Community > Posts By > AutumnLee21

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 12:04 PM
$50 I wish, here in ear falls ontario it is $500 for no seat belt second
time you get caught you get your license taken away

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 12:02 PM
thats them putting thier fingers in thier ears right when you are asking
them to do something LOL

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:59 AM
Ohhhhh ok that makes sense you think i would have been able to figure
that one out on my own eh LOL And i sat here for like 20 minutes bbw?
what the hell does that mean lol thanks guys

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:51 AM
This is going to sound stupid lol, but what does BBW stand for I have
gathered from everyones posts it has to do with weight and being
bigger?? I was just wondering what it stood for? "Silly question i know
but ive never heard of that before

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 11:34 AM
No prob, i undertand everyone has thier own opions and such but holy.
You dont give ur kids rules and you are just screwing yourself. I dont
mind it when ppl voice thier opions but dont start yelling and thinking
your the doctor phil of childern lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/20/07 09:55 AM
Broken homes do you have childern? Yeah i agree that u should listen to
what ur childern have to say but they have to have rules in thier life
or they will get out of control. YOu give them an inch they are going to
take a mile. and whats with the caps why r u yelling take it down a
couple noches,

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 10:08 PM
In santa clause hell i still believe in him lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:40 PM
no thats were ur wrong, i am better than him coz i am the one who puts a
roof over my daughters head diapers forumla clothes and the most
important Uncondital love. And where is he knockin up another chick. he
is a deadbeat, sorry to say but ppl get help and they are still fuc*ed
in the head

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:18 PM
I agree with u 100% daniel, thats like saying well your a serial killer
but maybe u just need someone to talk to. Well you have raped 10 girls
but hey maybe u just need help. People are people not everyone is
perfect but if they have a problem and if they have gotten help in the
past, some people just are just not help able. And then again some
people dont want the help, and sometimes people get help and than they
contiune on wiht their lives

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:13 PM
Who has the time or patience to read all that? I know i sure lack on the
patitence lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:10 PM
ive just heard about this dog food problem i dont know the details tho.
I have 2 dogs,whats the prob with all this pet food lately????

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 06:03 PM
my heart is torn big time, but when she gets older and ask about her
father i will tell her the truth. Of course I will never bash him to her
coz thats just not fair. But I dont think i would let her see him
without me right there beside her. Making these kidna choices suck lol.

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 05:34 PM
Im sorry but i dont agree with you on that one brokenhomes123 I think
there can be dead beat mom and dads. Like i said i grew up without my
dad he is shelfish and couldnt give 2 ****s about me. he was a dead
beat, he had lots of chances to have a life with me and he choose not to
i am now 21 and he still wont talk to me. To me that is dead beat he is
43 years old he knows better not like he is 17 and still in high school
who doesnt want to be a teenage father. And as for my daughters father
yes he is a dead beat he has 5 kids not including mine so 6 in total and
does not pay child support for any of them. When we wetre together and i
was pregnant i had many complications which they didnt think my baby was
going to make it. He didnt care he still didnt want to work i am a
production tech i do alot of heavy lifting and i work 12 hours shifts
the doc took my off of work. He told me that either i kept working or
else coz he didnt want to. He never even talked about his other kids i
think that is very sad. and that makes him a dead beat father he is now
and he alawys will be.

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 11:33 AM
thank u for your advice guys :) Im not gonna go after him for child
support because he signed over his right to her when i was still
pregnant. And I dont think it is right to take his moneny (his mommy and
daddys money) lol since he doesnt work. If i dont want him to have
anything to do with her, the further away from her he his the better.
Another one of the reasons we broke up was he was a porn addict, i didnt
really care whatever untill one i was on the computer and seen a whole
chit load of files with the title fun pics, i clicked on it and almost
friggen died. The girls in the pictures and porn vidoes were like 13...
I dont trust him around my lil girl and that why i made him sign over
his rights. And another strange vibe i got was when i got preggo he was
like i hope it is a girl, and i was like why. Coz he has 5 boys but has
nothing to do with them so why should it matter what the sex of the baby
was to him? Coz if he ever did anything to her, she would be 7 saying to
her grandma when do i get to see mommmy, well ur mom is doing 10 to life
in the state pen lol....

AutumnLee21's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:06 AM
Good morning every one. Hope its a good day for ya flowerforyou

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:29 PM
hey chicky just telling you what I think :) keep ur head up high and
keep on smilin

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:28 PM

I agree with you nurjoyce as i dont know daniel all that well he seems
very nice, and easy to talk to

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:26 PM
Wonderful person, caring, and a very loving and suporting mom

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:22 PM
If you had to say one thing nice about the person above you what would
it be? This is be kind to others night lol, ahhh who am i kidding
everyone is always rock on, on jsh :smile: drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:16 PM
We dont talk anymore lol, she is still with my dad and i havent talked
to my dad in years