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Britty's photo
Mon 02/18/08 11:49 PM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou
By Evelyn Underhill (Mrs. Stuart Moore) (b. 1875)

I COME in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
Not borne on morning wings
Of majesty, but I have set My Feet
Amidst the delicate and bladed wheat
That springs triumphant in the furrowed sod.
There do I dwell, in weakness and in power;
Not broken or divided, saith our God!
In your strait garden plot I come to flower:
About your porch My Vine
Meek, fruitful, doth entwine;
Waits, at the threshold, Love’s appointed hour.

I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
Yea! on the glancing wings
Of eager birds, the softly pattering feet
Of furred and gentle beasts, I come to meet
Your hard and wayward heart. In brown bright eyes
That peep from out the brake, I stand confest.
On every nest
Where feathery Patience is content to brood
And leaves her pleasure for the high emprize
Of motherhood—
There doth My Godhead rest.

I come in the little things,
Saith the Lord:
My starry wings
I do forsake,
Love’s highway of humility to take:
Meekly I fit My stature to your need.
In beggar’s part
About your gates I shall not cease to plead—
As man, to speak with man—
Till by such art
I shall achieve My Immemorial Plan,
Pass the low lintel of the human heart

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Tue 02/19/08 05:29 PM
Meaning of Friendship

If i am feeling cross,
and you cross my mind,
I know I can grin and bear it
when a happy day comes,
you’re always the one,
that I want to be with to share it
you’re a friend for all seasons,
one of a kind,
and I want you to know it is true
that my life has been richer,
because I have found,
the meaning of friendship in you.


:heart: flowerforyou

tomie's photo
Tue 02/19/08 09:23 PM

Thank you Tommie (you know I love you like a brother)flowerforyou

and Debs flowerforyou

I am usually very open with them about the important friends in my life and about my family, so I guess sometimes, I lose patience and feel like asking how they would feel if the situation was reveresed. The 'control' aspect, is one of the first things I watch for.


well Britty, You know I love you like my own sister and would only want the best for you. do you think the 4 biblical laws of communication would help?

wouldee's photo
Tue 02/19/08 09:58 PM
Edited by wouldee on Tue 02/19/08 10:06 PM
Wm. Shakespeare.

Measure for Measure Act II

Ang. From thee ; even from thy virtue!---
What's this? what's this? Is this her fault, or mine?
The tempter, or the tempted, who sins most? Ha!
Not she, nor doth she tempt; but it is I,
That lying by the violet in the sun,
Do, as the carrion does, not as the flower,
Corrupt with virtuous season. Can it be,
That modesty may more betray our sense [enough,
Than woman's lightness? Having waste ground
Shall we desire to raze the sanctuary,
and pitch our offals there? O, fie, fie, fie!
What dost thou, or what art thou, Angelo?
Dost thou desire her foully for those things
That make her good? O, let her brother live!

Thieves for their robbery have authority,
When judges steal themselves. What! do I love her,
That I desire to hear her speak again,
And feast upon her eyes?
What is't I dream on?
O cunning enemy, that, to catch a saint,
With saints dost bait thy hook! Most dangerous
Is that temptation, that doth goad us on
To sin in loving virtue. Never could the strumpet,
With all her double vigor, art and nature,
Once stir my temper; but this virtuous maid
Subdues me quite.--- Even from youth till now,
When men were fond, I smil'd, and wonder'd how.

whereas, Eph,3:16 That he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man;

Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 03:40 AM

And this is love: that we walk in obedience to his commands.” 2 John 1:6 A (NIV)

:heart: flowerforyou

Thank you Tommy, perhaps that might be good. :heart:

Wouldee - love Shakespeare :heart:

Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:04 AM
O LORD, Thy Wing Outspread
William John Blew (1806–94)

O LORD, thy wing outspread,
And us thy flock infold;
Thy broad wing spread, that covered
Thy mercy-seat of old:
And o’er our nightly roof,
And round our daily path,
Keep watch and ward, and hold aloof
The devil and his wrath.

For thou dost fence our head,
And shield—yea, thou alone—
The peasant on his pallet-bed,
The prince upon his throne.
Make then our heart thine ark,
Whereon thy Mystic Dove
May brood, and lighten it, when dark,
With beams of peace and love;

That dearer far to thee
Than gold or cedar-shrine
The bodies of thy saints may be,
The souls by thee made thine:
So nevermore be stirr’d
That voice within our heart,
The fearful word that once was heard,—
“Up, let us hence depart!”

flowerforyou :heart:

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:19 PM
Just thought i would share my favorite scripture, helps me whenever I start to think things are getting out of hand.

1Corinthians 10:13 - There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it

King James version of the Holy Bible:smile:

Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:37 PM
Good evening to all. flowerforyou

I was reading this lovely verse this evening and felt that I would share it.

By Edmond Gore Alexander Holmes (1850–1906)

COULD my heart but see Creation as God sees it,—from within;
See His grace behind its beauty, see His will behind its force;
See the flame of life shoot upward when the April days begin;
See the wave of life rush outward from its pure eternal source;

Could I see the summer sunrise glow with God’s transcendent hope;
See His peace upon the waters in the moonlit summer night;
See Him nearer still when, blinded, in the depths of gloom I grope,—
See the darkness flash and quiver with the gladness of His light;

Could I see the red-hot passion of His love resistless burn
Through the dumb despair of winter, through the frozen lifeless clod;—
Could I see what lies around me as God sees it, I should learn
That its outward life is nothing, that its inward life is God.

Vain the dream! To spirit only is the spirit-life revealed:
God alone can see God’s glory: God alone can feel God’s love.
By myself the soul of Nature from myself is still concealed;
And the earth is still around me, and the skies are still above.

Vain the dream! I cannot mingle with the all-sustaining soul:
I am prisoned in my senses; I am pinioned by my pride;
I am severed by my selfhood from the world-life of the Whole;
And my world is near and narrow, and God’s world is waste and wide.

Vain the dream! Yet in the morning, when the eastern skies are red,
When the dew is on the meadows, when the lark soars up and sings,—
Leaps a sudden flame within me from its ashes pale and dead,
And I see God’s beauty burning through the veil of outward things.

Brighter grows the veil and clearer, till, beyond all fear and doubt,
I am ravished by God’s splendour into oneness with His rest;
And I draw the world within me, and I send my soul without;
And God’s pulse is in my bosom, and I lie upon God’s breast.

Dies the beatific vision in the moment of its birth;
Dies, but in its death transfigures all the sequence of my days;
Dies, but dying crowns with triumph all the travail of the earth,
Till its harsh discordant murmurs swell into a psalm of praise.

Then a yearning comes upon me to be drawn at last by death,
Drawn into the mystic circle in which all things live and move,
Drawn into the mystic circle of the love which is God’s breath,—
Love creative, love receptive, love of loving, love of love.
God! the One, the All of Being! let me lose my life in Thine;
Let me be what Thou hast made me, be a quiver of Thy flame.
Purge my self from self’s pollution; burn it into life divine;
Burn it till it dies triumphant in the firespring whence it came.

:heart: flowerforyou ((glasses ))flowerforyou

feralcatlady's photo
Wed 02/20/08 04:49 PM
Good Evening All.........Been a busy lil bee....and trying each day to bring the word of God to the masses. Some incredible things are happening on the Matchmaking thread....Other then just the matching.......which is massive and I am loving it....praise to God and Glory to Him alone.

I have brought many to the Lord from this thread and for me all the work involved makes it worth it just right there.....But even bringing Christians together how truly awesome is that.

Now I have one in particular story that I would like to share. I was lead to the match thread to read a poem by one of my participants. I just burst out crying it was so me........so what I go through. But then I went back later and I read it again....as the Lord so put it on my heart to do so. As I was reading, I noticed that he felt led by the Lord (he is a Christian) to take the pain from the people of this site....I noticed also that he was taking the Glory and the pain within himself. The Lord was so loud and clear that it scared me.....I needed to speak to this young man and give him a word from God. So I went on a mission to find him. He deactivated his account a few days before....which meant that he should of been gone.....He was not (PRAISE GOD) for the Lord kept his account active no doubt in my mind.

By the time I was getting a clear message that thi young man was going to do something to stop the pain.....Well Praise God again that I was able to finally talk to him. I explained to Daniel that it was not his place to take their pain....That was given to Jesus Christ and only to him. Also with the glory it was not Daniel's but was the Lord....anyway I talked to him for more then 5 hours that day......we cried, we prayed, I cried some more. And the next day when I talked to Daniel he said thank you thank you.......I said for what......and Daniel said that it was lifted from him and that he was in a total different place with everything. I told Daniel don't thank me.....Thank and give the Glory to God.

I wish I was able to spend more time here with you guys....But hey when the Lord calls to do His work....I listen.....I have however adding Britty to my yahoo mail and we have had a few awesome talks......Dang I love that woman.....giggle....so if anyone else wishes to add me it would be my honor







Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 05:08 PM
Hi Sharpshooter, good to see you stop in and say hello. That piece of scripture you quoted is one of my favorites.


Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 05:12 PM

Wow thanks for sharing that Debs. flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 07:36 PM

Hi guys, I have been watching the lunar eclipse for a little more than 1 1/2 hrs now - it as been awesome to see.


SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 02/20/08 08:34 PM

Hi Sharpshooter, good to see you stop in and say hello. That piece of scripture you quoted is one of my favorites.

flowerforyou Hello Britty, thanks for the invite. I will check in here more often. I recieved your email and will send the card you asked about to the address, thanks, said a prayer for him as well. Hope you enjoy the eclipse, I am so up to date I didn't know about it. clouds and rain here anyway. Will talk to you laterhappy

SharpShooter10's photo
Wed 02/20/08 08:39 PM

Good Evening All.........Been a busy lil bee....and trying each day to bring the word of God to the masses. Some incredible things are happening on the Matchmaking thread....Other then just the matching.......which is massive and I am loving it....praise to God and Glory to Him alone.

I have brought many to the Lord from this thread and for me all the work involved makes it worth it just right there.....But even bringing Christians together how truly awesome is that.

Now I have one in particular story that I would like to share. I was lead to the match thread to read a poem by one of my participants. I just burst out crying it was so me........so what I go through. But then I went back later and I read it again....as the Lord so put it on my heart to do so. As I was reading, I noticed that he felt led by the Lord (he is a Christian) to take the pain from the people of this site....I noticed also that he was taking the Glory and the pain within himself. The Lord was so loud and clear that it scared me.....I needed to speak to this young man and give him a word from God. So I went on a mission to find him. He deactivated his account a few days before....which meant that he should of been gone.....He was not (PRAISE GOD) for the Lord kept his account active no doubt in my mind.

By the time I was getting a clear message that thi young man was going to do something to stop the pain.....Well Praise God again that I was able to finally talk to him. I explained to Daniel that it was not his place to take their pain....That was given to Jesus Christ and only to him. Also with the glory it was not Daniel's but was the Lord....anyway I talked to him for more then 5 hours that day......we cried, we prayed, I cried some more. And the next day when I talked to Daniel he said thank you thank you.......I said for what......and Daniel said that it was lifted from him and that he was in a total different place with everything. I told Daniel don't thank me.....Thank and give the Glory to God.

I wish I was able to spend more time here with you guys....But hey when the Lord calls to do His work....I listen.....I have however adding Britty to my yahoo mail and we have had a few awesome talks......Dang I love that woman.....giggle....so if anyone else wishes to add me it would be my honor






Feralflowerforyou you are remarkable, thanks for the friends and your friendship as well, God bless you

Britty's photo
Wed 02/20/08 08:41 PM
Thanks sharpshooter. I am sure his family will appreciate it,

and for everyone who has not seen the request in the general forum..

The thread is: "A birthday wish (please read)."


Britty's photo
Thu 02/21/08 02:36 AM
flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

J. Keats

CLXVII. Ode on the Poets

BARDS of Passion and of Mirth,
Ye have left your souls on earth!
Have ye souls in heaven too,
Double-lived in regions new?
—Yes, and those of heaven commune
With the spheres of sun and moon;
With the noise of fountains wond'rous
And the parle of voices thund'rous;
With the whisper of heaven's trees
And one another, in soft ease
Seated on Elysian lawns
Browsed by none but Dian's fawns;
Underneath large blue-bells tented,
Where the daisies are rose-scented,
And the rose herself has got
Perfume which on earth is not;
Where the nightingale doth sing
Not a senseless, trancèd thing,
But divine melodious truth;
Philosophic numbers smooth;
Tales and golden histories
Of heaven and its mysteries.

Thus ye live on high, and then
On the earth ye live again;
And the souls ye left behind you
Teach us, here, the way to find you,
Where your other souls are joying,
Never slumber'd, never cloying.
Here, your earth-born souls still speak
To mortals, of their little week—
Of their sorrows and delights,
Of their passions and their spites,
Of their glory and their shame,
What doth strengthen and what maim:—
Thus ye teach us, every day,
Wisdom, though fled far away.

Bards of Passion and of Mirth,
Ye have left your souls on earth!
Ye have souls in heaven too,
Double-lived in regions new!

flowerforyou :heart: glasses

Britty's photo
Thu 02/21/08 03:08 AM
for a friend.

Remembered Joy, an Irish Funeral Poem

Don’t grieve for me, for now I’m free!
I follow the plan God laid for me.
I saw His face, I heard His call,
I took His hand and left it all…
I could not stay another day,
To love, to laugh, to work or play;
Tasks left undone must stay that way.
And if my parting has left a void,
Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss…
Ah yes, these things I, too, shall miss.
My life’s been full, I’ve savoured much:
Good times, good friends, a loved-one’s touch.
Perhaps my time seemed all too brief—
Don’t shorten yours with undue grief.
Be not burdened with tears of sorrow,
Enjoy the sunshine of the morrow.

flowerforyou :heart:

Britty's photo
Thu 02/21/08 04:30 AM

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

May God’s blessings abound to you
In every little way
May you taste and see His goodness
Every time you kneel to pray
May your day be brightened more
With your Father’s loving touch
And may you sense He’s with you now
And loves you very much.

© By M.S.Lowndes

flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou flowerforyou

Britty's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:38 AM
By Margaret Deland (b. 1857)

BY one great Heart the Universe is stirred:
By Its strong pulse, stars climb the darkening blue;
It throbs in each fresh sunset’s changing hue,
And thrills through low sweet song of every bird:

By It, the plunging blood reds all men’s veins;
Joy feels that heart against his rapturous own,
And on It, Sorrow breathes her sharpest groan;
It bounds through gladnesses and deepest pains.

Passionless beating through all Time and Space,
Relentless, calm, majestic in Its march,
Alike, though Nature shake heaven’s endless arch,
Or man’s heart break, because of some dead face!

’Tis felt in sunshine greening the soft sod,
In children’s smiling, as in mother’s tears;
And, for strange comfort, through the aching years,
Men’s hungry souls have named that great Heart, God!

flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

wouldee's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:16 PM
Edited by wouldee on Thu 02/21/08 11:26 PM
evening allflowerforyou :heart: bigsmile

I struck a thought that posed a complimentary visit by my very dear invisible yet ever present friend, and to give place to his intention is eagerly entertained...bigsmile

So, here goes...let this rest where it will

"I never knew all there was in the Bible until I spent those years in jail. I was constantly finding new treasures"
John Bunyan
imprisoned for a total of 12 years
England, 1660s and 70s

"People need more than bread for their life;
they must feed on every word of God"
Mt.4:4 NLT

"My Lord was pleased to die for my sins;
why should I not be glad to give up my poor life
out of love to Him"
Girolamo Savannarola
martyred, Florence, Italy

"Words pronounced by martyrs before the authorities
are not human words, the simplest expression of a human
conviction, but words pronounced by the Holy Spirit
through the confessors of faith.

Thomas Aguinas [ Tomas Octavus]

While in jail, we sang. Once the Director of the prison entered our cell, furious.
" I was told you sing subversive songs here. Let me hear one," he commanded.
We sang these moving words:
"O, sacred Head, now wounded, with grief and shame bowed down..."
He listened to the end, then turned and left without saying a word. Later, he became a brother in the faith.
Richard Wurmbrand
Imprisoned for a total of 14 years
Romania 1940s, 50s, 60s.

Richard Wurmbrand also wrote these words....

"Even the best of Christians are troubled by the question, "Why does an almighty God send, or at least allow, suffering?" When you are nagged by thoughts like this, say to yourself, "I am still in elementary school. When I graduate from the university of Christian life, I WILL UNDERSTAND HIS WAYS BETTER AND DOUBTS WILL CEASE."

O, Sacred Head Now Wounded

ascribed to St. Bernard of Clairvaus 1091-1153

O, Sacred Head, now wounded,
With grief and shame weighed down,
Now scornfully surrounded
With thorns, thine only crown;
O, Sacred Head, what glory,
What bliss till now was thine!
Yet, though despised and gory,
I joy to call thee mine.

How art thou pale with anguish,
With sore abuse and scorn;
How does thou visage languish,
Which once was bright as morn!
Thy grief and bitter passion
were all for sinners' gain;
Mine, mine was the transgression,
But thine the deadly pain.

What language shall I borrow
To thank thee, dearest friend,
For this thy dying sorrow,
Thy pity without end?
O make me thine forever,
And should I fainting be,LORD, let me never, never
Outlive my love to thee.

Be near when I am dying
O show thy cross to me!
And, for my succor flying,
Come, LORD, to set me free.
These eyes, new faith receiving,
From Thee shall never move;
For he who dies believing
Dies safely in Thy love.


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