Topic: Monogamy or Polygamous
Jayx271's photo
Tue 02/20/24 07:11 AM
Edited by Jayx271 on Tue 02/20/24 07:12 AM
I’m curious to know what y’all think and just a slight reasoning of your pick should be an interesting topic:crown:

Duttoneer's photo
Tue 02/20/24 11:37 AM

A monogamous relationship is the only one I am interested in, why be in a relationship if you want to play the field, then stay single in my opinion.

Lee Strong's photo
Tue 02/20/24 12:18 PM
I wouldn't necessarily call it "playing the field" unless that's what you are really doing. I want more than one woman, all living with me, not just randomly going out and picking up women with my main chick at home... it would be nice if they are willing to play with each other as well, but let's face it... I have a high sex drive... 1 woman is not enough, and i will eventually cheat. so why not make it multiple from the start, everyone is mutually understanding, and there is no cheating because it's all within the established and accepted partnership... if they decide that I can add someone to the group later on, either because someone leaves or they truly want another to join, that is their decision, and I'd rather they pick and invite the new girl themselves...

JulieABush's photo
Tue 02/20/24 02:38 PM

A monogamous relationship is the only one I am interested in, why be in a relationship if you want to play the field, then stay single in my opinion.

I agree that it’s a monogamous relationship for me too. Sorry
I refuse to share or be in a relationship with a man who wants to bring more than one woman into the picture. If I’m not good enough for him well hit the road Jack and go to one who is and will share. Some religions and cultures accept polygamy but I grew up and was raised on monogamy.

TxsGal3333's photo
Tue 02/20/24 02:58 PM

I wouldn't necessarily call it "playing the field" unless that's what you are really doing. I want more than one woman, all living with me, not just randomly going out and picking up women with my main chick at home... it would be nice if they are willing to play with each other as well, but let's face it... I have a high sex drive... 1 woman is not enough, and i will eventually cheat. so why not make it multiple from the start, everyone is mutually understanding, and there is no cheating because it's all within the established and accepted partnership... if they decide that I can add someone to the group later on, either because someone leaves or they truly want another to join, that is their decision, and I'd rather they pick and invite the new girl themselves...

Honestly, you might find what you want on this site. But you need to read the forum rules for the Forums is not gonna be your thang..

Myself, ones with your mindset just wants to be waited on hand and foot.. If you want women that will play with each other it is cause you ain't the man you think you are..

Yea I said that.

If a man finds the right person they would not have to seek others..

Do women a favor and go play with yourself shshs

As you can tell I missed classes in school on sharing... I don't believe in sharing a partner.. and if they do then they can move on to the next..

I don't play well with others..laugh

Toodygirl5's photo
Tue 02/20/24 03:28 PM

I’m curious to know what y’all think and just a slight reasoning of your pick should be an interesting topic:crown:

I don't have sex with stranger Men off the Internet.
So it would be a Very Serious committed union for me.

Slim gym 's photo
Wed 02/21/24 02:01 PM
Contrary to popular belief, I do not keep a harem of smexy woman !!
I am still and always will remain a one woman man aka date only one woman at a time period !!

Jaan Doh 's photo
Wed 02/21/24 03:07 PM

A monogamous relationship is the only one I am interested in, why be in a relationship if you want to play the field, then stay single in my opinion.

My sentiments exactly...

no photo
Sat 03/16/24 12:55 PM
I've kinda fantasized about being in a polyamorous relationship or I guess maybe cuckold.... watching my wife with other men... but is still loving each other and being faithful in not hiding **** or having feelings with another there's sex for fun and then there's intimacy, ie keep the intimacy for us and have fun in groups... also fantasized about having sex on live cams, my ex wife was totally against any kinks and very reserved.

Heart's photo
Tue 03/19/24 04:01 PM
Did have that kind of fantasy too. Found someone whose onboard with it then the second we meet he says I'm not his type and that he's sorry. So yeah long story should fantasy broken though the only difference is I didn't like having sex on live cams.

Jalal D'jai's photo
Tue 03/19/24 04:13 PM
I am looking for a serious person for a serious marriage relationship. Thank you all and I wish you all the best

no photo
Tue 03/19/24 05:53 PM
Monogamy. I don't want it burning when I pee

Riya anand 's photo
Mon 04/22/24 10:50 PM
i agree!

no photo
Tue 04/23/24 01:53 AM

I wouldn't necessarily call it "playing the field" unless that's what you are really doing. I want more than one woman, all living with me, not just randomly going out and picking up women with my main chick at home... it would be nice if they are willing to play with each other as well, but let's face it... I have a high sex drive... 1 woman is not enough, and i will eventually cheat. so why not make it multiple from the start, everyone is mutually understanding, and there is no cheating because it's all within the established and accepted partnership... if they decide that I can add someone to the group later on, either because someone leaves or they truly want another to join, that is their decision, and I'd rather they pick and invite the new girl themselves...

You got to be one lucky fellow for the girls to be inviting other. Nice dream to have on a wish list. All the best Bro.

no photo
Thu 05/02/24 04:14 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 05/02/24 04:15 AM
Polygamy may sound tempting but will cause some issues in the future, there's jealousy, scheming and the first partner will not forget and may not forgive the fact u brought another person between you and her/him.

no photo
Thu 05/02/24 04:14 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 05/02/24 04:15 AM

Guirlene Aurelie 's photo
Fri 05/03/24 05:31 AM

oldkid46's photo
Sun 05/05/24 08:14 AM
Let's leave the sexual part out for a few minutes. I find it hard to believe that most couples share so many things in life together that one or both are not giving up part of the life they would like to live.
Do we just give up part of our desired life or do we find another partner who would share that part of our life?
Should we give up part of our life to support a relationship or marriage?