Topic: Pickup Artist Secrets Revealed! | |
I know what youre saying but LMR (last minute resistance) is a tricky concept that I'm not going to discuss in an environment like JSH. I don't feel that discussing real Seduction is appropriate here, that's all.
Hey nothing wrong with covering yourself and having a good disclaimer to fall back on is a must. I dunno the term "tricky concept" just doesn't fit any where in to dating for Me .............but whatever. |
This description bothers me. Playful or not, expressing disinterest where none is present is dishonest behaviour. You might say that it's harmless or that it's necessary or that people do it all the time, so why worry? I don't swing that way, though. Maybe that's why I'm bad at flirtation, but I don't think that I want to do what you've described here. Ever made a sarcastic comment? Very seldom. When I do, it usually part of a complaint to a coworker about a difficult telephone call I've just taken... "So the guy tells me he needs it there by tomorrow and I'm thinking, 'That's just great, mac. I'm glad you told me today or else I'd never have been able to speed up the delivery of this week-old older.'" |
I dunno, I'm a smartass nearly all the time. It cracks people up and people love to laugh. Seriously, I'm a sarcastic smartass to my boss all the time to (not at her, but about other things) she always laughs.
I've noticed that girls respond to me more when I'm "natural" around them, I'm bagging on people, making smartass comments etc. It's when I start to walk on eggshells that I'd lose em. Short story: A female friend of my roommate in college came over to hang out with a movie one night. She brought her roomie along as well. The movie was Evita (madonna's in it). So they put in the movie and everyone's watching quietly for like 30-45min. Now I'm thinking to myself, this sucks, it's the worst movie I've ever seen and I'd rather do physics homework than watch this movie (but I bite my tongue cause everyone's quiet, I assume they like the movie and I don't want to offend my roomies pal (cause he liked her). At the one hour point, I've had it so I just yell out "seriously, this movie F'in Blows". Everyone cracks up, I start bagging on the movie left and right. By the end of the night the friends roommate asked me out. Humor is one of the traits women look at most. If you can make a girl laugh, that's half the battle. |
very cool story Geek...Yes laughter is a must being yourself is important.
Very funny story thanks. |
I am going to outline some basic fundamentals of Attraction Theory through the explanation of the pickup arts. THIS STUFF WORKS FOR BOTH MEN AND WOMEN - anyone can take the concepts from this thread and use them to attract people of the opposite sex. ![]() CONFIDENCE is a universally attractive attribute. You must BELIEVE in yourself. When you walk into that social setting, BELIEVE that you are an 11 on the 1-10 scale. I cannot stress the importance of SELF-RESPECT enough. If you do not truly respect yourself, you will not know how to truly respect others, and others will not be able to respect you. If you want to attract somebody, you must eventually share a mutual respect with them. You must UNDERSTAND the opposite gender. I don't mean this in a "I don't get it so I'll just give up and accept them for who they are and I'll pretend that's the same thing as understanding" kinda sense. Really understand the opposite sex without being bitter about it. Have an open and socially receptive attitude. Really making this mindset a part of who you are will cause you to smile more, which is a definite plus. Be OPTIMISTIC. Radiate a positive energy that makes people around you feel good. Rid yourself of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. You must be disconnected from the consequences. Live for the momment. Be socially FEARLESS. Don't be afraid to really be yourself. To all you "nice guys" out there, do you act differently around beautiful women (perhaps "sweeter" and stuff like that) than you act around your close friends? YOU AREN'T BEING YOURSELF. Let go of your silly nice guy acts and playfully tease her for being a dork. Know that you are a LEADER, not a follower. Know that you are a PROTECTOR OF LOVED ONES. Know that any person of the opposite sex would be totally crazy about you if YOU gave THEM the chance to get to really know you. Know that you are a little HARD TO GET because you have a lot of options in life. Be PERSISTENT and PROACTIVE and don't be afraid to take what you want. Just don't be selfish. Be MATURE. Learn how to be COOL without being a TOOL. Social experience will give you this calibration. Take RESPONSIBILITY for yourself and your own actions. Be at cause in the world, not the effect. Learn from everything you can and never lose your sense of wonder and youth. ![]() None of the outer game will matter without the inner game. if you're just skipping down to find out the "pickup lines," scroll back up because inner game is key. (A)ttraction + (C)omfort = (S)eduction (A1) Start the interaction with an OPENER. An opener is anything that will get you guys talking. The "universal opener" can be very powerful. Here it is: "Hi!" (A2) Attract the person to you with cat-string theory, push/pull, tension loops, 2 steps forward 1 step back, negs, etc. This is all PUA jargon for "teasing." Show that you are a fun person with a positive vibe who understands what flirting is. (A3) Get them to invest more emotion into you by "qualifying" them. Show them that you are POTENTIALLY interested but he/she will have to prove him/herself to you a little bit. Show that he/she is SLOWLY "winning you over." Continue push/pull. (C1) Establish RAPPORT. Begin sharing commonalities while still maintaining a high positive energy in the interaction. In this stage it is perfectly OK to expose a vulnerability or two with him/her for the purposes of building trust. (C2) Get the phone number. If you followed steps A1 through C1 correctly so far, there is no way you WON'T get his/her phone number if you want it. (C3) After he/she gives you 3 Indicators of Interest (IOIs), go for the kiss! From here on out is the Seduction stage. S1 is Arousal, S2 is Last Minute Resistance (girls will get a slight attack of anxiety before having sex and may say something like "I don't know if we should be doing this..." but guys will generally be ready to do the duty in a heartbeat), and S3 is sexual intercourse. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Well, now you know what's supposed to attract and seduce you...duh. hehe ![]() |
I dunno, I'm a smartass nearly all the time. It cracks people up and people love to laugh. Seriously, I'm a sarcastic smartass to my boss all the time to (not at her, but about other things) she always laughs. I've noticed that girls respond to me more when I'm "natural" around them, I'm bagging on people, making smartass comments etc. It's when I start to walk on eggshells that I'd lose em. Short story: A female friend of my roommate in college came over to hang out with a movie one night. She brought her roomie along as well. The movie was Evita (madonna's in it). So they put in the movie and everyone's watching quietly for like 30-45min. Now I'm thinking to myself, this sucks, it's the worst movie I've ever seen and I'd rather do physics homework than watch this movie (but I bite my tongue cause everyone's quiet, I assume they like the movie and I don't want to offend my roomies pal (cause he liked her). At the one hour point, I've had it so I just yell out "seriously, this movie F'in Blows". Everyone cracks up, I start bagging on the movie left and right. By the end of the night the friends roommate asked me out. Humor is one of the traits women look at most. If you can make a girl laugh, that's half the battle. well as i always say,it's better to be a smart*** rather than a dumb*** ![]() ![]() ![]() |
how hard is it to just walk up to someone you find attractive and ask if they would like to grab coffee or dinner? if it's meant to be then you really don't need a one liner or all those stupid rules and crap. Ok thanks for explaining your view and I didnt mean to offend or anything. However it can be very hard to go up and talk to someone you like, especially for certain kinds of people ... I speak from experience... life-decimating kind of hard.... |
We, as humans, have prewired emotional circuitry that seeks acceptance from others. Being rejected is a huge blow to our self confidence, which is why so many people have approach anxiety. Inner game is about building self confidence. If you have high self confidence then you become numb to rejection. It just doesn't affect you.
We also have physiological responses when people approach us. If someone is walking towards you in a direct manner, your body tenses up a little. Basically, you go into a protective mode until you know there is no danger. You don't want to make somebody uncomfortable like that. The cold approach is a way to approach a group of people without triggering those responses. If they're comfortable, they won't thinking "What does this person want? When are they going to leave?". You just need to get past what PUA's call the social hook point. Once you are accepted into the group, then there's no problem. Have fun and enjoy your new friends. One of the hardest things to do in life is meeting new people. These techniques just make it easier. |
This all certainly sounds right to me, I agree fully with this... I suppose I'll read up on that pua techinics thingy :P
Okay, I let myself get a little bit worked up over an aspect of the outer game. I can work on my approach and find something that works for me, even if it isn't an overt execution of cat-string technique.
Let's talk about Inner Game. You stated at the beginning that it's more important than Outer Game and I believe that. Inner Game touches on a question that I had a while back. Two of the pieces of advice that were offered were to be confident and to know that you're a leader, not a follower. How does this even work? To me, confidence is based on one's expectation of success. If you've almost never been successful before and (like me) disapprove of some of the games that both men and women play that appear necessary to success, what reason is there to be confident? Another point that's made is, "Rid yourself of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. You must be disconnected from the consequences. Live for the momment." Not being desperate or needy seems like very good advice, but you follow it up with advice that I find morally suspect. Disconnecting from the consequences seems like a recipe for rude behaviour. Sure, one aspect of it is not to care whether or not you get shot down. On the other hand, another aspect is not to care whether or not you hurt somebody else's feelings. |
Edited by
Sun 12/09/07 12:08 PM
Two of the pieces of advice that were offered were to be confident and to know that you're a leader, not a follower. How does this even work? To me, confidence is based on one's expectation of success. If you've almost never been successful before and (like me) disapprove of some of the games that both men and women play that appear necessary to success, what reason is there to be confident? Another point that's made is, "Rid yourself of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. You must be disconnected from the consequences. Live for the momment." Not being desperate or needy seems like very good advice, but you follow it up with advice that I find morally suspect. Disconnecting from the consequences seems like a recipe for rude behaviour. Sure, one aspect of it is not to care whether or not you get shot down. On the other hand, another aspect is not to care whether or not you hurt somebody else's feelings. Divorce yourself from the thought that confidence is based on success. Confidence is how you feel about yourself. Let's say you go up to a girl and stike out, one person might feel, oh I suck, I'm not attractive, I'm an idiot. Another person might feel oh well, we are not compatible so I'm better off at least now I know. Person 2 is confident that they had something to offer but that there was an incompatibility there, person 1 feels like they did something wrong or there is something wrong with them. It's just a shift in perception but that makes a difference in how one feels about themself which in turn influences how others think of them. This situation also touches on your second part where you mention separating the consequence. You don't have to act like a jerk, nobody is telling you that that is a good idea. PUA ideas aren't set in stone. Some of the master PUAs disagree on a lot of things. Mix the parts of what they say that make sense to you with your natural personality. ie make it your own. If confidence were solely based on success then those who haven't had success could never change and would be fated to a life of lonliness and misery unless they just got lucky and found a girl who was attracted to the guys leaning against the wall in the club not talking to anyone, not having fun, and being sullen. If you aren't confident you need to ACT like you are until it becomes a self fullfilling prophecy. It takes practice. I've begun to open up more to the world simply by smiling and saying hello, how's it going to people waiting for the train, or people at work who I don't know, or people in the grocery store. Look people in the eye, don't walk with your head down, be conscious of your posture and your body language and try to use confident body language until it's natural. You control your own behavior, if you don't want to be rude, then don't. Disconnecting from consequence doesn't mean that you should be a jerk, it just means don't worry about being yourself. Be a good, honorable, "nice" guy, have confidence that you have something great to offer because of who you are, and then don't worry about people shooting you down cause there's nothing wrong with 2 people just not clicking, it's not a knock on you, it's just the way it is. |
Two of the pieces of advice that were offered were to be confident and to know that you're a leader, not a follower. How does this even work? To me, confidence is based on one's expectation of success. If you've almost never been successful before and (like me) disapprove of some of the games that both men and women play that appear necessary to success, what reason is there to be confident? Another point that's made is, "Rid yourself of DESPERATION and NEEDINESS. You must be disconnected from the consequences. Live for the momment." Not being desperate or needy seems like very good advice, but you follow it up with advice that I find morally suspect. Disconnecting from the consequences seems like a recipe for rude behaviour. Sure, one aspect of it is not to care whether or not you get shot down. On the other hand, another aspect is not to care whether or not you hurt somebody else's feelings. Well, Geektothetenth beat me to it, but let's see if I have anything to add haha. Confidence and disconnecting yourself from the consequences are very much intertwined. I don't believe that confidence is based on ANY expectation at all; true confidence is based on freeing yourself of all expectations and just "being yourself" because you know, no matter what happens, at the end of the night you are going to be a happy man regardless of how others see you and regardless of whether or not you got laid. As Geektothetenth mentioned, many mPUAs disagree on several aspects of the game. Mystery says you can get inner game through outer game; getting success from his method will give you confidence because you can get those expectations of success. While this may work for many people (and by all means, if you think that will help you to reach you full potential, do it), I don't agree that this is the best way to develop inner game and solid technique. I think it kinda turns you into a robot. As for rude behavior, if the girl you are with is still laughing anf having a good time, can you really count your behavior as being rude? You are spreading joy! I like to get the idea of "rude" and "politically correct" out of my head when I'm "in-field" most of the time and focus on "fun." I'm not afraid to push the envelope, and that's what I mean by disconnecting yourself from the consequences. You see, most "nice guys" and guys in general are afraid of getting rejected so they act as sweet as they can, restricting their true selves from shining. Sure, this method avoids crashing and burning for the most part, but it's usually a one-way ticket to the friend zone. If she actually gets hurt or offended, you have miscalibrated and should definitely learn from the experience... but I don't think that you should be afraid of exploring that territory because if you never experience it, you'll never learn from it. Just don't make the same mistake twice. Get it? |
Wow this thread really took off.
3 whole |
Pickup artist secrets revealed:
bend at the waist, keep your knees locked that takes your legs completely out of it and forces the load on your lower back and groin. Lift with a quick jerking motion while simultaneously twisting. |
Pickup artist secrets revealed: bend at the waist, keep your knees locked that takes your legs completely out of it and forces the load on your lower back and groin. Lift with a quick jerking motion while simultaneously twisting. ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Here I just thought it was last minute resistance of lack of proper breathing.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
The PUA community has been around since 1987. Well he11... that changes everything!
Dating has been around for what? Maybe a few million years in one form or another. So far the human race has done pretty well without it. By the way, all this has been "field-tested" for efficacy so it's pretty much scientifically valid. That's a bold statement too. I'm sure you will try to debate me on the scientific method used to draw this conclusion.. but if you look up 'scientific method', the term 'empirical data'. You will find yourself on weak ground.
The PUA community has been around since 1987.
Irronically the age of most professional PUA's here LOL ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() They must have tagged them at birth and been studying the habits of these 'creatures' since.... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Hey whatever works for you works for you. The PUA stuff works for a lot of people to turn their lives around toward fulfillment, whether they be young or old. If it ain't your scene, no one's forcing you to use this stuff. I don't think it's right to talk smack about it if you don't use it, though.
As for the scientific method, hm let's see. Hypothesis? Yes, the PUAs predict their methods to be effective based on observations and previous studies in various fields of psychology and economics. (I have personally found several agreements - and very few, if any, disagreements - between the findings of the PUAs and research studies done by evolutionary psychologists, particularly Buss and Schmitt. [Sexual Strategies Theory, 1993]) Experimentation? Yes, the experimental desgins may not be formal since methods of randomization are not statistically calculated, but for all intents and purposes the practicality is still there. They go out and measure responses to their methods. Observation and Analysis? It's easy to determine what works and what doesn't based on positive and negative responses, which leads to conclusions of efficacy. From then on the pickup theories are refined, new hypotheses are postulated, and field-tested again and again until the most effective models of pickup are theorized and published within the PUA community. Then, other PUAs go out and test the methods out for themselves. Sounds pretty empirical to me. The opposite spectrum from pickup, which is the "nice guy" strategy, is not scientific at all. 1. Guy hears girl say "I like nice guys" and puts complete faith in said phrase. 2. He commits to the nice guy strategy dogmatically. 3. He fails but still believes that it will work at some points as long as he has enough faith in the strategy or something silly like that. Doesn't sound valid at all to me. |
And once again......
"all I hear are farting noises" ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |