Community > Posts By > Caljammer

Caljammer's photo
Tue 05/28/19 07:36 AM
Thank you guys I appreciate it..i feel like a fool why do I have a hard time letting go? It burns me up to think of. Her having sex with someone else..and we live in a real small town .man oh man

Caljammer's photo
Tue 05/28/19 07:18 AM
And when were with my male friends she always turns the subject on to sex by reading the stupid Facebook nemes and won't let me near her phone which she keeps locked .oh and she won't have me as a friend on FB. Ladies chime in please an I in denial? And what does all this mean!?

Caljammer's photo
Tue 05/28/19 07:14 AM
She doesn't respect my wishes about not hanging out with guys when I'm not around.i expressed it bothers me and she still does it .she on her phone ALL the time and when I text her it takes her HIURS to respond just don't feel im getting the same amount out of it that im outting in I adore her and it appears she could care less about me

Caljammer's photo
Tue 05/28/19 03:59 AM
so my gf likes to blame me for not being with her all the time but when I am there,she's on her phone barely speaks to me.and when I'm not there I hardly hear from all day ,nothing but at the end of the day she says why ain't you here? wtf??