Community > Posts By > LauraLynn08
I'm a horrible speller, but the sentence structure is well, you know, unless it was meant to be that way and I am missing something in the poem. It was meant to be that way. |
oh yeah u sure? he'll beat him up i got both of your backs!! no there is no need for violence here. |
Even if it kills me
![]() ![]() Loves it, let's drink. |
who would do that to you, tell me I ,ll beat them up!!! oh no one it's just a poem. |
wool i'm just a person
you see, with feelings that can be hurt, and i'm not in this life to hurt no body, I know you think i'm some kind of monster see, but alls I wanna do is live my life peaceful like. I wanna have some friends that will overlook the things about me that aren't important to them but are important to some people, I'm a simple woman, who likes simple things see, and that ain't no reason to go and tear down this simple girl. |
Karmic demise.
blessed be, be safe, and hope to see you around, there's lot's of cool people that love good writing, whatever the type, and you both shall get plenty of accolades. ![]() ![]() ![]() thanks, and thanks for your kind words last night also, what a dear soul. |
Karmic demise.
I did thank you, but I did have inspiration, so the muses should get some credit I feel.
Karmic demise.
that's sad, not even thankfulness for a life well lived. no see when you are bitter and angry at the world, you end up alone in your last hours. and i have heard it is bad for your complexion also. |
Karmic demise.
![]() ![]() Pumpy-umpy-umpkin, You're my Sweetie Pie You're my Cuppycake, Gumdrop Snoogums-Boogums, You're the Apple of my Eye And I love you so and I want you to know That I'll always be right here And I love to sing sweet songs to you Because you are so dear!!!... like it??? love the song, it's wonderful, is that for me? |
Karmic demise.
Walking threw the halls,
of the home where old folks go. I came across a group, with hair full of snow. I sat for a minute and watched, with tenderness in my heart. It seemed to me that these ladies, between them had some smarts. The more i listened however, the more I was in dismay. It seemed they did not have wisdom, the part of bitterness they did play. With not a soul but each other, to even give their feet a rub. I had heard tell of this group of ladies, they were the lonley hearts knitting club. |
Simple Abortion Question
no one attacked you lonely, please read threw the posts. I do not attack pro-life stance as long as it is not shoved down my throat. again as a rehash, I do not believe in abortion for myself, but will never tell someone else what they can or cannot do. Daniel, you throw out flawed facts then overlook them to say, yes you believe that abortion is wrong. Your whold stance is that abortion is wrong, you have yet to show any viable reason besided your point of view to say why. When you have something besides opinion to back your statements, we will continue. Once again, what is flawed in the statement that no sex equals no pregnancies equals almost no need for abortions? You keep claiming my statement is flawed, yet you refuse to state how it is flawed. Please either explain how this statement is flawed, or back off and quitting coming after me to change my views. I tell you when you are wrong. Morning after pill Adoption agency statistics what else do you want. Daniel I'm not going to say it again, read up on what you are argueing about, before you make a statement. Everything you just stated has absolutely nothing to do with my statement that no sex equals no pregnancy equals less need for abortion. PLEASE ANSWER HOW THIS STATEMENT IS NOT TRUE. PLEASE STATE HOW YOU CAN HAVE A PREGNANCY AND THUS NEED AN ABORTION IF YOU HAVE NEVER HAD SEX. (And dont you even dare try bringing in articial insemination cause that would just be doubly damned in my eyes as you intentionally got pregnant then chose to abort) Daniel, yes when people have sex pregnancy can occur, Daniel yes when sperm and egg meet at the right time at the right temperature yes a pregnancy can occur. What does any of that have to do with abortion? |
Simple Abortion Question
By the way Laura Lynn, you are really hot Too bad your anti-choice, cuz you wouldn't have a chance with me. |
Simple Abortion Question
I'm pro-life, abortion is murder. There's no way around it preventing human life is the same as taking it away. so preventing human life is murder, does that include wearing condom? Well... some catholics would say yes... However, these are 2 different things... condoms prevent STD's as well as are a form of birth control. I may have worded that wrong, but killing a fetus is the same as killing a human. ok, honestly I was just checking to see what your whole stance was before I hammered you. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Simple Abortion Question
no one attacked you lonely, please read threw the posts. I do not attack pro-life stance as long as it is not shoved down my throat. again as a rehash, I do not believe in abortion for myself, but will never tell someone else what they can or cannot do. Daniel, you throw out flawed facts then overlook them to say, yes you believe that abortion is wrong. Your whold stance is that abortion is wrong, you have yet to show any viable reason besided your point of view to say why. When you have something besides opinion to back your statements, we will continue. Once again, what is flawed in the statement that no sex equals no pregnancies equals almost no need for abortions? You keep claiming my statement is flawed, yet you refuse to state how it is flawed. Please either explain how this statement is flawed, or back off and quitting coming after me to change my views. I tell you when you are wrong. Morning after pill Adoption agency statistics what else do you want. Daniel I'm not going to say it again, read up on what you are argueing about, before you make a statement. |
Simple Abortion Question
I'm pro-life, abortion is murder. There's no way around it preventing human life is the same as taking it away. so preventing human life is murder, does that include wearing condom? |
Simple Abortion Question
no one attacked you lonely, please read threw the posts.
I do not attack pro-life stance as long as it is not shoved down my throat. again as a rehash, I do not believe in abortion for myself, but will never tell someone else what they can or cannot do. Daniel, you throw out flawed facts then overlook them to say, yes you believe that abortion is wrong. Your whold stance is that abortion is wrong, you have yet to show any viable reason besided your point of view to say why. When you have something besides opinion to back your statements, we will continue. |
Simple Abortion Question
Edited by
Sun 01/27/08 05:41 PM
daniel, this argueing is wearing thin,
Go look up the things you are argueing about, stop using your "ideal world" to answer in an arguement, and I will continue with you. abotion is legal as of right now. You can want it to be illegal all you want, but it's not. |
Simple Abortion Question
It is still a woman's body regardless to your wanting to make it more. She has the choice. Once children can be carried and birthed by men then they to will know the joy and pain involved. Until then, a woman has a right to chose to bring a life into the world or not
You are absolutely right, a woman DOES have the right to choose wether or not to bring a child into this world. Here-in lies the misunderstanding. If the woman (or the man that will run away if the woman becomes pregnant) does not want to bring a baby into this world, then you should be CHOOSING to not have sex in the first place. Pregnancy is the NATURAL result of sexual activity; it is what you have sex for. Now, for those that will argue for the instance of rape, I am sorry, but in my opinion, it is simply another issue to bring against the rapist, although I can definitely understand and sympathise the resent and even hatred some might feel towards delivering the child. And for those that argue for the case of imminent death for the mother, I am sorry, but you chose to have sex, then you need to be prepared for the consequences of that action. About the ONLY time I can possibly think of condoning an abortion would be if it was able to be proven beyond a doubt, that the child would be born dead anyway. But generally speaking, it all boils down to when the woman (or man) should be making their choice, which is BEFORE a pregnancy occurs, not after. So if a woman is raped she should raise the child? You won't even give her the morning after pill, which by the way most pregnancies happen 24-48 hours after sex and what the morning after pill does is prevent a pregnancy and not abort one, just so you all have your facts straight on this now. These argument simply go back to my previous statements that again certain men have been emasculated and now want total control of women to get back at the woman who did them wrong. It's a good thing people in congress don't listen to the ravings of lunatics. I agree that a woman should not have to raise a child, wehter it is from rape or not. I can also understand how a pregnancy on top of rape would be emotionally devestating for some women(and yes I say some women. I know one lady in particular that was impregnated due to rape, and she is extremely joyous to have the child in her life now, ten years later). But hte fact is, in my opinion, liofe starts at conception. It does not matter how the conception came about, it started, which means life started. And it would be wrong to abort (I use the term abort instead of kill or murder because someone resented my using that term before) the child, just because you did not have a choice in the matter. There is always adoption, adn no it does NOT cost the parent giving up for adoption, anything at all to adopt out, as adoption clinics and would-be odopters are almost always more than willing to pay all costs to have the child delived and brought to them. well it's a good thing you've never been raped and pregant. Oh that's right you have no idea in the entire world what that would be like. |
Simple Abortion Question
If he had a child with a psycho crazy women that would put him in jail just becuase he lost his job or whatever, well it serves him right for having sex with someone who is unstable.
the reverse of this coin would have to be true then also. If she "had a child with a psycho crazy..." who decided to leave her and the baby, "well it serves her right" for having sex with someone who is nt willing to be a responsible adult. EXACTLY, hence the abortion. |
Simple Abortion Question
Once again someone has enlightened me, it's not about abortion it's about choice. So glad you cleared that up Silly me what was I thinking anyway. ![]() Women have a choice, they chose to engage in sex even though the obvious consequence of that act could be pregnancy. They chose not to practice restraint or birth control or insist that their partner does. In the heat of passion they forgot to take adequae precautions, but they chose not to use "morning after" pill in the cold light of dawn. Why is it that the only time they are able to exercise their choice is when it involved the termination of that pregnancy which more than likely would not have occurred if they had availed themselves of the choices they had prior to the conception? I know that there are many who will want to jump in here with tales of instances where bith control methods didn't work save it, you can't use the exception to justify the rule. Some people think the morning after pill is murder.I recall wal mart wouldnt sell it. That's a joke, they won't sell music that is rated R, but they will sell guns and amo, explain that one? The "facts" are, walmart DOES sell rated are cd's. I used to work at walmart and I can remember the hassle and the threats from teenagers when I had to tell them I could not sell them a cd because they were underage. Wlamart (then anyway) even went so far as to say that if the same teenager came in with their parent within a certain amount of time of being turned away for the parent ot purchase it, that they would not sell to the parent on the basis that it was being provided fro the child. Now not selling to the parent may have changed, as it is up to the parent wether a teenager sees or hears rated r material. And as far as guns and ammo go, they follow state and federal regualtions on gun control and do NOT sell to those that they can not legally sell to. Guns and ammo, seeing you brought it up, can be used for hunting (to provide food for the family), for personal safety (in case of an intruder)... Abortion only removes the unwanted child. well as long as they follow state regulations to sell something know like the morning after pill is not legal. you make no arguement that comes from facts, all of your arguements come from what you THINK should happen. Not on any real world statistics about what ACTUALLY happens Nice reality. You keep repeating the same flawed statistics over and over and really a true anti-choice person would be embarrased to use your facts and figures. If you are going to argue, make sure you at least sound as if know what the fact of the matter is. |