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Tue 01/08/08 02:32 AM
Britty put forth the question: When were you aware that you believed in God, what age?
When did you think about God, what age? Did something prompt those thoughts? I cannot remember ever having not known that there was a God. I was taught from the very start that God sees you when no one else is around and that we always need to be acting in accordance to God’s will. I remember wondering what the Lord had in store for me. I started out at an early age to feel like I was being trained and prepared for a task. It just seemed to me like I was being asked to do things that those around me were not being asked to do. These extra chores I was asked to do all seemed to be educating me and getting me ready for some big job that the Lord had for me. I still feel that way. I seem to be able and willing to do things that others around me are not able or willing to do. I know that the Lord has not used me yet for all he has in mind for me. I mark the time of my “salvation” my allowing God into my life and taking Christ as my savior as the time after I had lost most of my hearing and with that my wife and son. In 1993 I was part of an event in the fire department I was working for that took about 90% of my normal hearing away. When I was able to hear as others do, I was able to get along, I felt, on my own strength. When I lost my career, my friends and my family to an accident in the fire service that took most of my hearing, I found I was not able to make my own way. I needed some extra outside help. That help came in the form of my salvation and allowing the Lord to guide and direct my ways. Before I lost my hearing I was content to do my own guiding. I can see now that I was, even back then, being directed by the Creator. As time passes and my body gets older, I find the work the Lord has for me changing. He never seems to let me know what is coming next. He does however give me a peace of mind that He will be there with me and will guide and direct me through whatever He has me do. |
Good morning JB, thank you for sharing that.
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![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() "Consider it pure joy, my brothers, whenever you face trials of many kinds." James 1:2 (NIV) Here is a poem that reflects this attitude so well. While the author is unknown, the poet obviously knows the formula for the foundation of joy. It's sometimes very difficult for us to understand the wisdom and the love behind the things that God has planned. But we wouldn't have the rainbow If we didn't have the rain; We wouldn't know the pleasure If we never tasted pain. We wouldn't love the sunrise If we hadn't felt the night; And we wouldn't know our weakness If we hadn't sensed God's might. We couldn't have the springtime or the yellow daffodil if we hadn't experienced the winter's frosty chill. And though the brilliant sunshine is something God has made. He knew too much could parch our souls so He created shade. So God's given us a balance: Enough joys to keep us glad, Enough tears to keep us humble, Enough good to balance bad. And if you'll trust in Him you'll see Though yesterday brought sorrow, The clouds will part and dawn will bring A happier tomorrow. Dear Lord, You are so good and merciful. Help us to see beyond the situations we face and to look to You for the lessons necessary to grow our faith. I ask your safe keeping for two christian brothers who are travelling this week. In Jesus' Name, Amen. ![]() |
Thanks for the share JB.....
Good Morning and blessed be your day sweet Britty. I like this question Britty......Well alot of circumstances led me to the Lord. I too always believed in God, and even though my brother and sister and I were not brought up in church, we did visit my grandmother every year where we went to church. I lost my mom and sister within a fairly short time of each other. When my mom was dying, on a couple of occasions I asked the Lord God if your real show me a sign that my mom is going to be with you. He did and that was that. Then a few years later a gal by the name of Lola who is a prophet amazing godly woman.....I will tell you her story another time. Anyway I was at a church function and she was there and came to me and said, "The Lord has mighty big plans for you, but you must forgive your brother first." Well that was huge as no one knew about my brother nor our relationship......10 years to the day of that meeting after of course forgiving my brother the Lord blessed me with many gifts. I am now, I hope always is humble servant with the mission of bringing people in all lands good news of Him. All be blessed Debbie |
Beautiful as always Britty and sooooo true
![]() hmmmmm I'll just have a Pepsi...LOL...(I know I'm difficult)...But its a little warm to have coffee right least compared to a few days ago ![]() |
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Tue 01/08/08 03:43 PM
Good afternoon Tiff......hands her an ice cold soda....
Ok people I once again come to all of the prayer warriors and want you to read the following: There is also a a thread on it...if you would like to pray...But please pray here also. My 13 year old son , on New Year's Day choked on some candy and had a severe seizure , he has to have an EKG to make sure that it was the choking before the seizure not the opposite , please pray that my son's tests results January 10th will all come back , "All Is Well" , I trust in my Lord and I know he will keep his hands on my son , but I also know that the more people you have praying the better also , for the Bible says " when one or more gather in my name , there I am also " , I believe that cause it is the Word of God... Thanks for all your prayers,, and my son's name is Raven ,,, God Bless !! Randy Please pray for Raven and Randy.....I will go look up the thread and post it here also Debbie l |
I found my last question. It was: Debs, and anyone else who would like to share. Do you think there is one person living or who has ever lived that knows every word in the bible and its meaning? Do you think perhaps there is a good reason for that? I am not usually one for yes and no answers, but in this instance I think they would suffice ![]() I would have to say YES by mentor and teacher Trainer......that was his God given name and this man knew the Bible better then anyone I have ever met. You could say, "Trainer you know this or that from the Bible", and he would quote the exact scripture. He was a Godly man all of his life.....and the Lord took him home at 82 which he looked 62.....with all his family and friends around....truly inspiring man. |
Hi Debs, thanks for responding to my question, and for posting the prayer request. I will go and check out the post, and will be adding Raven, the young boy to my list of prayers, as well as his mother. ![]() |
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Tue 01/08/08 04:56 PM
His dad.....and thanks Britty.......His father is pretty scared....but he is trusting in the Lord also...and thats a big plus.
Beautiful Poem Britty..... |
Your thoughts on this.......
Is God omniscient(all-knowing), omnibenevolent(all-good), and omnipotent(all-powerful)? |
Do you think there is one person living or who has ever lived that knows every word in the Bible and its meaning?
Do you think perhaps there is a good reason for that? We here at the Mission are blessed with several great teachers. One of the men who comes in every other week to teach the men is Pastor Glen Miller. He is a walking Bible. There seems to be no passage of the Bible that you can mention without his being able to tell you not only the exact wording of the King James, and the address, but he can also cross reference it against the other versions of the Bible. he can also tell you what other verses contribute to the same idea. Pastor Glen Miller is a wonder to me. He seems to have mastered both the old and new testaments. I listened to him recite two chapters from the book of proverbs one afternoon. He could have kept going I am sure but he felt like he had made his point. One of the tricks that Pastor Miller taught us for learning the Bible as thoroughly as he has, is to read your Bible each and every day. |
I believe that God is my friend, my teacher, my guide in I believe He is all of those Debbie
He with a capitol H is all of the above.
You know the answer Get without hesitation thee the Book behind its pages, there you and me can clearly see satan knows the scripture but he is a deceiver ![]() Good morning Deb, JB and Tiffa and all who visit here this day. ![]() |
Learning to say yes to what you don't need really begins with learning to say yes to what you already have. - Thomas Kinkade ![]() |
Franny Greville Prayer for Indifference I ask no kind return of love, No tempting charm to please; Far from the heart those gifts remove, That sighs for peace and ease. Nor peace nor ease the heart can know, That, like the needle true, Turns at the touch of joy or woe, But, turning, trembles too. Far as distress the soul can wound, 'Tis pain in each degree: 'Tis bliss but to a certain bound, Beyond is agony. ![]() |
![]() ![]() "Christ be with me, be after me, be before me, and be at my right and left hand. May everything I do be for Christ" Brrr...cold front as hit northern Ohio, hope everyone is staying warm. |
Whenever I do something in another thread and feel it may be worthy of sharing with my fellow Christians I will do so. Hope everyone is doing well....Please make sure to keep up the prayer for Raven as he is scheduled for his testing today.
God Bless Debbie Understanding God's Being The Bible reveals the nature of God as a spirit unity, and trinity. God's attributes are merely words we use to describe how God is and how He acts toward us. Among these attributes are love, holiness, constancy, justice, truth, eternality, omniscience (all knowing), omnipresence(all present), and omnipotence (all powerful). The fact that we can grasp and understand this much about God is evidence of God's desire that all peoples may know Him. Holiness of God Our greatest failing is in not realizing who God is and what His character is like. God is NOT human. He is God, and as such there is an infinite gap between the highest in us and the lowest in God. The gap between God and us in unbridgeable from our side. If the gap is to be bridged, it must be from God's side for God is holy. To be holy means "to be set apart" God is set apart from the power, practice, and presence of sin, and sin if we are to approach God, we must do so on God's terms. Somehow, we must be made holy just as holy as God is. Any holiness which falls short of God's holiness will not be able to stand in the presence of God. As Christ died for our sins, having taken them upon Himself, and has set us apart from them. This is the position before God which will never change. The only way to the Father is through the Son. Illumination of God's Word Illumination is the last of three important steps taken by God in communicating His Word to us. The first step was revelation which occurred when God spoke to the Bible authors. The second step was inspiration, that process whereby God guided them in correctly writing or uttering His message. But now a third step is needed to provide understanding for men and women as they hear God's revealed and inspired message. The vital step is illumination, that divine process hereby God causes the written revelation to be understood by the human heart. (meaning that if you are reading this as just a book, you will never get the meaning nor understand it) This third step is needed because unsaved man is blinded both by his fallen, fleshly natures, and by satan himself. Illumination is needed to help fully grasp the marvelous message of God's Word. Paul tell us that the Holy Spirit will show these tremendous truths to us as we read Scriptures. Commitment Dedication is the foundation of commitment. Without it the believer is unable to offer God anything else. Paul explains this dedication process in Romans 12:1 and 2. Knowing the Will of God Through Circumstances and Counsel. God often works through circumstances in revealing His perfect ill for us. Certainly Paul's wonderful statement, "God causes all things to work together for good to those who Love God" a. God directed Abraham to substitute a ram, whose horns had somehow become entangled in a thicket, for the life of Isaac (his son) b. God arranged for Pharaoh's daughter to be bathing in the river Nile at the exact time the baby Moses floated by. c. Paul's young nephew happened to overhear a plot to kill his famous uncle. he then reported it to the authorities, thus saving the apostle's life. So I feel that when people get that "feeling" or intuition, it is God speaking to you. The problem is most human beings ignore it. Always remember to feel free to add or comment on anything that I or anyone else posts... |
Hi Debs, Thanks for sharing that, especially as we are all busy and have to choose wisely where we spend our time. <<So I feel that when people get that "feeling" or intuition, it is God speaking to you. The problem is most human beings ignore it. >> It has to be noted that all those people were very strong in the Lord. A gift of discernment and maturity as a follower of God, I believe is a necessary requirement, as well as filtering what is perceived as a message against scripture. ![]() |
Could not agree more......I also have come to realize how tricky satan really is.......You can think wow this guy really knows.....and then one lil break or even a big break that cracks what you originally thought.....So It's even more important for a Christian to be able to say no wait....that is incorrect to what I believe. This happen when asked if God is all Powerful, Knowing, and I said yes yes....and then I started second guessing what I knew....Not a good thing. So false teachers can be anyone.....and ask the Lord God to protect you, open your eyes, and know the difference.
Thanks again Britty for all your help. Deb |