Strange medicine
<---------Is wondering what modern application leaches have besides catching catfish... Used when reattaching fingers and ears and things. Helps with the blood flow and the blood build-up and stuff. |
deja vu
This thread is going to have been done before Shouldn't that be "Will have going to been"? Where is is my Douglas Adam's collection when I need? |
After reading half a dozen sites on the color Blue in Japanese. The word for it is Ao. And it means both blue or green. It would be added to other words to describe types of blue.
There is now an newer word for green. But it is still often treated as a shade of blue rather than as it's own color. Interesting. |
Strange medicine
I read about how they used 'deactivated' HIV to help stop the growth of a type of brain cancer in two boys. It made me think.
Historically speaking, the dangerous, poisonous plants have been the ones that have provided effective medical treatments in non-lethal doses. (Foxglove - digitalis) Some of the archaic treatments are now in use again because the do have a definite, legitimate, place in modern medicine. (Leaches and trepanning) Things that seem unclean and contrary to reason and logic can save limbs and lives. (maggots in infected wounds and for infection prevention) It is interesting that the scariest epidemic of my generation, AIDS, may be providing a new medical breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. Taking HIV, genetically altering it so it will not cause AIDS, and using it as a carrier to get healthy genes into a body with cancer to halt the progression of the cancer. It's amazing how the greatest new disease of my lifetime has the potential to lead to the greatest cure. |
I was a Kabuki ghost for the costume contest at work. I won two categories. Most Original and Scariest. I really wasn't going for scary. Lots of people said I was scary when they walked past my desk all that morning.
That afternoon, I took off the wig and most of the kimono parts and just wore the robe. It was so bulky that I didn't wear a coat to work and it was pretty chilly when I ran to the store. I still had the makeup on. The Japanese fellow working the sushi counter at the grocery store told me I looked pretty. Cultural differences are so amazing! |
There is a chain of red, white and blue restaurants. I don't know if it is regional or local.
All the Italian ones are named Blanca. White in Italian. All the Mexican inspired ones are Rosa, Spanish for red. Then the sushi restaurants are Blue, for blue. I guess they thought Blue in Japanese would be lost on the clientele. I sat at the Sushi bar. There were 8 Hispanics making the sushi. Just a random oddity I noticed. |
Where are you? Nowhere. Because there is no one out here. We are all figments of your imagination. |
This bothers me.
I have a Wii Fit. When doing the yoga, it says I have good balance, but when doing anything else, it tells me I have terrible balance. When doing the things where you have to deliberately shift you weight in certain ways, I'm terrible at. Top it off, I'm a natural fidgety person. I like to fly, but imagine all the people that really don't like flying at all? Am I the only one that things this is a bad idea???
Nervous flyers, beware: a Department of Homeland Security-funded project is investigating whether Wii Fit Balance Boards might be good ways to detect signs of tension or unease in airport security lines. As somewhere over 20 million Wii Fit owners know, the Balance Board can detect your precise balance point, making it a perfect keep-fit tool -- but the Future Attribute Screening Technology project hopes detecting physiological signs -- including rapid shifts in balance -- will help identify passengers who may have hostile intentions. "Researchers took a Wii balance board...and altered it to show how someone's weight shifts. Studies are now under way to determine whether there is a level of fidgeting that would suggest the need for secondary screening," CNN said. The Balance Board is just one of a suite of sensors the Boston-based project is trialing; others include eye trackers and devices that record respiratory and heart rates. Researchers say their goal is to have a system ready for field tests in 2011. |
Idaho in T.V. shows......
I get this same way when I see huge errors when movies and shows are set in Montana and Washington too. It's like no one bothers to look at a map when they write these things.
Idaho in T.V. shows......
So I'm watching this t.v. show where they go to Idaho to solve a crime. It ends up being set in the Boise mountains and one of the victims had been going to a friend's house in Boise while her dad had a big interview in Spokane. It looked very much like North Idaho and not the Boise area. Comparing pictures of the mountians around Boise, I really don't think they filmed it there. I don't think it looked Mountainy enough for the show. The bits of the show that happened in the town and not the forest looked like they found some small town to film it in. Boise is way more urban than what they were showing.
Almost as bad as the show that put Boise in Boise county. Do they think people from Idaho and the surrounding areas don't watch t.v.??? |
Wanted to know if there is any way to legally get a court order to have someone committed to psych evaluation and/or alcohol in-patient treatment, if you believe they are a threat to themselves/and or others? Do they actually have to break a law for this to happen, or can there be just a percieved threat for this to happen? Wondered if anyone has ever had experience with this or knows someone who has. Thanks. ![]() ![]() And I think in most places, you have to be related to the person in order to do it. |
Edited by
Sat 10/03/09 01:55 PM
Dang, that sounds like my friend's mom. My friend is K, her mom is C. K is married and has 4 children.
C thinks K can't take care of the kids. She thinks she doesn't feed them properly. K is fantastic in the kitchen is very good at meal planing. She thinks K can't dress the kids properly and has been known to call and make sure K sent the girls to school wearing coats. She also thinks K doesn't take good enough care of her home. K is a cleaning genius. She came over to help me out once when I broke one ankle and severely sprained the other. She managed to do what would take me a week of cleaning in only 5 hours. She should market her system and her organizational skills when it comes to domestic engeenering. C has also been known to call K's childrens doctor, pretending to be K and asking about the kids or setting up appointments without K's knowledge. When K's oldest had been sick and had some shots and the doctor told K that the child shouldn't go on a trip to an out of state theme park with her aunt and cousins, C invited the girl to stay with them for the weekend. It was a cover, they sent her on the trip that the doctor said she shouldn't be going on. K has had to change doctors and now sees a cousin of hers who is a Physician's Assistant so she will recognize C on the phone and not give out information. Several years ago, K developed a problem with the spincter on her stomach. It took a long time for the doctor to solve the problem. It was approaching the last option of surgery. But she wanted to try everything else first. She lost a lot a weight because she would have trouble keeping down food. C called K's doctor several times to say she thought K was Binging and Purging. Now K has a thyriod condition that is being treated by meds. It took two years and three doctors to Diagnose. I don't know why it took them so long to find. I've had my thyroid checked 4 times in the last 10 years (not me asking, just doctors trying to find things out). And now C is saying it is all sorts of other things and totally gets on K's case for being overweight and not being able to loose it. The meds are making weight loss very difficult. But now that K see's her cousin, C can't call and poke her nose in K's medical conditions and treatments anymore. K moved to a city an hour away. I still say if she moved to Chicago it wouldn't have been far enough from her mother. Oh, she also charged K rent after K graduated, and turned out K was actually paying the entire house payment. One day she tried to tell K that she didn't pay her rent. A mutual friend, S was there at the time. S was there the day K paid the rent and the day C tried to say it never happened. And C would take the kids shopping when they would visit her and then expect K to pay her back. I was there the day that K found out that C was buying her kids on sale and telling K the pre-sale price. The day I was there, C dropped off the kids, asked K to pay for what she bought them, and then left. K was putting away the clothes and found the receipt in the bag. All items had been 50% off or better. |
What's on your agenda today?
Trying to convince myself that I need to get dressed and head out to the farmers market. Only two hours left today and it is the second to last week of it. But temps dropped drastically and I don't want to go out.
It's TOO early. Hope they hold up for the next 4 weeks.
hmm, 76 years old,, do we know how CLEAR HEADED she was? Some folks dont age well. This was my thought. She may have been in good enough physical condition to do gardening still, but we don't really know her mental state. My 80 year old grandmother is in good mental health. But not all people are when they hit their middle to late 70's. We don't have that info on her. |
Role Call!!!!!
Edited by
Fri 10/02/09 06:05 AM
I'm on my third cup of hot cider waiting for the office manager to get in so I can call in today. Then I can finally go back to BED. My bed is calling out my name.
PS. Happy Birthday |
Edited by
Fri 10/02/09 06:02 AM
As I read yet another article about the Italian president's comments about the Obamas being tanned, I can't help but wonder if I'm the only one seeing the comments differently.
All this outcry over how insulting it is to the Obamas confuses me. I thought his comments were actually a jab at the people who are still upset at having a black president and really about the president himself. While I personally think that most people who don't like him don't like his politics, it is very short sighted to say that there are not people out there that are upset with having a black president. When you look at the picture of him and Obama shaking hands, he isn't all that much lighter than Obama really. Sure, Italy seems to have a bit more racism compared to other places. But I'm just not seeing these two 'tanned' comments in that light. |
HUH? I've seen plenty of people who post a picture who are not nice. I don't think there is any real connection between niceness and pictures.
Door mirror's
I've seen double sided sticky stuff work.
Door mirror's
Supposed to screw them into the door.