Community > Posts By > Miss_No_So
Guys Help!
Maybe you need to look closer at the facts...
He may have outgrown you and the relationship, just does not know how to end it. Remember sometimes letting go it the better thing than holding on to something that may end up souring more. Maybe he needs time out, maybe you are smothering him, take a few steps back, he either will move forward towards you or move backwards and away... never hold anyone by emotional blackmail, if you love him as you say you do, let him go and if you are right for each other, you will bond again, if not, move on. |
Sunburn, sand in the swimmers, hot feet from the road, which wave to catch.... Which tree to hang the hammock from, how many people can fit around a campfire, and how many guitars do we have? Could there be an end to delicious looking backpackers? it's such a depressing time in my local town.... Such a sacrifice to suffer in such conditions, hope you are coping. lol |
Finally! A Doctor I Like!
TAZMANIANDEVIL... I am glad you have found a DR
that became a DOCTOR for the right reasons. THERE are some who are great DR's but have no bedside manner, sometimes we are not so much wanting them to heal us but made valid all we feel and say. WHEN learning I had cancer and had to have a radioactive test to see if their was only "hot spots" in the bones... THE doctor/surgeon was a very brilliant man, damn good looking too came to me and said " if we find too many hot spots I wont operate, you can go home and die"... WOW .... he was not a people person. LIKE people with depression, most doctors just give out the pill, never trying to get to the root of the problem. I know some depression is clinical etc, I believe and learned some depression is self inflicked, when one cant or wont face their demons, they hide behind medication, only to learn, the fear is manageable and does fade with time. I have yet to find a DR who services their patients without clocking them in and out nor one makes my concerns seem important... |
Nope, because if there is a chance to save a marriage, they should take it! IF marriage is pending a divorce, I would think they already have done the pros and cons to why it is better to part. If one has fallen out of love or it is an abusive/unhealthy marriage why go down the same road, if nothing is going to change, nor are both willing to make it work, most times the past is not forgotten and can become the very thing that destroys it again, cause it gets thrown into each others faces. Does one think it is better to leave a marraige while each can still retain respect and friendship with the other... or stay until hate kills it all off. ALL have but one life to live, so one should take chance when it comes their way, if one finds another who they hav feelings for, why put it on hold... if at the end of the day the divoice is going to happen anyhow. |
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Fri 04/17/09 01:39 AM
that is separated pending a divorce SO does this mean each has to have celibacy until their divorce is granted... FOR all those who say "they are married until divorced", I wonder how many who are pending a divorce "here" are being good and staying dateless and regaining their virginal status again to only lose again after being divoiced. I dont think dating is such a problem, as being company for each other, having dinner etc, in the open, as one has nothing to hide if they and everyone else knows they are gettting divorced in the nearest of futures... AS I am sure the other partners is too kicking up their heels with another somewhere... |
People with no pictures?
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Wed 04/15/09 06:43 PM
So....why do you think people get here on Mingle and do not post a picture? What could the reason be? They're hiding from somebody? They are scared? They want somebody to like them for who they are not what they look like? They dont like what they look like? They're actually a man trying to be a woman or vice versa? They just don't have a picture of themselves...What is the deal?? There is no way to prove the picture that is already up, is the picture of the other... so a blank frame, too has it advantages that one is not being mislead, by what they assumed is the said person. What is wrong in building up a rapport with a person first, because you were drawn by their written profile not their picture, you will most times find they will exchange their photos. If one is not a good judge of chararter they will be sucked in by the looks alone. |
SOME should just clone themself
as that is the closest they will get to getting one, to meet their check list. I dont see why some have that need to pat their own backs about "I am good looking/beautiful, told I am handsome/pretty", let others decide that not be their picture but by how one represents themself in words. |
Finally! A Doctor I Like!
So gee, does that mean when everything is adjusted, I'll be submissive instead of dominant? Ya think? ![]() I would not worry so much about that, it would be the daily facial shaving and the monthly back and chest waxing, I would be concerned about... ![]() Start getting worried when you find yourself standing up to pee... ![]() |
Finally! A Doctor I Like!
I agree some Doctors are not the best doctors for one.
Some rush you out cause their next patient is in, while you sit there with your eyes welled up with tears. Some just sit there without giving one an examination and write a prescription hoping it will cure. There was a female Doctor in town, who people flocked to, she made her office comfortable, home like, even had a recliner in the office. You left when you were ready and not before, if you were stressed out, she would say come tomorrow if you like and we will talk again. She left ![]() I went into one Dr surgery room and believe it or not he was on line on Yahoo chating with a woman from Asia, typed her a message, hide the chat screen, then asked why are you here... I could not get out of that office quick enough. I am happy that it was found not to be all in your head, and that you are on the road to recovery. |
JUST saying Thank-you...
OF all the topics I have posted here
what I love best about them the most, is... they go off track at times and that in many ways helps in balancing them out and in turn making their contents more interesting to read and learn from... Thanks GIVE yourselves a SLAP on the back...!!! ![]() Thanks... |
MY sister-in-law while in China a few years ago
learned that there are very few prisoners in SHANGHI, The reason why it was not over filled was because most knew, break the law of the land, you are assured the full force of the punishment. There was a case in an Arabic country, we all know how strignent some of their laws are... 2 men were fighing, one stabbed the other, the man died, the dead mans wife was given the right to choose the others mans punishment. She choose for him to be hung outside the shop where her husband died. Many do not fear nor have fear for the LAW nor the consequences of their actions. Those while doing time for their crime, kinda live high on the hog, they are given 3 meals a day, have rights to be educated, have free medical attention, a roof over their heads, tv-s, PC-s, pay no taxes... so for some crime does pay!! |
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Mon 04/13/09 10:18 AM
Way Way Way back there was a documentary
on some lifers on death row in an Asian country, while under anaesthesia they had their body parts harvested on the operating table... In cases of drug trafficking in some Asian countries a few foreigners have been executed because they did not heed the warning of that law on drugs, which is well documented and very clearly stated when traveling there, found with drugs is a death sentence. That law is same for its nationals as it is for visitors, yet when foreigners are caught, their home country try to plea bargain for their lives. Where that Asian country says it is the LAW, if they did the crime in their country, they should face the penality of the crime. |
seeking enlightment....
appears to be picture links however, I personally have never heard of, so I wouldnt open unless you actually trusted the sender. There is a loss of trust between sender and I, they know the workings of Pc and net WELL!!!! I did a small search and another site had a member say this... MSN possible virus. ----------------------------------------------------------- ""Seemingly innocent picture links sent but as '' - all the rest looks normal, and even ends with a little smiley face and angel face....!!! My friend sent me it, and clicked and luckily said error and didn't open. But he said he never sent it, and a friend sent him something similar earlier and he opened it, and it asked for his MSN password. Be warned. Can't find anything on tinterweb for it, but I was fooled and I usually steer clear of links/folders sent via MSN!!!! "" |
seeking enlightment....
I was in a MSN chat and this came up, I do not know if the chatter put it up OR if it is a phantom invasion into my space.
I did not do as it asked... I am just a basic user and have limit knowledge of the PC/PCnet...etc Could you please put some light on it for me... Thanks... |
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Mon 04/13/09 12:56 AM
THERE are many who strongly believe in capital punishment...
AN eye for an eye... DO the crime, do the time... IF execution was to be the end result for one doing their crime, how many of those same believer in capital punishment do you think would still strongly believe in it, if it were to be one of their own or oneself having to count down their days of living? (Being on the knowledge that they are/were guilty of the loss of another's life/ did the crime/ habital abusers of children/ knew clearly the penalties of dealing with drugs in foreign countries, but still one went and did it anyways...) |
Facing Facts...
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Mon 04/13/09 12:13 AM
IN life things are going to happen with or without one...
1/... ARE there things you rather have been told about than having to learned about them... 2/... ARE there things you rather not have heard, but were told anyhow... 3/... ARE there things you should have said and did not or said and wish they were never said out aloud... 4/... IS lying OK to save ones face or another ones pride, or is it best to say it, as it is and deal with what is to be... 5/... IS honesty always the best policy or is there a clause that should be added to the "saying".... |
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Sun 04/12/09 11:49 PM
There was one on a ute...
IF you want an extra inch, stroke it... IF you get any closer you will be f**king my asshole... DON'T follow me, I am going fishing... |
Distance.. And.. ?
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Sun 04/12/09 11:39 PM
Fact is...some people
make being better friends when apart than if they were ever in each others pockets, on a daily basis. And to add, there is a VERY big difference between knowing one well here and liking them that much, to then having to live with them 24/7. |
Distance.. And.. ?
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Sun 04/12/09 11:26 PM
Distanse does have its positive sides...
the safest sex each one can ever have with the other well hmmmm unhmm unless one is accident prone alone at home with toys or the hand cramps up... ![]() |
At the Circus...
IF this joke has gone over some heads...
think tail... and think what is near the tail...??? it is not the mouth but the ???? |