Topic: Projections....
creativesoul's photo
Thu 01/03/08 05:26 PM
Edited by creativesoul on Thu 01/03/08 05:27 PM
How Kat lands in my reality...

I do not 'know' her per se, however I have indeed been fortunate enough to read her on occasion...

Firm in belief, yet not rigidly blind to another's acceptances. This I can truly appreciate...

Curiously engaged in furthering her own inner peace...

One who has walked a path which led her to walk another...

Determination I believe, somehow, is at her core. Sheer determination, I do not think she gives gives up easily.

A hysterical avatar summoner...laugh

Pleasant every time I have read her words...


scttrbrain's photo
Thu 01/03/08 05:57 PM
Awwwww soul.....that was sweet. Coming from means a lot. If I had been aware you were going to speak; I would have been a bit apprehensive. Worried, if you will. I don't know...maybe it is an inner fear of not being good enough, or being misunderstood. Okay, okay...I am somewhat insecure. There, I said it.

You are absolutely right about having determination. I am full of it. Along with other things. LOL

Truly appreciate your words for me.


anoasis's photo
Thu 01/03/08 06:13 PM
What I have always noticed about Kat is that she is a champion of the underdog. She seems to want to protect and aid those in need or who she thinks are being abused in some way.

She has a firm faith and it is based on what she herself thinks is right, not just on what others tell her. She thinks for herself and then she will not be compromised.

She can also be goofy when she is in a mood which makes for nice variety...

I still have to go back and see who I missed... I know i missed Abra but that might take a while as I assume it must at least rhyme...

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 01/03/08 06:31 PM
Thank you oasis. Very nice words.
Champion of the underdog? Hmmmmm.......I had to think about that for a minute. Seems I do get riled up when someone I feel is trying to attack or belittle a person I care for. Even one I feel is not worthy of abuse. I think I like that statement.
Thank you for letting me realize that.
I am a lot goofier than many would think. In person that is.

Thank you guys for being so kind to me. Now where is it? I know it's coming. Someone is going to kick my cyber butt. Gonna knock me down a notch. LOL


no photo
Thu 01/03/08 07:26 PM
yeah...think I need to start a post for a JSH party list. Meet somewhere where everyone is comfortable en does not feel threatened. Simple en fun. Will do that this weekend. I am a little busy tomorrow.

no photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:01 PM
Kat... such a gentle soul ,pure love and spirit emanates from her and surrounds me.Understanding and accepting to those she cares so deeply for.

She shares much of her spirit with us all here, calms me with her very presence.She walks with grace and dignity in every thing she does.

(((((Kat)))))) I do so love you my dear oneflowerforyou

scttrbrain's photo
Thu 01/03/08 10:10 PM
Pooooeeeetttt.........I love you too.

I was gonna say something...but I can't think of anything?? At a loss for words. That doesn't happen much...


ArtGurl's photo
Fri 01/04/08 12:52 AM
oooh Kat ...

A woman unaware of the depth and breadth of herself...

I so want to just leave it at that but I would not want to disappoint you with so few words ...
it isn't that I don't have more words ... they just somehow seem redundant...

In my reality you are resilient, strong, determined, no nonsense, kind, loving, funny and smart. You speak your truth with conviction. You stand up for the underdog. You have a quiet grace that cuts to the heart of the matter. You have a wellspring of love within you. You learn from experience ... are respectful of other's beliefs ... have a welcoming aura about you and possess a head firmly planted upon your shoulders.

Grace and humility are beautiful things ... both reside within you...

...and I do not believe you are yet fully aware of the depth and breadth of you ... it is magnificent!


Jess642's photo
Fri 01/04/08 01:18 AM
Kat.....the gentle woman with a lightness in her step, a heart bigger than the Pacific Ocean, and a depth of compassion so deep for supporting her fellow man, that sometimes it's so very difficult to understand how she remains so humble.

Family is everything to Kat, and to Kat family means everyone.... anyone who needs a kind word, a shoulder for support, or that gentle cooling touch to a fevered brow.

Kat's faith and belief is how I truly believe every religious iconic leader asked us to be....compassionate, loving without condition and with a strength and conviction in the belief of the good in human spirit.

Kat can dance in any thread with me any time she wants, it's an honour to share even a typed word with her.

Grace, integrity, heart and love, all rolled into one beautiful woman, that's how Kat lands in my reality. :heart:

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 01/04/08 08:32 AM
Insert dropping jaw icon here. OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH!! If I weren't sitting down, I would be jumping up and down. How can my day possibly go wrong with words like these to get me through. I see similarities in the words of all that posted on my behalf. Similarities that I surely would not have placed upon myself.

It seems that I must research myself deeper and learn more of the who of me.
I am in such awe of those here that bothered to speak. To have you all to read me the way you do. Seems I have a bit more life to me than even I knew.

I have been confident that I am a caring and fair woman, but the beautiful words given upon me are inspiring to keep me grounded and even more. I began to feel that my head may get to big for my own shoulders; but realize "no" it's not like that. My being as a whole shall flourish within having such strength, confidence and loving words to live by. Coming from those that I so look up to.

In my reality; you guys are so amazing and lifted up by love that I have no choice but to listen.

I love you all in a way that only we in this big and beautiful cyberworld can understand.

Me thinks my feet will not touch the ground the rest of the day.

Katflowerforyou :heart: flowerforyou :heart:

Abracadabra's photo
Fri 01/04/08 08:56 PM
Kat is a very unique woman. She is as honest and real as anyone you’ll ever meet. She’ll share with you her own experiences of life with open sincerity.

If you are looking for Jesus just look into Kat’s heart. She will deny her worthiness of him, and will very humbly suggest that she merely offers her heart to Jesus as an untidy shack for him to rest a bit. But I’m sure that in Jesus’ eyes Kat’s heart is a luxurious mansion of many rooms fully furnished with the most exquisite adornments of love in every room. Her infinite love shines brightly from the windows of her soul.

Kat wasn’t always the gentle kitten that she has become. There was a time when Kat was a wild cougar. She would rip your heart out with her razor sharp claws and sink her fangs into your back if you weren’t careful. Or at least, so she confesses. She confesses her past openly in the hope that others may see that change can occur. Even a seemingly wild cougar can be tamed by a change of heart and with the wisdom that only true remorse can bring.

Is she really a “scatterbrain”? No not at all, Kat has her act together and she has a depth of knowledge and wisdom that remains somewhat hidden from public view behind the veil of her meek disposition. But it shines through very brightly for those of us who have come to know her.

She lands in my reality as a good friend. Someone who is solidly trustworthy today even though her past may have been tainted by poor decisions. She has truly been reborn and had become a child of God. Her appreciation of God’s creation is apparent in the thoughts she shares with us and in the love she clearly shows for her grandson.

In case you’re wondering why it took me so long to land you Kat it is because I wrote you a song. It took quite a while to write and much longer to create music for, and learn to perform. laugh

I apologize for the poor performance, I confess to not being a musician. I probably should have asked Rabbi Rabbit to sing this one for you, but I wanted to sing it for you myself (maybe not the wisest decision). Sister Shaman could have helped me with a better rhythm with her drumming too, but alas, we all live so far apart. ohwell

In any case, here it is. Almost 7 minute long! I had no idea it was going to be this long! It’s just the way things worked out. I hope it’s not too hard to listen too.

scttrbrain's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:11 PM
In my softest, oooooohing and flabbergasted voice; I bow to you my sweet friend. And here I was almost afraid of what you might say.

I am so not deserving of the time it must have taken you to do this. Though much loved.

I had my mom sitting by me when I posted the link. She said "oh wasn't that sweet". Even though she grimaced when she heard of my past in there. She asked me what all I said to you all. I told her "not all of it".

Abra, I must confess the Harley was traded in for a Goldwing. My own bike was a Triumph Daytona 650. But, there is nothing like the sound of a Harley.

That wooden bat was an ice bat until I got my metal one that still stands by my bed. I am not allowed a gun anymore. Felon, you know.

What I want to say to you my dear, is that I am grateful that you do indeed listen. I WAS such a hell raiser, a hellion, daredevil. All guts and no brains.
I like who I am now. Even more since I have read all the wonderful testimonies.

I will forever have this song close to me. The words are already mine. It is funny; I read the words first, then listened to the music. I was able to sing it along with you.

I would not have it any other way, than to have YOU sing this for me.

I truly wish I could meet you in person. See the way you live and watch you in your environment. Simple and thorough, is the perception I have of your life.

My heart to yours my friend. Hugs and sweet dreams.
I am off to bed. I think I will sleep well tonight.flowerforyou


Abracadabra's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:46 PM
My own bike was a Triumph Daytona 650. But, there is nothing like the sound of a Harley.

My first “real motorcycle” was a Triumph Trophy 500. What a marvelous machine! Looking back, I think that was the best bike I ever owned. I would love to have it back today. I too had a Harley, it was ok, but in all honestly, not all it was cracked up to be. My current bike is a Yamaha Virago. A very nice machine. Most people think it’s Harley until they actually read the name on it. In all honesty I think it’s a better built machine than the Harley was. :wink:

I truly wish I could meet you in person. See the way you live and watch you in your environment. Simple and thorough, is the perception I have of your life.

Simple and thorough. laugh

That’s a good one Kat! I named my place, “Complexed Simplicity”.

Ok, so it started out simple and then became complex. bigsmile

I wish you could have seen my lifestyle about 20 some years ago. I lived a very back-to-basics lifestyle then. And yes, and very simple life. I grew all my own food. Raised Chickens for eggs, and bees for honey, and also had two horses, that I used to farm with. Just little farming, nothing big.

I made my own bread from flour I ground from wheat I grew. Using honey in place of sugar. I made bread by hand twice a week. Every Sunday and Wednesday were my bread making days. I grew flowers, and made my own furniture. I even had a treadle sewing machine and made my own shirts. I lived a very “retro” life. laugh I even carried all my water by hand, and heated in on a woodstove, and cooked on a woodstove. I did have electricity and indoor plumbing though. :wink:

Yes, those were the good ol’ days.

And believe it or not, I would read books on quantum physics at night. bigsmile

Talk about a mixed up lifestyle! People used to say that I was a cross between a mountain man and a star ship captain. laugh

Today my life is totally different. I’ve become a slob. I live on store-bought hamburger and potato chips. My place would probably be condemned by the health and safety people if they came here to inspect it. And my spirit isn’t in any better shape. Not to imply that I’m depressed. I think disillusioned is a much better word. And not with God or nature, but with my fellow man. We live in a throw-away wasteful society and I tried my best not to be like this, but sh*t happens.

You went from the pits of hell into the grace of God. I went in just the opposite direction. Not to imply that I’m evil now, but certainly not “godly”. At least not in my physical lifestyle. I do like to think that there is still some godliness inside there somewhere. :wink:

I wanted to soar like an eagle, but like they say, that’s hard to do when you live with turkeys.

I would actually like to get back into my old ways, but it’s hard to find the ambition anymore. It genuinely takes an effort to live pristine. No doubt about. I’m just tired and wore out and I have no mountain woman to read my physics books to at night. laugh

So I sit and wait. For what I dunno? The end of the movie I spose. ohwell

Dragoness's photo
Fri 01/04/08 10:59 PM
I haven't seen this thread in a while and I am behind now. Are we landing scttr now? I am not sure but here goes.

Scttr, Kat, lands in my reality with a raw love showing. She has respect for others and a receptiveness of others views that I envy. Kat can take a heated issue and take it down a notch or two to make others see the errors of their ways even if it is just a misunderstanding happening. I sense a great sorrow in her, a loss of something of great emotional value to her at some fairly recent point. She knows what others want to hear and yet finds a way to not agree with them without them feeling slighted. A skill I have yet to learn. I sense she is a warm, loving woman with a constitution of steel. I am fairly new here but this is what I have seen and felt so farflowerforyou

no photo
Sat 01/05/08 05:44 AM
Cool. This has been a nice read. Thanks guys.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:05 AM
Edited by scttrbrain on Sat 01/05/08 09:18 AM
Oh Abra. Our lives have parallel. I also lived a simple life when younger. My first husband and I lived simply, on 360 acres, (he was a wealthy man),(but turned out, a jerk) anyway, we truck farmed, or truck patched. We grew veggies and worked them, picked them and sold them. We took them to flea markets and had trucks come in and buy loads to resale.

We grew large areas of cantaloupes and watermelons as well. Our crops were tomatoes, okra, corn, potatoes, sweet potatoes, beans of all kinds, and a few fruit trees. We had a very good income from that.

We had horses, cattle, chickens, for eggs and food, tractors and guess what? Indoor plumbing. LOL

It was so cool, sometimes at night the coyotes would gather around and have what is akin to a pow wow in our cantaloupes and melon patches. We would have to go out saddle up and grab the guns and shoot over their heads to run them off. We never killed anything. They were so awesome to see. They would dance around the melons and jump and bark that bark as if they were celebrating their find. They did eat of some of the melons, but the damage wasn't too severe. All they lacked was a campfire. What a site that was.

We also heated our home with a wood stove. The old kind that stood in the middle of the house. It really did the job. But, it sure could be cold early in the mornings when we got up, til we stoked it (turned the embers) and added more wood.

I had cooking skills early on as well. I made all my own jelly, canned veggies of course, I made my own bread and cinnamon rolls and the such. Women my age said I scared them. That I was funny. But, of course I did not understand them and it hurt my feelings. Because I thought we should all take care of our families that way.

We cut our own wood, stacked it and used it, sold some of it.

We baled our own hay. I also hauled it and stacked it right along with him.

We would walk the land and the dirt roads after a rain storm and find arrowheads. It was awesome.

We also had our own water well. It was so nice to go out and drink water from the ground. It was always so cold and fresh tasting.

We had ponds to fish in and cleaned and ate our catch. He would hunt rabbits after a snow. He also hunted deer. I wasn't crazy about that. But, that is what we did. The way it was done.
Life was so simple then. We were much healthier as well. As I sit here and think of that life I still feel a pleasant calm come over me.

That Triumph leaked oil. That's what they do. lol It was a very good bike. I don't think anything beat that Gold Wing though. What a ride.

Now, reading books on Quantum Physics is a bit out of my league I can't even remember what I used to read. Though I did look at my husbands Play boys. noway

I do still carry with me simple ways. I make homemade foods, and still love to walk in, and after a rain.
Horses are a passion with me. I still grow veggies and my flowers.
The only thing I can make now is, occasionally jelly and different types of pickles.

I'm a simple woman by nature living in a complex world.

Thanks for the read Abra.


no photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:07 AM
My kinda lady. I live the same way. Nice to know more horse people.

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:27 AM

I haven't seen this thread in a while and I am behind now. Are we landing scttr now? I am not sure but here goes.

Scttr, Kat, lands in my reality with a raw love showing. She has respect for others and a receptiveness of others views that I envy. Kat can take a heated issue and take it down a notch or two to make others see the errors of their ways even if it is just a misunderstanding happening. I sense a great sorrow in her, a loss of something of great emotional value to her at some fairly recent point. She knows what others want to hear and yet finds a way to not agree with them without them feeling slighted. A skill I have yet to learn. I sense she is a warm, loving woman with a constitution of steel. I am fairly new here but this is what I have seen and felt so farflowerforyou

Dragoness; struck a nerve. I do feel a sorrow of some kind. Is it the ways of our world? Or loss of loved ones? Fear for my children? Is it that I cannot be near my grand baby when I would like? I so want to be there a few times a week. I am not too sure. I have never gotten over the deaths of my husbands. Either of them. Wonderful men they were.
Is it my loneliness?

I read you my dear with great care. I want to understand you. I almost mailed you last night, but thought, "no, another time".
I will wait til another time to land you. I want to be more sure of who you are in my reality. Though I have a good feeling about you.


Redykeulous's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:00 PM
Edited by Redykeulous on Sat 01/05/08 09:02 PM
Abra - a mantle piece, what a great tribute to one's life.

And Kat, thanks to you, we all have a much broader picture of the whole of a character name of Abra.

I have read so many accounts, really just pieces, of peoples lives here on JSH, and mine always feels so pale by comparison.

The only paralells in my life, to so many others, seems to be related to how quickly, how many times, and how drastically that life has changed, over and over. I have "been" so many people that even my memories do not seem like my own, they belong to another, in another place and time. I am just the keeper of those memories.

I am wondering, does anyone else feel that way?

scttrbrain's photo
Sat 01/05/08 09:53 PM
Yes Red. Sometimes I feel just that way.

I have been so many people in my life. One would be shocked to know the things I was capable of, and did.

Kat was so many lifetimes ago the way she was , to the way she is now.

My beliefs were so different. My actions of one that had no concept of time. Being that it comes back and either gets ya, or changes who you are. It both got me, and changed who I am.

Time did not stand still for me. Many times I wish it would have though.

What I do see though; is that I am in a way, the same as I was a child. Gloriously looking for life to happen. Believing that good comes to those who wait. But, now knowing that I must gather it up and accept it on life's terms.
It is proven time and again that life is a constant, but ever changing.

As a child I was accepting; as a young adult that changed somewhere. I could be very obnoxious and controlling. Putting my wants before anyone else's. Full of anger and not knowing remorse. Taking what I could force life to give to me.
That person no longer exists. She is something of a ghost for me. A memory that I must conjure up in my mind to remember the whole of who I once was. One that I do not completely understand to this day.

A woman that I no longer see as someone I could have ever been proud of. Strangely, I was.

I wasted the best part of me on that persons selfish whims.

But, the thing about it is: if I had been different then, I would not be who I am now.

I like me now. I am in harmony with myself. Comfortable. No longer afraid of shadows.
