Community > Posts By > AutumnLee21

AutumnLee21's photo
Fri 03/16/07 02:19 AM
Worth it yes, tired as hell oh yeah lol. *Sips on the coffee* hmmm good
stuff!! laugh drinker drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Fri 03/16/07 02:07 AM
Pour me a cup drinker Im doing a late night feeding for the lil one
waiting for her to close her eye balls and than im back to bed lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Fri 03/16/07 02:04 AM
Romee ur sexy as hell and super awesome :) dont worry about the ones
that dont matter!!! u rock n we all love yadrinker drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Thu 03/15/07 05:35 PM
this is the sadest post ever... awwww, i am such a sap when i was
reading hottie2005,lma,MikeMontana i started getting misty eyed lol. I
am sorry for everyone who has lost, and i agree 100% with what Greyhound
said. time does not heal all just puts a scab on it. If i could spend
one day it would be with my grandma she passed away one year ago, and
she never got the chance to meet my baby girl. My grandma and i were
super close she was like my second mom. But I know that she is always
with mystery and I. And same goes for all of you, for whom ever you have
lost, they arent very far, might not be able to see them or talk to
But they are right there with you all the time looking out for you and
loving you just the same. And i am sure that they are proud to see the
ones they love grow each day into wiser and Intellagent Indivulas


AutumnLee21's photo
Thu 03/15/07 05:26 PM
I hate that tat i think it is digusting. Why would you ever put
something like that on yourself? It reminds me of that movie american
history ex. Man i hope you dont have any childern coz if you do what the
heck would you be teaching them from what you are displayin on your
body? You could be drop dead Gorgues and i still wouldnt take a second
look at ya after i seen that digusting horrid tat....

AutumnLee21's photo
Thu 03/15/07 01:13 PM
Yes just have to find them is all, same with women can women love a man
without cheating. I know alot of my females friends are cheaters and it
pisses me off

AutumnLee21's photo
Thu 03/15/07 06:40 AM
10 for sure

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 08:38 PM
Ive been everywhere man

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 07:46 PM
thats too funny that happened to my mom when she was like 14 she had her
first kiss and called her mom crying on the phone because she thought
she was pregnant LOL. my first kiss was horrible he leaned in way to
hard head butted me and made my nose bleed lol. Than we tried it again
and he didnt have much luck the second time around lol....

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 07:43 PM
Its a date mike lol flowerforyou drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 02:59 PM
I dont always get along with the "young" crowd I like to be able to have
an Intelagent conversation with someone lol. Not saying that younger
people are dumb or anything hell im one of them young one myself lol.
Ive always just gotten along with the "older" crowd even my friends here
i hang out with are in thier late 20's to thier 40's and i have more fun
with the 30's-40's crowd then i do with my own. I dont like drama and
head games. drinker drinker

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 11:16 AM
I wouldnt say im scared of real love but I have been hurt in the past
and it is hard to trust and let my gaurd down. Ive seen my mom go
through really hard time when my ex-stepdad cheated on her and wanted a
divource after 15 years of marriage. I am not saying that all guys are
alike im not saying that at all. By all means I just havent found anyone
trustworthy here, it is a small town of 1100 ppl so i know everyone lol.
I need to get out in the real world and meet people, gets lonely at
times. But i hope the best to everyone who is looking for thier soul
mates. And if you ever had a bad expierence with a ex just member like
they say when one door closes another one opens, that statement keeps me
sane at times LOL.flowerforyou

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 11:10 AM
All you guys/girls are just to awesome. and not coz you gave me
Compliments but because you guys are very caring and kind. And you
always have something nice to say. YOu guys all ROCK lol. I think all of
you are beautiful inside and out.. and yes guys i think ur beautiful too
lol :smile: ... I have never found a site that kicks ass like Jsh, I
have meet so many real and down to earth people. Keep rockin guys!!!
:smile: drinker :smile: flowerforyou

AutumnLee21's photo
Wed 03/14/07 11:04 AM
I watched a program that they had on tv here, about the swifter wet jet.
I have one and love it coz i have hardwood floors. They said it was
really bad for dogs and if your dogs lick the floor after i use a wet
jet they can get really sick or die. And They say that dogs like the
taste of it coz it is sweet. Kinda sucks coz wet jets were my life LOL

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:24 PM
I totally know what you mean Fine I log on to my account every once in a
while and someone new has added me to thier friends lists and i have no
idea what thier names are even. Ticks me off. I want to at least know
who is on my friends list not every tom **** and harry lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:19 PM
A&W mama burger Yum Yum

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:17 PM
Omg pop is my biggest demon i need to fight lol. But what i do with my
veggies is i take any veggies i want cut them up put them in a cake pan
i put minced garlic and what ever other seasoning. And insted of putting
butter on top I use LIGHT Italin salad dressing. it is damn good lol. i
do the same with chicken

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 07:12 PM
Hey Payne, I would have to say the bar scene doesnt have the best
results, im not saying that you wont find your special someone in a bar
or club. Ive just seen that it is alot harder. Just get used to jsh for
a bit and you never know what could happen. Like they say one door
cloeses and another one opens

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 03:59 PM
i think ur ai-ight

AutumnLee21's photo
Tue 03/13/07 03:55 PM
I havent talked to you but welcome back nascarcutey, dont worry about
being bald you will be beautiful no matter what. It is all what you have
on the inside and im sure by all the loving and suporting ppl that have
been welcoming you back that you are a beautiful person inside and out
:smile: . You take care now
