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Topic: Would you time travel with no return ?
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Sat 04/20/19 04:36 PM

If you had the chance to go one way in time, and never return to now, when would you want to be at, and what would you take with you ?

I'd get medically fit, top dental, cut appendix and other problematic bits, same as astronauts, and travel back - way back - about 100,000 to 150,000 years ago; early modern humans - Homo sapiens sapiens; Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthal; and maybe Denisovian.

Taking early herbal pharmacopia books, survival books, small steel tools, first aid chest, basic chemicals like sulfur, saltpetre, salt, alum, and heaps of DEET.

The air would be clean (but full of bitey insects etc), the waters would be mostly clean, no dinosaurs, but plenty of other dangers large and small.

I'd (probably) be the weakest but smartest man on the planet, and be able to set up my own civilisation with the people already there, because I would be an 'all knowing' 'god', compared to early simple humans. The President of the World ! Ha !
Or they might just spear me instead.

no photo
Sat 04/20/19 04:37 PM

If you had the chance to go one way in time, and never return to now, when would you want to be at, and what would you take with you ?

I'd get medically fit, top dental, cut appendix and other problematic bits, same as astronauts, and travel back - way back - about 100,000 to 150,000 years ago; early modern humans - Homo sapiens sapiens; Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthal; and maybe Denisovian.

Taking early herbal pharmacopia books, survival books, small steel tools, first aid chest, basic chemicals like sulfur, saltpetre, salt, alum, and heaps of DEET.

The air would be clean (but full of bitey insects etc), the waters would be mostly clean, no dinosaurs, but plenty of other dangers large and small.

I'd (probably) be the weakest but smartest man on the planet, and be able to set up my own civilisation with the people already there, because I would be an 'all knowing' 'god', compared to early simple humans. The President of the World ! Ha !
Or they might just spear me instead.

no photo
Sat 04/20/19 04:40 PM
When I tried to reply to the quote ; it just printed the quote .
What I wanted to say is ; when you travel in time you can't bring anything with you , otherwise you would be bringing the here and now with you ; you can't do that . It has to be only you .

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 04/21/19 12:53 AM

When I tried to reply to the quote ; it just printed the quote .
What I wanted to say is ; when you travel in time you can't bring anything with you , otherwise you would be bringing the here and now with you ; you can't do that . It has to be only you .

You CAN'T time travel so how could you possibly know what you could do?

Try to remember that the ENTIRE Universe is moving.
Time travel, any significant amount, would require astronomical calculations just to land on Earth.

Even if you transferred your consciousness into a former or future self, would still require precision beyond our wildest dreams. Even that would hold untold perils.

Note: I don't live with fantasy ideas.
I live in the here and now.
This whole OP concept is busted.
But, if you could actually time-travel, knowledge would be your guiding light.
However, any time-travel to the future would be insignificant to the reality you might experience.
The further you 'jump' ahead, the more unknown experiences you will miss.
The only feasible "jump' would be to the past and since that is already established, if you change anything, you change the "you" that was in te present using the time machine.
You get what is known as a paradox.

Larsi666 😽's photo
Sun 04/21/19 03:57 AM
I just stay where I am. No matter what period of time, most humans were and will always be dorks :wink:

Stephen's photo
Thu 08/26/21 01:03 PM
nope ,even cars be reverse gear

no photo
Sat 08/28/21 01:49 PM
future would be too uncertain (if I did not believe in the kingdom of God beginning soon)

a well-known time in the past to avoid troubles -chilling with intellectuals and artists in a beautiful setting -would be cool

no photo
Sat 08/28/21 01:54 PM
Time is somewhat elastic, but I don't believe time travel is possible.

First, the present is a rearrangement of the past. The past and future do not exist to be visited.

Secondly -even if they did, material would need to be taken from one and added to the other -so not really a thing.

no photo
Thu 09/23/21 08:03 AM
Edited by Unknow on Thu 09/23/21 08:06 AM
We are always time traveling with no return -but sequentially.

Apart from nature alone (which is bound by inevitability), we have extreme potential to choose and create the future. We wonder what the future might be like, but we individually and collectively decide it.

We are moving from being subject to environment to mastery of environment.

Getting successive generations of newbies to do the right thing (and know it in the first place) is the tricky part.

(would go to Switzerland pretty much whenever)

Bella's photo
Tue 11/16/21 07:35 AM
NO believe in here and now not changing nothing everything happens for a reason

Mike6615's photo
Tue 11/16/21 08:10 AM
Edited by Mike6615 on Tue 11/16/21 08:27 AM
Always keep in mind that as you time travel, you're always in the same physical place, as we first learned watching Rod Taylor in "The Time Machine" (1960)--possible danger or significant change to the place when you stop in time. And would the clothes we're wearing also follow us into the past, or would we arrive naked, like Arnold in "Terminator 2" (1991)?

Duttoneer's photo
Wed 11/17/21 12:26 AM

I would jot down this weeks Lotto numbers, and travel to this time and same place last week. laugh

Mr Good Guy's photo
Wed 11/17/21 06:45 AM
Edited by Mr Good Guy on Wed 11/17/21 06:47 AM

If you had the chance to go one way in time, and never return to now, when would you want to be at, and what would you take with you ?

I'd get medically fit, top dental, cut appendix and other problematic bits, same as astronauts, and travel back - way back - about 100,000 to 150,000 years ago; early modern humans - Homo sapiens sapiens; Cro-Magnon, and Neanderthal; and maybe Denisovian.

Taking early herbal pharmacopia books, survival books, small steel tools, first aid chest, basic chemicals like sulfur, saltpetre, salt, alum, and heaps of DEET.

The air would be clean (but full of bitey insects etc), the waters would be mostly clean, no dinosaurs, but plenty of other dangers large and small.

I'd (probably) be the weakest but smartest man on the planet, and be able to set up my own civilisation with the people already there, because I would be an 'all knowing' 'god', compared to early simple humans. The President of the World ! Ha !
Or they might just spear me instead.

Say hi to the young Joe Biden while there

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