your choice is between Joe quirky cute Average(see Goofball's profile for illustration) with a basically decent personality, and a steady job -vs- Jabba the Hutt's human analog who, it turns out, is the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet. The customers at the supermarket where he bags groceries think he's a riot. You try to tell me Jabba's your man, and you're a damn liar. Because if that were true, you wouldn't be here. Change your approach to dating. Pick out the least attractive man in any situation and start chatting him up, you'll find your prince charming in no time. |
what women want
If you have a jar of m&m's and the majority start being all green, it becomes easier to spot the green m&m's and avoid them. It would be easier to spot a red one among the green. A better analogy might be that the majority of aholes were the normal peanuts, and the good ones were the rotten peanut inside the layers of chocolate and candy coating. We cant see the peanut. We gots ta bite in... ta find out. Cant just say, oh look, a green one...those peanuts are all rotten... I was going to go on a rant, but this is such a perfect analogy ![]() Cheers! ![]() |
Are You an A Type?
Your not Type A, your OCD!
![]() Actually, I am right there with you about the spelling thing. This may well be an international site, and if your profile says your from a non-English speaking country, then sure, I'll be happy to cut you some slack. But if you're trying to pass yourself off as a local, spelling errors and awkward sentence structure says scammer to me. Personally I'm looking for someone who demonstrates a little more attention to detail- or as I like to call it, the 'Give-a-damn gene'. |
Rate my profile please
It's not bad overall; I'd believe your an actual human and that American English is your first language- no small feat I assure you.
But definitely yes, take more pictures. Remember, you can shoot 1,000 selfies and it doesn't cost a dime. (not in your car, not in your bathroom, and not lying down) Also, put something more interesting in your headline. |
Profile updates
It is a nice profile- has a little personality to it and the pic are good.
But no, it will have no effect on the scammers. I am proof positive that they do not even scroll past your pic |
Rate me?:)
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Sat 06/27/15 08:55 PM
Why is there no 'projectile vomiting' smiley?
![]() Interesting that Mingle let you sign up when you were 16 years old. ![]() |