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Topic: Who pays for dinner?
daniel48706's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:11 PM
The general rule of thumb that I hacve seen lately (this thread is popped up every coupl ewof months) is that it HSOULD be the person asking.

Myself, however, I will plan to pay even if I was the one to be asked out. If she wants to pay, even part, she needs to say so, cause I will not ask. I will let her pay if she states that is what she wants (if she asked, lol)

CarnalSigh's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:12 PM
I had lunch with a female friend today and we had this same convo. She explained to me that since she called me and asked me out to have breakfast with her, it should have been obvious to me that she wanted to take ME out, and as such would be paying.

Like the original poster, I've been raised to pay when out with a woman. Whether it's dinner, or a coke in the convenience store, or a loaf of bread that I pick up on the way to the gf's house. It's a cultural thing I guess. However, since I've re-entered the dating game over the last year or so, I've had 2 or 3 women insist on paying, even tho us going out on the first or second date was a mutual thing. Hesitantly I capitulated.

trueokie2's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:12 PM
I have made some bets and lost and owe my friend darrell dinner.. he hasnt collected yet.. :wink:

TxsGal3333's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:14 PM

Well actually now days who ever does the inviting is the one to pay but now the other one can offer to leave the tip in the process and yes I have paid for dinner or lunch it is the company I'm out for not the meal nor a roll in the sack afterwards.

Humm does give the woman and advantage for one then we don't feel as if we owe the man anything but a good conversation.bigsmile

you should never feel or be made to feel you OWE anything

Ohh I never do feel that I owe anyone but my friendship, but actually now days it is not out of line for a woman to pay for the meal just like it is no longer deemed as not proper for a woman to ask a guy out.

Just that when someone ask you out they have every intentions of paying for they want to not because they feel a need too. All one has to say is okay next time I'm paying they will agree. For now days there are many women that are not out to break the guy but to enjoy having them around. Most understand for more and more women are being paid on the same scale.

I taught my daughter as well as my son it is okay for the other to pay but not to take advantage of it.

daniel48706's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:20 PM
Edited by daniel48706 on Sun 01/13/08 05:23 PM

Well actually now days who ever does the inviting is the one to pay but now the other one can offer to leave the tip in the process and yes I have paid for dinner or lunch it is the company I'm out for not the meal nor a roll in the sack afterwards.

Humm does give the woman and advantage for one then we don't feel as if we owe the man anything but a good conversation.bigsmile

you should never feel or be made to feel you OWE anything

Well put Jimboy, very well put!!! My sentiments exactly!

Jim519's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:21 PM

Well actually now days who ever does the inviting is the one to pay but now the other one can offer to leave the tip in the process and yes I have paid for dinner or lunch it is the company I'm out for not the meal nor a roll in the sack afterwards.

Humm does give the woman and advantage for one then we don't feel as if we owe the man anything but a good conversation.bigsmile

you should never feel or be made to feel you OWE anything

Well put Jomboy, very well put!!! My sentiments exactly!

Thank you sir!..I hate these guys out here who make women feel manipulated in that they have to give something up

kiannasunshine's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:24 PM
i also agree...if i were to invite someone out i would pay...the man can take care of the tip if he wants...or agree to pay half..

kolhauszer's photo
Sun 01/13/08 05:26 PM

Well actually now days who ever does the inviting is the one to pay but now the other one can offer to leave the tip in the process and yes I have paid for dinner or lunch it is the company I'm out for not the meal nor a roll in the sack afterwards.

Humm does give the woman and advantage for one then we don't feel as if we owe the man anything but a good conversation.bigsmile

you should never feel or be made to feel you OWE anything

Well put Jomboy, very well put!!! My sentiments exactly!

Thank you sir!..I hate these guys out here who make women feel manipulated in that they have to give something up

besides i would think that today..woman are much to aware and swift to fall for the game...

MerryWidow's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:07 PM
I usually don't ask men out until after we've had a first date. I used to. But I didn't like the results. Maybe it was just the guys I chose, I'm not sure. But they seemed a lot less invested in the date and/or relationship if they didn't do the initial pursuing.

samiislove's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:10 PM
okay. there are actually rules about this.

if the man asks you out, and the woman doesn't really know you....the man pays.

if the man asks a woman out, and they've known each other awhile...they can go dutch or she can pay, or himself.

just depends on who's doing the asking and how long you've known each other.

BTW. I hate guys who flaunt their money "I'm rich, i got 234 cars, etc..." and then ask if i can pay. Butts.

dragonwhyr's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:25 PM

I don't think so. It was nice of you. Maybe she just felt uncomfortable w/ it... not annoyed. Maybe she just doesn't want you to feel used. It's hard to say... everyone walks around w/ their own experiences.
Is it really ok for women to ask? I sooo do not want to come off as desperate which is why I've never done it...

I adore it when a woman asks me out. it really is an honor to us men

I know right, more ladies need to ball up and ask guys out, it's not the fifties any more, and it is a great pleasure when a woman like you enough to take the initiative

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:27 PM
I generally ask,
that way it's clear.

Moondark's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:28 PM

if i invite, i have every intention of paying. but it wouldn't hurt my feelings if it didn't turn out that way LOL

This is what I was going to say.

briancarr's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:31 PM
Edited by briancarr on Mon 01/14/08 06:32 PM
This day and age you let her pay. You are not your father. If she ask, why insult her by paying. Just make a polite offer, and then let her pay. she will feel you respect her as an equal.

mnhiker's photo
Mon 01/14/08 06:36 PM
Um, good luck with that.

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