Topic: A Thank-You Note to George W. Bush | |
I suggest we put Bush and Cheneye and the rest on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity, this would put the whole world behind us like they were in the days after 911 prior to the illegal Iraq invasion. My opinion is enough evidence esists to convict and there is certainly ample evidence to hold a trial, we then would have the morality to attempt rebuild Iraq in such a way not to be viewed as conqourers and invaders, perhapse then we will get some meaningfull help from our traditional allies as well. MADMAN...... Explain what war crimes Bush and Cheyney committed. Who are "the rest," you refer to? What crimes against humanity were committed by President Bush and other Americans? If there is enough evidence to hold a trial, then why haven't Pelosi and Reid moved on it?! Certainly this would be a big win for the Democratics. Why haven't the Democratics moved forward with the war crimes if it is a win-win situation as you say!? Are you kidding? Because stupid Pelosi and Reid are too busy playing political games, watching the Presidential caucuses and anyway, Bush and Cheney will be gone in January barring some declaration of martial law. Beside, there isn't enough time to impeach. Not only is what Bush and Cheney did sickening, the lukewarm response to it by the Democrats is, perhaps, more sickening, which is why their approval rate is lower than Bush. mnhiker....... What you meant to say is that there isn't any evidence to impeach. If there had been Reid and Pelosi would have done so long ago. Sure, they would. |
come on ..... give it up ...... no evidence to impeach Bush .... no reason ..... the democrats would have done so long, long ago if they had a tad bit of evidence, but they don't ..... |
mnhiker....... come on ..... give it up ...... no evidence to impeach Bush .... no reason ..... the democrats would have done so long, long ago if they had a tad bit of evidence, but they don't ..... Here is all the evidence anyone needs for impeachment: |
mnhiker....... come on ..... give it up ...... no evidence to impeach Bush .... no reason ..... the democrats would have done so long, long ago if they had a tad bit of evidence, but they don't ..... Here is all the evidence anyone needs for impeachment: mnhiker...... If you have evidence to impeach Bush, then why not run to Polosi and Reid and give it to them!? Then they can impeach Bush and when the Democratics get into power, you can name whatever cabinet post you want. |
Here is all the evidence anyone needs for impeachment: wow man, this is going to take awhile I see. Ten impeachable offenses committed by Bush and Cheney are: 1. Violating the United Nations Charter by launching an illegal war of aggression against Iraq without cause, using fraud to sell the war to Congress and the public, and misusing government funds to begin bombing without Congressional authorization. your claim in the 1. spot, was not launch illegally as proven before UN resolution 1441 said any and all means necessary in order to force compliance(paraphrased) to enforce UNres 660 and the other 17 UN res 2. Violating U.S. and international law by authorizing the torture of thousands of captives, resulting in dozens of deaths, and keeping prisoners hidden from the International Committee of the Red Cross. Tourture of thousands of captured terrorist, Sleep deprivation is one of the catagories being labeled as torture, no thousands of prisoners were captured. Yes they were held in secret because we didnt want to tip the other terrorist who we had and who we were coming for next. 3. Violating the Constitution by arbitrarily detaining Americans, legal residents, and non-Americans, without due process, without charge, and without access to counsel. one of those they arent aying the name to was the damn shoe bomber who tried to board the plane and is now the reason we all take our shoes off at the airport. Other were captured in afghanistan or even here in the US as professed expats, and in anycase that the national security is thought to be at risk the US can in fact detain or imprison (is it two years I dont remember) without counsel. 4. Violating the Geneva Conventions by targeting civilians, journalists, hospitals, and ambulances, and using illegal weapons, including white phosphorous, depleted uranium, and a new type of napalm. umm the tanks are made of depleated ur, never directly targeted civilians unless they had a gun iin their hand, never an ambulance unless it was being used as a troop transport and stlen or given to the insurgents. YEP shot into a hospital- ther for that one- we killed three sniper from 980 meters it was a sweet shot and a one time occurance, new napalm? got me on that, never heard of or seen this mysterious thing. 5. Violating U.S. law and the Constitution through widespread wiretapping of the phone calls and emails of Americans without a warrant. patriot act, not illegal wire tapped- didnt the supreme court rule on this and that is why we can STILL DO IT. 6. Violating the Constitution by using signing statements to defy hundreds of laws passed by Congress. Oh like the orders from them to submit timetables, come on- congress? the pres. defied congress, smae group that defies him everyday... that holds no water. 7. Violating U.S. and state law by obstructing honest elections in 2000, 2002, 2004, and 2006. oh now this one is just crazy dumb, back to the hanging chads, your guy lost the election, both of them, get over it! 8. Violating U.S. law by using paid propaganda and disinformation, selectively and misleadingly leaking classified information, and exposing the identity of a covert CIA operative working on sensitive WMD proliferation for political retribution. HHHMMMMM,,,, think the pres outed that former field agent turned desk jockey who had already been benched and yaned out of the field. Misleading information- nah, sorry there too. 9. Subverting the Constitution and abusing Presidential power by asserting a "Unitary Executive Theory" giving unlimited powers to the President, by obstructing efforts by Congress and the Courts to review and restrict Presidential actions, and by promoting and signing legislation negating the Bill of Rights and the Writ of Habeas Corpus. captured terrorist are not US citizens, they are prisoners of war. and as such there is no standing for the writ in the first place. ummm war time law and peace time law are not the same thing, so the rules that grant executive privilage to be asserted are strong, and stronger for a reason- national security. leadership that needed to know what was going on with in the dem congress was briefed on a more than regular basis. 10. Gross negligence in failing to assist New Orleans residents after Hurricane Katrina, in ignoring urgent warnings of an Al Qaeda attack prior to Sept. 11, 2001, and in increasing air pollution causing global warming. this one is laughable to. records have shown that the president was in communications with the stupid gov down there and asked her directly do you need any help or assistance, to which she rudely said no. then,,, with it hit the fan, like it always does for most dems she tried to do the blame him not me, he wouldnt give us any help, he left us all here to die, I hate him, I wanna go home! boohoo. MNHKR- I expect more from you, this were just rambling of a mad man and answer in the same likeness, show some credable links that provide maybe some kind of cohesive patterns or something so that I must go and research and type all this from my head. PLEASE? |
Oh as for the thing about Katrina. People that don't know about it shouldn't speak on it. I am from Louisiana, my town was hit by Rita (it came right after Katrina and was more powerful). The people that were in the city that needed it did it to themselves. Not the presidents fault that they were morons and didn't leave during a mandatory evacuation.
As for prior 9/11 stuff. They didn't have the patriot act then so they actually couldn't legally act without sufficient evidence. They found out in like 1994 that there was an attack planned that was gonna use crashed air plains. You would think that after 5-6 years they didn't think it would really happen. |
mnhiker....... come on ..... give it up ...... no evidence to impeach Bush .... no reason ..... the democrats would have done so long, long ago if they had a tad bit of evidence, but they don't ..... The democrats are just as manipulated as the republicans. They cannot and will not do a darn thing. Because of the "Patriot Act" the Office of the President now has the powers of a dictator and is above the laws. No one can or will "legally" do anything. |
Edited by
Sun 03/02/08 09:13 PM
the secret court or something to that effect is a seven judge panel that heres all the dirt on the things that pres wants to do, if it might conflict with any laws. and okay the still need authorization(warants) to tap the phones/
the pres is not a ussurpitous position in government there are still checks and balances, dont worry jeannie no dictatorships here. |
mnhiker....... come on ..... give it up ...... no evidence to impeach Bush .... no reason ..... the democrats would have done so long, long ago if they had a tad bit of evidence, but they don't ..... The democrats are just as manipulated as the republicans. They cannot and will not do a darn thing. Because of the "Patriot Act" the Office of the President now has the powers of a dictator and is above the laws. No one can or will "legally" do anything. Why don't you expalin how the Patriot act gives the president powers of a dictator since nothing that I have seen in the patriot act has anything to do with the president. The patriot act is mostly about the sharing of information btw government agencies and less red tape for counter terrorism. |
the secret court or something to that effect is a three judge panel that heres all the dirt on the things that pres wants to do, if it might conflict with any laws. the pres is not a ussurpitous position in government there are still checks and balances, dont worry jeannie no dictatorships here. That's just what they would like you to believe. If we did not have at least the "illusion" of freedom, then we would not send our children to war to fight for it. The President could be a dictator if his controllers would let him. But they aren't ready for that yet, and Bush isn't "hard" enough for the job. Hilary might be however. Let's hope she isn't elected. |
Edited by
Sun 03/02/08 09:22 PM
Why don't you expalin how the Patriot act gives the president powers of a dictator since nothing that I have seen in the patriot act has anything to do with the president. The patriot act is mostly about the sharing of information btw government agencies and less red tape for counter terrorism. I don't think you have read it then, and if you have, I don't think you understood it. It gives the OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT the power to suspend the constitution completely, arrest anyone he or she decides to classify a "terrorist" to include "domestic terrorism" ~~loosely defined that could just about apply to anyone if they so chose it to. It gives them to power to secretly tap anyones phone, bug anyones house, without going through proper procedure. If you haven't noticed it yet, just about everything they don't want people knowing about is called "CLASSIFIED." and if you go to a political rally wearing the wrong tea-shirt you are put into a "free speech zone" which is an enclosed area with barbed wire on the top. No anti-bush people are allowed to get near the President. They call this "Protection" But what is really is ~~~ they don't want the president to look unpopular on television so they keep protesters away... This is what is happening. If all you do is sit at home watching the news, you will never know about it. But if you are there in person, you will see. |
consult the cards.
someones beliefs are misguided and have set her on a path that is wrought with unexpected trials and kaos. more like the page of cups than the queen of coin |
consult the cards. someones beliefs are misguided and have set her on a path that is wrought with unexpected trials and kaos. more like the page of cups than the queen of coin I would hope that you are right. Unfortunately I have personal experience in the matter that is difficult to forget. (The word is chaos and the only chaos in my life is the pile of papers and books on my computer desk, and of course my house might be described that way by some. |
consult the cards. someones beliefs are misguided and have set her on a path that is wrought with unexpected trials and kaos. more like the page of cups than the queen of coin I would hope that you are right. Unfortunately I have personal experience in the matter that is difficult to forget. (The word is chaos and the only chaos in my life is the pile of papers and books on my computer desk, and of course my house might be described that way by some. JB: I take it you are a wiccan? The symbol on the left side of the chair you are sitting on is a wiccan symbol, and into the tarot cards? Obvious to me why your life and house are in chaos. My life and my house are very much in order and peaceful. I follow Jesus Christ. To each his/her own, I guess. But I know, my Lord and Savior will never leave me nor forsake me. Thus, I have peace and order 24/7, no matter what the trial or tribulation. Lindyy |
consult the cards. someones beliefs are misguided and have set her on a path that is wrought with unexpected trials and kaos. more like the page of cups than the queen of coin I would hope that you are right. Unfortunately I have personal experience in the matter that is difficult to forget. (The word is chaos and the only chaos in my life is the pile of papers and books on my computer desk, and of course my house might be described that way by some. JB: I take it you are a wiccan? The symbol on the left side of the chair you are sitting on is a wiccan symbol, and into the tarot cards? Obvious to me why your life and house are in chaos. My life and my house are very much in order and peaceful. I follow Jesus Christ. To each his/her own, I guess. But I know, my Lord and Savior will never leave me nor forsake me. Thus, I have peace and order 24/7, no matter what the trial or tribulation. Lindyy No I am not wiccan and the symbol of the pentacle is not wiccan. That shows me how much you know about it. That symbol was once used by Christians to ward off witches. It is a spiritual symbol that represents different things to different people. You should not judge people so much. Today I use it to ward of Christians. LOL Yes I do tarot cards and they are not wiccan either, neither are they a tool of evil like I have been told by so many judgmental Christians like you. I'm glad your house is nice and tidy but I bet Jesus didn't clean it up for you. |
I am neither christian, catholic or wiccan and my house looks like hurricane rita ripped it apart. (not meant to offend or upset and victims of said hurricane, just using it as a reference for my house )
yes its off topic but i had to say it |
JB: I take it you are a wiccan? The symbol on the left side of the chair you are sitting on is a wiccan symbol, and into the tarot cards? Lindyy No I am not wiccan and the symbol of the pentacle is not wiccan. That shows me how much you know about it. That symbol was once used by Christians to ward off witches. It is a spiritual symbol that represents different things to different people. You should not judge people so much. Today I use it to ward of Christians. LOL Yes I do tarot cards and they are not wiccan either, neither are they a tool of evil like I have been told by so many judgmental Christians like you. I'm glad your house is nice and tidy but I bet Jesus didn't clean it up for you. Lindyy says: FIRST: Christians never did nor do they need any phoney symbol to ward off witches. The shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary gives Christians all the protection needed. WICCANS/tarot: Symbols of Wicca and Neopaganism There are many symbols associated with Wicca and modern neopagan belief systems. Some of the most universal Neopagan symbols include: The pentacle, a pentagram within a circle, is the most recognizable symbol of Wicca. The pentacle represents the integration of body and spirit, and the spiritual mastery of the four elements. The pentacle is used in a number of Wiccan rituals, and as a Grade sign in Gardnerian and other traditions. The pentacle is often worn as a symbol of recognition amongst practitioners, especially those who practice a code of secrecy. (This site does not enable pictures to be pasted on, but a pentacle is what you admitted to being on the picture you have as part of your profile.) Traditional Wiccan ritual tools: The four most commonly used ritual tools in Wicca are derived from the magickal tools used by Ritual magicians of the Renaissance. They symbolize the four ancient elements, and are used ritually to channel their powers. THEY ARE DIREDTLY RELATED TO THE SUIT SIGNS ON TAROT CARDS (Emphasis added -Lindyy -all upper case letters) and the four worlds of the kabbalah. ………. The dish, or paten, also known as a pentacle in most Wiccan and Ritual Magick tradition. ……… Wicca From the Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Altars Most Wiccans have special places in their houses where they go to pray and do magic. These places are called altars, or sometimes shrines. Wiccans put their holy objects on their altars. This is what you might find on an altar: The pentagram and pentacle. A pentacle is a flat object with a Wiccan symbol on it. The symbol looks like a A STAR INSIDE A CIRCLE (Lindyy's emphasis -UPPER CASE LETTERS) In common usage, the star is by itself is a pentacle; being in a circle makes it a pentagram. However, because of differing meanings of the pentagram in different cultures and religions, many Wiccans refer to the Wiccan symbol as a pentacle to distinguish themselves from these other groups. CHRISTIANITY FROM THE HOLY BIBLE GOD FORBIDS THIS: Deuteronomy 18:10-14 Detestable Practices 10 Let no one be found among you who ..... practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft, 11 or casts spells, or who is a medium or spiritist or who consults the dead. 12 Anyone who does these things is detestable to the LORD, and because of these detestable practices the LORD your God will drive out those nations before you. 13 You must be blameless before the LORD your God. Galations 5: 19-21 19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft;……… and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God. Jude 1 1Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and a brother of James, To those who have been called, who are loved by God the Father and kept by[a] Jesus Christ: …….. 9But even the archangel Michael, when he was disputing with the devil about the body of Moses, did not dare to bring a slanderous accusation against him, but said, "The Lord rebuke you!" And to you I say what the archangel Michael wisely said: "The Lord Rebuke you." Lindyy A follower of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. |
Edited by
Mon 03/03/08 09:59 PM
Lindyy says:
FIRST: Christians never did nor do they need any phoney symbol to ward off witches. The shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary gives Christians all the protection needed. smile smile smile In Christian times: 1..The five points of the pentagram have been interpreted as representing the five wounds of Christ (2 wrist, 2 ankle and 1 side). 2..The Roman Emperor Constantine used the pentagram in his seal and amulet. 3..It has been referred to as the Star of Bethlehem 4..It was used to symbolize the star which allegedly led three Zoroastrian astrologers to the baby Jesus; it was called the Three Kings' star. 5..The English warrior Sir Gawain, a nephew of King Arthur, adopted the pentagram as his personal symbol and placed it on his shield. It appeared in gold on a red background. The five points symbolized "the five knightly virtues - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety." 6..Tarot cards originally had a suit of coins or discs. These were changed in the 19th century to pentacles when the Tarot became associated with the Kabbalah. They eventually became the suit of diamonds in modern playing cards. 7..It has been widely used by past Christians as a protective amulet. 8..During the burning times when the Christian church burned alive hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the meaning of the pentagram changed. It began to symbolize a goat's head or the devil in the form of Baphomet. "The folk-symbol of security - for the first time in history - was equated with evil and was called the Witch's Foot. |
Edited by
Tue 03/04/08 08:52 AM
"The Lord Rebuke you."
Lindyy A follower of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I don't judge you. You simply lack education and understanding. A symbol means only what someone decides it means. Without humans applying meaning to symbols, they have no meaning whatsoever. I told you what the symbol was used for by Christians. This is a fact, like it or not. But since the meaning of the symbol seems to have changed, some associate it with Wicca. Reversed, it is used differently. Understanding can sometimes rid people of the fear they have of it. There is nothing to fear in symbols. If you are going to Judge people, judge them by who they are not by what or who you imagine they are. JB |
Lindyy says:
FIRST: Christians never did nor do they need any phoney symbol to ward off witches. The shed blood of Jesus Christ on the cross at Calvary gives Christians all the protection needed. smile smile smile In Christian times: 1..The five points of the pentagram have been interpreted as representing the five wounds of Christ (2 wrist, 2 ankle and 1 side). 2..The Roman Emperor Constantine used the pentagram in his seal and amulet. 3..It has been referred to as the Star of Bethlehem 4..It was used to symbolize the star which allegedly led three Zoroastrian astrologers to the baby Jesus; it was called the Three Kings' star. 5..The English warrior Sir Gawain, a nephew of King Arthur, adopted the pentagram as his personal symbol and placed it on his shield. It appeared in gold on a red background. The five points symbolized "the five knightly virtues - generosity, courtesy, chastity, chivalry and piety." 6..Tarot cards originally had a suit of coins or discs. These were changed in the 19th century to pentacles when the Tarot became associated with the Kabbalah. They eventually became the suit of diamonds in modern playing cards. 7..It has been widely used by past Christians as a protective amulet. 8..During the burning times when the Christian church burned alive hundreds of thousands of innocent people, the meaning of the pentagram changed. It began to symbolize a goat's head or the devil in the form of Baphomet. "The folk-symbol of security - for the first time in history - was equated with evil and was called the Witch's Foot. your talking about a pentagram...Lindyy was talking about a pentacle...two completely different symbols with two completely different meanings.... The pentacle, a pentagram within a circle, is the most recognizable symbol of Wicca.