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Topic: abortion
brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:22 PM
all i was asking for was an opinion and i got bunches. there were circumstances that her choice was based on and she knows she did the right thing she just now is wondering things she shouldnt be. the father was a low life and told her he wouldnt approve of adoption and would fight for custody, which wasent a good thing. and she got scared and thought at the time she was doing the right thing. she regrets it now and knows she now needs to really protect herself. she is going to a couselor she just wanted some advice from me and i had no idea what to tell her thanks for all your help but this discussion is over. is there anyway i can delete this

Winx's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:28 PM

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:31 PM

all i was asking for was an opinion and i got bunches. there were circumstances that her choice was based on and she knows she did the right thing she just now is wondering things she shouldnt be. the father was a low life and told her he wouldnt approve of adoption and would fight for custody, which wasent a good thing. and she got scared and thought at the time she was doing the right thing. she regrets it now and knows she now needs to really protect herself. she is going to a couselor she just wanted some advice from me and i had no idea what to tell her thanks for all your help but this discussion is over. is there anyway i can delete this

i hope the councilling helps her.

i dont think you can delete this, the mods delete threads if there abusive. so i dont know.

Brenda_Darling's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:35 PM

all i was asking for was an opinion and i got bunches. there were circumstances that her choice was based on and she knows she did the right thing she just now is wondering things she shouldnt be. the father was a low life and told her he wouldnt approve of adoption and would fight for custody, which wasent a good thing. and she got scared and thought at the time she was doing the right thing. she regrets it now and knows she now needs to really protect herself. she is going to a couselor she just wanted some advice from me and i had no idea what to tell her thanks for all your help but this discussion is over. is there anyway i can delete this

I hope the couselors help her out...i know for my friend they didnt, just made her feel worse...Just be there for her.honestly...thats the best thing anyone can do for her, just be there, let her cry on ur shoulder, and not to judge her. best of luck to her!flowerforyou

blueeyedbarbie's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:37 PM

all i was asking for was an opinion and i got bunches. there were circumstances that her choice was based on and she knows she did the right thing she just now is wondering things she shouldnt be. the father was a low life and told her he wouldnt approve of adoption and would fight for custody, which wasent a good thing. and she got scared and thought at the time she was doing the right thing. she regrets it now and knows she now needs to really protect herself. she is going to a couselor she just wanted some advice from me and i had no idea what to tell her thanks for all your help but this discussion is over. is there anyway i can delete this

So i am going to keep this going a little bit longer by commenting on one thing that was said......

Where is the fathers rights in all of this Abortion crap and adoption crap? I have a 11 year old Neice out there somewhere because her mother gave her up for adoption when she was born. It takes two to make a baby i think it should take to to make the decision on abortion and adoption. And for those who don't know the "Baby's Daddy" well they should have to prove who the father is before an Adoption can take place. When we found out that my brothers Girlfriend was pregnant and that she didn't think that she could take care of th baby my mom the Grandmother of the baby was willing to raise the child until she thought that she could take care of her. We were pregnant at the same time and we were the same age and i did it with the support of my family which is what my family was willing to give her..... just another thing i just don't get!

brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:40 PM
well the father told her that he wanted her to have an abortion but no adoption, he said he wasnt gonna sign his rights away. and his family paid for it to be done and he was there when it happend

blueeyedbarbie's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:42 PM

well the father told her that he wanted her to have an abortion but no adoption, he said he wasnt gonna sign his rights away. and his family paid for it to be done and he was there when it happend

May i ask how old the father was?

brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:46 PM
18 and a punk if you ask me, he treated her like **** and when she found out she was the first thing he said was ABORTION

blueeyedbarbie's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:49 PM

18 and a punk if you ask me, he treated her like **** and when she found out she was the first thing he said was ABORTION

I guess my first question would be what was an 18 year old doing being with a 15 year old? And Vice Versa! Don't ya know that 15 will get you 20? Not sure what the law is on that in your state!

brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:53 PM
well the law here is from 15 to 20 can have relations as long as the parents approve. yea and she was stupid i will not dispute that and they dated for 3 years. i just never have aggreed with abortions, i have a 2 year old and i got pregnat in a very difficult situation, my sons father is in prison for a really long time but i couldnt kill my baby. i just want to be there for her because shes my sister and i love her wether i aggree with it or not

blueeyedbarbie's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:55 PM

well the law here is from 15 to 20 can have relations as long as the parents approve. yea and she was stupid i will not dispute that and they dated for 3 years. i just never have aggreed with abortions, i have a 2 year old and i got pregnat in a very difficult situation, my sons father is in prison for a really long time but i couldnt kill my baby. i just want to be there for her because shes my sister and i love her wether i aggree with it or not

In NY i beleive it's 18! If you are over 18 and you are with someone under the age of 18 it's stagitory rape in the laws eyes!

brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 12:59 PM
oh well i dont have that problem cuz if they aint older than me i dont mess around

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:06 PM
here its classed as rape if the girl is under 16

brokenwing22's photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:08 PM
he could of got in trouble if my parents pressed charges but they already knew, yea my parents are dopes

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:22 PM
:heart: WOW, I don't know if I really want to type all that I would like to say here.lol
It should be up to the woman, if it is her first time thinking of doing this, or was raped or the pill failed or the condom broke,,or any,,,,first-time thought...
Never should a women do it just because it is SOMETHING she just doesn't want...:angry:
There should be a board of review for any women who is wanting
a second abortion, and let them decide..
But the flip side to THIS is I have personally over-heard
two women talking about ONE was going to have another baby because SHE would get 40.00 more a month and more food stamps if she had another baby! WTF???????:angry: grumble :angry:

I think that if any women is on state aid, and has TWO illegitiment (NO FATHERS) children, that the state should force her to have her tubes tied at the BIRTH of her third (no father) child.

NOW, if the groups who want to fight for NO ABORTIONS really want to do some great things, then THEY should willingly RAISE EVERY child that they can save..NOT JUST PASS THE BUCK AS SAYING NO YOU CAN'T...But WE DON"T CARE WHAT OR HOW YOU RAISE THAT BABY!

And if SOME GROUPS have all the laws to READ, NO ABORTIONS...period.....
Then you will have the same ones that were going to do it get it done by back alley butchers, then the baby and the child will both be at risk of dying.And the aborted bodies left ANYWHERE.
And im a realist, if the GROUPS WIN that fight,,,
WHAT would STOP them from a future attack on BIRTH CONTROL DEVICES being a STOPPING AGENT FOR GOD'S SEED.....?????

no photo
Sun 03/02/08 01:25 PM

:heart: WOW, I don't know if I really want to type all that I would like to say here.lol
It should be up to the woman, if it is her first time thinking of doing this, or was raped or the pill failed or the condom broke,,or any,,,,first-time thought...
Never should a women do it just because it is SOMETHING she just doesn't want...:angry:
There should be a board of review for any women who is wanting
a second abortion, and let them decide..
But the flip side to THIS is I have personally over-heard
two women talking about ONE was going to have another baby because SHE would get 40.00 more a month and more food stamps if she had another baby! WTF???????:angry: grumble :angry:

I think that if any women is on state aid, and has TWO illegitiment (NO FATHERS) children, that the state should force her to have her tubes tied at the BIRTH of her third (no father) child.

NOW, if the groups who want to fight for NO ABORTIONS really want to do some great things, then THEY should willingly RAISE EVERY child that they can save..NOT JUST PASS THE BUCK AS SAYING NO YOU CAN'T...But WE DON"T CARE WHAT OR HOW YOU RAISE THAT BABY!

And if SOME GROUPS have all the laws to READ, NO ABORTIONS...period.....
Then you will have the same ones that were going to do it get it done by back alley butchers, then the baby and the child will both be at risk of dying.And the aborted bodies left ANYWHERE.
And im a realist, if the GROUPS WIN that fight,,,
WHAT would STOP them from a future attack on BIRTH CONTROL DEVICES being a STOPPING AGENT FOR GOD'S SEED.....?????

your right there, i knew someone who had another baby so she would get extra money (child benefits). how bad is that!!!grumble

scttrbrain's photo
Sun 03/02/08 08:53 PM
It's true..it does happen that way. Here in Oklahoma I think they put a stop at helping them at three. I think two oughta suffice, but it is only my taxes at work here. I am still confused at what happened to the five year limit here? It was supposed to be only five years that the DHS would help people, then they had to have had training and get a job, albeit being trained by the state to help themselves. Haven't a clue what happened there?
But, here they will not fix them unless they are 25. My ex boyfriends daughter is 18 been pregnant 5 times. One miscarriage, and one died in birth and the other three are well. She asked to be fixed they deny her that. She is not old enough!!???


Brenda_Darling's photo
Sun 03/02/08 08:56 PM

he could of got in trouble if my parents pressed charges but they already knew, yea my parents are dopes

i know that she could press charges...n say she felt pressured, and didnt know what would happen if she said no...i know thats what the 15yr old my 17yrold ex was with did...and now he's doing hard time...

morethanjust_janedoe's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:29 PM

Everyone has their reasons for doing the things they do..I personally don't see anything wrong with abortion..Its better than bringing the child into the world and making or letting something happen to it once you decide you can't handle being a parent.

Better the child alive then dead. Could possibly have been a child that would have done someting great in this world. But now it can't. There are SO MANY families and SO MANY couples that cannot consieve their own children.... I hate it. I dont know why people thing that by doing it is the right thing. For ANYONE. All i gotta say is what goes around comes around....

franshade's photo
Mon 03/03/08 01:35 PM
To each their own, but do believe abortion should not be used as a means of contraception.

Those having consentual sex should be prepared and responsible, to those that have been abused and have/had no say in getting pregnant, it's a personal decision, think it over as it affects your life and your conscience for life.

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