Topic: Immigration Reform
Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:33 PM
Edited by Drivinmenutz on Tue 03/11/08 08:36 PM

pack em up, ship em out, have em enter correctly. if their children are citizens, give them 2 choices.

1. take the child back with them and come in just as any other immigrant would have to

2. give said child up for adoption and come in legally if they choose to do so

cold, but meh... abusing our nation isn't any better

I agree... that child should not be granted citizenship unless at least one the their parents is a citizen. They leave things way too open to be exploited... Once again, the U.S. is one of the easiest countries to get a citizenship in. Yeah, these immigrants need to take some responsibility too. I've always been for helping people, but never for free handouts.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:38 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 03/11/08 08:39 PM

pack em up, ship em out, have em enter correctly. if their children are citizens, give them 2 choices.

1. take the child back with them and come in just as any other immigrant would have to

2. give said child up for adoption and come in legally if they choose to do so

cold, but meh... abusing our nation isn't any better

I agree... that child should not be granted citizenship unless at least one the their parents is a citizen. They leave things way too open to be exploited... Once again, the U.S. is one of the easiest countries to get a citizenship in. Yeah, these immigrants need to take some responsibility too. I've always been for helping people, but never for free handouts.

If that was the case we should have done it all along, some of these self-depreciating inhumane citizens we have may have had to go home thennoway

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:38 PM

pack em up, ship em out, have em enter correctly. if their children are citizens, give them 2 choices.

1. take the child back with them and come in just as any other immigrant would have to

2. give said child up for adoption and come in legally if they choose to do so

cold, but meh... abusing our nation isn't any better

Oh the inhumanity of some people, noway shame on you for even suggesting something that cruel.noway huh Luckily your parents never had to make a choice like that. If the child is born in America, he or she is eligible for full rights and that is as it should be. otherwise, we should start picking and choosing who out of the born Americans can have full rights, I know I would not pick anyone who is this cruel to be a full right citizen so you'd be out.noway People just cannot live without some type of "people" to pick on can they??? Does it give you great power to pick on others like a child on the playground. Feeling your power today????noway huh

Adulthood is waiting for those of you who cannot be humane in this situation, it really is and will be glad to see you.flowerforyou

yes the inhumanity of anyone

that would risk they child in such a manner

they should be removed from the area


that is like saying it may be illegal

to hold up the liquor store

but they only tried to make their life better

after all they have kids

they should not go to jail


illegal is illegal

till the law is changed

it is illegal

and should be treated as such

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:42 PM

pack em up, ship em out, have em enter correctly. if their children are citizens, give them 2 choices.

1. take the child back with them and come in just as any other immigrant would have to

2. give said child up for adoption and come in legally if they choose to do so

cold, but meh... abusing our nation isn't any better

Oh the inhumanity of some people, noway shame on you for even suggesting something that cruel.noway huh Luckily your parents never had to make a choice like that. If the child is born in America, he or she is eligible for full rights and that is as it should be. otherwise, we should start picking and choosing who out of the born Americans can have full rights, I know I would not pick anyone who is this cruel to be a full right citizen so you'd be out.noway People just cannot live without some type of "people" to pick on can they??? Does it give you great power to pick on others like a child on the playground. Feeling your power today????noway huh

Adulthood is waiting for those of you who cannot be humane in this situation, it really is and will be glad to see you.flowerforyou

yes the inhumanity of anyone

that would risk they child in such a manner

they should be removed from the area


that is like saying it may be illegal

to hold up the liquor store

but they only tried to make their life better

after all they have kids

they should not go to jail


illegal is illegal

till the law is changed

it is illegal

and should be treated as such

Not even close to similar, illegal immigration is a victimless crime, penalties fit the crime and in this case the only victim is the illegal immigrant. Not comparible.noway

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:44 PM
victimless crime? what about the american people?

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:47 PM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 03/11/08 08:48 PM

pack em up, ship em out, have em enter correctly. if their children are citizens, give them 2 choices.

1. take the child back with them and come in just as any other immigrant would have to

2. give said child up for adoption and come in legally if they choose to do so

cold, but meh... abusing our nation isn't any better

Oh the inhumanity of some people, noway shame on you for even suggesting something that cruel.noway huh Luckily your parents never had to make a choice like that. If the child is born in America, he or she is eligible for full rights and that is as it should be. otherwise, we should start picking and choosing who out of the born Americans can have full rights, I know I would not pick anyone who is this cruel to be a full right citizen so you'd be out.noway People just cannot live without some type of "people" to pick on can they??? Does it give you great power to pick on others like a child on the playground. Feeling your power today????noway huh

Adulthood is waiting for those of you who cannot be humane in this situation, it really is and will be glad to see you.flowerforyou

yes the inhumanity of anyone

that would risk they child in such a manner

they should be removed from the area


that is like saying it may be illegal

to hold up the liquor store

but they only tried to make their life better

after all they have kids

they should not go to jail


illegal is illegal

till the law is changed

it is illegal

and should be treated as such

Not even close to similar, illegal immigration is a victimless crime, penalties fit the crime and in this case the only victim is the illegal immigrant. Not comparible.noway

ok change it to prostitution or hiring a prostitute

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:49 PM

victimless crime? what about the american people?

What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

toastedoranges's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:53 PM
What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

a law is a law, and these laws are put into place to protect the american people and economy.

and as for them being victimized, i feel sorry for noone who knownly puts themselves into a situation. let alone when they're taking advantage folks as well

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:56 PM

victimless crime? what about the american people?

What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes.

but a crime just the same

what does possession of cocaine carry for a penalty

not hurting anyone (victemless) but has a stiff penalty

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:57 PM
Edited by adj4u on Tue 03/11/08 08:58 PM

victimless crime? what about the american people?

What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

"""Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes."""

but a crime just the same

what does possession of cocaine carry for a penalty

not hurting anyone (victimless) but has a stiff penalty

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 08:59 PM
let see the governer of new york

did not break a real law seeing how it was victimless

put he sure is paying a price

why should an illegal be treated any different

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:09 PM
look, what it boils down to is the U.S. really isn't that hard to get in to. We have to have at least SOME restrictions on who becomes our citizens or we lose our security and our sovereignty. The law is the law. We have MOST of them there for a reason. Immigrants are no exceptions to the rule. I know life is hard for some, but we need to regulate the help we give because we can't afford to help EVERYONE. Anyhow, to be a citizen you should have to prove to us you want to be a citizen. Breaking the law isn't the way to do this. It just shows that the only reason you want to be an American is for the benefits. I kknow we have our own citizens that also live by this philosophy, but we shouldn't support it.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:10 PM
and btw illegal immigration costs us tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars on a yearly basis...

no photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:17 PM

victimless crime? what about the american people?

What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

Victimless crime, huh?

Tell that to the illegal immigrant who ran a SIX-SECOND red light, broadsiding me and almost sending my car into a store. The bastard didn't even touch his brakes when he slammed into me, and he thought NOTHING of doing what a LEGAL citizen of this country would do in such a situation, which would be to pull over and make himself available for punishment for-

- driving a vehicle without ANY sort of identification
- driving a vehicle without ANY driver's license
- driving a vehicle without ANY form of liability insurance
- almost committing vehicular manslaughter when he hit me and almost sent me into that store, which had a several people on the sidewalk.

Of course, a LEGAL citizen and resident of this country wouldn't be so friggin' stupid as to flagrantly break the law in such a manner, huh...

What does the fool do, you ask? He starts up his vehicle (which he shouldn't have been driving to begin with) and simply putters away, leaving my brother (he was in the passenger seat) and me to die from our injuries like the socio-economic parasite he is.

So we're taken to the emergency room of the local hospital, where we have to wait FOUR HOURS for the doctors to tend to the hoards of OTHER (possibly illegal) immigrants tying up the system (many of them with MUCH more minor injuries than we had) so that we could get checked out. And WE had health insurance, for god's sake.

Now I ask you- had my brother and I actually died in that hit-and-run accident with that waste of space, who'd be the victim then? Me? My brother? My parents? My extended family?

Basically put, you have absolutely no clue as to what you're talking about. The ones coming here illegally to actually do some good are a STARK minority to those who are here to get a free ride or to continue the their myth of "Aztlan" and their aims to re-annex California and the Southwest Territories for Mexico, if not to propagate the notion of the "North American Union", where such social blight can walk freely between non-countries. They could give a flip about "becoming American", as they don't WANT to be American, as can be seen in the explosion of Spanish-language billboards, shop signs, and sidewalk rolling taco stands that litter the sidewalks of Los Angeles as of late.

And it's all under the guise of "they'll [the illegals] will do the jobs that we don't want", too- and if you TRULY believe that, then I have a mess of scrap steel in Paris for sale.

The ONLY form of immigration reform that needs to take place is follows-

- if you're here illegally, you need to be thrown out.
- if you have kids that you've popped out of your holiest-of-holies, take them with you as you're thrown out.
- if you're a business owner who has made a habit of hiring illegals, you need to spend a good portion of your life in jail and your business reduced to scrap at a liquidation sale.

The ONLY way to finally stop illegal immigration is to affect change in the country where these people are coming from, as THEY'RE responsible for the actions of these people. If they won't (as is the case with Mexico- they have the nerve to give OUR law enforcement static for the treatment of THEIR citizens when they're caught), then you affect change militarily and depose the corrupt officials in their government.

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:19 PM
Edited by Dragoness on Tue 03/11/08 09:21 PM

look, what it boils down to is the U.S. really isn't that hard to get in to. We have to have at least SOME restrictions on who becomes our citizens or we lose our security and our sovereignty. The law is the law. We have MOST of them there for a reason. Immigrants are no exceptions to the rule. I know life is hard for some, but we need to regulate the help we give because we can't afford to help EVERYONE. Anyhow, to be a citizen you should have to prove to us you want to be a citizen. Breaking the law isn't the way to do this. It just shows that the only reason you want to be an American is for the benefits. I kknow we have our own citizens that also live by this philosophy, but we shouldn't support it.

I agree with most of what you say, as long as you and others keep the humane thing to do in mind, I have no problem. The benefits we give our citizens do not go to the illegals anyway, they are not eligible for government benefits at all, this was on the books way before this issue came up, I determined eligibility for welfare and foodstamps and medicaid so I do know this for a fact. This is an untrue propaganda that has been floating around and it is just not true. So as long as you are saying they come here legally to get benefits, I can semi agree with you except those individuals who come in legally have to wait five years or more after their entry to recieve any benefits from the government also.

The entitlement philosophy of the people in this country is not as wide spread as people say it is either. But the ones who do feel entitled, I can vouch from doing welfare and such programs that is covers many different backgrounds, races, etc....except not illegals cause they are not eligible for welfare or foodstamps, etc....

But it is not as common as people lead on to it being. Most welfare recipients were glad of the changes Clinton put into effect in the nineties that reformed the welfare program. I helped create the programs here to conform to the new reform bill Clinton put into effect. It was set up well and it has helped alot of people who were stuck in the rut of welfare.

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:21 PM
yeah, same thing happened to a friend of mine actually....guy was drunk (with an open vodka bottle in hand), no liscence, and no insurance. The guy to two people (including my friend) and my friend was stuck paying the deductable for ALL damages. (Since the drunk driver bumped my friend's car into another one) The drunk driver was an illegal immigrant from mexico and got away with it scott free.

adj4u's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:23 PM
check the laws around the world the united states is the

easiest country to get into legally

and when they get caught

most of the time they let them on o r

never to be seen again DOH

most countries

put them in a concentration camp of sorts

no wonder they come here

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:26 PM

victimless crime? what about the american people?

What about them? Criminals come in all backgrounds if we are talking of real crime. Illegal immigration is a victimless crime in comparison to the other crimes. The person it hurts the worst is the illegal immigrant. They come here and have no legal recourse to any crime committed against them by employers or American criminals.

They set themselves up for this by not legally entering but it is in most situations disadvantageous to the illegal. Even though they hear of the streets of gold here in the US, they are surely putting themselves at risk of being exploited, especially by the people who hire them.

Victimless crime, huh?

Tell that to the illegal immigrant who ran a SIX-SECOND red light, broadsiding me and almost sending my car into a store. The bastard didn't even touch his brakes when he slammed into me, and he thought NOTHING of doing what a LEGAL citizen of this country would do in such a situation, which would be to pull over and make himself available for punishment for-

- driving a vehicle without ANY sort of identification
- driving a vehicle without ANY driver's license
- driving a vehicle without ANY form of liability insurance
- almost committing vehicular manslaughter when he hit me and almost sent me into that store, which had a several people on the sidewalk.

Of course, a LEGAL citizen and resident of this country wouldn't be so friggin' stupid as to flagrantly break the law in such a manner, huh...

What does the fool do, you ask? He starts up his vehicle (which he shouldn't have been driving to begin with) and simply putters away, leaving my brother (he was in the passenger seat) and me to die from our injuries like the socio-economic parasite he is.

So we're taken to the emergency room of the local hospital, where we have to wait FOUR HOURS for the doctors to tend to the hoards of OTHER (possibly illegal) immigrants tying up the system (many of them with MUCH more minor injuries than we had) so that we could get checked out. And WE had health insurance, for god's sake.

Now I ask you- had my brother and I actually died in that hit-and-run accident with that waste of space, who'd be the victim then? Me? My brother? My parents? My extended family?

Basically put, you have absolutely no clue as to what you're talking about. The ones coming here illegally to actually do some good are a STARK minority to those who are here to get a free ride or to continue the their myth of "Aztlan" and their aims to re-annex California and the Southwest Territories for Mexico, if not to propagate the notion of the "North American Union", where such social blight can walk freely between non-countries. They could give a flip about "becoming American", as they don't WANT to be American, as can be seen in the explosion of Spanish-language billboards, shop signs, and sidewalk rolling taco stands that litter the sidewalks of Los Angeles as of late.

And it's all under the guise of "they'll [the illegals] will do the jobs that we don't want", too- and if you TRULY believe that, then I have a mess of scrap steel in Paris for sale.

The ONLY form of immigration reform that needs to take place is follows-

- if you're here illegally, you need to be thrown out.
- if you have kids that you've popped out of your holiest-of-holies, take them with you as you're thrown out.
- if you're a business owner who has made a habit of hiring illegals, you need to spend a good portion of your life in jail and your business reduced to scrap at a liquidation sale.

The ONLY way to finally stop illegal immigration is to affect change in the country where these people are coming from, as THEY'RE responsible for the actions of these people. If they won't (as is the case with Mexico- they have the nerve to give OUR law enforcement static for the treatment of THEIR citizens when they're caught), then you affect change militarily and depose the corrupt officials in their government.

You are wrong about the bad ones being the majority, they are just the ones who make the news. You are being prejudice from your experience with one of them to judge all of them and that is not the right nor human thing to do. noway huh

Drivinmenutz's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:27 PM
Hey Dragoness, Are you sure they can't recieve benefits from ANY state? Cuz i've heard that there are several states that recently enabled them to draw from social security, and welfare. Im pretty sure that some somalians are drawing on our welfare system here in maine. I think they are also getting free education. These are just some stories i hear people talking about. I would have to look into it for myself. I admit i have done no real research on it... (Maine has a very generous welfare system from what i've heard)

Dragoness's photo
Tue 03/11/08 09:29 PM

and btw illegal immigration costs us tens, if not hundreds, of billions of dollars on a yearly basis...

The stats on cost floating around on this are incorrect, I pointed it out earlier in this thread. Hatemongerers compiled these stats to perpetrate their racial hatred and got many many people on their bandwagon, not even realizing that they are supporting racists or maybe realizing and not caring I don't know but those stats are not accurate.