Community > Posts By > AhaloAskewed

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Wed 07/30/08 04:31 AM
I say most things in life, Love alone has lost it's value [imo]. The love we withhold is the burden we carry.

Yea...the world goes around alright...Doesn't mean we're actually gettin anywhere tho...

but...figuratively speaking...we decide ourselves what's going to make "our" world go round.

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Tue 07/29/08 12:07 PM
I felt it, damn. ALL my crap in my room was shakin like crazy for a few seconds. Phone went down 4 awhile 2.

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Mon 07/28/08 04:25 PM
fallen angels grew sex organs after they fell? well damn, people wonder y temptation is so hard to resist. I guess Ima be a bad guy in the afterlife laugh what can I say? seems that the Darkside shall I say this...better equipped?

j/k lol

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Mon 07/28/08 03:25 PM
I think we live in a world ruled by cause and effect for the most part. The Devil rules over the earth? If I were to believe that, that's like believing Satan has a whole lot more power than God if God just allows this to happen.

I believe we are in control of our own lives, we make the mistakes we make and can blame no one but ourselves. Sad to say that the mistakes of the higher powers here on earth, such as governments etc., cause the whole world to suffer as an effect of their decisions. Every human has Good and evil inside, it's their decision to make if they live one side or the other.

That's what I think. If I believed Satan or God controlled people out here...I'd be admitting I'm some puppet with someone pulling the strings to make me move. What kind of life would that be?

It's nice to believe there is something beautiful after death, There may be. Until death though, we make the decisions here. We decide where we go, what we do, what we say, how we think. I'll never believe there is some force out there that would take control of humans to make them do what they want them to do...

I'm open minded...When I do pass on, if I am greeted by God, or a being that is thought of as God, I would gladly shake this beings hand. I would have a lot to learn from this being, and quite a journey to take. It's just, until then, I can't think this being would either allow or not allow things to flow on their own. I just refuse to think of humans as pawns on a chessboard being played with. Maybe it's my ego...but I want to believe our life is actually important to us..

But I do see your point, and how you feel. My mother sees evil humans as enslaved by Satan. Evil is what it is. It has many names. I'm just saying my opinion I guess...I would hope to think we humans, are more than meets the eye...I've had strange experiences, and seen things I just can't explain. Some people would consider them of religious origins, others spiritual. The Good and Evil theme of the world, seems to be a balance of everything...

The way I see the world, is there are many possibilities in both life and death. If I do die and go up to a place like heaven and meet someone I used to know on earth that says "see man, I told you so." I'd just laugh and think to myself, well I'm glad he/she was right, it never sounded like a bad place to begin with lol.

it's not so much that some people hate to believe that a place like that exists...its the fact that conditions have to be met, and some conditions may seem ridiculous to them..I just think if you live a good life, try your hardest, create many good memories and learn from the bad ones, be thankful for your life...and Die with a smile on your face, things "hopefully" will get better.

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Mon 07/28/08 02:39 PM
lol thats the step by step cast huh?

I think the actual guy who does snakes voice can pull it off if he worx out a lot and gets a rugged persona. the game is awesome, I actually didn't even play the latest ps3 game, I watched my friend play the whole thing...graphix were so sick it was like watching a move

but yea, metal gear movie, would be sweet with the right cast

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Mon 07/28/08 02:08 PM
I never understood the thought of that either...If we do indeed die and go to a place where we will be judged..if we have some sense of free will still...if we think using our brains as we know it now...Heaven just sounds like something that can't possibly exists..there will always be war to compete for power..

on the contrary...if we do go to a different "form"...not thinking the way we do...are we just programed to serve this God without thought? Like mindless drones? [It sounds harsh but I can't help the way I feel towards it]. In my mind the possibilities are endless...

I used to go to church 3 times a week...until I started to feel like I was some Rat in a cage with a maze...could I really be created for the soul purpose of worshiping God? A being that vain? Nah I thought to can't be that way...I believe there is a higher power...but I got no idea what it is and I just don't believe what I was taught as a kid [catholic]. ..

I try to live my life with faith in myself, to be a strong person inside and out, and to learn all I can about my body and my spirit. I'll deal with death when death comes. Until then, I can't solve a puzzle if I can't even solve my own life's puzzle. Whatever did create the world, if it even was some sort of life form, I do not take this life for granted.

Religion and God play roles in lots of people's lives tho...for some, it is the only way to get through the day and that is perfectly creates harmony for that individual...for me, my life is run with question and awe, and to be honest, I love it that way. Can't say it creates harmony for me all the time tho lol

I know some people would disagree with what I say, perfectly fine. You can learn a lot from people that think differently.

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Sat 07/26/08 01:28 PM
that show was sweet! Theme song always went so well with it lol I wanna c it, but I've already watched hellboy2 and the dark knight, I feel like I'm spoilin myself goin out 2 much.

I'll most likely end up seeing it tho lol

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Sat 07/26/08 01:16 PM
you're right. you get to really see the fine details of a beautiful world when you're not going so fast.

nice seeing u 2~

Take care

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Sat 07/26/08 01:12 PM
Thank you =]

yea..I'm still is 1 long roller coaster with it's ups and downs...when its so high up...its escalating slowly...u get the thrill of being up so high, u get scared because you don't know when its going to all come down, and bam, u come back down sooner or later..

how have u been?

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Sat 07/26/08 01:06 PM

"Where end begins"

How long do you intend to keep me strapped up to this thing?...

I've been lying here for too long...just watching the birds sing...

Watching you live your life...waiting for choose...

To pull the plug or not, to let me die or rot...

What is it you felt you forgot?...

I've waited long enough...

I'm happy when you call and we talk...

I'm happy when you take me for a little walk...

but why does your heart still have that lock?...

It's tough being the villain...being the man no one else wants to be..

being the man no one else wants to see...being the man subconsciously...

Maybe he does deserve to rot away...

every so wither away...

every so silently, to fade through the day...

that you decide, the world has had enough gray

Not everyone's story has its last chapter

but what matters most, is what happens after

black and white, left or right, width and height, strength and might

in the end won't matter.

I'll await the stamp, the stamp everyone receives in the end.

The stamp across my forehead, the last words to be read

"what if"

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Fri 07/25/08 01:46 AM
if you don't mind me askin...why exactly did everything go sour? If she just plain out said she just wasn't in Love with you anymore...then your best bet is to move on...cuz that sounds like bad news

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Fri 07/25/08 01:36 AM
ur decisions will heavily depend on how things ended. That will answer the question of weather you should be fighting for something you really want in life, or letting go of something that will slowly break apart every piece of the puzzle that makes you who you are.

The pain of true love never goes away. Like other people say, just give yourself some time...if you keep picking at a will continue to bleed and never heal and turn into a scar...

Most of us have huge hearts covered with scars...after all...scars represent experience..and experience..represent why we are who we are..

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Mon 07/21/08 02:25 AM
That all depends, on what you believe beautiful really means

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Mon 07/21/08 01:50 AM
310 right here

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Fri 07/18/08 01:11 PM
good point's good to know when to accept help...if someone takes the time out of their life to help you, it must mean they think you are a person worth helping out..

I was never afraid of my father as a kid, actually he was like my best friend..we used to play guitar together..hang out and eat, he would even hang with me and my friends strange enough..then life got really complicated and he got sent to "the big house"...and a huge guilt overwhelmed me for never visiting him..and time ran out...he grew ill and very weak from cancer he didn't know he had, and suffered accidents that lead to his death last year..I was the one that had to make the decision to pull the plug or not..let him live a life as a vegetable, or be set free..

I was always afraid of my mom as a kid, she knew how to use a belt man, but I love them both..Life is strange..when you lose someone you care takes a really long time to realize that they aren't there anymore..I had dreams about my father telling me to follow him, he was offering me to die with him and be set free, but I was happy in life at the time, things were getting it luck that I had that dream at that point in my life?...had I had that dream now..I don't know If I'd still be here..maybe things do have their reasons..or perhaps things are...just what they are

I know you can't say everything thats goin on in ur life Karen, I'm sorry to hear you've been going through so much lately...I never liked going to "shrinks"...they make up some stupid fancy word to describe something they don't understand..and prescribe me an artificial emotion in pill form that my body will eventually grow tired of...

It's only your fault..if you truly believe it is your fault..don't listen to anyone else but yourself..

The only people we should have in our lives, are the people that fight for us to be in theirs...the love we the burden we carry...

You'll find the key sooner or later Karen, and you will be able to unlock yourself from the room you are trapped in..hang in there..just put everything behind you..the past is called the past, because you have to get "past" it....until you can get past will never be considered your past

I know you can do it

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Fri 07/18/08 12:44 PM
I have all sorts of weird dreams...alota dreams about another race of beings coming to earth too [aliens pretty much, and their ships] about weird

but the weirdest dream, I had not all that long ago. I had a dream that I was in the hospital, and that I was dying and hadn't much time left. I was just laying in the bed hooked up to all those machines waiting for someone to see me before I died...thinking about my life and reflecting, but no one ever showed up b4 I died..

the weirdest part, is that I woke up the next morning and went to hang out with my friend, and I told him about my dream, and his hairs on his arm stood up, he told me that he had a dream that he was going to visit me in a hospital, but he couldn't find out where I was, and no one would tell him

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Fri 07/18/08 01:31 AM
Depression...caused by so many things in life...affects everything...your social life, your work, your sleep, your stamina...every single thing..depression of the funniest things is that with the millions of people on this only takes one to turn ur world upside down, or rightside up...some people in the world are so cruel...

is it that hard for someone to understand?...Normally...a dog doesn't flinch when a hand comes near's expecting to be pet...until somewhere down the line..someone hits the dog...creating a phobia...anytime someone comes near the flinches...when it has a new nice flinches because it's afraid and remembers it's past...but people don't understand...dogs get sad, dogs get mad, dogs cry...they don't want to be put to sleep and forgotten by the one they it that hard for someone to understand?...what could they possibly gain by kicking a dog while it's already down?...

Millions of people suffer from depression...including the story of the dog is just me telling my own story of one of the things I'm going through right now and how I feel...

I said this before quite awhile back but I'll say it again, just being in the battle, continuing...striving to win...carrying on...we are incredibly strong to say we haven't given up matter how meaningless it seems at times..we still carry on...

we'll get our wings back some day =] ......

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Fri 07/18/08 12:36 AM
Thanx all of you =]

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Fri 07/18/08 12:29 AM
My all time fave game was on nintendo, this game called Kung foo heroes, fun as hell with friends

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Thu 07/17/08 12:44 AM
Laughter...the very essence..of life itself...

Rosy flushed cheeks...remembering all those past weeks...

It helps a human get by...when life is really running dry...

It'll be your mask when you cry...your coffin when you die...

Laughter is sometimes a hidden sigh...or an unbelievable high...

Laughter is quite simple, but complex in deep thought...


Remembering the good 'ol days...

Remembering my pals an me...just playing in the sand...

I remember dancin around...prancin up and down...laughing all the way...

Not knowing what life had in store for me..not caring what was coming up later..

Enjoying the day...for what it truly was....a day...

20 somethin years later....those moments play an important role in a humans life...

Deep in thought we humans are....wondering...about so much that makes no sense....

Life becomes overwhelmingly tough...surprisingly rough...but a boy'll always dream....

'cause you's those very memories...that will get a Man out of a tight spot....

'cause only in his boy form...can he fit....through that narrow opening in a locked gate....