Topic: wife of 22 years left
Rich Clarke's photo
Sat 12/03/22 12:51 AM
How am ever going to be able to trust another human? I am deeply wounded and it hurts

no photo
Sat 12/03/22 01:04 AM
Move Ahead... Good Luck

no photo
Sat 12/03/22 01:49 AM
Robyn’s :100:right, smart guy. Therapist in a past life.

Move forward. Mine died and I’m doing it. It’s possible, you’ll survive. Just take it one day at a time. Try to stay positive, have hope, focus on you, look within.

I suggest a healing journey, so you can reflect and enter into a new healthy relationship without being jaded or start boxing, work on self improvement and watch her come back. It doesn’t always work.

Good luck on Mingle

Rich Clarke's photo
Sat 12/03/22 02:39 AM
Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

Mike6615's photo
Sat 12/03/22 06:54 AM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

We're only hearing one side of why your wife left, though.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Sat 12/03/22 08:36 AM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

We're only hearing one side of why your wife left, though.

Exactly this ^^^^
Your wife may have suffered for years. People don't leave for nothing, and certainly don't leave when a relationship is healthy & good.

Get over yourself and step out of victimhood. Take time to grieve, but don't blame & judge, look at where you failed your wife & relationship, heal, move on.

no photo
Sat 12/03/22 09:00 AM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

Basically **** happens unfortunately, Take the time and pick yourself back up. I lost everything my sister of 54 years, my husband of 32, my best friend of 22, my business of 18 years... Everyone has a story.

I couldn't talk for 3 months. Not to act like the victim was choice, instead I choose to move on and better myself so I enter a new relationship whole.

Crystal and Mike are right. It's what I was thinking, just not the type to say it.

Morticia's photo
Sat 12/03/22 01:37 PM
Nobody leaves without a reason. Doesn't matter who's in the wrong, you just need to reflect and heal. Only then you could move on and be a better person.

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/03/22 03:34 PM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

Hummm..... lets see you have been on the site for 5 years now seems no one caught that yet!!

Been here 5 years trying to hook up with no telling how many women and you want us to believe you are the victim???

Sounds like to me she finally got enough of your ways and told ya to hit the door~~~

It never fails the one that normally causes the breakup is the one playing victim~~

What is sad is some poor woman will fall for your ohh me ohhh my story and then she will be on the wrong end..

Good luck with the pity party~~

no photo
Sat 12/03/22 06:01 PM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

Hummm..... lets see you have been on the site for 5 years now seems no one caught that yet!!

Been here 5 years trying to hook up with no telling how many women and you want us to believe you are the victim???

Sounds like to me she finally got enough of your ways and told ya to hit the door~~~

It never fails the one that normally causes the breakup is the one playing victim~~

What is sad is some poor woman will fall for your ohh me ohhh my story and then she will be on the wrong end..

Good luck with the pity party~~

Wow very observant. No never caught that, but caught him offering massages to both males and females. I just raised my eyebrow.

Letsgiveitatry's photo
Sat 12/03/22 06:05 PM
Go your own way from now on ;)

TxsGal3333's photo
Sat 12/03/22 06:09 PM

Wow very observant. No never caught that, but caught him offering massages to both males and females. I just raised my eyebrow.

Humm well there is reason #2 she left him... slaphead whoa

no photo
Sat 12/03/22 09:10 PM

How am ever going to be able to trust another human? I am deeply wounded and it hurts
Time is a healer but only if you find positive ways to cope and adapt . Start by finding humour again . Anything that makes you smile . As for trust .. you have to compartmentalise what happened between you and your wife and leave it in that experience . Any kind of betrayal can be difficult to overcome. It is almost like grief and loss .. there is a cycle to trusting again . Try to focus on what was positive in your relationship and do not dwell on the chaos . It is good to acknowledge that your hurting but don’t let that hurt consume you . As for work .. experienced engineers are in demand globally …consider a change of location .. network and put your cv out there . I am sure you will have plenty of offers . Wish you the very best of luck waving

Soccerref's photo
Sun 12/04/22 04:35 AM
And your status is “Separated”. More here than your woeful self pity. Two sides to every story. And somewhere in the middle is the truth. Get to the middle and move on. To TxsGal3333….love the face palm:smile::smile:

KITTEN's photo
Sun 12/04/22 07:55 AM
Well MR. VICTIM was online cheating. SO, if the wife left him then I hope he will learn his lesson. What goes around will certainly come around b/c KARMA is a real *****. I am NOT gonna help him have his pity party, simply b/c he contributed to his own issues. It sounds like he wanted to have his cake and eat it too. B/C he was cheating online he deserves what came back to him. Hoping he does better next time. IF he wants a faithful wife, then he has to be a faithful husband and be accountable. SO many DO NOT make good mates. Live and learn. We must do unto others as we would want them to do unto us. If a man or woman is NOT happy and wants out then they need to let that be known and GO, b/c staying leads to nothing good, just misery.

KITTEN's photo
Sun 12/04/22 08:02 AM
NOT sure what happened. There are two sides to every story. Maybe they were BOTH unhappy and just staying b/c they were used to one another. Lots of couples do that very thing. And I am finding out that things have changed. The dynamics of marriage have changer (thanks to the internet) and now it's very super easy for people to cheat on one another. And they do. I have messages for many many married me, some want a private intimate affair, some want to find a unicorn and do that with their wife, some just want a mistress. MOST never will leave their wives for another woman. It's all a game or a fantasy/fetish with these men. Oh my. WHO today can really be trusted, WHO? It seems to be NONE of them are reliable, trustworthy and they are mostly ALL cheaters, just playing mind games and don't care if they are breaking hearts. Saying I love you when it's NOT true. SO like I said maybe they were both just not with the right person and thus were NOT happy.

motowndowntown's photo
Sun 12/04/22 10:05 AM
Edited by motowndowntown on Sun 12/04/22 10:06 AM

Lost my job of 21 years and my wife of 22 years on the same day. It was a huge hit and i didn't deserve it

Thanks for the advice

Hummm..... lets see you have been on the site for 5 years now seems no one caught that yet!!

Been here 5 years trying to hook up with no telling how many women and you want us to believe you are the victim???

Sounds like to me she finally got enough of your ways and told ya to hit the door~~~

It never fails the one that normally causes the breakup is the one playing victim~~

What is sad is some poor woman will fall for your ohh me ohhh my story and then she will be on the wrong end..

Good luck with the pity party~~

Wow very observant. No never caught that, but caught him offering massages to both males and females. I just raised my eyebrow.

:thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

LadiesAlways   ComeFirst's photo
Sun 12/04/22 05:23 PM
Edited by LadiesAlways ComeFirst on Sun 12/04/22 05:26 PM
Well YOU could have invested the past 5 years studying Drs Alan & Donna Brauer's ESO or the Kama Sutra or the French MRI based 3D printout/model of the full Clitoral Complex or Gary Smalley's "Love IS a Decision" or various sources of oral, digital & orodigital techniques of pleasuring a female.....

But Noooooooooooooooooooooooo, YOU were here attempting to administer YOUR marginal techniques to a broader array of unsuspecting females.

I hope YOUR EX finds a gentleman with the capacity to spontaneously eloquently articulate esoterically erotically romantic rhyme & verse and the intimate skill set of Don Quixote.