All men are gay.
I'd drop the gay crap. If someone is gay, honestly I don't care, it is whatever floats their boat and if they wanna get married, again not bothered!
Now the fact that you are fired out of mans natural torpedo gun along with some 5 million other bullets into the enemies territory and to then become the only one to break into the enemies secret base, I think is pretty f*cking amazing. And then to be rewarded with a much greater strength than you were given by your previous owner and allowed to grow from a spec to a small sack of blood and organs and then be allowed to walk the earth and to learn the many things that humans have taken thousands of years to learn. I think we are all Gifts of Creation. |
Need Escorting To Freedom?
Edited by
Fri 07/17/15 03:55 PM
So my Ultimate Problem is that I have been a Virgin for far too long now and that it has slowly started to depress me and make me question why I am here and so on. However after finally deciding it might be worth just paying for a cure so I could move on and lose the angst I've built up about it, I decided to contact an Escort company.
After a few exchanges of emails and telling them my issues about losing it and the fact that I have mentally obsessed about it to the point whereby I effectively have genophobia or a fear of sex, they have assured me that all my worries will be discreetly and calmly resolved and that I would feel comfortable losing my burden. Although I now have a deep urge to book a hotel and book an escort for the night during my week off work coming up, I'm still not without doubts. My mind is thinking just get it over and done with and move on but my other mind thinks about the cost and what happens if the person on the other end of the emails simply built my hopes up and that the actual session becomes an ordeal or nightmare. I thought I'd allow other peoples view to shower down on this scenario and hear their thoughts to see if that helps my decision. |
Fallout 4
I'm replaying fallout 3 and addicted to fallout shelter on my iphone waiting for this game! Any women play fallout and just as eager? Really want fallout shelter but current phone isn't compatible. I'm resisting playing the other fallout games to prevent F4 from becoming too familiar. I hope by doing so will prolong how much I play the game for. Looking at the Trailer as soon as he meets the dog right at the end I would be diving in that diner place to get that damn armor. A little bit of cloth aint gonna save me from them Deathclaws and Super Mutants |
Fallout 4
There will be a deluxe edition complete with a Pip-boy that works with your phone. ![]() I was hoping they would release a version with a fully working G.E.C.K and allow you to tour a vault they have not yet built in real life. In fact I am pre-ordering the Codsworth Edition that comes with a fully functional Mister Handy!!!! Oh I can dream big LOL |
Thats a new one on me?
Anyone else had this?
I was in contact with someone on this site. I'd only exchange like 2 or 3 messages so I wasn't exactly getting my hopes but when I went to reply to message she had sent only a few hours ago, she had deactivated her account? Has this happened to anyone else. I'm not exactly bothered, I just thought it was weird. |
The functional question I have for you, is are you willing to pay to deal with the problem or not? The reason why the police officer told you that there's nothing that can be done about the stolen candy isn't because he or the legal system supports theft. It's because in order to be able to act against what you're complaining about, requires both more police, and more restrictive laws, many of which would limit your freedom as well. I completely sympathize with you, I don't want the people around me to be able to take advantage of the legal system to pull stunts either. But I realize that there's a real cost to taking action. Most modern store owners and managers have a specific category of regular expense called "shrinkage," which is loss of assets due to theft by both employees and customers, as well as losses due to cheating vendors, and so on. the store owners know that they COULD prevent all those losses, by installing tons of monitoring cameras, and hiring a round the clock contingent of video police, as well as a large number of appropriately armed store guards. However, they choose not to, for simple economic reasons. If you are willing to have your taxes jump in order to hire sufficient police to deal with these people, and you are willing to have additional laws passed to limit their freedom to act as they do, then you can work politically to get that done. Were this happening in my area, I might well sign your petitions. I just don't see what I am paying taxes for. I don't see anything for it. Nothing I want dealing with. Yeah it sorts the NHS out which I've not needed for well over 10 years. Can I get a refund on my tax please. The police have not helped me out ever, maybe behind the scenes with other crims doing other crimes but not me personally. The taxes may go to improve roads perhaps as I think about the giant pothole I have to swerve to avoid on the way to work everyday. The only time I saw a roads potholes being seen to was conveniently during an election campaign. Maybe if we had elections every week somethings might actually f*cking change. Its seems that I predominately pay taxes for the benefit cheats that come into my shop along with the gypsies and rob us blind. Welcome to the topsy turvy world we live in. Forget going to school, college and uni for a well paid job, just live off everyone elses taxes and steal anything you need. There is no point putting up pretend barriers of paying more tax etc when the thieving governments to distracted with lining their own pockets couldn't give two damn sh*ts with whats going on in the real world. The time to act is more than a decade ago and we are likely delaying the inevitable. This being more frequent rioting and revolting and perhaps an uprising. Life is unfair because those in charge are corrupt to the eyeballs and the hair follicles on top of their heads, heads full of crap that run amok in the house of commons in a unified effort to make britains politics look like a preschool war over who has the red crayon. |
Wasn't sure where this was best going.
So I am lay in bed with all the usual problems going on in my life when all of sudden a mass horde of gypsy cars and caravans have parked on the field behind where we live. Now I have never really been one to question gypsies or their lifestyles not until recently. They live in caravans so what but we have caravan parks. They are "travelers" but we have caravan parks. Basically my biggest problems with these louts are that they don't contribute to society but society has to provide them all the hospitality they desire all catered for by the tax payer. These gypsy scum turn up, don't pay tax on anything and they are in the field behind me engulfing the place in their faeces and litter. The worst part of these scum are what a group of them did last year. Whether they are the same group I can't tell. They would advertise their "local" company as landscapers. They would steal the materials to do the shoddy work, take the money from the innocent taxpayer and then the devastated tax payer has to ring my dad up to do the job properly. They pretend to be "travelers" and yet all they do is move from one town to another and back again. All in aid of stealing everything they wear and everything they eat, living in a tax free, care free way. Everywhere they go they must be shunned and hated. What has angered me a little more is that a group of 4 gypsy kids came into the shop that I work in and stole a load of sweets. Half an hour later a policeman came in and I mentioned it to him and he was just like "yeah theirs nothing you can do about it". Makes me feel much safer to know that gypsies can just do as they f*cking please. Why can't the government give those who are meant to protect us and makes us feel safe the powers to cease the individuals who are pretending to be "travelers", have them interrogated and so on (for no real reason) and then just castrate the males and in a few decades the problem will automatically be resolved. I have been very temporarily convinced that not all travelers are bad and that some are actually travelers and abide by the law. I do however believe that the law needs to be changed to be heavily biased in the tax payers favor and not the vermin Thanks for reading my rant. Feel free to publish your own opinions and experiences. I just feel like going out their with a flame thrower and brightening up my day but since I have a fear of fire that won't be happening anytime soon. Maybe I could infect them with a disease or grenade them perhaps... |
People are reactionary. They have paradigms and they stick to them as long as they don't have a personal experience of something they don't believe in. And I am not trying to make you believe that there is something in some children that makes them talk about unknown and unlearned things. If you think its not reincarnation, then you should give another explanation. My only potential theory would be the fact that I have heard that even as a developing unborn child, they are still learning, hearing and such and somewhere along the way they get these "flashbacks" of things that could have actually been something off a program that was being watched whilst in the womb. Sounds completely made up but its the closest thing I have to someone being born with premature knowing of things. If you are serious to learn unexplained phenomena of nature, you have to keep your minds open to accept information. Later, you can decide if it had any truth in it. There are numerous books and websites on reincarnation including videos of real time investigations by BBC. If you think these are all made up for money, I rest my case. I assume most things are money motivated or publicity motivated (for money). What I will agree is that I am "reactionary" and have "paradigms" that I stick too. Dunno what you mean by these words and today I just can't be bothered to ask google lol How will you explain the facts that children say to their parents about another city or state and take names of family members in their previous lives? Many of these have been verified and found to be true. If you are interested, you may read a book written by Dr. Ian Stevenson - Twenty Cases Suggestive of Reincarnation. If this book creates some interest in you on the subject, you can follow it up with his other books. As I have said earlier, Dr. Ian Stevenson has selected 20 cases out of some 2500 cases he has investigated on children. These 20 cases have been thoroughly investigated against fowl play or money interest by children's families. The book was published with peer reviews. Sadly I just can't be bothered to investigate myself. I just hope your right and I'm wrong |
How's Everybody Doing?
People are reactionary. They have paradigms and they stick to them as long as they don't have a personal experience of something they don't believe in. And I am not trying to make you believe that there is something in some children that makes them talk about unknown and unlearned things. If you think its not reincarnation, then you should give another explanation. My only potential theory would be the fact that I have heard that even as a developing unborn child, they are still learning, hearing and such and somewhere along the way they get these "flashbacks" of things that could have actually been something off a program that was being watched whilst in the womb. Sounds completely made up but its the closest thing I have to someone being born with premature knowing of things. If you are serious to learn unexplained phenomena of nature, you have to keep your minds open to accept information. Later, you can decide if it had any truth in it. There are numerous books and websites on reincarnation including videos of real time investigations by BBC. If you think these are all made up for money, I rest my case. I assume most things are money motivated or publicity motivated (for money). What I will agree is that I am "reactionary" and have "paradigms" that I stick too. Dunno what you mean by these words and today I just can't be bothered to ask google lol |
whats for tea?
I understand some things and I don't understand many things but I generally don't believe in anything without evidence or reason. Also, I am not religious and do not pray. Probably, the only difference is, I have witnessed some happenings in my life that have compelled me to shed my impregnable armor of skepticism and open my mind to understand things that are beyond the purview of science. This world needs to work on them to bring them into the domain of science. As far as reincarnation is concerned, this is not a belief prevailing only in India or oriental countries. Pythagoras was a firm believer of reincarnation as he experienced it in his life. If you google BBC programs on reincarnation, you will watch on Youtube a number of BBC shows where researchers actually are shown talking to children giving proof of their previous lives. It seems to have started in India and spread throughout gradually. Pythagoras or Jesus I don't care, back then we were a less intelligent species so more likely to fall for stories of Noah and the whale more likely to assume things and try to put 2 and 2 together as opposed to the might of study and experimentation of today that yields answers. I did not watch programs or read stories to "open my mind" because watching and listening other peoples convincing lies are too easy, testing things for yourself is the only true way to believe. Just because Steven Hawking publishes in tomorrows papers that he has a theory of reincarnation it will only remain a theory until we can put it to test and achieve results near 100% of the time. It makes more sense to live life like its your last than abuse the one you have because some 80 year old tells you he thinks that there is the slimmest of chances that you might yet roam the earth for a second or millionth time. I would like to take this opportunity to ask if you could be reincarnated into ANY other animal besides human what would it be? Researchers have not come across a case by which compelling evidence could point out reincarnation into an animal or vice versa. So, I really do not know if I could be reincarnated into an animal. Some children remember their previous birth and as soon as they start talking they talk about it. Gradually, they forget and get on with the present life. Look up one of the classic case in the US where a child knew everything about an aircraft and always wanted to play with toy planes. He also said he was bombed by the Japs in 2nd world war. He could say the type of plane he used to fly at the age of 5. Now, I don't blindly believe such things but I have read books on reincarnation that forced me to keep my mind open for it. Maybe or may not be. Tell me, we have not seen The Big Bang, nor quarks, nor dark matter or dark energy, nor black holes etc. but we don't set them aside as crap. Maybe some day someone will provide evidence that dark matter actually exists or time travel is actually possible through a worm hole !! Keeping an open eye doesn't mean that we are not living our lives fully. I practice homeopathy but I don't know how it works...but it works for sure, I can bet my life on it. Similarly, astrology works as I know how to read a horoscope...I don't know how planets affect our thoughts but they really do...I can bet my life on it. I have seen terrible things happening in my life that an astrologer had predicted many years back. One thing I have learnt from my life till now is that we are not so smart as we think. This universe is far more subtle than the smallest particle of matter scientists have found out till now. Whether you can or not we can't prove but still what animal would you be. I agree with you on the black holes etc as they are only theories and until proven remain usable entertainment blocks for films, books and games. Still not sure where you get your "evidence" from about the kid mad on planes. There is a young kid that comes into my shop who is crazy about hoovers but I don't think he worked at dyson in his "past life". I believe in keeping an open mind but won't change my opinion of a whisper of a hope. Dunno about the stuff with horoscopes, they never work for me. Heres todays horoscope for me: Time for a transition? Today, the quarter moon in your twelfth house of closure could find you ready to let something go. Maybe you had a few epiphanies over the past week, and you've been able to look at things from a wide-angle view. Perhaps you've finally embraced the truth of a situation, and you've been letting that settle in. Now, it's time to process the heavier emotions that may have come with that. If you had a creative breakthrough, use the day to clear space in your life and schedule to take your next big leap. Ooook whatever that is meant to imply. Nothing about playing on my Xbox, going into town to get a haircut and chatting online. Perhaps knowing what had been "predicted" caused yours to happen? But as for these horoscopes its just mumbo jumbo. Todays horoscope can't surely be accurate for 100% of the worlds population let alone 2%. For some people, today they will die, today they will be reincarnated or today they will sleep in bed all day and do nothing. |
Still Doing This?
some one for everyone
I'm in a similar boat. Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, Don't Do Drugs. In fact I don't do anything my peers do except for work. Difference being I work my arse off because I don't drink, I turn up to work, unlike some and when I do work I take 15minutes break instead of my 90minutes break entitlement which means technically I lose out on money because I am working for free for the rest of it. I put in as much effort as possible to make work easier for everyone and not a single customer (that I like) that comes in the shop sees it. They don't think he works hard and earns money as opposed to get bladdered and piss money up the wall. I am not hard like everyone else wants to be. I don't need to beat someone up, not when I could just pay someone else to do it. People always told me that birds want money and cars. I have both those things and yet nothing. People say I need to go through my wardrobe in order to pull but If I feel like I've made an effort and then fail to succeed on a night out or multiple nights out then this dents my confidence more than If I had gone out and not tried to impress. It is obvious to me that birds want people whos qualities are along the lines of: Can Throw A Brick Through Someones Window, Wears Chavy Clothes, Has No Money, The Car He Has Is A Banger And Makes Lots Of Pointless Noise, My BF Is A Wife Beater (Major Turn On), He Has The IQ Of A Cashew Nut, He Never Listens To Me and much much more. Then all I hear is why are men all the same, because that full fat coke you always drink, how about trying diet coke. It seems to me that women are more attracted to the lowlifes of society because they are capable of protecting their woman as well as beating them up. What they don't think is that the clever one who is a bit shy in the corner might actually have the brains to get the money to never need to worry about survival or protection. I know that I'd rather a good house with CCTV, a hired lookout and sentry turrets over some retard with an ounce of muscle on each bicep. Anyway thank you for listening to my wonderful rant but when something has got you down for way over 11 years but not quite 12 then you find more extravagant ways of getting the whole story across. Use paragraphs. Paragraphs are your friends. ![]() I Am Sorry I Will Try To Use Paragraphs Next Time LOLs |
I understand some things and I don't understand many things but I generally don't believe in anything without evidence or reason. Also, I am not religious and do not pray. Probably, the only difference is, I have witnessed some happenings in my life that have compelled me to shed my impregnable armor of skepticism and open my mind to understand things that are beyond the purview of science. This world needs to work on them to bring them into the domain of science. As far as reincarnation is concerned, this is not a belief prevailing only in India or oriental countries. Pythagoras was a firm believer of reincarnation as he experienced it in his life. If you google BBC programs on reincarnation, you will watch on Youtube a number of BBC shows where researchers actually are shown talking to children giving proof of their previous lives. It seems to have started in India and spread throughout gradually. Pythagoras or Jesus I don't care, back then we were a less intelligent species so more likely to fall for stories of Noah and the whale more likely to assume things and try to put 2 and 2 together as opposed to the might of study and experimentation of today that yields answers. I did not watch programs or read stories to "open my mind" because watching and listening other peoples convincing lies are too easy, testing things for yourself is the only true way to believe. Just because Steven Hawking publishes in tomorrows papers that he has a theory of reincarnation it will only remain a theory until we can put it to test and achieve results near 100% of the time. It makes more sense to live life like its your last than abuse the one you have because some 80 year old tells you he thinks that there is the slimmest of chances that you might yet roam the earth for a second or millionth time. I would like to take this opportunity to ask if you could be reincarnated into ANY other animal besides human what would it be? |
Nothing it's only 8am better think of getting out of bed Only 8am? Golly I had my breakfast at around 4.35am but that is not the last thing I ate, It was Sunday Roast :) |
some one for everyone
There is one special for every person Bull. Not when you're someone like me who doesn't drink beer or whatever else, doesn't party, and doesn't dress appropriate (whatever that's suppose to mean) for summer weather. So.... I highly doubt that very much. There are other kinds of clothes I kinda do like for their roominess and carefree movement that I suppose to be summer like clothing. They are thin, much thinner than what I normally wear. But those kind of clothes don't feel masculine. And they can be quite fluid in breezy conditions too which I'm not too keen on. If I had a gal who could wear something similar, maybe I would too. But.... that will NEVER happen, so I am not at all worried about ever wearing stuff like that any time soon. I'm in a similar boat. Don't Drink, Don't Smoke, Don't Do Drugs. In fact I don't do anything my peers do except for work. Difference being I work my arse off because I don't drink, I turn up to work, unlike some and when I do work I take 15minutes break instead of my 90minutes break entitlement which means technically I lose out on money because I am working for free for the rest of it. I put in as much effort as possible to make work easier for everyone and not a single customer (that I like) that comes in the shop sees it. They don't think he works hard and earns money as opposed to get bladdered and piss money up the wall. I am not hard like everyone else wants to be. I don't need to beat someone up, not when I could just pay someone else to do it. People always told me that birds want money and cars. I have both those things and yet nothing. People say I need to go through my wardrobe in order to pull but If I feel like I've made an effort and then fail to succeed on a night out or multiple nights out then this dents my confidence more than If I had gone out and not tried to impress. It is obvious to me that birds want people whos qualities are along the lines of: Can Throw A Brick Through Someones Window, Wears Chavy Clothes, Has No Money, The Car He Has Is A Banger And Makes Lots Of Pointless Noise, My BF Is A Wife Beater (Major Turn On), He Has The IQ Of A Cashew Nut, He Never Listens To Me and much much more. Then all I hear is why are men all the same, because that full fat coke you always drink, how about trying diet coke. It seems to me that women are more attracted to the lowlifes of society because they are capable of protecting their woman as well as beating them up. What they don't think is that the clever one who is a bit shy in the corner might actually have the brains to get the money to never need to worry about survival or protection. I know that I'd rather a good house with CCTV, a hired lookout and sentry turrets over some retard with an ounce of muscle on each bicep. Anyway thank you for listening to my wonderful rant but when something has got you down for way over 11 years but not quite 12 then you find more extravagant ways of getting the whole story across. |
Awesome, Great STORY! I was hoping you actually had proof though and not stories. I actually remember that I was reincarnated. My old name was Dusnt Giv Ashit and I died building the Taj Mahal. I remember it so well, details right down to the colour of the buttons on the workmans shirts. I know every inch of their faces as swords ripped their heads from their shoulders from an invading army but we did not worry for we were going to be reincarnated into that army because if you can't beat them, join them. Anyway I thought I'd have a quick look at what Wiki says about Reincarnation and I find it fascinating that it is primarily an Indian Belief and that the story you used was about someone who died in India and was reincarnated in India. Coincidence? Also it is mentioned that in order to achieve reincarnation you require good karma, if I am not mistaken this just sounds like a religious form of control: Be Good and be born again, Be Bad and were going to have to spend time, effort and money to do something about it which we can't be bothered with. Sounds about right So a child is born and they had a past life, but a child is born that didn't have a past life. So that one that didn't have a past life, where did their "soul" come from. Surely you can't create a soul but then where did the first soul come from? Surely everyone has been reincarnated again but people keep breeding so we need more to die so more can live or we just create more souless bodies that will eventually become a soul until they die and come back as jesus. Or like the story someone had decided that they could do with more attention being paid to the topic of reincarnation and came up with a fanatical story to get everyone to worship the afterlife. So lets all commit suicide simultaneously and see if anyone will somehow emerge from the human-less world to say I was reincarnated. So I am guessing by the topic of reincarnation that to some degree some of us were long long ago neanderthals that evolved over and over again until we became civilized misguided fools? Sorry but I do like playing Devils Advocate because in truth I would want Reincarnation to occur but I just don't see how it would actually work. So you die and the thoughts locked inside your skull seep out into the ground and are carried by worms that are then eaten by birds and then the birds are on the kitchen table of a pregnant woman. Thus the memory lived on through other animals until it gets to a soon to be newborn? Even that, that I just made up just wouldn't work. If I can work out how it will work fundamentally, I will not believe it, nor stories about it. Do you believe in ghosts? The amount of films and documentaries about ghosts is enough to make anyone believe but if I was to time warp 500 years ago and mention that I had seen a ghost people would be like "what the **** is he on". i'm not sure what anyone would consider proof of this, but it is hard to explain how a 5 year old kid can describe places and people they've never met or seen... So one supposed actual event that only has written proof (reminds me of the bible) of its existence is more believable than the fact this is one occasion and supposedly everyone is reincarnated so why has this happened like never and why did it happen in India (the place where reincarnation was invented and their belief rates are the highest in the world) Doesn't Take A Genius to figure that out. Look up and try to read all case studies of reincarnation documented by researchers. Dr. Ian Stevenson, a Christian by birth and a non-believer in reincarnation, did 40 years of research and brought out 2500 cases where plausible evidence has been gathered on reincarnation. I will not believe anything to do with reincarnation that is media driven. I could create an accessible website of lies and hope, I want actual fundamentals of how it is possible. I flick a switch at home and the light comes on and I can understand how and why. Someone dies in New Zealand and then Reincarnated in Iceland is possible how? Besides If he was making money doing it he might have wanted to invent some of the research to guarantee a reward for his "effort". We can't understand everything as our brains are limited. You said you understand that light glows when you switch on...I bet you don't understand the nature of electrons that cause the energy to travel to the other side of the world in a second or the dual nature of quantum particles or how to measure their position and momentum at the same time...or the role of observer in quantum mechanics. But still they work. As I said, we may think we are smart, but we still have a long way to go to understand this universe. I told you, you still have a very long way to go. There is a lot I don't know but I don't need every single brain cell in the world to realize the obvious. You may or may not know the stuff about quantum mechanics etc but all I truly know is that the direction for the human race needs to move forward and not remain on the stalled line we so seemingly cling to because its nice and cosy. Thankfully there are a limited few people pulling us in the right direction. War and chaos is all I hear about and its all were wasting our time with all because a group of morons think suicide bombing is a fast ticket to paradise. I may have a long way to go but I am blessed with my mind and bodies restrictions. All I know is that if everyone was to shape the planet in their way then we would need 7billion+ different planets. Its about time we dropped religious idle chatter and actually did something beneficial that aids and improves the human race. We a far too selfish a species and to consider us "Civilised" is an absolute sham. There shouldn't be a world with a single poverished person whilst some ultra billionnaire is skinny dipping in his own private lake. The world needs much more balance yet and governments are only looking after themselves. The Illusion of control has us all living lives of hope that will drag on and on until eventually there is a breaking point and an uprising occurs. The more the government cut policing and army the more likely an uprising will succeed. I have cast some opinions of mine, nothing I have said is actually going to happen it is just how I see this biased world. We should be putting more effort into colonising other planets but America spends about 2500%** more money on their army than they do on space travel. **Thats a guess? |
Just found out that Reincarnations fundamentals are quite simple: God LMFAO. That just about proves my point but what do you get when trying to help Blind people See. Should have been Dumb as well as Blind but technically they are just not Dumb of the Mouth
Edited by
Sat 07/04/15 10:59 AM
Awesome, Great STORY! I was hoping you actually had proof though and not stories. I actually remember that I was reincarnated. My old name was Dusnt Giv Ashit and I died building the Taj Mahal. I remember it so well, details right down to the colour of the buttons on the workmans shirts. I know every inch of their faces as swords ripped their heads from their shoulders from an invading army but we did not worry for we were going to be reincarnated into that army because if you can't beat them, join them. Anyway I thought I'd have a quick look at what Wiki says about Reincarnation and I find it fascinating that it is primarily an Indian Belief and that the story you used was about someone who died in India and was reincarnated in India. Coincidence? Also it is mentioned that in order to achieve reincarnation you require good karma, if I am not mistaken this just sounds like a religious form of control: Be Good and be born again, Be Bad and were going to have to spend time, effort and money to do something about it which we can't be bothered with. Sounds about right So a child is born and they had a past life, but a child is born that didn't have a past life. So that one that didn't have a past life, where did their "soul" come from. Surely you can't create a soul but then where did the first soul come from? Surely everyone has been reincarnated again but people keep breeding so we need more to die so more can live or we just create more souless bodies that will eventually become a soul until they die and come back as jesus. Or like the story someone had decided that they could do with more attention being paid to the topic of reincarnation and came up with a fanatical story to get everyone to worship the afterlife. So lets all commit suicide simultaneously and see if anyone will somehow emerge from the human-less world to say I was reincarnated. So I am guessing by the topic of reincarnation that to some degree some of us were long long ago neanderthals that evolved over and over again until we became civilized misguided fools? Sorry but I do like playing Devils Advocate because in truth I would want Reincarnation to occur but I just don't see how it would actually work. So you die and the thoughts locked inside your skull seep out into the ground and are carried by worms that are then eaten by birds and then the birds are on the kitchen table of a pregnant woman. Thus the memory lived on through other animals until it gets to a soon to be newborn? Even that, that I just made up just wouldn't work. If I can work out how it will work fundamentally, I will not believe it, nor stories about it. Do you believe in ghosts? The amount of films and documentaries about ghosts is enough to make anyone believe but if I was to time warp 500 years ago and mention that I had seen a ghost people would be like "what the **** is he on". i'm not sure what anyone would consider proof of this, but it is hard to explain how a 5 year old kid can describe places and people they've never met or seen... So one supposed actual event that only has written proof (reminds me of the bible) of its existence is more believable than the fact this is one occasion and supposedly everyone is reincarnated so why has this happened like never and why did it happen in India (the place where reincarnation was invented and their belief rates are the highest in the world) Doesn't Take A Genius to figure that out. it's always good to be skeptical, but as a scientific standpoint, it's really just as you say, mostly hearsay evidence and mysteries that cannot be explained by science at our currant level of understanding... same as ghosts, demons, gods and devils... Yea isn't it funny how God is like Good and Devil is like Evil if you barely play with the letters. Ghosts I've never believed in and I watched an influential documentary by Derrin Brown: Ghost Hunter. There is only one Demon, ourselves who provide and are provided with our own set of restrictions of body and mind |