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Topic: Projections....
creativesoul's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:04 PM
laugh :heart: Ya gotta love 'er :heart: laugh

no photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:05 PM
**sits on the floor** I'm losted and befiddled...I think my brain is being smothered by snotsick

Jess642's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:13 PM
Edited by Jess642 on Sun 12/16/07 10:13 PM
I don't know, I'm just riding on the merry go round, on a humpy bumpy camel...let me know when the cloud parter is back, and can get us kids into some order..:wink: laugh laugh laugh

ArtGurl's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:14 PM

I don't know, I'm just riding on the merry go round, on a humpy bumpy camel...let me know when the cloud parter is back, and can get us kids into some order..:wink: laugh laugh laugh

but .... but ....then we couldn't wear our shiny new badges frown


creativesoul's photo
Sun 12/16/07 10:15 PM
Hiya Lee.... flowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou

kojack's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:05 AM
Just a reminder that attacks on others WON't BE Tolerated

1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning!

Jess642's photo
Mon 12/17/07 06:50 AM
flowerforyou Thankyou.

( Not the thread topic here, we are not breaking rules here)

Someone else was...:wink:

no photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:19 AM

Just a reminder that attacks on others WON't BE Tolerated

1) Do not attack/slam/insult others. You can discuss the message or topic, but not the messenger - NO EXCEPTIONS. If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, YOU will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself, defending a friend, etc. are NOT excuses. Violations of this rule are taken very seriously and may result in being banned without warning!

What was your purpose in posting this comment in THIS thread?
Was it an error on your part?

This is an exceptionally friendly, civilized and respectful thread.

Could you please clarify the nature of your intervention?!?!?

If it was an error on your part, you are forgiven, otherwise, please explain.

Thank you.

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:23 AM
Must admit, I'm at a loss as to what attacks are happening here??? Most curious.......

no photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:28 AM

I don't know, I'm just riding on the merry go round, on a humpy bumpy camel...let me know when the cloud parter is back, and can get us kids into some order..:wink: laugh laugh laugh

Did you call for a 'cloud parter' ?!?!?

Here is HE!!!

I invited 'creative' and 'DKOW' to pick whom of the two would go first.
My read of their exchange is that 'DKOW' took the poll.

So, in principle, and in my humble 'cloud parting' free floating position, we are 'LANDING' 'DKOW'.

No penalties! Just 'Art' badges!!!


Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:36 AM
Good, then I can respond to ArtGurl.

You're a sweetie and VERY kind. Nope, I haven't howled at the moon---yet. Literally imitating a male buffalo rollin in the dirt? Yup, I have done that!laugh laugh laugh

yzrabbit1's photo
Mon 12/17/07 07:37 AM

The one good thing about Kojaks post. It made me go back and read every post word for word for some insult. So maybe it will have that effect on others.happy

no photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:13 AM
'How does Differentkindofwench land in my reality?'.

1) Sometimes, an aspect of one's perception of oneself, as offered by that person, just doesn't stand the test of reality.
That is the case for me when I remember reading the first 'descriptive' that 'DKOW' offers us about herself on her profile: 'BLUNT' !!!
You may have a real good explanation for that one 'dkow', but whatever the explanation, this adjective being associated to you will only make it through by using the most stretched sophism there is.
Whether you take the track of 'dull in understanding', 'slow of discernment', 'abrupt, plain or unceremonious in address', faced with any post from 'DKOW', I was always left looking for any trace of 'blunt' in you ?!?!?! STILL LOOKING!!!

2) Not so with the second descriptive 'DKOW' offers: 'honest'.
That one is a close to perfect match. And I would suggest 'HONEST' from a remarkable capacity of not taking herself too seriously, and being able to effortlessly admit her part of responsibility, such that the discussions remain focused on the essential, rather than the superficial and personnal. Honest in a sense that is very distinct from the 'accounting' or 'politically correct' honest. Not this 'what is expected of me' honest, but rather, what rings true and fair in 'DKOW' heart and soul in the moment. Honest with self.

3) I have a sense, that this relationship 'DKOW' has with 'honest', is an essential part of her life foundation. Honest, as in more akin to having an inner sense of whole with herself, and being capable of acknowleging 'whole' in others. I say that because of the light, free, and 'well in my skin' feel that one senses when around 'DKOW'.

4) If it wasn't for her authentic sense of 'whole' and 'honesty to whole', I have a feeling that 'DKOW' would be amongst the simple 'do-good', 'don't contradict anyone', 'just make sure everyone gets along', 'avoid arguments' type vain character. Not that 'DKOW' isn't 'good'. She IS!!! But her goodness grew into a balanced and wise maturity. The sort of 'good' on which you don't get to wipe your feet !!! Good in a straight manner. No abuse allowed!

5) 'DKOW' journey in balancing her gentle and generous nature and this relationship to staight and true, is far from done. And although that might appear like 'bad news' some days to 'DKOW', it is the absolute sign of integrity in her life. We are all, until our last breadth, seekers of what is true, and not 'OWNERS' of the truth. 'DKOW' is IMO, in the perfect place.

no photo
Mon 12/17/07 08:22 AM

Just forgot to add,

'... my comments are not definitive in any way, shape or form. But definitely, how you land in my reality at this moment!...'

Differentkindofwench's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:06 AM
laugh laugh laugh smooched Voil laugh laugh I had to go look up Blunt even though you gave me the definition. I was always told at work I was too Blunt because I skipped the formalities and didn't take the time to be polite when speaking, plus had a lack of tact. I was also told I was Brash. Does that fit me better? Hmmm, have to seriously check these definitions, I really don't want to misrepresent myself.

Ohhh, if you only knew how often I struggle with trying to make sure I'm being fair and not overzealous in my own opinion and excessively critical of another's view. Unless of course they hit an unfairness button, then I don't care. I just make sure the rant has some semblance of not being a total garbled mess. I am a moody wench though and in a good mood, I do fit in my skin well and am quite happy with the fit.

I am a work in progress and a babe in the woods so to speak, although in my case as uncomfortable as cities make me maybe I should just compare myself to Babe In the City. Lot of growin to do, but this helps more than y'all realize.

ArtGurl's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:43 AM
Edited by ArtGurl on Mon 12/17/07 09:44 AM

Nope, I haven't howled at the moon---yet. Literally imitating a male buffalo rollin in the dirt? Yup, I have done that!laugh laugh laugh

Now THAT is is a great visual laugh flowerforyou

On another note...

Kojak, did you post that here as a warning for fear that this thread may turn into something other than its intention? It seems a respectful sharing to me and a sharing among only the willing. Each of us in turn agrees to hear how we are perceived by others. An exercise to see if what we believe we are projecting is actually how we are perceived by others. We are not just talking about people randomly. We all ask for the feedback. We are all respectful. We are not looking for reasons to be offended. It is just an open sharing. ...at least that is how I see it. flowerforyou

s1owhand's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:49 AM
Edited by s1owhand on Mon 12/17/07 09:51 AM
Dancing on the edge of the cauldera

Waving my shiny badge. See! I am authorized to participate in this character study! It is only still-life!
I refuse to be derogatory. However, threatening posts will NOT be tolerated on this thread!!


But just in case, will someone please archive this thread off site?


Redykeulous's photo
Mon 12/17/07 09:57 AM
OK - so I'll give this a go. First to back just a moment, Lee/Jess: through my perception, is not one I would want to argue with. Like all of us she is subject to her beliefs as they have been inspired through her experiences. She is head strong and heart strong, which gives her a warrior spirit. But becasue she has so much heart she can be easily hurt. So I would not want to argue with her, rather, I would approach peacefully, and comment to the best of my ability without any show of attack. Because she is willing to examine, willing to step back and review new information, but she does so more readily when her ego has not been backed into a corner. I trust her her judgement and her ability to be flexible when her head and her heart are allowed to work together.

DKW - again like all of us she uses her experience to convey the whole of her, as she is today, at this moment. Blunt is not a bad word, if the person falling under that description, is capable and willing to learn. Of all the posters here, I have seen her ask more questions than any other single poster. She would not do this if the answers did not serve to change her perspective or her views. Yes, blunt is not bad, and knowing that behind that flat out 'this is what I know' attitude is someone willing to learn makes dealing with this person a pleasure. She has an 'easy' and recognizable personality, and can laugh at her own lack of knowledge and make right a wrong perception. With her I would openly argue a point, because with her, it is merely a fascit of discussion.

This is how I have analysed the chords that two people have touched in my primal nature. Instinct is not to be trusted, hence, my need to analyse. Hope you both feel I have treated you justly with my analysis.

no photo
Mon 12/17/07 10:26 AM
DKOW replied,

laugh laugh laugh smooched Voil laugh laugh I had to go look up Blunt even though you gave me the definition. I was always told at work I was too Blunt because I skipped the formalities and didn't take the time to be polite when speaking, plus had a lack of tact.

For what it is worth, those people at work have a 'bias' in making their comments. I, and other people on this forum don't.
On that basis, I suggest that you consider having a very healthy relationship with being straight and honest, to the extent of foresaking being 'popular', or politically correct.

That is VERY MUCH NOT 'blunt', 'brash', 'tactless', or anything else in that vein.

Honesty and straight shooting (speaking with humility that which lands as 'untrue' for you) will always land as 'unacceptable' to those whom live according to the laws of 'compromise' ('scratch my back, I'll scratch your back!' policy).
Those people (the overwhelming majority) are never ready for what is accurate, straight, or anything that upsets their thwarted vision of themselves. That is the only basis for such words as 'blunt', 'brash' or 'tactless', being incorrectly used around you. To be disregarded for sure IMO.

I was also told I was Brash. Does that fit me better?

Absolutely not!!! :)
You speak what occurs to you as being accurate and true to yourself, without imposing it on others. That can hardly be referred to as 'brash'. Again, large majority isn't ready for 'straight', however considerate and 'soft' you might make efforts to deliver it. And trust me, you are considerate and soft. In that department, I am trying to learn a few tricks from you.

Hmmm, have to seriously check these definitions, I really don't want to misrepresent myself.

Don't take anything for granted (not that I'm afraid you would), read the different observations and comments people have to offer you on this thread, meditate, and trust 'self', as you have in the past, for the rest.

Ohhh, if you only knew how often I struggle with trying to make sure I'm being fair and not overzealous in my own opinion and excessively critical of another's view. Unless of course they hit an unfairness button, then I don't care.

That is the considerate and gentle and thoughtful part. Conscientious and in good faith. Can't ask for anything more.

Lot of growin to do, but this helps more than y'all realize.

That has to do with the part:
'... We are all, until our last breadth, seekers of what is true, and not 'OWNERS' of the truth. 'DKOW' you are IMO, in the perfect place...'.

Thanks for playing withthis oen heart of yours 'DKOW' !

creativesoul's photo
Mon 12/17/07 11:52 AM
How DKOW lands in my reality:

Straght forward... pulls no punches...

Comfortable with herself and her beliefs, yet not afraid to learn... moreover, yearns for new understandings...

Gives no junk... but takes no junk...

Fairly to mostly open with herself when displaying who she is to another... pretty much a 'what you see is what you get' kinda thang!

Not at all abrasive... not at all.

Playful in nature at times when the comfort level with the participant(s) allows... she likes to enjoy things in life...

Perhaps re-defining her view of the world, willingly... wantingly so...

Ats about it... for now!flowerforyou

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