Topic: No Torture. No Exceptions.
Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:53 AM

so, the people that we capture, the ones who were shooting at us, how do we get information from them? And i think you'll find that we don't use any of these techniques on just your average person. They have to be proven to either be, or be aiding the enemy. So i guess my question now is, lets just say we caught a terrorist, or insurgent placing an IED in the road. How do we figure out who he works for? Who his friends are? Etc. This information is crucial to ensure as few people die as possible. This does not apply solely to American soldiers. This is also a matter of keeping civilians safe.

You ask and then charge him with the crime of attempted murder and put him away and continue to do your job. I cannot see where there is a problem here.

I know for a fact that gathering intel is not limited to torturing those who might know something. So you cannot tell me that without that option that people are going to die for sure, any more than after you torture him and people still die cause he did not know anything. Maybe he acted alone and he knows nothing. One cannot be sure and because of this one fact torture is not a viable option, ever.

Fanta46's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:53 AM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 03/14/08 09:54 AM

i've never been waterboarded, however i have been sleep deprived, humiliated and even malnurished. I know what most of this is like, but what exactly constitutes torture? Does what your saying mean that we should put our prisoners in the hilton to make their stay more comfortable? Where is the line drawn? Should we shoot them up with drugs instead of sleep depriving them?

Torture is torture. Doing things to people to get them to talk is torture. We cannot be accepting of this technique at all. If we do then we are no better than terrorists, criminals, tyrants.

Punishment of people for wrong doing that is proven is a whole different thing. Do I believe that an 8 x8 cell is torture, to me hell yea, can't even imagine it but that is our form of punishment. Our jailing and housing humans like animals is not a great system either by any means but it is what we have. We are not to torture these people either for "information", that would be torture.

There is no comparison to placing a person in jail for a PROVEN wrong doing and gathering up people who MAY know something and incarcerating them for the sole purpose of illiciting information from them and not charging them with a crime. No comparison at all.

POW's are captured as a sign of humanity! If not, they would just shoot them on the battlefield! They are held captive to remove a resource from the enemies hands. Their only crime is that of every soldier, Fighting for a cause the feel is worth giving their life for.

The terrorist captured by law enforcement are criminals. According to the Geneva Conventions, they can be shot as a spy!
I will draw the line at certain kinds of interrogation however. Torture is evil.
It is a game played with rules that dictate bringing a suspect to the brink of death, or the illusion of death, repeatedly!
It is wicked, cruel, and requires an evil person void of humanity to perform!
It is EVIL!!

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:55 AM
Besides all of that, if torture was so dam effective, Bush would have this whole situation in Iraq and Afghan under wraps because he has been doing it all along. So why is the war not over, all problems resolved from all the torture going on????

Fanta46's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:56 AM

Besides all of that, if torture was so dam effective, Bush would have this whole situation in Iraq and Afghan under wraps because he has been doing it all along. So why is the war not over, all problems resolved from all the torture going on????

Bush as President is our torture!!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:57 AM
We should exile him to Canada..laugh laugh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/14/08 09:59 AM

i've never been waterboarded, however i have been sleep deprived, humiliated and even malnurished. I know what most of this is like, but what exactly constitutes torture? Does what your saying mean that we should put our prisoners in the hilton to make their stay more comfortable? Where is the line drawn? Should we shoot them up with drugs instead of sleep depriving them?

Torture is torture. Doing things to people to get them to talk is torture. We cannot be accepting of this technique at all. If we do then we are no better than terrorists, criminals, tyrants.

Punishment of people for wrong doing that is proven is a whole different thing. Do I believe that an 8 x8 cell is torture, to me hell yea, can't even imagine it but that is our form of punishment. Our jailing and housing humans like animals is not a great system either by any means but it is what we have. We are not to torture these people either for "information", that would be torture.

There is no comparison to placing a person in jail for a PROVEN wrong doing and gathering up people who MAY know something and incarcerating them for the sole purpose of illiciting information from them and not charging them with a crime. No comparison at all.

POW's are captured as a sign of humanity! If not, they would just shoot them on the battlefield! They are held captive to remove a resource from the enemies hands. Their only crime is that of every soldier, Fighting for a cause the feel is worth giving their life for.

The terrorist captured by law enforcement are criminals. According to the Geneva Conventions, they can be shot as a spy!
I will draw the line at certain kinds of interrogation however. Torture is evil.
It is a game played with rules that dictate bringing a suspect to the brink of death, or the illusion of death, repeatedly!
It is wicked, cruel, and requires an evil person void of humanity to perform!
It is EVIL!!

Oh and speaking of that, my cousin married a special ops marine, who had issues from his training. He tortured her cat horribly in front of her to get her to stay with him. He tortured her with his "torture" knowledge to control her. She was lucky to get away from him with her life.

The people who perform these things should not be let loose on us after the military is done with themnoway huh

Dragoness's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:02 AM

We should exile him to Canada..laugh laugh

The yanke is in Canada right? He would take Bush in, I am surelaugh

Fanta46's photo
Fri 03/14/08 10:04 AM

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:49 PM
Aside from all that i think my big issue on this topic is what we consider torture.

It would not matter if each act of torture were described in detail, someone would probably find a way to get past the fine print. I would hate to be the person to write that manual.

How to you train a person who's job it will be to torture?

In some countries, they take young boys and train them. They give them a choice. Either become a torturer or be tortured yourself. I read a story from a man who was trained in torture. He chose to be a torturer. He hated it, but finally got hard and used to it. He said there were some boys who would not do it and so they endured the torture.

So how does one train for a job like that? It makes me want to puke.


karmafury's photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:58 PM

We should exile him to Canada..laugh laugh

Hey!!!:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

That's it Fanta! You just blew it. Now you won't be Premier of Canada South.laugh laugh laugh drinker drinker drinker

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 12:59 PM
I don't know about torture, but I have always said that my idea of hell is to be tied up and forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie" for eternity.

I guess that would be the best way to torture me.


no photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:02 PM
I had a brother who could endure any kind of pain and torture. I am quite sure I could have cut off a finger and he would not have ever said "uncle" But all I had to do is tickle him and he would scream uncle all over the place.

Tickle em!

Fanta46's photo
Fri 03/14/08 01:40 PM
Edited by Fanta46 on Fri 03/14/08 02:08 PM
Karma,,,laugh laugh laugh laugh

tickle em!!!noway noway laugh

mnhiker's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:07 PM

I don't know about torture, but I have always said that my idea of hell is to be tied up and forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie" for eternity.

I guess that would be the best way to torture me.


What's wrong with "Little House on the Prairie"? huh

toastedoranges's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:09 PM
so many torture threads...

always must state this, torture does not work.

as someone else said, torture only gets you the answers the one being tortured thinks you want to hear.

mnhiker's photo
Fri 03/14/08 02:22 PM

I don't know about torture, but I have always said that my idea of hell is to be tied up and forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie" for eternity.

I guess that would be the best way to torture me.


What's wrong with "Little House on the Prairie"? huh

My version of hell would be listening to Muzak versions of 60s songs through all eternity.

no photo
Fri 03/14/08 03:49 PM

I don't know about torture, but I have always said that my idea of hell is to be tied up and forced to watch "Little House on the Prairie" for eternity.

I guess that would be the best way to torture me.


What's wrong with "Little House on the Prairie"? huh

Its preachy, idealistic, unrealistic, and like a fable, it always has a moral to the story. And personally, I just don't like it.

Michael Landen had a terrible dysfunctional family growing up, and so he wanted to try to teach people about the perfect loving family and what he thought a normal family should be like.

In his own life, his family loved him and he was the perfect father. Until he left his wife and married another younger woman and started all over again... another perfect family. His first family of course, was shocked. Daddy just up and left.
So much for all his preaching.

BlackForkFella's photo
Fri 03/14/08 03:57 PM
Drew's the Man!drinker

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 03/14/08 04:08 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Fri 03/14/08 04:11 PM
mmkay, i will say that torture alone does not work. you throw in some mind games, and it's hard to keep lying. Does it make it right? Hell no. Besides, it's more psychological than anything. This is why i say i have no problems what so even with the usage of certain drugs (under close medical supervision), the use of sleep deprivation, even things like forced standing. Yeah it sucks, but this really isn't a game. Torture is wrong in every way shap and form. But you can't keep our soldiers from interrogating those that are trying to kill them and still pretend to care about their safety. War is very much "us or them". There are a lot of extenuating circumstances i can understand. But saying that putting a known terrorist in an 8x8 cell is torture is a bit absurd. Nor sleep depriving him to make him disoriented. This if the guy was caught in the act and might know something to prevent further violence. Anyhow, as i was saying, i am a former U.S. army paratrooper and a veteran of several actual, real world, firefights. I have met dosens of know terrorists and insurgents. (Yes, i know there is a difference) I would like to think i use the warrior code. I would like to think that i am a constitutionalist. And once again i do tell you that torture is just as wrong as war is, and no two wrongs don't make a right. We will never win a battle by being kind and overly sympathetic. So that is why i am tolerant of CERTAIN methods of interrogation.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Fri 03/14/08 04:19 PM


To be fair, my question was hypothetical. It was the nature of the premise that I reject because that isn't far off from saying "killing is always wrong." Again, if someone breaks in to my home and means to kill me I don't just have a choice/option but I believe I have a moral obligation to defend myself up to the point of taking a life. I don't have the right to shoot the same intruder in the back once the cops show up and cuff the individual because the nature of the threat would have changed. But as with most things, we measure in degrees. Those who deal in absolutes both amaze and trouble me.


Understand and agree with you totally.

Nicely worded. Deal with the threat. drinker smokin

And further more, i am convinced, given the mentallity of our enemy and what they are used to from authoritive figures i would say that one of the reasons this conflict is taking so long is the fact that we are exercising proper rules of engagement and we aren't torturing often. We are honestly viewed as have a powerful Army but a weak resolve. They know Americans are a bunch of bleeding hearts. Once again, they only fear confronting us in conventional battle. They don't fear being capture, or even us retaliating. Do you really think after Somalia, and the bombing of a U.S. ship (back in 2000ish) that they knew we would fight back for 9/11? They were expecting us to be devistaded and maybe bump up homeland security a notch. They look for weaknesses and they exploit them. To them kindess is a weakness. I have personal experiences to back up this theory.