Topic: gf issues | |
so my gf likes to blame me for not being with her all the time but when I am there,she's on her phone barely speaks to me.and when I'm not there I hardly hear from all day ,nothing but at the end of the day she says why ain't you here? wtf??
I feel your pain, but I don't think there is any advice that will help you understand, I'll just wish you well though..
People can be controlling. But they dont seem to realize you are your own person. Space is needed to have breaks from each other and do things and go places with family and friends. Maybe plan on a date every once in awhile. She may appreciate having quality time with you. Hope that works for you.
Meanwhile a choke slam should sort her out
Please dont add violence to help your situation. Men like freebird need anger management classes. Plus could land you in jail. We dont want that.
Please dont add violence to help your situation. Men like freebird need anger management classes. Plus could land you in jail. We dont want that. Choke slams are an unreal theatric wrestling move and are not possible without joint effort,it was a joke, perhaps as you took it for real I will not use it again in similar posts and add that I do not condone violence |
Good i appreciate that. Due to being abused myself and having 3 herniated disk surgery in my neck in 2000 isnt something i wanna hear.
Humm let me get this right you have a gf that thinks you don't spend enough time with her... And when you do she is on her phone all the time...
Then you sign up for a site possible looking for someone..asking what to do? Yea I can't seem to fathom the reasons for her actions much less yours.. Maybe need more explanation to understand... Seems both are in the wrong~~~ |
She doesn't respect my wishes about not hanging out with guys when I'm not around.i expressed it bothers me and she still does it .she on her phone ALL the time and when I text her it takes her HIURS to respond just don't feel im getting the same amount out of it that im outting in I adore her and it appears she could care less about me
And when were with my male friends she always turns the subject on to sex by reading the stupid Facebook nemes and won't let me near her phone which she keeps locked .oh and she won't have me as a friend on FB. Ladies chime in please an I in denial? And what does all this mean!?
And when were with my male friends she always turns the subject on to sex by reading the stupid Facebook nemes and won't let me near her phone which she keeps locked .oh and she won't have me as a friend on FB. Ladies chime in please an I in denial? And what does all this mean!? It means you are not the bf if she does not even acknowledge you.. Funny I have never locked my phone and if I was dating anyone come on they would be on my facebook as friends if they have facebook... I did have a ex bf one time that got to the point he was shutting his computer all the way down when he left the room ect.. I let him play his game for a bit then investigated it myself. Found out he was talking to other women to meet them... I confronted him he could not deny it and showed him the door... If they are being sneaky there is a reason~~~~ One is they don't think of you as you think they do~~~ But doing the same thing they are doing will not solve the issue.. Confront them get it settled and move on find someone that wants to be with just you.. |
Time to move on I think
Thank you guys I appreciate it..i feel like a fool why do I have a hard time letting go? It burns me up to think of. Her having sex with someone else..and we live in a real small town .man oh man
Seems like she wants to have her cake and eat it, better hiitin the road instead of hittin her, as violence never pays.
Damn, homie...
Yous is bein' played. Calmly, quietly, dump her, and walk away. |
Lots of good women out there. You will find one that loves and adores you. No worries. Let her go. She needs to learn anyways.
Thank you guys I appreciate it..i feel like a fool why do I have a hard time letting go? It burns me up to think of. Her having sex with someone else..and we live in a real small town .man oh man You come across as a nice guy who deserves a better woman than this and you WILL find another ![]() |
Personally I’d dump her and then see if she pays attention to you. When she (or he) says that you’re not together more often then when you are and she doesn’t give you the attention you deserve well it’s time to move on.
Thank you guys I appreciate it..i feel like a fool why do I have a hard time letting go? It burns me up to think of. Her having sex with someone else..and we live in a real small town .man oh man Sure it is hard to let go. It happened to me before I got divorced. There is this gut wrenching feeling inside that pulls at you when the female is talking to or being with another guy. It is called jealousy and it is not a good thing to have in a relationship. It will drive 2 people apart. From your descriptions it is apparent that you are not the bf that you thought you were. Sure it hurts to know that you are not but that is the reality that she has presented to you. It will be hard, very hard to let go of her but believe me you will feel better in time. How much time is up to you. |
I don't feel comfortable offering any advice on such an important dilemma in someone else's life. But I feel your pain. separation is hard, but it doesn't get any easier if you put it off, when it becomes clear there is no feeling there.
Don't wait till you're 55 m8. lol |