Topic: the unexplanable...ooooooooo
kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:03 PM
it was durring my third and final hitchicking adventure across canada...
leaving aside all of the ardous was night time and i had managed to reach north bay ontario..

looking up at the sky i noticed something very odd...

a glowing object that i can only describe as a chain of pearls in the sky.

the first and last of these pearls would remove themselves from the group for a while..remain distant from the grouping, then return to its previous position...but the object had stayed in the exact a whole...

this went on for a solid 2 hours,until a passing motorist picked me up..

t this day i have no idea what it was...because i never have been a believer in little green men...until isee one for myelf that is....

has anyone here ever witnessed something that they couldn't explain...AND DONT SAY READING THIS POST..laugh laugh

Jim519's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:04 PM
i see several falling starts nightly

obillyo's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:05 PM
when i had visited the east coast for shroom festbigsmile

kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:07 PM
ahaa right after acid paradelaugh laugh

kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:08 PM

i see several falling starts nightly

i though about all types of sceanarios.including this...but the object was a whole

kaspyv's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:09 PM
actually i have seen some strange things around where i live...there would be something visible in the sky along about sundown and then it would just disappear. have seen this several times. in the history of the area i live in, it says a ufo was supposed to have crashed in a tiny town about 3 miles from here, back in the 1800's they even made a movie about it called the "aurora encounter"

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:10 PM
Hey Kol,
I've seen my share of UFOs, out here in my own back yard, well over my back yard in the sky at night. Stars moving in a manner that they shouldn't. Strange sounds outside in the fog scaring the dogs...all this while I was sober.
Man, I tell ya, there is definatly something out there!noway

kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:13 PM
i have always been an adrent believer that there is nothing on this planet that cant be explained with rational thinking and intuitive insight from science miss symbel,,,,,but that night will always be in my head..but seeing as you have and miss kasp has seen strange lights in the sky...then you know how it has the power to stay in your mind forever..spooooky

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:15 PM
Well Mr. K, where I live not too many years ago there were crop circles, and just recently many people in the city were cited as seeing "something in the sky". Even the Military admitted to not exactly knowing what it was...

kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 04:23 PM
yes the infamous crop circles...they were everywhere for quite some time..i remember that in one corn field it was proven..that it was teenagers who chose a certain crop field,,and walked around it with a measuring of rope...but what about all of the other's...strange...i doubt that hundreds pf people could have initiated the greatest hox of all time......makes you wonder

no photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:21 PM
yeah but if there is something out there..and their smart enough to build space ships....with whatever they build them with...metals? electronics? martian materials? wouldn't they be smart enough to contact us somehow?

kolhauszer's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:25 PM
Edited by kolhauszer on Mon 01/21/08 05:27 PM
there is something that i find to be remarably true though...since the late 40's..there has been more technological improvements and inventions in this world..we have had an upshoot in scientifical marvels in the last 60 years then in the history of the world combined..

some have attributed this to new mexico's appearent findings near area 51.....spoooky

but not as spooky as my obvious spleeing errors

Dragoness's photo
Mon 01/21/08 05:30 PM

yeah but if there is something out there..and their smart enough to build space ships....with whatever they build them with...metals? electronics? martian materials? wouldn't they be smart enough to contact us somehow?

If they are smart enough to travel practically through time like it would take to travel the millions of miles, then they have to be smart enough to leave us the hell alone. Mine whatever they need from the planet and leave the natives alone. We have to appear so very hateful and violent to outsiders, there is no way a people or creature that intelligent would have anything to do with us. JMO