Topic: Maybe I'm Old Fashioned... | |
words are just words, it's people who apply the negative connotations. i prefer a girl who'll speak her mind and maybe use a little bit of a foul mouth. it's just language people, just have to know when it is and isn't apropriate ![]() |
I guess I just don't see what the big deal is about language. We are adults; we are not going to melt if we hear a swear word. Honestly, I am more interested in how a person treats other people. If he is kind to the waitress when we go out, he can swear all he wants. I can say the "f" word all day long but it doesn't mean I am doing it. I am not a skank; I am just not hung up on being someone else's idea of a proper lady. My mom swore like a sailor and that is how I was brought up.
Useing foul language and getting down and nasty with sex talk with strangers seems like a lack of imagination or vocabulary to carry on a normal level of communication to me.
Useing foul language and getting down and nasty with sex talk with strangers seems like a lack of imagination or vocabulary to carry on a normal level of communication to me. you may see it that way, i see it as using the full extent of my vocabulary. and a prissy "dirty word" isn't any cleaner than a curse word words are just words, it's the people listening that attach a positive or negative vibe |
When men stopped treating us like ladies is when we stopped being one. The last man I went out with, on a first date, asked me in the middle of dinner if I had a place for him to put his toothbrush when we got home. I excused myself to the restroom, called my friend and had her pick me up. Don't throw stones at the women, start with your own team first. I will give you a bye on the idea that some men are nothing more than pigs hun, but the very same thing is true about women also. I treat every single female I meet as a lady (opening doors, trying not to use too foul of language in her presence [I do fail sometimes at this one] going with her choice when we are undecided about what to do, etc. etc. etc.). I always treat a female as a lady unless she acts in a way to state she is not a lady. For example: cussing like a sailor (forgive me sailors, lol), pouring alchohol down their throats like they are a dried out sponge that needs to be saturated in order to survive, throwing punches at someone simply because they disagree with them. In other words if a female acts with respect towards herself and others, I treat her with that same respect and dignity. If hse is crass and crude and belligerent I dont have the time of day to even achnowledge her. Some guys, try most guys. You may not, or a few others, but for the most part from what I have seen in the last few months it's not worth getting ready for a date that is going to end badly. |
I agree, a person should show self respect and then respect for others. Young ladies acting out badly is not attractive. I am not saying I cannot get down and dirty with the best of them and cuss and fight and all that but that is only when pushed. I act like a lady. It is my self respect that I am showing by doing it. One cannot expect to get respect if they don't even show any for themselves. JMO
I agree, a person should show self respect and then respect for others. Young ladies acting out badly is not attractive. I am not saying I cannot get down and dirty with the best of them and cuss and fight and all that but that is only when pushed. I act like a lady. It is my self respect that I am showing by doing it. One cannot expect to get respect if they don't even show any for themselves. JMO Very well said. |
Sorry dude, but I love women who let me know what they want, how they feel, and are not sexually constrained to being what we feel a woman should be. I mean, alot of men are blunt to the point they tell there women these things. How come all of a sudden we feel women need to just shut there mouth? Dude, I feel you are just stating your opinion here, but you are also coming off judgmental. If women offend you now, then try to find a chic who will just keep her mouth shut, and be all nice, prim and proper for you. Cause if that is what you want, then so be it. Be....NEWS FLASH.....women are vocal, and that is a good thing. Least I feel it is. ![]() Agree with goof.....I mean I am not looking for a foul moth at a public place to a waiter or anyhting...but online..yea speak you mind...I mean...most everyone does...and I would think most is having fun and to each there own....wont condem anything and wont say I agree with everything that someone does...I like my women how does that song go...behind closed doors......from the 70's...well welcome to the 2000's ....the doors open....woooo....hooooo.... ![]() |
Since my divorce last December, I've dated about seven different women, all different shapes and sizes. Some were knockouts, some weren't. They spanned all economic lines, ect. You know what I noticed? Women are as bad, if not worse than men! In what way you ask? Well, for starters their mouths! Holy Cows a Moses! Nothing says skank like continually dropping the F-bomb and the C-word. And when did it become lady like to tell me about where you're shaved, where you like to stick it, how you like to suck this or that, ect.? Have I missed something in five years? This doesn't just apply to women I've dated, it seems to apply universally. I talked to this sweet girl I work with and she confirmed it... What happened to being a lady? Or am I just completley out of touch? Maybe it has to do with the hip hop music or something ![]() Are girls a lot different than when we was kids? I am not much on the swearing but those other things are ok if its just you and her and in private. Is that what we are talking here or is this just like.. normal everyday conversation stuff? |
Raise your standards and lower your expectations. And please put on your safety restraints on this carnival ride called cuture shock.
Did not read the whole thread. I am one of those women. I curse like a sailor. I do try my best to curb myself at work and around my child and other children.
My dad was a sailor, his dad was a sailor and my grandmother cursed in 2 languages. I come by it honestly. Not ladylike at all, but it is part of who I am. However, if I am with someone that is bothered by it...all they have to do is say something directly to me about it and I will try to watch my mouth. |
As long as it isn't around the kids, I could care less-til you turn red lol. Everybody has bad days so if you wait til after bedtime, let it loose girl or if your favorite team loses, have at it.
At least I know how passionate you are about your interests so when it comes to our best interests, you're my honey! |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 07:25 AM
When men stopped treating us like ladies is when we stopped being one. The last man I went out with, on a first date, asked me in the middle of dinner if I had a place for him to put his toothbrush when we got home. I excused myself to the restroom, called my friend and had her pick me up. Don't throw stones at the women, start with your own team first. I will give you a bye on the idea that some men are nothing more than pigs hun, but the very same thing is true about women also. I treat every single female I meet as a lady (opening doors, trying not to use too foul of language in her presence [I do fail sometimes at this one] going with her choice when we are undecided about what to do, etc. etc. etc.). I always treat a female as a lady unless she acts in a way to state she is not a lady. For example: cussing like a sailor (forgive me sailors, lol), pouring alchohol down their throats like they are a dried out sponge that needs to be saturated in order to survive, throwing punches at someone simply because they disagree with them. In other words if a female acts with respect towards herself and others, I treat her with that same respect and dignity. If hse is crass and crude and belligerent I dont have the time of day to even achnowledge her. Some guys, try most guys. You may not, or a few others, but for the most part from what I have seen in the last few months it's not worth getting ready for a date that is going to end badly. So, you have met the majority of the men in the world? Wow, I thuoght I have done some traveling.. way to go girl!!!! |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 07:28 AM
As long as it isn't around the kids, I could care less-til you turn red lol
Why should you act any different away from your kids than when around them? If it is too bad to be aorund children, then isnt it too bad to be around period? |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 07:36 AM
Since my divorce last December, I've dated about seven different women, all different shapes and sizes. Some were knockouts, some weren't. They spanned all economic lines, ect. You know what I noticed? Women are as bad, if not worse than men! In what way you ask? Well, for starters their mouths! Holy Cows a Moses! Nothing says skank like continually dropping the F-bomb and the C-word. And when did it become lady like to tell me about where you're shaved, where you like to stick it, how you like to suck this or that, ect.? Have I missed something in five years? This doesn't just apply to women I've dated, it seems to apply universally. I talked to this sweet girl I work with and she confirmed it... What happened to being a lady? Or am I just completley out of touch? Maybe it has to do with the hip hop music or something ![]() Are girls a lot different than when we was kids? ![]() ![]() |
As long as it isn't around the kids, I could care less-til you turn red lol
Why should you act any different away from your kids than when around them? If it is too bad to be aorund children, then isnt it too bad to be around period? no |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 09:09 AM
im not a lover of swearing, and hopefully am a lady too...but doesny this work both ways..ive talked to some seemingly nice gentleman on another site and as soon as i have said yes to talking on msn they think they have the right to send pics of there privates and start talking dirty erm works both ways in my books Yeah I agree; the door does swing both ways. It's not just one or another it's just people in general. The swearing doesn't bug me at all though(well, as long as it's not overdone). But there are certain things you really shouldn't tell someone you *just* met/started talking to. |
Edited by
Fri 01/25/08 09:13 AM
I think it's great that women and society have evolved enough that we can say what we want, express our wants and needs, and even admit that "a dainty flower" gets angry enough to swear sometimes!
![]() However, a woman can do all of that and still maintain the wonderful qualities that make her uniquely feminine. For my part, I don't WANT to be a guy, or mistaken for one! |
![]() im a lady.. ♥♥♥♥♥♥ |
Sounds like a bunch of old fogies in here. ![]() ![]() ![]() I do have to agree with most of you, although it's a bit chauvenistic to just harp at the women. To me, over-use of foul language shows a total lack of consideration for those around you. It seems no one stops to think what effect their words have on others. Some say it's freedom of speech. But they forget one simple truth: your freedom to swing your fist ends where my nose begins. Yup |