FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 08:49 PM
Well since this is the "Rate my profile" forum... your profile is total Scammeriffic BS and has nothing to do with dating. Also if that is a picture of you at your stated age of 37... soooo not proof of how well your 'medicine' works

As to your actual post:
Even with the way HIV is ravaging sub-Saharan African- specifically your country of South Africa. The life expectancy is still much higher now than it was 50-60 years ago. Back then the expected life span was less than 40!!!!

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 08:30 PM
You have a scammer profile.
Fluffy empty words that say nothing. If you have a personality somewhere, go find it, shake out the wrinkles and make a profile out of it. And for heaven sake, pull out your phone and shoot selfies until you get something decent. What are you trying to say with the out of focus, 'I have Hitler hair and something in my eye' pic?

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 08:14 PM
Well, you just had another woman in her 40's visit your profile :wink:

Regardless that my search criteria is 42-52, the matches that Mingle throws me are all different ages. More than half are in their 20s & 30s. It could be you are popping up in their matches and they just click on the pic. Your age is very unclear in your main pic. You don't look 'old', but some guys in their early 40s read much younger than they are in their pics.

I notice you say they visit your profile, not that they are messaging you. Once they read your profile and see your other pics your youth becomes more apparent.
And as someone else mentioned, maybe they are checking to see if you are cougar friendly.
I get a fair number of messages from cougar hunters (or maybe I look like a sugar momma) so that paring must be pretty common on here. Weirdly the two best messages I have received on here have come from guys in their early 20's noway

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 06:41 PM
There probably isn't any good way to break up, but yeah, this one really sucks. Just make a clean cut so I can move on with my life.

Heck, send a bouquet of blue silk roses:
Some Roses are Red,
These Roses are Blue-
I'm sending you fake ones
To tell you we're through.

I'm sorry to hurt you,
We did have some fun.
But now I'm just grateful
You don't own a gun.

I'm sure as you read this
You wish I was toast.
At least I was honest,
And didn't give you the ghost. indifferent

Howzat Sassy?!?!? Right off the top of my head!! rofl

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 06:18 PM
Edited by FunconVenntional on Sat 06/27/15 06:19 PM
Oddly I get the impression that I see myself as more attractive than the world at large does.ohwell

Actually there's this weird thing that keeps happening lately. I'll be out- shopping, whatever, and I'll look at a guy- not trying to make meaningful eye contact or anything- just looking in his direction, and on a growing number of occasions they POINTEDLY LOOK AWAY! I mean turn their face away sharply and look at the floor!! Part of me feels bad for scaring them, but what exactly do they think I'm going to do there in the middle of Rite-Aid?
I'm on the verge of paying someone to follow me around to see what the heck I'm doing.
Come-on! I may not be hot, but I'm not that damn scary. In fact, any other time I apparently have a 'Ask me! I'm knowledgeable and helpful' sign over my head.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/27/15 02:32 PM
Edited by FunconVenntional on Sat 06/27/15 02:34 PM
I believe you'll find that "If she won't Skype- accuse her of hiding the fact that she's really a guy" is one of the several new chapters in 'The Updated Handbook for Passive-Aggressive Manipulation"

Several classic chapters are:
"Chapter 1-The Classic Defense -or- Gee, Can't You Take a Joke?"
"The Modern Art of Negging"
"It's really sad that your so bitter and untrusting."
"You're such a b!#ch- no wonder your husband cheated on you"
"How to tell whether she is a lesbian or just a tease"
"Hey, it's not my fault your fridged."

FunconVenntional's photo
Mon 06/22/15 05:54 PM
I wish Mingle could somehow use the actual physical location of the users computer as their 'location'. No 'create your own' locations.

Along the same line- Not far from me there is a very large metropolitan area. It is made up of several 'areas'. Each area has a name and in all but one, you use that name when sending a letter.
Interestingly when sending a letter to the most famous area, you use the name of the Metro, not the area name.

There are a couple towns in other states that are named after the famous area, but the populations of all those towns combined is still miniscule.

Mingle needs to delete every account that uses that as their location, whatever state it is combined with, and somehow block those computers from creating new accounts

FunconVenntional's photo
Mon 06/22/15 05:10 PM
The temperature he in New Jersey has been in the mid to upper 80sF that's around 30-31C with truly disgusting humidity. Today is less humid but tomorrow is more rain with a high of 95F(35C) sick

Everything (both the good and the bad)is growing out of control because it's pretending to be Hawaii up here with rain/hot sun/rain/hot sun/rain/hot sun.

What I want is a jack of all trades handy man who's about 6'3ish reasonably muscular, of primarily Germanic, Nordic, or Celtic descent.
Ideally he'll work in cutoffs and Timberlands and will frequently find it necessary to take his shirt off and/or hose himself down. drool Don't panic, I have plenty of sunscreen.

On top of all this he will be willing to work for a very low wage augmented by home cooked meals and... other fringe benefits. smitten

I'm thinking about running an add on Craig's List.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sun 06/21/15 10:28 PM

all I can say is... I hum this to myself a lot... I'm so pretty so pretty so pretty..
yes I am soo.. pretty...:smile:

Cuz you is so pretty... Yuz my pretty pretty princess.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sun 06/21/15 07:18 PM
Unfortunately the nature of the forum will not allow me to use the words I would like to express the utter disgust I feel for the person who started this thread.

Perhaps I should be nice and say something about how sorry I feel for you that you walk around with such a twisted view of women and perhaps yourself as well.
But whatever degree of self hatred you may feel, and whatever the cause behind it- trying to pass off this kind of petty female flavored bullying as 'EMPOWERMENT' is bull shite. This kind of behavior is exactly what has kept women subjugated for centuries.
Don't blame the men. It's women like you.

Ellie Golding's name was only vaguely familiar when I started reading the thread, and I was envisioning Adele with a little more hip and thigh.
I was willing to buy into the concept that confidence and flattering camera angles- along with some judicious air brushing- could elevate a frump to a vamp.
And sure, I've seen women in bikinis whose belly roll hid the entire front of the suit and exposed more than a hint of her vertical smile. I've thought to myself, 'just because you can, doesn't mean you should'.

Then a pic pops up and I'm thinking someone is posting what an appropriate bikini body should look like instead of this flabby, oatmeal thighed, wide load we're talking about.
But no, this athletic girl with Pilate abs is the one that should make those of us with less than perfect bodies feel better about ourselves?!?!?!?!?! I found a straight on pic of her in a bikini-SHE HAS A THIGH GAP. And no... she doesn't have the butt of a pre-adolescent boy, but why in hell would she WANT one.

I want to add that this is not a personal defense of Ms.Golding because I am a fan. In Googling her I realized the only song I know of hers is 'Love Me Like You Do', and unless the rest of her work is light years better, I'm not that impressed.

I could not care less if this is too much of a 'personal attack'. I'd rather be banned than let this kind of behavior get passed off as 'everyone has their own opinion'. If this is 'opinion' then so is racism.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sun 06/21/15 07:01 PM
Edited by FunconVenntional on Sun 06/21/15 07:18 PM

FunconVenntional's photo
Sun 06/21/15 05:53 PM
I need a personal assistant. Someone to make appointments and remind me of them. Handle correspondence, bills, etch.
Keep the kids on schedule - Don't get me wrong, they're very nice cooperative people, my chillins, but self starters they are not. And anymore I'm having trouble keeping myself organized much less being the hive brain.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sun 06/21/15 01:16 PM
All the time people accuse me of 'over thinking' things. And they say it like it's a BAD thing!!??!!grumble

The repercussions are far too painful to talk about. tears

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/20/15 11:51 PM
I think perhaps he is not the cunning linguist we girls were hoping for. tongue2

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/20/15 10:30 AM
On an unrelated note. I have the exact opposite opinion of the 'should have listens to my parents' thing.

My life would have been a lot happier if I had been secure enough to follow my dream. And the same is true for my EX and my best friend of 20 years. All three of us (and we grew up in 3 different states)were 'good kids' who had above average IQs but lacked parental support and/or understanding. Following our parents wished had a significant negative and long lasting impact on our lives.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/20/15 10:17 AM
Edited by FunconVenntional on Sat 06/20/15 10:17 AM
Go for the degree that you love enough to finish.
Any degree, no matter how impractical, is worth more than 120+ college credits and no degree to show for it.
It's far easier to tack on a second degree rather than play the transfer credit game. Plus unlike the credits, a diploma will never expire.

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/20/15 09:53 AM
Edited by FunconVenntional on Sat 06/20/15 09:58 AM
laugh drinker :banana: rofl :banana: drinker laugh

I gotta give SuzQ66 MAJOR PROPS for comedic timing! The zebra is a freaking' riot to begin with and exponentially funnier with the progressive release.smitten

I need to find a how to wiki on how to post in chat forums. It's been over a decade and I remember nothing. whoa

FunconVenntional's photo
Sat 06/20/15 09:31 AM
What I want is to have really REALLY spectacular sex before I die and preferably while I'm still young enough to enjoy it.
(if any women over 50 want to reassure me that menopause is not big wet blanket on the fires of passion, I'd settle for that at the moment)

FunconVenntional's photo
Fri 06/19/15 11:15 PM
I was reading this thread and noticed that a couple messages had come in while I'd been reading forums. I need to share this one with you... no names, I understand, but it is very on topic.

One variety of scam message is the 'Are you really single?' And sometimes they'll drop the same line a number of times. Occasionally I'll be in snarky mode and reply:
"Well actually, I'm one of a pair of conjoined twins. Will that be a problem for you?"
And 'his' reply was:
"That's good I would like to know u more so best to chat with u on messenger for more and faster conversation". huh

The guys on here are so open minded and accepting!!!frustrated

FunconVenntional's photo
Fri 06/19/15 10:51 PM
And didja notice how he kicked off his kinky chat session?

"Let's chat ladies". As in get to work b!tc&e$- Entertain me with sexy talk whilst I... type one handed. I'll throw in a "Yeah, baby" and maybe a "uuuunnnff" every now and then and we'll call it even.

Some things never change. Remember back like 15 years ago. You'd log into whatever kind of chat room and it was a constant stream of:
ASL?ASL? asl? ASL? ASL?ASL? asl? ASL? ASL? ASL? asl?asl?ASL?ASL?ASL?
Even thought that info was just a mouse click away in your profile.