Community > Posts By > AhaloAskewed
Prison Break and Heros
well the hashin negates their powers so they can't access them at all. I assumed that meant peter couldn't absorb anyone's abilities if he was near meaning it would be impossible for him to absorb the hashins ability.
I could be wrong though, but that's what I thought at first. To bad no one stole that vortex guys ability. I'd like to see just where the hell he went haha |
Prison Break and Heros
I love that show! [heroez]
I bought the hellix necklace awhile back 2, I wear it like every day lol [guess I'm a nerd like that] A little pissed off that Peter lost all his abilities, though it seems in the next episode that won't even matter for the time being. My bro loves prison break. |
I've been using this for a pretty long time 2, and seem to have no luck at all.
I like the forum though =] |
I believe....
also has anyone ever heard of Dynamo Jack?
What do you think about this guy? I watched the vids on him that I was able to find...they were really interesting... He is a man who claims to be able to use chi [if I'm wrong feel free to correct me, I researched him a while back] He actually "treats" the ill through his practice and even tries to teach his practice tho virtually no one possesses the ability he demonstrates. he channels energy in his body to create this sort of energy that feels "electric". You can even see that he is using some part of his body to channel this energy and produce these shocks. a group of people came to actually test if this guy is for real, geared with equipment. So they told him to channel all his energy into this device that would then specify the level of the shocks. When this was done, the device did not reply to the energy at all. These people were dumbfounded, not understanding and already said this guy is a fake. Then they tell the man to shock them, because they began to be in disbelief. So he shocks the crap out of them, they feel it, they know it's real, and the man tries to explain to them that it is chi, it can't be measured with such a device. He demonstrates the destructive power of his ability as well. It's amazing... weather you really want to check the guy out, if you believe it or not, it's still really interesting to find. Just search up Dynamo jack and see what you can find on him. Look for the video of him treating people, where it shows him channeling the energy and you see parts body physically pumping. You can't see the energy, but you know his body is doing something. |
I believe....
I didn't read every single reply, but I just believe that there are certain "locks" set up in our own brains that don't allow us to use these abilities, or I should say "control" them.
The brain has input on everything a human does, most of what we simply do by impulse without thinking about what we're doing or what the "body" is doing as a background process to simply survive. Healing for example, the body is doing on it's own. When someone is sick, people gather around, to pray. What they're really doing is trying to focus a sort of energy, to create a bigger energy, and act as a whole in hopes of effecting the ill person. They are all focusing their thoughts "prayers" on one single thing...if you look at it in a different light it kind of makes sense. A group of people praying, saying please grant this person better health, please heal him, over and over with much deeper sentiments and spiritual focus, all words being spoken through the mind. I'm not saying weather it works or not, but really just saying what I believe prayer to actually be. also, if a person could focus parts of the body that are actually doing the healing, well I would assume healing would either speed up or decrease. Another ability would be to control the pain receptors, granting a human Invulnerability in terms of "feeling" the pain. humans would also have higher strength due to being able to lift heavier objects without the effects of pain. The muscles would be trained harder easier, and the more training done, the easier the previous load gets, and the more ready the muscles are for the new heavier load you will be attempting to train lifting. controlling certain glands and organs, I mean there really is an infinite possibility but it's up to you weather you think they simply are just not possible, or may be possible. ...some of these glands also are spoken of to have "spiritual" nature... Everyone has heard the story of how a woman saved her child when she was in such a panic over her child being trapped under a vehicle. A woman supposedly lifted the vehicle to save her child. Inhuman strength triggered by something. I actually wanted to write a report on this in school, but I actually could not find anything on it...but when I ask people if they have ever heard the story, nearly everyone answered "yes". I'm still unsure if it was only a story, or if it really happened. The only thoughts I have in terms of achieving these that I believe we have a soul...and the soul wishes to evolve, to learn/grow, and to attach itself to the brain to create a link. I believe it is the only outside force which can turn into an internal force to bypass certain "security" points in the brain. just a theory, but I believe humans may have been manipulated long ago, in all sorts of ways. Obviously lot's agree we are still being manipulated and lied to about certain things. These security codes may have been instilled upon us, so that we don't grow to strong or too smart in areas we have not pushed much focus in. Humans have already demonstrated their destructive force through technology alone, and it's ever growing for greater or worse. Though I would think that creating a balance between spiritual growth and technological growth would be desired to create harmony in human's still unknown that if the soul really does in fact exist and can be honed and trained to do "special" is either hit or miss on weather it be used for dangerous practices, or for the sake of growing as a race and individual person. |
The cookie always crumbles in ways that make sense down the line =]
Edited by
Fri 11/21/08 02:46 PM
yea right! I haven't had a date yet on this damn thing
lol You know, I actually clicked on your profile a lot throughout posting in this thread...I just was always "stealth mode" lol You're really pretty =] |
harold and kumar? the white castle movie about the stoners? and harold and kumar escape from gauntanimo bay [or somethin like that]
they're pretty funny, the second one was way better than the fist one [imo] You should see them if you like comedy moviez |
Whenever I watch harold and Kumar, I miss mines =[
yea...waiting is better sometimes
it gives you something to look forward 2 at least and hell yea, been waitin 4 kenpachi's ass to throw it down with some espada! [Now I deffinitely got somethin to look forward 2 besides watchin heroez] |
Other possibilities ruled out?...
and OBE isn't a dream. A dream is a dream. The body will fall asleep, but it's easy to tell the big difference between the too. In regards to the "debate" you are having with skyhook, I've not read the thread you first began the debate on. about 8 pm before I woke up for work, I had a pretty intense dream. In my dream, I woke up, and noticed my tooth was really loose and wondered why the hell it was so loose...So I went to pull it out..and pulled 4 teeth along with it somehow...and before I knew it...nearly all my teeth fell out...very intense dream, vividly detailed..but only..a dream... here's how you find out if you really had an OBE funches...not all cases are the same of course, and some of the cases..can be ruled out.. The human falls asleep...of course...the body is asleep...the body isn't what is having the experience...which is why its called...OUT of BODY EXPERIENCE... Some will say they view their own body sleeping, in what they believe to be REAL TIME, and wonder off in this state wondering what's going on, THINKING they are experiencing just an intense dream...they VIEW PEOPLE and SURROUNDINGS and specifically DETAILED information...the person having this experience can tell you if 2 people were having a conversation outside, what was said, what was done, etc. They can tell you what a person wrote in a notebook, how many baskets the neighbor made in his session of basketball, if a cat caught a bird, so many things. The person who had the experience, wonders what the hell happened...soon as he/she is out of that state...he/she will ask the neighbor hey man did you just play basketball with your friend and miss 7 shots but make 10? Did you happen to see if a cat caught a bird? Were you writing a poem in your notebook about a girl named Jan? When the people the hell do you know this? That's why it can't be ruled out Funches Evidence is Examined, Investigated, Proven. They aren't guesses...hell...if it was that simple funches...imagine how many would be winning the lotto time after time? Besides...if that were the case...well would have a VERY NICE useful purpose now wouldn't it? |
I respect your opinion funches, and I won't attempt to further try to get you to view the matter in a different light.
It isn't something that interests everyone |
I see your point in saying that now funches.
Even still, in the scenario that I gave, that isn't present. Perhaps other cases, yes, it is possible it would apply, as long as those conditions I stated aren't met. I'm sure it has happened before. I'm not speaking for anyone here through my posts, I'm speaking of the OBE itself. |
I just want to add that in life..there are things a human can explain, and other things humans just can't explain for various least not yet, and it's possible or impossible that certain things will eventually be explainable, or there will never be anything to explain other than certain things, are just there, or just happen.
so it's pretty much like this... Look at the planet mars.. you can't say for "certain" -HOW it got there you can't say for "certain" -WHY it's there but what you can say for "certain" is THAT it's there. it is what it is, and that can't be argued... my only point is that people have the experience...what the experience really is, how the experience really happened, or why the experience happened, are irrelevant to that fact that the experience indeed...really did happen. |
your reference to seeing someone snoring and they deny it, yes that has happened before, though I don't see any relevance to what's being discussed. Maybe you thought I said the individual wasn't sleeping. Indeed the individual is sleeping. This does not at all suggest any loss of credibility to the experience. It seems maybe you believe it totally discredits everything, though I can't see how it would.
yea, the person will say it wasn't "just" a dream, but they were in that sleep state, but something was going on. Like I stated before, up to you whether you want to take into consideration that sleep and it's involved mechanisms aren't only used for 1 thing. There's even scientific proof that sleep and death are intertwined with each other through components that occur during REM sleep, and when a human has a NDE. Proven fact already...I'm pretty sure you are already aware of that though... but you see, it is very different, because no one is guessing. Very big difference. People just say what they see, nothing more, nothing less. It has not to deal with any guess work, just what a person experiences and views. They don't describe what they think they seen, they describe what they did see. Evidently, what they see, really was there. No opposing argument for that. It is what it is. A person can try so hard to give a "rational" answer to something they can't really explain, when the most rational answer is already present If you're convinced in your own mind already of what you believe those experiences to be, that's fine though. Obviously so am I...and I've done the is what it is...that's all...from my experience of discussing this matter with others, I've only come to realize that many who are in such disbelief, are jealous because they haven't had such experiences, or instead of being fascinated become angry because they can't explain it...I never understood why people react such a isn't as if someone is claiming they spoke to some magnificent being thought to be some god or anything...they're just saying what they experienced, its relevance to reality, and that the experience really happened and even they themselves can't explain it besides say it happened, and that's that. now if someone says they popped out of their body, and found themselves on a different plane that is alien to humans..well then...that is an entirely different discussion in itself...I'm only speaking of that in the human physical plane we all share and experience. It's the only experience that has concrete proof you can touch. |
It depends on what you perceive sleep to really be. Is sleep just a waste of time that serves as a shutdown mode for human beings to operate better after the systems reboot?...or could the same mechanisms involved in sleep serve a deeper purpose that most human beings don't know about?...or is it possible that it can be both?
I believe sleep to be one of the most powerful natural meditation states a human being can be in. However if you can't control it, or if you are simply "falling" asleep...then it just turns into shutdown mode to re-cooperate... though I do understand where you are coming from funches...if really a human being was intending to meditate, and has such an incredible experience...and say you are sitting right next to this person who is having such an intense only notice this person passed out/sleeping drooling on his would be easy to say hey were just having a crazy dream, nothing more. but when considering an OBE...if that person can recall his/her surroundings and something that occurred OUTSIDE of the bodies placement ;ie- say he has the experience, and notices someone is about to walk up to your door step then when the person having the OBE tells you, nah man it was more than a dream, I seen John riding his red bike coming to our house, he was wearing a black shirt with a skull logo on it and some blue jeans..then a minute or two afterwords John actually shows up in the said conditions...well then...was it really just a dream? New knowledge attained would be simply the experience itself..over time...the individual may be able to have such experiences purposely when before the person may have only accidentally stumbled upon such an experience connected to sleep. the experience has been shared with many's obvious these people aren't simply dreaming, something really is happening. I stated's usefulness is subject to the user [person experiencing it]... does it do any good or serve a purpose? Kind of up to you |
a lot of replies since the last time I looked at this thread...
for right now...reincarnation is a grim situation for the human race...obviously...the human race hasn't evolved much in the way it is supposed to...we are being restricted to do so by the fake lives we're forced to live day after day, and the curtains that remain over the knowledge we should have gained since years back.. though it won't always be this way...I'm certain a great change will come..and set us free...not long from now I imagine it happening...this programed life we why life is certain areas I see the point some try to make about that some just choose to take it for what it may be, and not sugar coat it at all..some like to look on the brighter side of things.. for the time being..there's not much a human can do if this really is the me..reincarnation makes more sense than other outcomes.. but I also think that souls are reincarnated to continue growing, and slowly revert back to the center of creation to try and understand as much as possible of creation itself and grow...I also think that no matter how many lives are passed, the outreach life takes in order to get answers to certain questions, there just simply isn't answers for certain questions...I feel that certain questions only exist, in humans minds alone...questions that have wrongfully been instilled onto us... even as stagnant as it is at times...can sometimes be an overwhelmingly great well as it can be such a down damp experience as well... it's also my firm belief that..a select amount of individuals do retain former traits of past lives...strange skills that aren't possible to be genetically transferred..not traits as simple as athleticism or musicianship [tho of course one can't exactly just pick it up and be a master at such skill] but I'm referring to abnormal skills people may or may not agree to be "real"..a heightened sense of spiritual awareness...being able to have "useful" dreams..the OBE I also believe to be a skill some are naturally gifted at, though it's usefulness would be subject to it's user...etc... although I believe the soul can retain these skills, I would consider the skills to be knowledge...but knowledge in terms of detailed data of past lives such as memories..I don't believe is carried least as of right now, I don't believe we are capable of doing this...and I'm not sure if it is an impossible feature, or if this is caused by an outside force.. make more clear why I state these skills are considered knowledge in my because the soul does not work like our human bodies, I don't believe the soul has it's own brain that functions as our physical human brain...the soul would grow/learn/ and attain abilities to pass onto the brain to trigger certain mechanisms in the humans body once a link is established between mind and soul...this...I consider knowledge... -just my opinion on things |
oh I know man...DBZ dragged on like crazy!...when Vageta tried to take him on, holy sh*t there was a whole episode like literaly 10-15 minutes of him just powering up, just standing there gathering energy...and he still got his @ss handed to him later
but DBZ take me back man...the good 'ol days Now I gotta watch everything life's outa sync with just about every show I like to watch |
sweet~ thanx 4 the info dude
as long as he doesn't fight people like yammi I'll be happy [I think that was his name] |
well...since ichigo won the first fight with Zaraki, and then went training to face byakuya...right there and then he even furthered the gap between Zaraki, then, he underwent even more rigorous training, and gained more abilities even furthering the gap more!...each fight he undergoes he improves his skills and abilities.
but then again, Zaraki was basically toying with ichigo the whole time he fought him, and only revealed his power for a little while. You also gotta keep in mind that certain fighters fight well against other fighters too I guess I'm just saying tho, Zaraki is too bad @ss of a character to not become more powerful lol...if he stood the same power level as when he first fought ichigo, man ichigo would whoop the sh*t outa zaraki without need of his hollow form, so he better have been getting stronger hopefully I wanna see him take on some espada or somethin, and fight on par with some high rankers as well. oh yea....and I also wanna see ichigo shut ulquiorra's emo @ss up 2 =] Get some nicely deserved revenge Even still....ichigo has quite a bit to go b4 he can even lay a scratch on Aizen, now that's gonna be a bad@ss fight when it finally happens |