The Truth Behind Love?
This is a simple topic where people post their views about love and what it truly is. Everyone has different understandings of many things and interpretate in which ever way they see is right.
My view on "love" is that it is not real. I believe that love is a word created to hide the fact that really it is just a motive. Whether it is a motive for sex, breeding, belonging, security, financial stability and so on. I do believe however that the joining of 2 peoples motives can also depend on certain other factors such as how attractive the other person may be and any additional motives such as rich, famous etc. The reason I put belonging is because of relationships that you hear about lasting 50+ years. This I can only assume is an evolution of motives and therefore as you age with the partner your with, both your motives and eventually just being in each others company is all the you really want in the end thus staying together forever more. I would like to hear other peoples opinions of love and all its mystery and maybe we can collectively solve the puzzle surrounding love. |
I'm not one for being a stick in the mud, however I don't think I believe in Reincarnation. I do like the idea and would love it to be true but I just don't see how it would fundamentally work. With most things, whether technical or mental problems, they have solutions. I can tend able to figure things out with ease and work out how things work, However the more complex something is the more difficult it would be to explain and understand and I think this falls into that category. I think the Idea of Reincarnation is Simple but how it is theorised to work fundamentally on a step by step basis would be far too complex to explain and therefore far too complex to be possible. How is it that my conscious eventually leaves my current body upon death and re-enters a developing body somewhere else in the world. I would like it to be the case that upon death you could choose what you want to be reincarnated into but then theres the otherside of random. It could be that your one of those things that lives for just one day then pick again or you could be a tortoise for 200 years and who's to say you wouldn't be born a tree for 80,000 years? I just don't see how it would work but would love it to be the case. Maybe you get reincarnated into another civilised race, deep into to space or a long time ago in a galaxy far far away I am reincarnated into a Jedi Chicken
"i'm single" do i look ugly?
I've got 4 years on you and have exactly the same problems, but someone mentioned it before. Body Dismorphic Disorder. I am not happy in my own skin, I am not confident around the ladies and everything I do to protect myself from heartache also hinders my chances of "love". I'm like you in the respect that people say "good looking lad" but that isn't enough. Women need some manly man to sweep them off their feets. Its like going for a job interview. The nervous ones or the ones that don't turn up are less likely to succeed than the confident ones. Depends on how you've built your CV. If I am totally honest, I should be heeding my own advice, however I know how hard it is to put into practice and just change your ways overnight. I can't find a magic bag of confidence anywhere.
Hey, Your here assumedly because you live near the Macclesfield Area. If so, why not send us a message :)
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Sat 06/13/15 01:09 PM
I've always heard about Karma and although I don't know of its Origins I believe that it was a mental concoction created by people like the police/government to aid in making someones own mind play tricks on them whenever they've done bad things to confess to crimes etc. Only reason I thought this was because I remember hearing a story of some guy in coventry who had stabbed 4 people and got away with it. There was no evidence and it was a open case for over 10 years when the guy randomly walked into the police and confessed to stabbing 4 people 10 years ago and i'm guessing this idea of karma played on his mind until he did so. Bad things happen because you make bad choices it is that simple. Is Karma Real? Answer = Jimmy Saville. The only reason I say this is because I know quite a few people who in my opinion aren't worth urinating on when their on fire but when it comes to love, they have the fittest birds, when it comes to luck in games like poker or gambling, they always win. When they jump into a bath of manure they smell like Roses. Life is more a case of who you know and a little bit of what you know. Its also a case of knowing your boundaries and knowing how far you can extend them before someone will catch on. Things only happen because people make them happen. If Karma worked then all bad things would have stopped, technically speaking. Such as the depth that the drugs organisations have gone into. If Karma worked it would've been quashed at first light. Karma is a simple invention to get the mind to play against itself.
Bible Bashers
I am glad people are starting to think out side the box that is religion. Religion tries to get people to think a certain way, and believe in all that they say, no matter which religion it is. When people think for themselves and explore life without someone dictating how they should, they learn the truth. See I was "made" Christian by my parents. Mother believes in God and my Dad doesn't get time to think so I don't think he cares. When I was around 18 I started investing some thought into certain aspects and Noahs Ark was one big flaw. Another I noticed was the easy play on words for Devil - Evil and God - Good. After the few flaws I noticed and also by being a huge Pokemon Fan (a game based on Evolution) I chose to change my beliefs. Life started making more sense as to why we eat, why we can see, why we breathe etc and by looking at other species you can understand why they have adapted certain features. To a degree it makes more sense out of War, although now its more because we can rather than because we need to. This Bible basher tried to undermine my thinking to do with the big bang, however although I can't say I believe that it occurred or it didn't. Unlike Religion, The Big Bang will remain a Theory until otherwise Proven! |
OP everyone on dating sites not have Bipolar or illnesses ... speaking for others lol dating online is a hit or miss I have dated a few men of the sites ... but we did not make a connection or did not feel compatible with them ... I don't remember trashing them like you just did ... that says a lot about your immaturity right there ... I have know people who have married people they found on line and a few in this site have relationships with one another ... I know patience is a virtue. but sometimes that's what it takes to find the special someone for yourself ... good luck with that ... Well I needed to paint a pretty enough picture for peoples input and ideas but if that classes me as immature then so be it. I do like how people are commenting on my typing finger but when you've spent 4 years at college writing several thousand word essays and leaving it to the last day to do the last 50% you couldn't be bothered to do then you needed to be good at filling in the pages with content. I could type for ever more but I'm guessing people are finding it laboring to read lol. Besides whats this OP I keep seeing? |
Bible Bashers
I had one of these at the door today to try to sign me up to their monthly magazine. He was trying to dictate to me that Science - although its useful cannot resolve crime, poverty and happiness. So I said what Religion can? and he didn't have a comeback to it. I told him that in time with the way technology and science is going that the issues with crime, poverty and happiness will surely improve.
My biggest gripe was that he said about the big bang and how the theory behind it is illogical. I said but that's just a theory, with science you need to be patient enough for us to prove it. I told him that really as far as religion goes, ultimately I believe in going to work, doing a hard days graft and then coming home to relax to do it all again tomorrow. Work is my sanctuary and money is my god. What I was pleased about was his inability to answer my ultimate question to any bible basher. How did Noah build a wooden vessel large enough to house 2 of every animal? Knowing that we still don't know every single species of animal on the planet and knowing that with todays technology it is still impossible currently to have 2 of every animal in a zoo let along on a wooden plank during a 40 day and night storm in the middle of the ocean without any of the species of animals killing each other due to hunger or instinct. But also the story then overshadows adam and eve as surely, technically noah and his fiance become the new adam and eve? I haven't seen anyones post within this section of the community but wondered what people thought of todays Bible Bashing episode. I mean to have to go door to door to try to convert people is totally lame. He was asking me to "turn to god (or the bible bashers) for answers to any questions I might have. I told him I can get Google on my PC, Mobile and Tablet. |
You started this thread by saying something about the women having issues but now you're saying that you're messed up yourself because you were bullied at school. The thing is, you will tend to attract certain types of people if you talk about your problems. For one thing, people with problems themselves will probably be more sympathetic towards you and will expect you to be understanding and tolerant with them. They can also use it as a reason for dumping you or refusing to get seriously involved. It's a tricky one because it seems to me that having a girlfriend that you could confide in could help you more than professional therapy but someone that you're romantically involved with may well use things that you tell them about yourself against you. That may not be an entirely bad thing, although it might seem abusive. When I met a woman several years ago I was insecure about certain things like going out in public and that led to constant arguments and complaints from her. The woman may have been virtually impossible to please but I think that I needed a boot up the arse at the time and I did take on board a lot of what she said about how I could be better as a boyfriend and tried not to make the same mistakes with other women. Dating can be a learning experience like that. Nobodys Perfect. We all have our own issues and if we don't then other people will find issues with you. In my case I found the three people I've ever met through online dating to be a little odd. #1 just ignored me after we met but to be fair to her thats what I did to #3 after we met but I would of thought for different reasons. #2 seemed the start of something but when she started acting the age of the kids she teaches at pre-school I thought actually I've changed my mind. Back to me now and my issues are in my opinion huge but to others tiny. I have likely thought to much about them and blown them out of proportion but no amount of thoughts can undo this process for me. I have been keeping my mind distracted for the last few years by playing on a childhood favourite game. I know the one single thing that would allow me to say "I don't think I have any more issues" but based on how the autobiography is going, that's not going to happen anytime soon or anytime ever. I believe my problems stem from the cause of the bullying, something that happened to me when I was around 7 years old. I was told that I was "different" which led me to believe that I was and so I started to exclude myself from social groups at school thus leading to being bullied. Although I know my own problems inside out, there is nothing I can do about it. |
Sadly my psychology is a big ball of mess and there are too many needles in the haystack to waste the time picking them out one by one. I have way too much useless counseling to know that I need more than help. Therapy will only help if you chose to have it help.. That I do know for a fact. Counseling is useless when either the therapist and or the client refuses to work on said issues. If I had a therapist that wasn't working out I would fire them and find one that does work with my personality. To be fair she was chipping away at a few minor issues trying to lead upto the main issue. I laid every single one of my cards on the table and trust me, I have a lot of decks of cards. We managed to make challenges and tasks for me to complete and I was doing well but then eventually all the weeks would be the same. I had handled the easy stuff with ease but it was as if she didn't know how to progress me from there and so we were going over the same things every time and it was a waste of time. Then I missed an appointment because of work and they took me off the list that I had waited over 12 months for. So we pulled a few needles out of the haystack. Didn't change anything. no one here can give sound advise without hearing the other 3 stories, which I think would differ greatly from your. Of course it would differ for they were entangled with me in such a brief moment of time and will have led much different lives from my own thus any of our opinions on the same issue would likely be different. Such as religion, does everybody hold the same opinion when it comes to religion. No. Therefore each and every persons opinions are going to be situationally different. I have cascaded to people the events that occurred as I remember them through what I saw, what I felt and what I thought based on my situation and of course they too would have a side to their story of which I too would like to hear. My guess of the opinions of those three would be along the lines of #1 "yea he was too boring, timid and shy and i wasn't going to waste my time with him" #2 "he was always full of excuses and when i did see him, he had nothing to say. #3 "Well I asked him what did he want to do but he said he didn't know. He was too shy to hug me back then ignored me and blocked me on the website. This really hurt my feelings". But that is just a guess. It is impossible to know how someone else thinks and feels if it is someone you have met just once or twice. |
Sadly my psychology is a big ball of mess and there are too many needles in the haystack to waste the time picking them out one by one. I have way too much useless counseling to know that I need more than help. Therapy will only help if you chose to have it help.. That I do know for a fact. Counseling is useless when either the therapist and or the client refuses to work on said issues. If I had a therapist that wasn't working out I would fire them and find one that does work with my personality. To be fair she was chipping away at a few minor issues trying to lead upto the main issue. I laid every single one of my cards on the table and trust me, I have a lot of decks of cards. We managed to make challenges and tasks for me to complete and I was doing well but then eventually all the weeks would be the same. I had handled the easy stuff with ease but it was as if she didn't know how to progress me from there and so we were going over the same things every time and it was a waste of time. Then I missed an appointment because of work and they took me off the list that I had waited over 12 months for. So we pulled a few needles out of the haystack. Didn't change anything. |
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Sat 06/06/15 05:34 PM
Well Its difficult when you don't have the confidence to speak to people in public that you like, hence trying online. Then consider this a trail run... Build your confidence in being who you are and how you will be in public. I myself have always believed what a person sees of me is what they are going to get in person. Way to hard not to be anything else. Sadly my psychology is a big ball of mess and there are too many needles in the haystack to waste the time picking them out one by one. I have way too much useless counseling to know that I need more than help. |
I have to wonder by some of the other posts you have posted maybe your "picker" is the one that is broken..Since you are the one that chose to date these ladies.. Maybe you need to take some time and figure out what you are really wanting and then look for that person instead of doing a shotgun style of dating... Just my opinion Well Its difficult when you don't have the confidence to speak to people in public that you like, hence trying online. However the first girl didn't seem to bad but when she stopped replying to my texts and msn messages I gave up on her. The second one I thought was on the track to perfect but then during new years eve she showed that deep down she was just immature by gloating and laughing AT her mates to somehow make herself look better. The third seem capable of stringing sentences together and so I went along with it until I met her and wished I had puked all over her. |
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Sat 06/06/15 04:36 PM
They are simply offered the illusion of choice, hope, and potential success, when it's no different than just hanging out at a grocery store. Haha Lol I currently work in a convenience store and have done for nearly 3 years. Worked in many other stores too totaling 11 years. Anyway I do like your take on what things I've said. I like to see other peoples angles and opinions. however on 3 occasions I met up with people.
There is nothing to say why you met these people. For all I know on some level you wanted to prove that online dating didn't work. Back then I would message them on the dating website and then end up on MSN. In each case I had their numbers so exchanged texts, msn messages and messages through the website for several days or weeks before meeting in person. Back then I was looking for a serious relationship and was getting my hopes up and then dashed. Or you were in school and only really wanted a diversion.
I was about 23 for the first and about 25 for the next two. I missed out at school. Their were people I fancied but I wasn't one of the cool kids so if I fancied someone it was as if they were fancied by a piece of dog muck rolled up in a napkin. It was a vile thought to be fancied by "Joe Bloggs". Didn't help that back that I was quite shy and reserved and didn't say much mostly because most of the other guys in my classes were bullys. Wore braces during years 8-10 and gained the nickname train track. Got bullied for brushing my teeth in the toilets at break time which I had to do because of the braces. Got bullied for playing cards in the memorial garden. Got bullied for attending chess and bridge club. Got bullied for just about anything really. Got chewing gum in my hair a couple of times. Got bullied on the bus to and from school. When my parents made contact with school about being bullied they implied that I was causing them to bully me which sounds totally logical so even they wouldn't help me. From time to time I would be stood by the staff room door so if anyone was going to bully me the teachers were just a knock away. I never really had time to chase girls at school. I was the one being chased for all the wrong reasons. |
Major Turn Ons
Thought I'd start a thread to see what Turns Guys and Gals On A few of my ones are: Tights Heel Boots that are knee high/over the knee Bikinis Latex Short Skirts Corsets Underwear what's with the latex. I saw one of those things once. What do you get in it?... are you serious? I don't know what it is about latex it just does something for me. I think because it is generally worn tight and has a somewhat smooth wet look. |
I don't know.. you play pool with one AND let her pay. then you proceed to beat her ( really trying to) in every game. Then you get lost.. then problems with your phone.. then you fumble the all important kiss.. I would love to sit those 3 down and get their side of the story.. I have a feeling it would differ... greatly.. from yours... JMO p.s.. then you talk to your Mother about this stuff? I offered to pay but she beat me to it. Besides she paid after I thrashed her. Got lost before I met her. Then with #2 I had problems with my phone and of course I fumbled the kiss. I'd never kissed before. You never mentioned anything about girl #3. I would love their side too but #1 just blew me off. #2 was immature so i blew her off and #3 was thick and ugly |
Major Turn Ons
Thought I'd start a thread to see what Turns Guys and Gals On
A few of my ones are: Tights Heel Boots that are knee high/over the knee Bikinis Latex Short Skirts Corsets Underwear |
Yea gotta agree with you
I am resisting having another play through of Fallout 3 and NV to hopefully increase the gameplay time I have on F4. If I play F3 and FNV now then when F4 comes out I might feel like i'm playing almost the same game with a few different bits and I want to play it for longer and more thoroughly. Such an awesome concept for a series of games and great quests and stories throughout. Firstly thought I need an X1. Also want to get Elder Scrolls Online and Halo 5. :-)
So I have been on and off on online dating sites for years I ensure that I never pay for to use the services of dating websites because I'm not a mug. However in my experiences on these sites I have spoken to a fair amount of people however on 3 occasions I met up with people. The first person was called Tina and we were supposed to meet at the Trafford Centre in Manchester however due to having never been their before I got lost along the way so instead of meeting at 2pm I finally got their at 3.15pm. This wasn't a great start but what could I do. I even planned the route before I left and still made a wrong turn. When I got their and found her she was sat on a bench bored out of her head. We met with a weird atmosphere and my shyness came out a little because I didn't know what to say or how to behave. We ended up playing some pool in the arcade which to my amazement she paid for. Being someone who never backs down I beat her in every game except one when I potted the black illegally. After we went our separate ways back home and any text or online message i sent went unanswered. A few months later she started to try and butter up my mate and I told him not to bother.
The second was a girl called Hayley. We chose to meet in a neutral place that favored neither of us. We went to some garden centre and pratted about a bit. We went to the coffee shop where typically I bought a coke. We went on the train ride and sat opposite one another and it seemed quite nice. I thought I was finally getting somewhere. Then a few days or weeks later we had planned to go bowling. During the exchange of text messages we had arranged what time to get their and so on. Eventually all of a sudden I couldn't text her. The phone was playing up. I tried everything I could to let her know to prevent stitching her up but I couldn't. Eventually I worked out the problem but I thought it was too late. She would have been sat their for an hour and hates me etc etc. Instead turns out she didn't go which was good but she started arguing about me using "excuses" not to meet her. Eventually we got over this and I met her on new years eve. I met her brother and his girlfriend in a pub near where she lives. It got boring quite quickly so me and her went to a nearby town where it was more lively. We were going in these clubs where some of her friends were and (she didn't drink, she drove) she showed her true colors to me. It was as if she'd had a lot to drink with the way she behaved and it totally put me off. I thought your 2 years older and acting like your 5 years old. She eventually dropped me off at my car and after conversation about kissing (something I had never done) we had 3 attempts at kissing thus my first kiss and it was all ballsed up because i wasn't any good. After that night I ended it because she showed her true colors to me and it wasn't the person I liked initially. Third person I met was called Astra. Lived quite far away and her car was buggered so I said I'd meet her where she lived. She gave me directions and eventually I found it. I thought right hopefully all goes well. Got some new clothes and third time lucky surely? The second I pulled up I knew I had made a mistake. The person I saw was not the quite the person in the pictures. I got out the car to this scruffy girl and her dog. She said we were going dog walking which I thought was fine, it gets us out and about and can talk about stuff and get to know one another. We only went for a long dog walk through some of the worst muddy terrain imaginable and I thought so much for buying some new shoes. We went back to her house and her family was in. They didn't seem like my presence made a difference. She asked If I wanted a drink so I said I'd have a cordial. She picked up an already used glass that had an apple core in it Took the core out and made a cordial in it. I thought wow, I won't be drinking that. Then we sat bored in her living room, she went through all sorts about her dogs, her cats, her fish and god knows what else. She said what do i want to do. Well since I don't know the area I let her decide. Eventually we ended up playing cards because there wasn't anything else to do. After having been their for about 6 hours it was time to say goodbye. She wanted a goodbye kiss to which I made out that I had never kissed before I was too shy to do so and so it ended in a her hugging me and me not hugging back. I spent about an hour getting home and was ultimately so relieved when i got back. I spent some time talking to my mum of the disaster and she says I'll find someone one day. My conclusion of these three occasions has led me to believe that the sane attractive females are taken by the sane attractive males. The insane and unattractive females who likely have Bi-Polar are the only types of women that end up on dating websites. Tina was full of her self, Hayley was outragously immature and Astra was plain dumb and ugly |