Community > Posts By > LTme

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 09:07 PM
madhatterlizzy asked why e-mails aren't answered.

Some may fear merely opening them may introduce computer malware risks.

I'm assured merely opening the e-mail isn't risky.

Not a bad idea to say hello.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:42 PM
NBC-TV News suggests Joyce Mitchell, who works in the prison tailor shop where both escapees had jobs.

The police call her a "person of interest".
She's suspected of being their inside help.


She may have been their get-away driver.

BUT !!

Mitchell was hospitalized with a panic attack, and so was not present for her get-away driver function; leaving the pair to flee on foot.

The accusations against Mitchell are speculative at this point.
But this possible scenario NBC presents seems consistent with events.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 07:59 PM
"This was well planned.." SR

I suppose they had a lot of time on their hands ...

Clearly it was well executed.

If they had outside help, it can't have been very good, if the help couldn't even leave a few bicycles for them.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 07:56 PM
Thanks much M5 & Dm,

So simply opening a mingle2 e-mail, or viewing a profile is safe of malware risk?


I'll update my anti-malware software definitions, and check my mail.

My thanks to all.


LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 06:52 PM

Yes S2.
Evening news reported about 3 hours ago (while it was still daylight) that about 35 miles from the prison, in a NY town called Willsboro, there were two separate eye-witness sightings of the fugitives.

The police are now focusing their search; but in rather ham-handed fashion.

I think they should have an aerial drone on station there, in case they try to make a break for it, to escape the locus of the search.

Thermal imaging at night might help find them if they're on the run.

I'm guessing wildly, if these reports are correct, & the COPs don't botch it; they may get one or both by tomorrow morning, or perhaps the day after.

I wonder what it will have cost.

If these COPs average $50K per year, and there are 300 on 12 hour shifts
that's over a $quarter $million.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 06:42 PM
"I would ring 137 on the landline, hang up and the phone rings. One morning rang the number, not knowing where the ex was. I hear the ex running, crashes into the couch and then answers the phone to hear Can I have a cup of tea please? Hahahahaha I was told get your own lol." Ar

Tea he?

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 05:05 PM
"you can set your email up for age" Dm

That's fine.
But they're doing it for a reason; and a date with me is quite likely NOT the reason.
"they do a search and see you are online" Dm

If they're not doing it to date me, that means the reason is something else.
And I'd be ASTOUNDED if it isn't computer malware related.
If I'm right, there's a risk.
And if there's a risk, I'd like to know what that risk is; what in my behavior can trigger that risk, and MAINLY
how I can communicate by mingle2 e-mail safely, with those that may actually be suitable candidates.

Thanks much C7.
a) I did not know that.

b) I've copied the URL, and plan to check it out.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 04:52 PM
"...He did none of us any favors..." L2

a) I don't know.

b) Those that do say he's done incalculable harm.

c) Based on b, I'd say he's done more harm than good. But I wouldn't say zero.
"The real gain from his theft belongs to China..." L2

And numerous others, adversaries and allies alike.

Chancellor Angela Merkel got grumpy when she learned Obama was listening in on her phone conversations.

Rightly so.
But for all we know, she listens in on him too, but just hasn't been caught yet.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 04:06 PM
Thanks for the updates S2.

There may be a paradox in police work here.

40 years ago, COPs had to use their heads.

They didn't have:
- DNA testing
- cellphone tracking
- license plate scanners
- huge databases on lightning quick computers
- facial recognition software,
- etc.

So they applied shoe leather and brain power.

I'm not talkin' bad about today's policemen.
But we have already seen in airliners how progressively more automated cockpits have resulted in progressively less skillful pilots.

These high tech police tools no doubt simplify their job.
But it wouldn't surprise me if it does so at the cost of the Sherlock Holmes factor; intelligent detective work.

Anybody care to guess for how long they'll be loose?
- A week?
- A month?
- Years?
- Decades?
- Forever?

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 02:27 PM
I'm w/ you part way on that.

Pentagon Papers whistle-blower Daniel Ellsberg is regarded as a hero by many.
But Ellsberg released the important information, without doing much if any collateral harm.

What Snowdon did was massive; and much of it, profitless.

Letting us know about the meta-data was fine, as I believe SCOTUS may already have demonstrated.

But many of Snowden's other disclosures didn't benefit the U.S. citizens, and severely harmed U.S. intelligence.

Whistle-blowers are quite often demonized.
But they are often useful to healthful growth.

If a practice is beneficial, then:
a) it should not be illegal. And
b) if it's illegal than congress should change that.

Clearly the rule of law was not adhered to here, by either Ed Snowden, or Uncle Sam.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 12:26 PM

May we "think aloud", think this one through?

We KNOW this pair is resourceful. Their escape has stunned authorities.
This indicates a level of sophistication and preparedness the authorities simply don't seem prepared to adequately respond to.

The New York State Police spokesman indicates this case is being handled like a 1950's movie drama.

These escapees may already be resting comfortably at their permanent refuge; yet this now reported 300 man team is acting like the pair are trying to escape on foot.
If they can get power-tools into a maximum security prison, I'd be astounded if they couldn't get a car on a roadway.

And let's be clear.
It is known when the escape was detected.
It is not known when the escape was conducted.
The head-start these murderers got may have been 12 hours or more.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 11:22 AM
Indeed so s9.
But remember, Murray is a comedian, not an historian.

Jay Leno, a compulsive jokester / prankster since childhood tells the story of a substitute teacher coming to teach his class.

So Leno stood at the open, second story, classroom window, holding onto the shoes, soles facing up, of one of his classmates.
The classmate to whom the shoes belonged laid down on the pavement below, in a body position indicative of having fallen.
When the substitute entered the room, Leno declared, I just can't hold you any longer
holding the shoes up just high enough so the teacher could seen the shoes over the window sill, but not see that they were empty.

The teacher rushes over to the window, looks down at the body lying on the pavement, and begins to exclaim: "Oh my god! Oh my god! ..."

All in good fun
I suppose.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 11:13 AM
Thanks charles.
"When the picture doesn't make any sense, a piece of the puzzle is missing." psychologist Joy Browne PhD

Then I'm puzzled by the dozen mingle2 e-mails I've gotten in my brief tenure here; most of which are from provocatively dressed, attractive women barely old enough to be my daughter.

I find it extremely unlikely I've suddenly become attractive enough for that.
Surely not in RL. So why here?

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 11:09 AM
" if you research the historical information now released, you can see clearly that Japan was on the verge of losing and surrender. " JN

I appreciate your eclectic perspective here JN, but cannot share it.

a) The Japanese fought fanatically, and to the death on the numerous Pacific islands fought over on the U.S. advance to the Japanese peninsula.
So far as I know, though they lost every contested island, they showed no sign of interest in the unconditional surrender the United States required.

b) Even after we nuked Hiroshima the Japanese (Emperor) STILL refused to surrender; thus the nuking of Nagasaki.

I've read that the Emperor expected to be humiliated and abused in surrendering to the U.S.
But the stills and video I've seen of it indicate it was a solemn but very formal ceremony, where all significant diplomatic protocols were observed by the U.S., who had sacrificed so much, and lost so many to put an end to the hostilities.

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 08:00 AM
“When I was in Bangkok, I was eating at a restaurant with a friend when Bill Murray passed by, took a French fry from our basket, dipped it in ketchup, ate it, and said "No one's ever going to believe you" before walking out.” posted on the Internet years ago under the pseudonym: chatchy

LTme's photo
Tue 06/09/15 12:19 AM
"You are a believer or not." Vs


But we are ALL sinners, by the definition above.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 11:38 PM
"The US is PEOPLE consisting of (1) believers/Christians/saints and (2) unbelievers/sinners." Vs

Cards on table:
I am not a Christian.
I'm not a member of any formal religion.
"The tragedy of religion is that it languishes if unorganized, and it suffers corruption if it is organized, and when badly corrupted it has demonstrated a fierce ability to do harm." author Will Durant

I'm not a member of any formal religion.

BUT !!

My biblical consultant, a Jehovah's Witness explained:
"Sin" simply means:
to fall short of divine perfection.

That being the case; all of us (except JC) are sinners; believers & non-believers alike.

That being the case:
"The US is PEOPLE consisting of (1) believers/Christians/saints and (2) unbelievers/sinners." Vs

Which by my math totals a group of one, not two.

We are all god's creatures.
We all do as god created us to do.
Any omniscient, omnipotent god would know before birth which of us would attend church, and which not.
Yet he created us all anyway.

We are all sinners (except JC), by definition.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 11:09 PM
Well TM, considering the amount of help they apparently had, inside and or out, I'm guessing they're gone; perhaps 500 miles away by now.

Some news reports indicate there are numerous leads the police are investigating.
I have no details on that. And one or more of them may help track them down for recapture.

But considering the reported level of sophistication of this operation, I'm guessing they're gone, and quite possibly gone, not "for good", but at least, until they're re-arrested on unrelated offense, and then identified.

LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 10:55 PM
"I am a teacher of Islam." Vs

Impressive Vs.

I'd be grateful to you if you could help teach me this:
"... slay the infidels wherever ye find them..." Holy Qur'an: Sura 9 Verse 5

I've read that not only has this divine edict been used by Muslims to excuse the murder of Westerners.
That is has also been used by Sunni to murder Shi'ah, by Shi'ah to murder Wahabbi, etc.

If you teach Islam, please teach me why I should not think of Islam as a murderous cult; and not a noble path to the benevolent divine.

I wanted a copy of the Holy Qur'an, not so I could convert, but so I could see what was driving so many of my fellow humans mad.
But all the sources I found for English translation Holy Qur'an explicitly said:
- there is no official English version of the Holy Qur'an
- the only official Holy Qur'an is written in Arabic
I don't speak Arabic.
I also note, some English translations use the word "pagans", instead of "infidels".
I'm not sure how much that matters, as all the English translations I've read use the word "slay".

LTme's photo
Mon 06/08/15 04:24 PM

What would happen if Israel gave up all their weapons?

Hitler's ambition would be substantially advanced.