Topic: What is the most embarrassing dating faux paus you have made
daniel48706's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:07 PM
Listened to my date and answered truthfully when asked if a dress made
her look bigger...

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:13 PM
i'll always remember when i was really young my step mom and i were
shoping and she was native she said she didnt believe in shaving her arm
pits. In the middle of wallmart I said to her holy man you have hairy
arm pits she was wearing a tank top.Than I started singing the Cheeta
pet song I feel like an ass now i was a young smart ass

daniel48706's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:14 PM
How did your mom react? Or is that memory still reoressed? lol

AutumnLee21's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:16 PM
We dont talk anymore lol, she is still with my dad and i havent talked
to my dad in years

Phoebe1981's photo
Sun 03/18/07 11:59 PM
Well when i was in 7th grade we had every class come to the gem cause
they were doing some assembly there and i was with my old friends at the
time and someone said something to my friend i started laughing which
was not funny and i asked her out loud with my big mouth (are you poor)!
infront of most of the kids and my friends looked at me like i was crasy
and ran off, which one of them said thanks alot for everything!! So
basically i embarresed her infront of almost everyone! So sometimes we
need to learn to keep our comments to ourselfs, or word it better and
not let the whole world know about your friend. Oops! That was my bad!
Wasn't thinking eaither.

MikeMontana's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:21 PM
Last summer I went on a date with a lady in NYC. Pretty, intelligent,
sophisticated lady. We're having dinner and a commotion begins outside.
Some tough-guy is yelling/screaming at a very skinny kid. Screaming,
rage - out of control lunatic. The kid was scared, wasnt responding. The
goon continued. Nobody moved.

I'm about as passive as guy can be. "Let him fight his own battles" I
felt, besides, I'm trying to make progress with this lady. In a moment,
the kid was on the ground, and the goon was kicking him. The kid was
cowering - the goon wouldnt stop. That I couldnt take - dont beat on
someone when they're cowering! I got up to intervene. "Stop - yo yo -
stop!" and I stepped in between them.

The goon starts beating up on ME! I've got no pyhsique, and I havnt had
a fist fight since 8th grade, but, for whatever reason I was on my game.
I headlocked him to stop, but, he continued kicking, fighting - and
within a moment I was smacking his head into the taxi door. Bam Bam Bam.
He squirmed out and ran off - then came back with a flying punch -
blocked by my deft slamming of the door into his fist. With a seriously
hurt fist he ran off for good.

I turned around and the girl was in a panic. Calling the cops... the
bouncer at the place said "Hey, If I woulda seen it I woulda helped
you..." My shirt was torn, bloody lip... [there's more - email me if you
would like to hear more]

The next day I got a "...Dear Mike, I dont think we're a good match."
And that was that.

Ha ha - so it goes.

daniel48706's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:31 PM
I am so sorry mike. Personally it hsould have been the other way
around, but hey like youy said that's the way it goes

MikeMontana's photo
Mon 03/19/07 07:54 PM
Ah no biggie. She may not have been my "true love", but she certainly
got me my first bar-fight. I suppose thats something to remember her by.