Community > Posts By > SassyLady128

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:57 AM
A man should apologize. After all, it's HIS fault she's angry, right? Apologize and show some empathy. Then you can get to the best part--making up.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:40 AM
We're in tornado alley. They can be pretty destructive here. I'm a storm long as it's safe. I'd grab my camera and film as much as I could before diving for cover with my big white hairy beast.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:36 AM
Speaking of shells, I picked up a few on a beach in TX. I carried them back to my motel room and put them on my nightstand. Oh so happy to have these treasures to carry home with me.

Sometime in the middle of the night, I was awaken by a thud against my bed. I sprang out of bed and raced for the light switch, certain someone had gotten into my room. I searched the room and the bathroom. No one there. When I started to look under the bed, with my heart in my throat, there I saw one of my shells moving! I glanced on the nightstand and one of the other shells was also moving! I had picked up hermit crabs in the shell! With some relief, I put them in the bathtub until morning, when I carried them back to the beach.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 08:29 AM
I donated a bunch of canned foods to a family whose breadwinner had recently been laid off.

A few weeks ago, my brother installed my fancy new faucet in my kitchen to complete my new Tuscan theme.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:45 AM
My happy place is a desserted beach with my true love. The sky would be deep blue with big white puffy clouds looking like cotton candy. Palm trees, banana trees and hibiscus would surround us, while a few vibrantly colored parrots would fly about. In our naturalness, we'd relish the warmth of the sun and the silkiness of warm water against our bare skin and wet sand squishing up between our toes. We'd race the waves and gather seashells

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:39 AM
Let's face it, when you get a certain age, what natural beauty we once had is slipping closer and closer to the floor or becoming creased in ways we never imagined. I wouldn't change my appearance for someone else; I'd change it for me. When I don't like what I see in the mirror, it's time to fix it. If I don't like my hairstyle, I change it. If I don't like the crow's feet, I'll remove them. How I think I look has a lot to do with how I feel and the confidence I have when I venture out.

As far as a boob lift, the heavier they are, the more they fall or sag. They can cause back problems and pain. And sagging boobs are just uncomfortable. I'd have mine lifted just for my own comfort.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:21 AM
The ability to be active. So many people I meet are just downright lazy. I'm a whirlwind of activity all the time. My brother says that I get more down on my break or when I'm sick than most people do in a day. I don't know if that's really true, but I enjoy hanging out with people with energy and zest for life.

SassyLady128's photo
Tue 04/14/09 07:13 AM
A hognosed snake. I always loved playing with snakes. I guess because my older brother tormented me with them so much that I had to learn to "be tough and show no fear". I carried the snake in a jar to school for Show and Tell and all the boys followed me around the schoolyard at recess. blushing

Today, I still have a fondness for snakes. I have three ponds in my gardens and black water snakes swim in them. I berate them for eating my goldfish, but they pretty much tune me out and dive underwater for another one. Everybody's gotta eat I suppose.

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 05:48 PM
You said, "Do I need to enter any Interest Income (1099-INT) forms?" If you have no interest income from a bank account, then your answer is no. So you're done adding W-2s and 1099's.

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 05:44 PM
Interest income is something that comes from a bank. If you had a bank account that earned you some interest, your bank would send you a 1099, which is the equivalent of the W-2 you get from an employer. If you didn't earn any interest from any bank account, you don't have a 1099 or interest income. So you'd say NO on that question.

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 05:39 PM
If I could afford it, I'd have some work done. I consider it maintenance. I recently gave my house a facelift and my van is going to the mechanic on Wed. If there were any money left, I'd be in Memphis on a table now. I'd have some lipo, a tummy tuck, and a lift for "the twins". I'm sure at some point I'll have a face lift too. I went with a friend who had one done last summer and it's pretty cool, but right now I don't think I need one. I maintain everything else I own, so why not my own body?

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 05:34 PM
I think it means you've reached the end of the dating highway! oops

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 03:46 PM
I think the indoor picnic could be great. You could make it a romantic setting with candlelight and soft music. Make sure to have some romantic music nearby so after dinner, you can dance real close.

Unless you actually like to cook, don't wear yourself out in the kitchen. Instead you could serve some grapes, strawberries, other fresh fruits and vegetables, maybe finger sandwiches, something light and fun. The wine and cheese idea is good too.

Enjoy your date. It sounds like fun.

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 03:13 PM
It's not paranoid to be prepared to defend yourself should the need ever arrive. Violent crimes happen in the best of neighborhoods, in the nicest of homes. I was attacked at knifepoint when I was in college, in a nice sleepy little town. I was also stalked for a long time back in the 80's, before anyone ever called it stalking, and the police said they could do nothing about it. I had to move and change jobs in the dark of night to escape the stalker. For a long time I looked over my shoulder to see if he had found me.

Being a victim is not something I want to be again. I carry a large protective dog, a stun gun and mace with me when I'm out and about. I plan to take a martial arts course soon too. There's absolutely nothing wrong in being prepared in whatever manner you're comfortable with.

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 11:29 AM
I'm very detail-oriented. See my profile and you'll see. I like sharing some details of my life and I like knowing some details of whomever I'm talking with--whether online or in person. I don't get into deep dark secrets right off the bat and maybe never, depending. But the basics are just part of conversation and getting to know someone I think.

Online and when first meeting someone, I'm not going to jump right into a discussion of sexual fantasies and such, which it seems a lot of men want to do. I think it's just not the time. We have to hit off first, date a while, kiss a while, and then get to that. But for general life history, I'm pretty open and I prefer that whomever I'm talking with be the same way. How else can I get to know him and he me?

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 08:29 AM
MEEEEEEE!!!!! :banana:

Well, we HAD Bill Clinton. Of course everyone's "had" a little Bill. LOL

SassyLady128's photo
Mon 04/13/09 08:23 AM
It's always different when you're personally involved. But that's what is great about "law". It's just a fact, not a personal opinion.

There are varying degrees of murder. A father can murder someone who raped and murdered his child, and I can understand that. But a serial killer who stalks women, abducts, tortures, and kills them has no rights as far as I'm concerned. He should be put to death. Why should my tax dollars pay for his desire to live? We have schools closing down now due to a lack of funding; yet we're building more jails to accommodate more undeserving criminals. What are we telling our kids?

If my son were a serial killer, I don't know how I'd feel about it then. But I do believe in capital punishment, so I'd have to accept the law and his fate, I suppose.

SassyLady128's photo
Sun 04/12/09 02:21 PM
I think these days, the right to own guns is vital. You never know when someone may break into your house with the intent to kill and steal. And America is not invincible to terrorists. You never know when some country may invade and attack. Should that happen, you may need to defend yourself, and probably a knife or baseball bat won't be much help. At least with a gun, you have a fighting chance. I have no intention of being taken captive by an American terrorist or an International one.

SassyLady128's photo
Sun 04/12/09 01:14 PM
"When someone shows you who he/she is, believe them the first time." (Maya Angelou, I believe) In other words, your gf has shown you that she's scum. Not only did she cheat on you, but she did it for no real reason AND just a few feet from you WITH your best friend. So to me, it's a no-brainer. Could you really trust someone so spiteful, petty, and slutty? Someone who truly loves you might get mad and storm off into another room to sulk. But someone who loves you doesn't betray your trust and your love so immaturely.

Write her off, forgive her for your sake, and learn to trust again with someone new.

SassyLady128's photo
Sun 04/12/09 12:18 PM
People, not guns, kill. Guns are just the weapon of choice. Remember the teenagers who killed a homeless man? Their weapon of choice was a baseball bat if I remember correctly. Does that mean baseball bats are evil? Some people use knives to kill. Some use their bare hands. A gun is merely a tool. The person wielding it is either good or evil. I cherish the privilege to own a gun and have had training in using one. There'll be a fight when someone decides I can't arm myself. If you want to stop violence, you stop it in the heart of the violent people--not by removing my right to protect myself.

As far as video games, IMO, they're for children. Any mature man I would date would have far better things to do with his time than sit around for hours playing Tomb Raider or whatever. But that's just my opinion, which probably isn't worth a penny, but I'm charging you a full dime anyway.