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Topic: Will You Be My Valentine?
Smartazzjohn's photo
Sun 01/27/19 07:38 PM

I had a g/f who always complained about her ex husband buying her stuff for the kitchen as gifts.

Ironically after taking her out for an expensive dinner and giving her a nice necklace she gave me a skillet for Valentine's day. frustrated

Maybe she wanted you to cook her dinner tongue2

That is a little weird laugh

I cook for her a lot more than she cooked for me. I even taught her how to cook stuff like pasta primavera and showed that a broiler on a gas stove could be used for more than storing a pan.laugh

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 01/27/19 09:09 PM
my high school boyfriend gave me leather gloves and a box of chocolate for valentines day. That made me happy. We were both graduated, but i was only 17. My sister-in-law said GEEZ you've gone together for 3 years and no Diamond? - I made the horrendous mistake of telling HIM. On march 3 he gave me a diamond, we got married in July and it all went downhill from there- I was too young to realize I could say NO -- so MY take on Feb 14 is
The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the 1929 Valentine's Day murder of seven members and associates of Chicago's North Side Gang. The men were gathered at a Lincoln Park garage on the morning of Valentine's Day, where they were made to line up against a wall and shot by four unknown assailants.

Rock's photo
Sun 01/27/19 09:38 PM
An ex ruined me, as far as gift giving holidays go.

She was really hard to read, and never really hinted
at things she liked.

One year on her birthday, I asked if there was anything
special that she'd like.
She told me to just get her something she needed.

Well... She'd talked a bit, about needing to get the living
room rugs cleaner.

So, I got her a new vacuum cleaner.

At Christmas, I asked if she wanted anything special.
She said, to just get her something she needed.

Well... She'd talked quite a bit about needing to get
back in shape.

So, I got her the Wii Fitness game.

Christmas day, was kinda quiet after that.
And, I had to break up with her shortly thereafter.
Got her everything she asked for, and she still wasn't

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 01/27/19 09:51 PM
RockGnome - FORGIVE ME but I had to laugh out loud at the punch line - somehow the truth is funny sometimes. :)

Rock's photo
Sun 01/27/19 09:56 PM
It was posted for a laugh

FeelYoung's photo
Sun 01/27/19 10:02 PM

IT SUCCEEDED. Dang that's a lot of C's and E's and D's

Tom4Uhere's photo
Sun 01/27/19 10:04 PM
The thing about gifts is to get them something YOU think fits them, not what they say they want.
For Valentine's day, you get them something that tells them how much they mean to you. Not what they want. DUH?
A toothpick can be a keepsake if the history has significance.
Valentine's day is a celebration of the two of you. It needs to reflect the bond of both of you or there isn't any significance.
Duh and DUH!

When you celebrate Valentine's Day with someone you care about, its a celebration of the bond you two have for each other. Not how much you give to her or him to tell them you love them.

What the hell are y'all thinking?
When you SHARE something, its not a presentation from you to them...its an acknowledgement that you understand just how important both of you are to the relationship you share with one another.

C'mon, it isn't that hard to figure out.

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:02 AM
Good points Tom and that's how what I do when and if I get someone a gift.

Valentine's Day has different meanings to each of us... as does most things in life. I respect that and it's not my job to change or fix anyone's idea or view on how they see anything in life... that's their journey, not mine.

I do think it's sad when we allow outside factors to determine how we feel about something, whether it be how we were treated in relationships of the past or how others chose to use certain days as a day to make a statement to the world in a horrendous way, or even monetary as the marketing world has.

I personally choose not to research the origins of this day because that was then and this is now. Today I see Valentine's day as a day of celebrating love... and romance for those who are in a relationship. Some show that through giving gifts, other's show it through their actions, some do both. I tend to do both. I love giving someone something that has meaning to them. When it comes to cards, I give a card that reflects how I feel about them but also fits that person.

I appreciate everyone's comments concerning Valentine's day... I like seeing how people feel and react to different things, it helps me get to know you better :heart: drinker waving

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:07 AM

my high school boyfriend gave me leather gloves and a box of chocolate for valentines day. That made me happy. We were both graduated, but i was only 17. My sister-in-law said GEEZ you've gone together for 3 years and no Diamond? - I made the horrendous mistake of telling HIM. On march 3 he gave me a diamond, we got married in July and it all went downhill from there- I was too young to realize I could say NO -- so MY take on Feb 14 is
The Saint Valentine's Day Massacre is the name given to the 1929 Valentine's Day murder of seven members and associates of Chicago's North Side Gang. The men were gathered at a Lincoln Park garage on the morning of Valentine's Day, where they were made to line up against a wall and shot by four unknown assailants.

Thank you for sharing Nature Lover flowerforyou

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:18 AM

I had a g/f who always complained about her ex husband buying her stuff for the kitchen as gifts.

Ironically after taking her out for an expensive dinner and giving her a nice necklace she gave me a skillet for Valentine's day. frustrated

Maybe she wanted you to cook her dinner tongue2

That is a little weird laugh

I cook for her a lot more than she cooked for me. I even taught her how to cook stuff like pasta primavera and showed that a broiler on a gas stove could be used for more than storing a pan.laugh

You mean gas stoves have broilers??? tongue2

Kidding, of course. Sounds like you're quite the cook. Has a woman ever appreciated you for cooking for her? If not, that's a shame, I would definitely appreciate a man who cooks for me... and have.

Setting all that aside, if you were to share Valentine's day with someone who appreciates you... how would you want to spend it?

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:21 AM
it's not my job to change or fix anyone's idea or view on how they see anything in life

I agree but there is such a thing as giving one an Epiphany.

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and striking realization. ... Epiphanies are studied by psychologists and other scholars, particularly those attempting to study the process of innovation.

I can't count how many times someone has said something that strikes sense to me where I never considered.
It wasn't them trying to fix or change me, it was an enlightenment that never occurred to me till they said something.

So many people get 'stuck' on what to gift someone for certain occasions.
For 24 years, I gave my X gifts that came from my heart. It just made sense to me.
If I give someone a vacuum cleaner for a gift, to me it is like saying "here, you suck".

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:23 AM

An ex ruined me, as far as gift giving holidays go.

She was really hard to read, and never really hinted
at things she liked.

One year on her birthday, I asked if there was anything
special that she'd like.
She told me to just get her something she needed.

Well... She'd talked a bit, about needing to get the living
room rugs cleaner.

So, I got her a new vacuum cleaner.

At Christmas, I asked if she wanted anything special.
She said, to just get her something she needed.

Well... She'd talked quite a bit about needing to get
back in shape.

So, I got her the Wii Fitness game.

Christmas day, was kinda quiet after that.
And, I had to break up with her shortly thereafter.
Got her everything she asked for, and she still wasn't

Lol, Rock, next time... if there's a next time, when a woman says she needs to get the rugs cleaned... what she's really saying is she doesn't have time and it's a pain in the butt... So rent a rug shampooer and go over to her house and clean her carpets bigsmile laugh

It's difficult to get anyone something when we don't really know what they want... at least you tried. I'm sorry she didn't appreciate your efforts. :heart:

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:36 AM

it's not my job to change or fix anyone's idea or view on how they see anything in life

I agree but there is such a thing as giving one an Epiphany.

An epiphany (from the ancient Greek ἐπιφάνεια, epiphaneia, "manifestation, striking appearance") is an experience of a sudden and striking realization. ... Epiphanies are studied by psychologists and other scholars, particularly those attempting to study the process of innovation.

I can't count how many times someone has said something that strikes sense to me where I never considered.
It wasn't them trying to fix or change me, it was an enlightenment that never occurred to me till they said something.

So many people get 'stuck' on what to gift someone for certain occasions.
For 24 years, I gave my X gifts that came from my heart. It just made sense to me.
If I give someone a vacuum cleaner for a gift, to me it is like saying "here, you suck".

Sorry Tom, I should have posted separately the rest of what I said after my comment to you. That wasn't directed towards you. It was more my thoughts concerning all that has been posted here.

SparklingCrystal 💖💎's photo
Mon 01/28/19 02:51 AM
Rock, you're hilarious!
I'd be so PO if a guy got me a vacuum cleaner for my birthday, haha.

I never understood why it is so difficult for men to think of a great pressie for their woman.
One of my exes knew exactly what I was like and what I liked. he said that at times "That's really you!" and "That totally suits you."
I don't think I've ever been with someone who knew me better than he did. But when it came to pressies, he never knew what to get me? And I was like, how can you NOT know? There's a ton of things I like, he knew what I liked, my taste, so why is it so difficult?
My last partner apparently had the same problem. Yet he was the one to notice I have roses everywhere, hearts, he knew I liked painting, books, Tarot & oracle cards, crystals and so on. Then why is it so difficult to think of a pressie?

Some men do get it right though, hihi. Had a date with this guy, and during chat before meeting we'd talked about crystals.
He turned up with a gorgeous rose quartz, had gone to a crystal shop especially for me.
Now THAT earns you bonus points right away!

Toodygirl5's photo
Mon 01/28/19 06:53 AM
Edited by Toodygirl5 on Mon 01/28/19 06:58 AM
If a man is into a woman and they have spent time together, he usually knows what she likes and will try to please her. That works out for couples. Who really want to please each other. She also knows what he likes and will do the same for him on Valentine's day etc. No Big deal.

I_love_bluegrass's photo
Mon 01/28/19 07:30 AM
Edited by I_love_bluegrass on Mon 01/28/19 07:33 AM

If a man is into a woman and they have spent time together, he usually knows what she likes and will try to please her. That works out for couples. Who really want to please each other. She also knows what he likes and will do the same for him on Valentine's day etc. No Big deal.


If you are really listening to your partner, then you get an idea of things they like, and would appreciate..
Whiel cutesy memento gifts have a place (like on a vacation, or something like that) I love practical gifts...not another piece of knick-knack to collect dust.
Cards, and a handwritten one especially (shows personal thought and effort) I do not consider "knick-knacks"..

But, everyone is different.

The guys who buy a card, flowers and candy (and not even *good* candy) for Valentines day?
They are just doing what is expected by society, putting no thought into it whatsoever.

Myself, i don't care for roses, at *all*..
I can think of many other types of flowers I would like to recieve (all cheaper than roses, BTW)..and have said so when dating different guys over the years..
When they show up with a rose or three.....I know they weren't listening, and aren't really paying attention.

Smartazzjohn's photo
Mon 01/28/19 09:34 AM

I had a g/f who always complained about her ex husband buying her stuff for the kitchen as gifts.

Ironically after taking her out for an expensive dinner and giving her a nice necklace she gave me a skillet for Valentine's day. frustrated

Maybe she wanted you to cook her dinner tongue2

That is a little weird laugh

I cook for her a lot more than she cooked for me. I even taught her how to cook stuff like pasta primavera and showed that a broiler on a gas stove could be used for more than storing a pan.laugh

You mean gas stoves have broilers??? tongue2

Kidding, of course. Sounds like you're quite the cook. Has a woman ever appreciated you for cooking for her? If not, that's a shame, I would definitely appreciate a man who cooks for me... and have.

Setting all that aside, if you were to share Valentine's day with someone who appreciates you... how would you want to spend it?

How I would spend Valentine's day would depend on the individual. While I have and would celebrate Valentine's day I think the idea of treating someone special to you EXTRA special on designated days like Valentine's day, Sweetest day, etc. isn't really needed. Aren't expected gifts and gestures on designated day less sincere than random unexpected gifts and gestures?
OK now I'm going to take a shower and sing "Me Too" by Toby Keith.tongue2

no photo
Mon 01/28/19 09:43 AM

I hate the commercialism of the day. Absolutely despise it. However, I do love the feeling of the day. I still remember the happy feeling when you ask the girl you like "to be your Valentine" and she said yes. It was an awesome feeling then and having a woman who wants to be your Valentine now is still kinda awesome.

Love is a beautiful thing with the right one, there is nothing bad about val

Exactly! :thumbsup:

Asking mostly single and probably unhappy people about Valentine's day on a dating/social website seems like a good way to get a mostly negative response.

laugh I see that slaphead Silly me! tongue2

I'm sure there are still some of us that are positive and are hopeful to experience romance in our lives..... eventually whoa


I for one love Valentine's ❤ I send my mini and grandbaby a rose and candy and of course a new stuffed animal. We are Charlie Brown freaks so it's always an adventure finding something. Then we do a movie and dinner.

Vakentibe's can be sad for some. Inspite of being singke im not loneky jusy akine for now. . The previous comment was made in jest. Whilst it was my hooe ti find a partner wmhere when i joined maby years ago. Ive had a couoke if relatiinships with winen ive met in the tmreak workd. . i stay a nember of the forums because there atecnice people here. All you lovers, have a fantastic VValentino's, i'll be loving myself!


We have a choice Funky.... it can be a day we feel sad because we alone or it can be a day where we feel the energy of love in those around us. This year I'm choosing to embrace and feel the love and enjoy all the cute things that others do to make someone feel special.

drinker :heart: drinker :heart: drinker :heart: drinker :heart: drinker :heart:

Riverspirit1111's photo
Mon 01/28/19 11:42 AM

I had a g/f who always complained about her ex husband buying her stuff for the kitchen as gifts.

Ironically after taking her out for an expensive dinner and giving her a nice necklace she gave me a skillet for Valentine's day. frustrated

Maybe she wanted you to cook her dinner tongue2

That is a little weird laugh

I cook for her a lot more than she cooked for me. I even taught her how to cook stuff like pasta primavera and showed that a broiler on a gas stove could be used for more than storing a pan.laugh

You mean gas stoves have broilers??? tongue2

Kidding, of course. Sounds like you're quite the cook. Has a woman ever appreciated you for cooking for her? If not, that's a shame, I would definitely appreciate a man who cooks for me... and have.

Setting all that aside, if you were to share Valentine's day with someone who appreciates you... how would you want to spend it?

How I would spend Valentine's day would depend on the individual. While I have and would celebrate Valentine's day I think the idea of treating someone special to you EXTRA special on designated days like Valentine's day, Sweetest day, etc. isn't really needed. Aren't expected gifts and gestures on designated day less sincere than random unexpected gifts and gestures?
OK now I'm going to take a shower and sing "Me Too" by Toby Keith.tongue2

I believe it could be less sincere depending on who the person giving the gift, but not necessarily so. A person who loves certain holidays and loves to give is going to be sincere more so than someone who just goes with the flow because they feel it's expected.

When it comes to unexpected gifts or gestures, I believe they appear to be more sincere and appreciated because there's no question as to whether it's sincere...

Did you enjoy your showertongue2

Tom4Uhere's photo
Mon 01/28/19 12:40 PM
Edited by Tom4Uhere on Mon 01/28/19 12:42 PM
Myself, i don't care for roses, at *all*..
I can think of many other types of flowers I would like to recieve (all cheaper than roses, BTW)..and have said so when dating different guys over the years..
When they show up with a rose or three.....I know they weren't listening, and aren't really paying attention.


So often, in my career, I knew men that avoided thinking about the gifts they were going to give their wives or GFs till the last minute.
On the day before the event, they tend to just shrug and say whatever - I'll just pick up something.
These are the same men that complain about their partners during work.
The same men in no hurry to go home and will stop at the bar or go fishing after work.
I worked in mechanic shops.
Loving someone seems to be taboo in the social dynamics.
Most men will tell you how messed up their partners are than proclaim love and contentment.

I was the strange one of the bunch.
I knew what gifts I was going to give my X and was excited about it.
I proudly told the other guys how wonderful my wife was and how I couldn't wait to get home again.
I was known as "hen-pecked" because when we all got together for "a" beer after work, I had "one" beer and headed home.

Guys would come up to me personally and quietly ask me how I stay so happy about my marriage and I just answered...
I "Love" my wife, don't you love yours?

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