Topic: What do guys think about a girl like this? | |
im doing the same thing i want to find the right girl out there who shares the same morals as me and i dont want to have sex with just anyone. i was loosing hope that women like you where still out there. thanks for proving me wrong.
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I would honestly respect her wishes. Especially if were both happy where we are if in a relationship.
I have alot of respect for you.............
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i hope you people arent lying
you should be straight up im being straight up i do want sex in a relationship cause i do want to make love to a girl i adore, however it does have to be a girl i been with for quite sometime |
All of them should respect your choice, but the odds are, most men will disagree and move on to someone else. That choice should be respected as well I think. It doesn't make 'em bad people. Good luck.
If I were looking to get married I would wait for you I can say this because I've already done it
stick up for yourself the right one will respect you |
I am not that shallow first of all, If other aspects of the relationship are sold that should "NEVER" be an issue because on the top 5 list of things to build a relationship around sex isn't in the top 3. Why would any man in his right mind ruin the recipe for a 4-ever relationship just to be able to have sex.
What a wonderful provincial little fantasy world you live in there dearie, lol. Being an Australian, I'm not all that familiar with the provincialism of the United States. However, if some guy that thought you were "the one" staked a majority of his opinion on whether you had your original factory seal intact or not, I'd guess that you probably had the wrong guy to start with. I'm sure no guy has ever bothered to tell you this sweetie, but breaking a factory seal is all well and good for some guys, but there are a significant number of guys that want a woman that KNOWS EXACTLY what to do and HOW to do it, as opposed to some virginal lifeless sack of coal that has absolutely no idea how or what's supposed to be happening once you're in the sack. Sorry, but judging by your pic, I hope you're independently wealthy because I seriously doubt you have the looks to marry much money. Every other semi-attractive girl about who knows what sex is all about is wayyyyy ahead of you in line, darling. Best of luck to you because you're certainly going to need it with your stunning lack of knowledge and experience in all of the things that most guys deem to be vitally important in love and relationships. Why not try hanging out at a seminary or maybe the front gate of a bible college for Mr. Right? dude dont generalize, not all girls are into sex and guys and just pure madness corrupted from media, as i read her profile she actually loves GOD and how this earth is, to know a girl like this is truly rare and yet this is how it should of been but since we humans failed and got "free will" we all been poisined corrupted, even i will admit i am corrupted by sex but dat is our society, but its nice to know not everyone will be tha same, so im glad if she is tha type of girl who actually believes in more of Love |
rambo,, thats way off base of you to say. who are you to judge her looks or anything about her? i know its a public forum, but saying things like thats way uncalled for. its her choice let her do what makes her happy, life aint about whats between someones legs or what they can do in the sack. if thats what you think it is about,, someone really twisted your view of life there friend
I am not that shallow first of all, If other aspects of the relationship are sold that should "NEVER" be an issue because on the top 5 list of things to build a relationship around sex isn't in the top 3. Why would any man in his right mind ruin the recipe for a 4-ever relationship just to be able to have sex. I'm curious. What are the top five? Is this a credible source? |
So I'm new to this site and no really knows me on here, but I would really like guys' honest opinion about this subject matter. Guys, what do you think about a girl who is saving herself for marriage? Would you date someone like that and be willing to wait or would you get bored and find someone else instead? I'm really starting to wonder if I'm being unrealistic in my hopes... Yes i would date a girl like that and shes is doing the right thing and not having sex whens she too young and i will wait until shes ready if she isnt i am not going to leave her nooo i will never get bored |
I believe that you should have confidence in what you believe in. And, if what you believe in is waiting until marriage to have sex, then so be it. And to argue, ramboracoon's point, you don't live in a fantasy world. Just because there are a number of individuals out there that view sex as being number one in their criteria doesn't mean that you cannot find an individual who wants the same thing as you. So, ramboraracoon, to me, you can pretty much take your opinion of this young woman and throw it to the dogs. So, in summary, to this woman and any other person out there waiting, don't give up. And any person not willing to respect your wishes in this aspect isn't worth your time.
Your expectations are not unrealistic there are guys out there willing to wait but its few and far between because its been alot of hurt for both sides of the gender through the ages of love and some people just dont know what love is anymore because of years of unfaithfulness in the history of love.. I was faithful to a woman for 4 years even went a year without sex and stayed true to her but she sure couldnt do the same and now i know i was wasting all that love and loyalty on the wrong person she never respected it and never deserved it.. just keep looking youll find that person that will be there for you no matter what they do exist...
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I was like you and wanted to wait, I did not make it to the marriage, but I did marry him. it made it special! don't listen to people like Rambo, he obviously doesn't know how to respect a lady!
its part of what makes this country great,, people get to choose what they want to make them happy. and money dont mean a damn thing to alot of people, so why she gotta marry money? i thought when 2 people get married,, unless its a front or farse, then its cause 2 people love each other. i took the vows, and i never heard a damn thing about before i could say i do, then i have to make 6 figures and own several luxury cars and a nice beach house. maybe i was stoned, i doubt it though. and i hate to say it this way,, she looks a hell of alot better than you do, but thats me
Reenie, hun, don't listen to that jackazz! You stick to what's right for you, that's all that matters. You're a beautiful woman with integrity and respect for yourself and you are bound to find someone who respects you in the same way.
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Thanks for your honest opinions everyone. I even respect rambo's was harsh, but I'm sure there are a good amount of men out there who think that way. And I really don't care about money. Id much rather marry a blue collar worker who loved me for who i am than a millionaire who didnt respect me. Anyway, I appreciate everyone who posted. Most of the responses really did make me feel better. It's really nice to know that other people feel the way I do and they respect me for my choices. My choice definetely isn't popular in college and a lot of people bother me about it.
well reenie, I just started seeing a girl a month ago who is 26 years old and she is still a virgin. She wants to save it for marriage. I respect what she wants and am willing to wait. I really like this girl, and want it to work out.
A girl who's saving herself for marriage?
Well, I'd be open to going on dates with her, but I wouldn't want a relationship with her. Sex is just a given for me. |
If the guy doesn't respect your wishes he is not worth it.