Topic: They lied about wmds
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Sun 02/17/08 05:14 PM
Edited by Starsailor2851 on Sun 02/17/08 05:14 PM

Who lied? CIA, DIA, FBI, MI6, the French, Germans, the Canadians, other British Intelligence Services, the Spanish, and many more all believed that Iraq had WMD. Even the UN believed that Iraq may have WMD as they believed he was definately hiding something and would never allow full access. Just prior to the invasion the UN Inspectors were finally show missiles that we prohibited that could reach a range further than they had in 1991.

So, I suppose the 'moron' Bush and cronies duped everyone into the lie? lol come on madisonman, think.

It was real easy for me. Before the Iraq war ever started I was 100% sure there was no nuclear threat there. You know what great intelligence I had access too? Ralph Nader. He gave a speech in my state where he simply stated that previously when Saddam had nuclear abilities a little country called Israel sent planes in and destroyed the nuclear threat. Nader assured us in the speech that this little country had a pretty good spy network in the area and somehow he felt that if they did not feel threatened then there was no threat. Simple as that! Ralph Nader with 10 minutes of reasoning was able to out think all of the conservative war mongers itching to go to Iraq and willing to use bad to non existent information to lie us into war.

So you can admit one of 2 things here

Ralph Nader is smarter then the whole Bush Administration

Or The Bushies Lied

Or, he got lucky because he remembered that the Intelligence Services back in '91 were dumb because they had no idea that Saddam was going to invade Kuwait and launch scuds into Israel. They all thought he was saber rattling.

The next time they thought his deception was that he was really hiding WMD, but this time it appears he was actually saber rattling.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:15 PM

Who lied? CIA, DIA, FBI, MI6, the French, Germans, the Canadians, other British Intelligence Services, the Spanish, and many more all believed that Iraq had WMD. Even the UN believed that Iraq may have WMD as they believed he was definately hiding something and would never allow full access. Just prior to the invasion the UN Inspectors were finally show missiles that we prohibited that could reach a range further than they had in 1991.

So, I suppose the 'moron' Bush and cronies duped everyone into the lie? lol come on madisonman, think.

It was real easy for me. Before the Iraq war ever started I was 100% sure there was no nuclear threat there. You know what great intelligence I had access too? Ralph Nader. He gave a speech in my state where he simply stated that previously when Saddam had nuclear abilities a little country called Israel sent planes in and destroyed the nuclear threat. Nader assured us in the speech that this little country had a pretty good spy network in the area and somehow he felt that if they did not feel threatened then there was no threat. Simple as that! Ralph Nader with 10 minutes of reasoning was able to out think all of the conservative war mongers itching to go to Iraq and willing to use bad to non existent information to lie us into war.

Lie? Do you need a dictionary too? The Intelligence services of the French, DIA, CIA, MI6, Germans, and so on must all be Bush cronies he tricked.

Come on, such ridiculous claims.
post your links to your claims star sailor i do recall the germans and the french both saw thi war for what it is.....garbage

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:33 PM
Here is one French Connection:

"But on that very trip, there was also a secret contact made. The contact was brokered by the FRENCH intelligence service, sources say. Intelligence sources say that in a New York hotel room, CIA officers met with an intermediary who represented Sabri. All discussions between Sabri and the CIA were conducted through a "cutout," or third party. Through the intermediary, intelligence sources say, the CIA paid Sabri more than $100,000 in what was, essentially, "good-faith money." And for his part, Sabri, again through the intermediary, relayed information about Saddam’s actual capabilities." -

That guy turned out to be uncredible according to some CIA officials, but the French Intelligence were the liason. Appears they were seriously duped and the CIA was duped into trusting the source the French provided them.

"Although the French intelligence services were convinced WMD remained in Iraq, Chirac recognised that the intelligence services "sometimes intoxicate each other". His thinking "seemed to be dominated by the conviction that Iraq did not pose a threat that justified armed intervention"." -

Here is some serious stuff:

"The Italian businessman at the centre of a furious row between France and Italy over whose intelligence service was to blame for bogus documents suggesting Saddam Hussein was seeking to buy material for nuclear bombs has admitted that he was in the pay of France.

The man, identified by an Italian news agency as Rocco Martino, was the subject of a Telegraph article earlier this month in which he was referred to by his intelligence codename, "Giacomo".

His admission to investigating magistrates in Rome on Friday apparently confirms suggestions that - by commissioning "Giacomo" to procure and circulate documents - France was responsible for some of the information later used by Britain and the United States to promote the case for war with Iraq." -

"He was also said to have claimed that he had obtained the documents from an employee at the Niger embassy in Rome, before passing these to French intelligence, on whose payroll he had been since at least 2000.

However, he reportedly also added that he had believed that the documents in question were genuine, and to have never suspected that they had been forged. "Martino has clarified his position and offered to deliver to the magistrates the documents which confirm his declarations," his lawyer, Giuseppe Placidi, told Ansa." -

German Connection:


"'Prior to the war, my view was that the best evidence that I had seen was that Iraq, indeed, had weapons of mass destruction. I would also point out that many governments that chose not to support this war – certainly the French President Chirac, referred to Iraq's possession of WMD. The GERMAN intelligence certainly believed that there was WMD.'

Dr Kay added: 'It turns out that we were all wrong, probably in my judgement, and that is most disturbing.'" -

David Kay before Senate Armed Services Committee, January 28, 2004:

"He also notes that other foreign intelligence agencies, including the French and the German, also had believed that Iraq possessed such stocks and production lines. In addition, he discusses the issue of whether political pressure had any impact on the content of the October 2002 national intelligence estimate (Document 15). Kay also notes that "based on the work of the Iraq Survey Group … Iraq was in clear violation of the terms of [U.N.] Resolution 1441. He goes on to note the discovery of hundreds of instances of activities prohibited by U.N. Resolution 687." -

chuck366's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:37 PM
very deep boys .........getting very deep now.

no photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:42 PM

very deep boys .........getting very deep now.

I'm done, I don't care what the heck he comes up with next from..... or or something like it.. happy

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:52 PM
The Niger yellow cake has been proven to be a fraud. so there goes alot of your info. I wont say that governments were not attempting to gather information on Iraq especialy after Bush stated bellowing about it but as most of your post said, the sources proved to be unreliable. I will dig deeper at another time but now I have to pick my son up from his youth basketball leage

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 05:55 PM

Naji Sabri Was ‘on CIA Payroll’

WASHINGTON, 22 March 2006 — Iraq’s foreign minister under Saddam Hussein spied for the CIA before the US-led invasion in 2003 in return for a $100,000 payment, a US television station reported.

In September 2002, Iraq’s top diplomat Naji Sabri traded information on Saddam’s alleged weapons program for cash in a French-sponsored New York City hotel room meeting, NBC reported, citing intelligence sources.

US intelligence agents believe Sabri was fully aware he was selling information to the CIA, it said.

During the cloak-and-dagger meeting, Sabri told the CIA’s middleman that Saddam possessed chemical weapons and wanted a nuclear bomb but needed much more time to build one than the CIA estimate of several months to a year.

He also denied Saddam had any biological weapons. Sabri’s tips were thought to be more accurate than the CIA’s own guesses on Saddam’s arsenal, NBC said.

sory this one was to easy....I shall return

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:20 PM

Attacks Suspected of or Inspired by al-Qaeda

* 2/1993: Bombing of World Trade Center; 6 killed.
* 10/1993: Killing of U.S. soldiers in Somalia.
* 1994: Investigation of the WTC bombing reveals that it was only a small part of a massive attack plan that included hijacking a plane and crashing it into CIA headquarters.
* 6/1996: Truck bomb explodes outside Khobar Towers military complex in Saudi Arabia; 19 American servicemen killed, hundreds of others injured.
* 8/1998: Bombing of U.S. embassies in East Africa; 224 killed including 12 Americans.
* 12/1999: Plot to bomb millennium celebrations in Seattle foiled when customs agents arrest an Algerian smuggling explosives into the U.S. Other Algerians subsequently arrested were "Afghan alumni."
* 12/1999: Jordanian police arrested members of a cell planning attacks against Western tourists.
* 10/2000: Bombing of the USS Cole in port in Yemen; 17 U.S. sailors killed.
* 9/11/2001: Destruction of WTC, attack on Pentagon.
* 4/11/2002: Explosion at ancient synogogue in Tunisia leaves 17 dead, including 11 German tourists.
* 5/2002: Car explodes outside hotel in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 14, including 11 French citizens.
* 6/2002: Bomb explodes outside American Consulate in Karachi, Pakistan, killing 12.
* 10/2002: Nightclub bombings in Bali, Indonesia, kill 202, mostly Australian citizens.
* 10/2002: Suicide attack on a hotel in Mombasa, Kenya, kills 16.
* 5/2003: Suicide bombers kill 34, including 8 Americans, at housing compounds for Westerners in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
* 5/2003: Four bombs kill 33 people, targeting Jewish, Spanish, and Belgian sites in Casablanca, Morocco.
* 8/2003: Suicide car bomb kills 12, injures 150, at Marriott Hotel in Jakarta, Indonesia.
* 11/2003: Explosions rock a Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, housing compound killing 17.
* 11/2003: Suicide car bombers simultaneously attack two synagogues in Istanbul, Turkey, killing 25 and injuring hundreds. The following week a British bank in Istanbul is bombed.
* 3/2004: Ten terrorists bombs explode almost simultaneously during the morning rush hour in Madrid, Spain, killing 202 and injuring more than 1,400. A Moroccan affiliate of al-Qaeda claims responsibility.
* 5/29–31/2004: Terrorists attack the offices of a Saudi oil company in Khobar, Saudi Arabia, then take foreign oil workers hostage in a nearby residential compound. After a stand-off, three of the four assailants escape, leaving 22 people dead, all but three of them foreigners.
* 6/11–19/2004: Terrorists kidnap and execute Paul Johnson, Jr., an American, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. Nearly a week after his capture, photos of his body are posted on an Islamist website. Saudi security forces find and kill four suspected terrorists, including the self-proclaimed military leader of al-Qaeda in Saudi Arabia, after they are seen dumping a body.
* 12/6/2004: Militants, believed to be linked to Al-Qaeda, drive up to the U.S. consulate in Jiddah, Saudi Arabia, storm the gates, and kill 5 consulate employees, none of whom were American. Saudi security forces subdue the attackers, killing four.
* 7/7/2005: Bombs exploded on 3 trains and a bus in London, England, killing 52.
* 10/1/2005: 22 killed by 3 suicide bombs in Bali, Indonesia.
* 11/9/2005: 57 killed at 3 American hotels in Amman, Jordan.
* 1/9/2006: Two suicide bombers carrying police badges blow themselves up near a celebration at the Police Academy in Baghdad, killing nearly 20 police officers. Al-Qaeda in Iraq takes responsibility.
* 8/10/2006: Police arrest 24 British-born Muslims, most of whom have ties to Pakistan, who had allegedly plotted to blow up as many as 10 planes using liquid explosives. Officials say details of the plan were similar to other schemes devised by al-Qaeda.
* 4/11/2007: Some 35 people are killed and hundreds are wounded when suicide bombers attack a government building in the capital, Algiers, and a police station on the outskirts of the capital. Al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb claims responsibility for the attack.
* 4/12/2007: Eight people, including two Iraqi legislators, die when a suicide bomber strikes inside the Parliament building in Baghdad. An organization that includes al-Qaeda in Mesopotamia claims responsibility for the bold attack. In another attack, the Sarafiya Bridge that spans the Tigris River is destroyed.

Sooooo, Al quaeda was a rough tough bunch and all but they were not centered in Iraq, had very little to do with Iraq and bin laden was never in Iraq soooooo we went Iraq for what???? Saddam was baby shrubs prime target, he cared not that bin laden was not there, he cared not that bin laden and crew where the perpetrators of the greatest crime on American soil, etc...

You have all been bamboozled and yet you defend the ridiculous informtion with the zeal of the religious defending a god.

Come off of it. Grow up. You have been fooled. noway

Well Saddam payed money to the families of suicide bombers. The got people to become suicide bombers which is an act of terrorism. I think thats something worth stopping.

wyatt1844's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:22 PM
"Well Saddam payed money to the families of suicide bombers. The got people to become suicide bombers which is an act of terrorism. I think thats something worth stopping."

And what about that little recreational facility that was located in Salman Pak?

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:23 PM

i say deal with it by putting Bush and his whole gang on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity and then we may get some respect in the world or get some alies we dont have to buy off.
I agree, Bush and his team needs to be put on trial...If someone came into the U.S. and did what we did in Irag how would we feel? As far as I know were the only one to ever use a nuclear bomb. So how do we get to choose who can have them and who canthuh huh huh

Too bad most of Iraqs people don't want us gone just yet. Over 2/3rds don't want us to leave for 6 more months.

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:28 PM

Sooooo, Al quaeda was a rough tough bunch and all but they were not centered in Iraq, had very little to do with Iraq and bin laden was never in Iraq soooooo we went Iraq for what???? Saddam was baby shrubs prime target, he cared not that bin laden was not there, he cared not that bin laden and crew where the perpetrators of the greatest crime on American soil, etc...

You have all been bamboozled and yet you defend the ridiculous informtion with the zeal of the religious defending a god.

Come off of it. Grow up. You have been fooled. noway

Al-qaeda is involved in Iraq

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:36 PM

i say deal with it by putting Bush and his whole gang on trial for war crimes and crimes against humanity and then we may get some respect in the world or get some alies we dont have to buy off.
I agree, Bush and his team needs to be put on trial...If someone came into the U.S. and did what we did in Irag how would we feel? As far as I know were the only one to ever use a nuclear bomb. So how do we get to choose who can have them and who canthuh huh huh

Too bad most of Iraqs people don't want us gone just yet. Over 2/3rds don't want us to leave for 6 more months.
WASHINGTON - President Bush is fond of telling Americans they have liberated Iraq and that the country’s future generations will be thankful. The current generation, however, overwhelmingly views U.S. forces as occupiers and wishes they would just leave, according to a poll commissioned by the administration.

The poll, requested by the Coalition Provisional Authority last month but not released to the American public, found more than half of Iraqis surveyed believed both that they’d be safer without U.S. forces and that all Americans behave like the military prison guards pictured in the Abu Ghraib abuse photos.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:37 PM

Sooooo, Al quaeda was a rough tough bunch and all but they were not centered in Iraq, had very little to do with Iraq and bin laden was never in Iraq soooooo we went Iraq for what???? Saddam was baby shrubs prime target, he cared not that bin laden was not there, he cared not that bin laden and crew where the perpetrators of the greatest crime on American soil, etc...

You have all been bamboozled and yet you defend the ridiculous informtion with the zeal of the religious defending a god.

Come off of it. Grow up. You have been fooled. noway

Al-qaeda is involved in Iraq
and they are there now due to our invasion and your president enflameing the entire arab population by it. they were not in iraq untill we invaded.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:43 PM
The essential questions are: How large is the presence of AQI, in terms of manpower and attacks instigated, and what role does the group play in catalyzing further violence? For the first question, the military has produced an estimate. In a background briefing this July in Baghdad, military officials said that during the first half of this year AQI accounted for 15 percent of attacks in Iraq. That figure was also cited in the military intelligence report during final preparations for a National Intelligence Estimate in July.

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:44 PM

Dragoness's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:46 PM
Just like baby shrubs freudian slip in his interview with Katie Couric, his most difficult task was relating al qaeda to Iraq. He knew he was lying.

Someone should pay for this crime against us and Iraq but noone will. Dictator shrub has made dam sure of that. He has made people believe that Iraq was the place to be to get bin laden and al quaeda and people were not smart enough to know better so he succeeded and he knew if he got us there we would be stuck. So now we are stuck in this quagmire with no end in sight unless someone takes the initiative and takes us out of there.

No matter when we leave, the state of how things were before us will still happen, the war lord mentality is alive and well there.

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:51 PM
the link didnt work

madisonman's photo
Sun 02/17/08 06:53 PM

Just like baby shrubs freudian slip in his interview with Katie Couric, his most difficult task was relating al qaeda to Iraq. He knew he was lying.

Someone should pay for this crime against us and Iraq but noone will. Dictator shrub has made dam sure of that. He has made people believe that Iraq was the place to be to get bin laden and al quaeda and people were not smart enough to know better so he succeeded and he knew if he got us there we would be stuck. So now we are stuck in this quagmire with no end in sight unless someone takes the initiative and takes us out of there.

No matter when we leave, the state of how things were before us will still happen, the war lord mentality is alive and well there.
Bush and his band of criminals should be on stand for crimes against humanity and war crimes. what a bunch of rubish anyone can defend this stinking filthy mess

Chazster's photo
Sun 02/17/08 08:13 PM
the link didnt work

works for me

no photo
Mon 02/18/08 06:23 AM

The Niger yellow cake has been proven to be a fraud. so there goes alot of your info. I wont say that governments were not attempting to gather information on Iraq especialy after Bush stated bellowing about it but as most of your post said, the sources proved to be unreliable. I will dig deeper at another time but now I have to pick my son up from his youth basketball leage

No kidding it was faulty intelligence, however it was the French and Germans who provided it and believed it to be true. The point isn't that it TURNED OUT TO BE FAULTY. Sources I provided unreliable? Direct links to the French and German intelligence believing Iraq had WMDs? You said prove that the Germans and French believed there to be WMD and I just did what you asked for. lol, you have poor comprehension skills.