Community > Posts By > Cedren

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Mon 12/31/07 05:01 PM
Don't get the wrong Idea the 16 year old was never a possibility. Even the wife realized that, and she didn't realize why at the time(if you really want to know I'll tell you but not here). Is it really so sick to have a younger person of the opposite sex to trust you so much. Or is it only your own thoughts of taking advantage of one so young that has such trust in yourself that is sick. I can say I've had the offer several times and think I've done the right thing every time (tried to explained their feelings to them in ways they could understand, and offer to be there for them to talk to if needed). Never took one of the young ladies up on their offer, but Let them know I'm, still there for them. So who is sick the one that admits that it is a ego boost for one to put such trust in you or those that only seem to be able to instill such trust for their own benefit only to abuse it. FOR EVERYONE UNDERSTANDING I AM FRIENDS WITH THIS GIRL'S PARENTS' AND GRANDPARENT'S. IT IS STARTING TO SWING TO HER YOUNGER SISTER. THE GIRL IS NOW 19 LEGAL AGE IN ANY STATE AND SHE GAVE ME SOMETHING THAT MOST OF YOU WILL NEVER UNDERSTAND.

She said I was there when she needed. Even if it meant saying no when needed. If you have never been given the pleasure of guiding a young lady through this point of her life urging her past the hormones. Then you will never understand, the ladies of the site will and most will say they wish I was there for them.

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Mon 12/31/07 02:43 PM
Not quite true the referance to Sodom never mentions friends but strangers with in Lot's house. I use KJV

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Mon 12/31/07 02:21 PM
First and most important question which version of the Bible are you using as a referance? Then which book and verse? This is going to be fun if you are truely interested and just sceptical vs want someone to change your mind if you truely do not belive. I've been all and only recently came to believe, but have studied the bible(lower case meant) in many forms.

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Mon 12/31/07 02:03 PM
Edited by Cedren on Mon 12/31/07 02:05 PM
The subject kind of says it all,

Edit to add ok a person that spell checks is taken as a given.

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Mon 12/31/07 01:57 PM
I do not know. I have tried getting them to get invovled out of bed. Dinner, Movie, theater, travel Not really into clubs other than comedy. But it seems once in bed that is where they want to keep me, and use that as the reason I should stay with them. I've thought of older women but have been put off by them. At the moment I do have a couple that I'm seeing with in 3 years. They know I'm seeing others and if I decide to go to bed with one the others will Know and can decide if they still want to be friends, I'm not going to hop from one to the other and they know this. I don't want to play games and am honest. If I'm with a lady I'm with her. The youngest I've been approach by is 16, not a chance but can understand it she's got/had a crush, she actually approached my wife and asked if it would be ok if I was her first. Guys this is a boost your ego doesn't know if never recieved. Wife told her to try later she didn't know what she was doing, knowing it would never happen. I'm friends with her entire family and she is legal now and has been for a year.

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Mon 12/31/07 01:06 PM
The thing is the younger ladies that relpy are younger than the girl I think of as my daughter(no kids but a earlier relationship had a very young 3 month old when we met, 20 now). I'm just not wired to play around but do have normal desires. In my mind the worse thing you can do is play with another's feelings to satisfy your own want's.

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Mon 12/31/07 12:38 PM
OK I'm over the hill. So it seems that while the world changed around me I was trying to make a relationship not meant to be work. I'm now at a point that I don't know what to do in a relationship. The ladies my own age seem to think the way to keep a man is keep him in bed and give him what he wants there. The younger ladies seem to be looking for fun times and frienship nothing more. So what is a guy in his late 40's to do? Maybe I should just follow in my father's foot steps and marry a 25 year old(adjusted fo age differance) .

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Mon 12/31/07 12:07 PM
Don't mean to hijack your thread. Guy's how many would be willing to spend the time to develope a lasting relationship vs just want to get laid? Ladies same question.

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Tue 10/30/07 03:45 PM
From experience. Abortion is not an option. There are orginizations that are set up to help. They will even take the finacle burden. You can do searches on private adoption on the web. If my wife and I had had the chance to adopt it would have saved our marriage.

Personal history. My wife could not become pregnant and wanted to be a mother so bad. My niece(unmarried) became pregnant with her 4th child. She was trying to decide between abortion or giving it up for adoption my wife and I decided to adopt it. The child a boy was born on my birthday we had him for 28 days (from 4 hrs old) then the mother changed her mind at the last moment and we had to give him up. It was the start of my marriage falling apart. Would I change things NO because even though my wife meant and still means everything to me, we have been seperated for over a year now. I was just a constant reminder of what she had lost. We tried IVF for 3 cycles after the adoption fell through.

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Tue 10/30/07 03:24 PM
Depends. in general I'm surprized I still have a job after the last 2 days. Here pretty good have met a lady I enjoy chatting with.