Topic: Depression support - part 2
cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:24 PM

marie, i would if there any way i could do it, but there isn't.....besides the pain is taking my mind off the crap going on around here.....

had a really crappy day yesterday thanks to the ***** i have for a's what happened:

my dad cooked a turkey with the usual thanksgiving side dishes yesterday. well everybody's ate and it's time to do the dishes (and unfortunately it is my turn), seeing as just about ALL the dishes in the house were dirty, i cleaned up the dishes in the kitchen area first. i finished those up and was about to take a break and eat a piece of sweet potatoe pie when all of a sudden my stepmom asked in a nasty tone who was washing dishes. i answered i was, but seeing as how i just got half of them done i was gonna take a little break (hey i was entitled, seeing as how my back was already killing me, not to mention my head from the tooth and my stepsister's youngest daughter screaming in my ear everytime tears came to my eyes from my tooth). stepmom muttered something under her breath, talking to my dad and she was expecting him to be able to hear her without his hearing aids....which is stupid of her to do because she knows damn well he's nearly legally deaf. when i heard my stepmom muttering under her breath, i got upset because **** like that tears my nerves up (all thanks to the ex). so she's pissed because i'm washing dishes.......i said to myself possibly loud enough for her to hear, "**** this gd ****, i guess i can't take a ****in break even though noone even offered to ****in help" and put my plate i got down to eat the pie and put it up. My dad, meantime, is paying close attention to her and trying to figure out what she said and he made the fatal mistake of asking her what she said. After doing that she just "ups" and leaves (she didn't actually get up seeing as how she uses her wheelchair and won't get up for ****). Stepsister looks at me as if she couldn't believe what she just saw and asked me if her mom had been like for the past few days. I said yeah, and i told her about some of the other my stepmom jumping on me because my nerves are bad (she told me that i had a ****ty attitude and that i was driving everyone crazy). that right there kind of pissed my stepsister off with my stepmom because i started crying thinking about it and all. it's true i have been a little ill (okay, i've been as ill as a wet hen), but damn, what does one expect when you don't get any sleep for nearly five days in a row (because everytime you were nearly asleep your tooth would starting bad enough you wanted to scream and by the time you FINALLY fall asleep dad woke me up for breakfast). My stepmom told my stepsister, and i quote, "well every time we start talking talking and one of us gets a little loud, she" (talking about me), "runs to her room and that's getting on EVERYONE ELSE'S nerves". that upset me so bad i ended up saying, "what the **** do you expect when you're as ****ed up in the head as i am! i can't take a lot of screaming and yelling and i told you this from the beginning when y'all came to pick me up" my stepsister just looked at her mom like she wanted to kill stepsister didn't know how i really felt about myself most of the time when someone jumps on me because i seem a little ill or upset. my stepsister told my stepmom she needed to remember that i have bad nerves yeah, i might be ill as a snake, but that was to be expected when you are out of medicine (yes honey i'm out of medicine for the next couple of weeks or until the meds get here) and stepsister also told her that she needed to remember that my dad can't hear very well. it's not like my stepmom doesn't know what the hell i go through with the mood swings....she admits that she is bipolar too.....she won't take medication for it but is trigger happy when it comes to subject of possibly having my dad committed (he's driving us batty with the violent mood swings and now also wants to keep one his shotguns in the bedroom). which isn't the best idea he's had considering he has vietnam style PTSD............and stepmom's scared to death of him....i am too since he threw a bottle full of water at me a couple of weeks ago.

all i can say is wow girlfriend.big hugs and prayers.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Tue 04/01/08 05:25 PM

Thought id give a update. i got a phone call today from a company about having a phone interview. basically what I'd be doing at the job i was scared about but they are a bigger company so i wont get scared away. i believe its a full time position (their gonna send me the info on it soon) and hopefully it might be the start of something..

im kinda lonely a lot still but im trying to be positive but its very scary

yay!!!! i have my fingers and toes crossed for ypu!!

creationsfire's photo
Tue 04/01/08 07:33 PM

Thought id give a update. i got a phone call today from a company about having a phone interview. basically what I'd be doing at the job i was scared about but they are a bigger company so i wont get scared away. i believe its a full time position (their gonna send me the info on it soon) and hopefully it might be the start of something..

im kinda lonely a lot still but im trying to be positive but its very scary

Right on Jeff! You can do it flowerforyou and we have faith in you!

Amberdee29045's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:14 AM
Good luck an update on the drama here at home........stepmom made a huge deal and told my dad she was leaving and going to the homeless shelter........she tried to call my stepsister yesterday to see if she would come by and get her, but my stepsister wasn't home........stepsister called back after we all talked everything out and my stepmom asked her if there was a homeless shelter in town............well later last night my stepsister came out with her two girls and as soon as she walked in the door said, "do you still want to go to the shelter?" since the girls didn't know about this until then, they started asking my stepmom why she wanted to stepsister talked my stepmom out of it for now.....but this crap my stepmom pulls really upsets my dad and it makes him feel two inches tall.........let alone how it makes me feel because, as my stepsister put it, "the outsider" i guess that means she doesn't feel like i am part of the family, just like always..........

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/02/08 09:51 AM
I hope it works for you, Jeff. Hang in there, buddy.

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Wed 04/02/08 01:31 PM

Good luck an update on the drama here at home........stepmom made a huge deal and told my dad she was leaving and going to the homeless shelter........she tried to call my stepsister yesterday to see if she would come by and get her, but my stepsister wasn't home........stepsister called back after we all talked everything out and my stepmom asked her if there was a homeless shelter in town............well later last night my stepsister came out with her two girls and as soon as she walked in the door said, "do you still want to go to the shelter?" since the girls didn't know about this until then, they started asking my stepmom why she wanted to stepsister talked my stepmom out of it for now.....but this crap my stepmom pulls really upsets my dad and it makes him feel two inches tall.........let alone how it makes me feel because, as my stepsister put it, "the outsider" i guess that means she doesn't feel like i am part of the family, just like always..........

sounds like you need new digs..yikes!

damnitscloudy's photo
Wed 04/02/08 03:53 PM
i almost did it last night. I fukcing tried but i got scared and called my parents and they drove me to the ER. They had to pump out my stomach after i drank a whole bottle of nyquil and half a bottle of bleach.

creationsfire's photo
Wed 04/02/08 04:32 PM
Holy SH!T Allen.....happy to hear you are back with us. You know we are here to talk to you and you know my email is open. Believe me when I say I know what you went through. One time I was in a coma and they didnt think anything would be left of my internal organs and that I would be a veggie, I survived, then a couple of other times I had a stroke and now have a stint in my heart, brain damage and have had 2 heart attacks! I'm only Fukcing 40 yrs old! Please don't do that again, ok?

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:11 PM
There must have been something that was telling you not to go through with the suicide, Allen. You have so much to live for. Had my stomach pumped as a child for only taking a bunch of St' Joseph's aspirin. My older sister and I thought they were candy. I used to huff paint stripper. You need to get yourself in treatment like I did. They will help you deal with problems. They gave me a new outlook on life. People do care whether you live or die.

I have had two heart attacks, Karen and have a stint in my heart. Doctor put me on Lysinopril and Pravachol. I try to keep my bad chloresterol down and look for heart smart foods. I just found out that my brother-in-law is hypoglycemic and still drinks beer. He was telling me passed out under a vehicle while working on it. I thinking about taking him to one of my support groups. Makes me want to just thump him on the head and ask him what was he thinking but I have done crazy stuff, too.

creationsfire's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:37 PM
Yeah Roy, Ive been to hell and back with this kind of thing. I still get the I want to check out thing, but Ive been through too much to give up so easy these days. All of my health problems are caused from suicide attemps throughout my life. It ain't easy to die! Mostly you just hurt yourself irrivocably and end up disabled. Not to mention your family. Hell at first they are so happy you are alive they shower you with concern, then they turn mean cuz you hurt them by hurting yourself. Its a no win situation.......

Amberdee29045's photo
Wed 04/02/08 05:49 PM
Hey y'all.....guess what? I had a dr appt today and i told my nurse practicioner about how my teeth were bothering me really bad.....they took a good look and lo and behold, she wrote me a script for amoxycillin....and I didn't even know it, but they have a contract with one of the dentists around here where they send referrals to.........i'll finally be seeing a dentist sometime next blood pressure was pretty high and has been since christmas so they put me on meds for that too...................i'm just ecstatic that i'm gonna get my teeth fixed!bigsmile

creationsfire's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:01 PM
right on Amber! Thats good news......then maybe you can get some restflowerforyou

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:17 PM
That last suicide attempt I had 24 something years ago woke me up eventually while in treatment. I was wanting to check out but I didn't want any pain. I can remembering thinking that I will just sit in this snow and it won't be painful because of all the alcohol and drugs I took. I thought I had found the perfect nirvana utopia. It made perfect logic I thought. I just don't belong in this world and a mistake was made. I will just correct the mistake and maybe I will go to where I was meant to go. I thought I won't be a bother to anyone every again and all the mistakes I made will be gone because I will be gone. It made perfect sense in my distorted reasoning. Heck, no one will miss me and just think how I will benefit society. It even began to be a noble thing. I couldn't wait to die. I kept thinking it will all be over soon. It even made me angry when the two men tried to drag me into the center. I kept thinking God if you really loved me you would just let me die. My logic then totally failed me as I passed out on the floor in the detox floor.

RainbowTrout's photo
Wed 04/02/08 06:32 PM
That is cool, Amber. I remember when the clinic approved me to get my teeth pulled and the aweful pain was gone. I couldn't help but thinking that my dad told me the right thing when he said, "It sure feel better when it quits hurting."

Amberdee29045's photo
Wed 04/02/08 07:16 PM
lol, since the military doesn't cover dental for retirees, my dad can't get his teeth fixed, he made the joke today about going to the clinic i go to so he could get his fixed........

RainbowTrout's photo
Thu 04/03/08 06:05 AM
My venting is getting better. I had a good chat with an aide with dayshift. I had been the only aide on the floor to take care of the whole floor with 31 residents. She was telling me that they only had 3 aides to work the floor for dayshift. In my mind when I did the arithematic three was more than one. I told her to have a good day when I left. It made me wonder though what was worse just being through eight hours of frustration or looking forward to eight hours of frustration.laugh

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/03/08 03:57 PM

i almost did it last night. I fukcing tried but i got scared and called my parents and they drove me to the ER. They had to pump out my stomach after i drank a whole bottle of nyquil and half a bottle of bleach.

allen glad your still with us bro..:wink:

cutelildevilsmom's photo
Thu 04/03/08 03:58 PM

Hey y'all.....guess what? I had a dr appt today and i told my nurse practicioner about how my teeth were bothering me really bad.....they took a good look and lo and behold, she wrote me a script for amoxycillin....and I didn't even know it, but they have a contract with one of the dentists around here where they send referrals to.........i'll finally be seeing a dentist sometime next blood pressure was pretty high and has been since christmas so they put me on meds for that too...................i'm just ecstatic that i'm gonna get my teeth fixed!bigsmile

yay amber !!!

creationsfire's photo
Thu 04/03/08 05:14 PM
Hey, I was all pissed off cuz they put me on disablitity when I already have ssi, but found out today that the disability qualifies me for the stumulus check! SSI doesn't count so I guess something good did come out of it after all:wink: :smile:

I was pissed cuz having both screwed up my bank account and ssi will just take the disablitity out of the check they already give me. They take everythingmad And it messed with my pharmacy and had to get an immediate need thing going so I had to go to another pharmacy until blue cross kicks in next month........sighhhhh. So glad I got that taken care of. Not like I don't habe enough problems........

BUT, now I can put my stimulus check with my daughters and have her teeth fixed. She has two that are rotten to and below the gumline. Makes me feel good to be able to help her. I hope nothing goes wrong.

Amberdee29045's photo
Thu 04/03/08 07:39 PM
hope it goes well karen.flowerforyou